HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-16, Page 13WEDNESDAY JAN, 18th, 1957 LU T LUCKSOW SENTINEL, LDC , .ARI KNQW OI�''C Continued: from Page 2) Mart: , 26th, • . The Clansmen porsored a. perp lett" to purchase a TV set • ter Marie upskey, Liicknow Co=op gasoline and .fuel service. • :George . Joynt was ' paned, ` t4 represent Lucknow Ori the Georg • Ian :. Ray •` Development .:,As'sacia- tion:: • The c'lu'bhouse 'at the -.:wl ing, Green was ,gutted by>fi.re of mysterious origin. It • was the Second, fire* within. nine.' months. Murray,Wilson, 16 ear -a1 : Son'. o ,y dn of , �Mr.:.and „ Mrs, , James Wilson of ' West, Wawanosh, suffered" an eYe:rJ'injury when:; struck..iby' a birdie. 'while ,!playing badminton at. Goderich District High „School Vision- of the other, eye, was par tially impaired since childhood.. Rev. and }Mrs. McClean had a very„ rough. return voyage .from g. Ireland, and docked at New York to find the city sparalyzed'hy a blizzard. The Highway.' .Department bought and removed ' an old land- mark at. K:intail; thehome. of Dan McLean'.': Mr. McLean' ' was presented !with a wrist watch, ,be-. fore :'leavin .g � . the • amlet, •, h . , where he had spent the',reates' ':. greatest part of his life: . -Deaths 1VIrs: hhn Littler established-` a >il distribution a ' April 4th ;, The Village Council .passed a a -law Y :to:..: i .. confine dogs in the nunicipal ty •for "a -- five ' months' )er' .., rod each Year. , Y Cyril Cain+ •`ll `,sold:n. P� hisAsh =' ield Township;` farm to :Peter: dac Dna o ld Wirigharn.`• Mf, and Mrs. 'Thomas tRi$b`b..of' trate: ruey ' celebrated their •50th. v`eddin�g .' anniversary; e nary:.:. The Public Library was' re- pened:.after, undergoing a 'mad- ., g g rrti� rig. piogram, that -trans- ()rifled it,'int'o.`a place, of: beauty;`' Thomas.:Blake- of .Ashfield•frac- aced ...his. hip., in •a ::fall;,at bine. ,p Seventeen candidates of Arn.b- r ly `,Loyal Black Precpptory,re eiv`ed 't'lc :highest degree of the irder. Deaths Mrs. J. 1-1. Reid, Thos: �--•-Q uI g•1 c y; Rt-b'e r•t-: x-tc h- Apri°Ff-1 A Community °Sports Associ- on, was Set tip 'to supervise ;rinu ['omote .'all •sport'act i ities7 IMurray Couse • w•as appointed ank. of MantreaLl.managpr aj iI1 i bort. and.- vas' succeeded ere by Milton.' Rayner. of ,High its: ,John •Carruthers was appoint-, 1 manager c the~ Ba.iik pf::.Mon eau at' Sarnia. i Administration of Salk vaccine as ' commenced` in . Lucknow Mr, and 'Mrs... Cyril Campbell ere :presented with-. a 'plat farm. kcker' before leave ,•r, ,,the : "Mac- Atown''<* district: April ':18th Ashfield .Town-s1np Sc} o1, Ai et: ?ard, cieciided, to. close` Zion, 4th ncession and:. •('i ew;o, .schools. At a �public_a.r imun. ar,n Luck: -w kw,; a seven -marl` cornrnittee: was trued°'to study 'the :setup 'of• •, to gal hog assembly:rc'ntre. : flash fixe that threatened the garage niek of . tig e e, Was, nipped.in the ! . j' There --were , substantjated re, ports of a 'bear ibeing, seen in Ashfield Bill Ross. suffered; a se ere hand injury in a., ibuzz saw gals West T Wa,wanosh, Council de- cided to pay the GoderichlHos- pital grant. in two installments oaf $2x550''' .each -,-'-one in ''April and the. other, in April, 1958,' April 25th. At .a` joint :uneeting of . , . jun- iors 'and club. leaders, '4-H clubs', Were organized, at Lucknow -and. Dungannon.: Petit;ions, were. be1ng,crGulated. rotesti protestingng -closing of .:Ashfield schools; -and petitioring-to draw. from --the Area. n . Alan., Cooper, resident inspect - 'Or ,the Pruee: County 'Health Unit, resigned. to accept, a sm., ilar post in Owen . Sound. Fred :. Jackson :.:was all` set` ' to sail for England on the: 'Ezra -PressT of Britain 'on her first east -west trip D_ r HeleiSalkeld :~returned from England where she .had Spent, 6 'a year • doing- . . research .•work,, on .to n from the Science service branch Of the. 'D,epart 1/lent of Agriculture Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert:Mac.Don-' aid and :family were :honored: •at. Holyrood, ' prior to moving: t._ Walkerton:' Deaths; Mrs. Wm. T. Gardner.. May. 2nd Ja nice-::Reid--'3� 'ear -o , Y, ld dau� h g; ter of:'Mr: and, Mrs. Robt.,.Reid was drowned :•-in the 'river that joins ' the Trele ' y avert mill Pond and the MacDonald a Donald :'sawmill pond Keith , Jons •to' h n .,. miraculously crawled :from .the:bashed'. . . in ;cab of P a log. truck :Which jackknifed into the, ditch a mile. north :of town. He "suffered;: only facial' Jahries. Barnby 90th `. birthday Harvey: ' Houston.. was nained' chairinanand:P A...Murray ;sec= retary treasuer of •t:he nine -man cornniittee setup 'to: have charge. of the hog .assernbl:y, , centre est- ablished'l ere': n cora unction with the:, .Ontarip .HogProsiuex As: -. soclation.` . 4; e ie -year -o Shells •'store at Aanlberl:ey was. sold!, and event- wally rnoved. ,'to Bill Kempton's'; farm. It' .was replaced by: 'a Mad - ern ,building" • , ribs: Ranier Hca •r s ereey r' Crosier;' Mrs ' Eugene,• • Dullum r 11ay 9th Ashfield' Council :received. acid wccepted ': the' petitions, 'of. , five school sections in the Township, asking. withdrawal'; '• ,,from; School Area: - The wViltage Council nins'tructed • Constable Havens to see :that .:the dog joy .law Was. enforced/ Paralyzed, except fol ,the li'm- !ted, .;use'• of the. tfingersfingers of one hand,: Marie C'upskey personally. lJenned .a letter",of :appreciation for the '117 set' placed`in .pital room: Sgfr—' Srd Rptscwa's-tservinig with the'.: I (A:F un:. Frei.*ta. Near_. r oeCa. Robert.•B'utton. suffereci' a fir ac?' turgid:.' hip„ r.- an.rs0 Richard Webster Observed s, fractured':aeg in, a Mall at -:Strath? Toy, , Mr and Mrs, `J; W, Joynt sail ed oil an •*erseas; trip Mary Anna' ` •MacIntyre' and Anna' .Jeanne' KRoblb', were. mem-' bers of _the , r „ uatin.g:L.clas: -of- St, ° St Jrisepb's Hospital; . MuArray :Cyaunt set . a College record by winning , two. :of •the', spe.cal ..awards 'of .outstanding achievement , in' the' two-year di- Dploraa; course , ' at the 0,A -C. .Deaths ° :.Joseph ..Hanna" May'`' 30th. ' Mr 'and 'Mrs Thomas H:'Burns both ,were .88 ,' inM, ay,' and' on: June;. 2nd, 'celebratedre . � , ; ,their ..59th Wedding anniversary.' Wilfred. ;:Black . graduated - dentistry, and Noreen Kilpatrick in honor. psychology,. . • Donna Wv1. s 4-. . ,.. year-old.: dau ghiter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Warren Wylds, . Pierced : her ere: with a. knife. ' . Bavaraey_ : Ashton was, 'chosen ;queen, ':of Lucknow District High School. Knox Presbyterian• Church Ripley, 'observed :the '. centd'rniai 'anniversary,'' - Rev., and, Mrs,; Angus MacKay :their_ daughter Ellen, :and'. his sis7. ter, • Miss Bertha MacKay,' w.ere 'scheduled ' to ''shil for Canada .from > Calcutta, ; India, .on June,! 8th. — -DeathsRobert• Button;' Duni can "MacRae, Charles. :Elliott June` 6tli - -Zion sch col ectirii eP Y ,s o rat a per's; after ,;petitioning ,to wi'.thdraw' from the .Ashfield . Area;: vdted to hav e,t he; o ils.;` trap ' o ; ' p Ptransported ' to,q Luckaw•� • P� ultrii�cSchool. ' E D Hayton was honored oredup- on his retirement,after • 46 •'years' of service ; with ;' the Bell Tele - p_ •`:hone Co'' i n n Toronto: Mr ; and Mrs. ''Tartan °*later:' moved: t'o 'A.`. ' 'sh- t 56: Ford•:Sedan 'full .•. y equipped ,..$1,895 1955 Ch v , . Power gide ' Deluxe, uxe•:`Sedan ,...$1,95Q:.' 1955 Pontiac, 'fully equip ed M 195 P � • � ••,• ,. .. 9,$95, Ch 1 ev.� Sedan ful'l: .+s ui' d ., ., Y q, Pili ...: ,. . ,...,, ,,..., $1,,495`:. 1954 'their. ,Powergliide' Coach, lull equipped' ui �. Y q Peed .----,-..,.:$1,495 1953 Chev; Sedan ' full equipped 1.1, ..v,. ,: ., ..• ,....,, $1,50 • 1951 Chev.: , Y 9 PPea $ , :.. Sedan ..,,. . • :,.• 79 1951 ��•. _$, 5 Che v. ..r .,...,.. ., ;:$ 795.:' 1950 Chev Se '1950 Plymouth Sedan,, •:,.,....,."..,:-.'.:',-4;.....$ ,, 695 Two 1948 Pontiac ,Sedans ' .. ' • ,.� :;,.,. .,.:..:$.395; Dodge1946Cs . ,u tom Sedan, Al condition ...: ,..::. .,.. ,:,,. $ 295 TRUCKS 1951 Mercur 1 -ton Fick -Up , Y� U . . �$ 495: •..'1950.1 -ton, ' � MC , G Panel ` ..,. .............. ..:,: ....; '$ ,495 1949 Ford `• Panel, '325. 19 ll' -tan• , GMC: Panel converted ..to y a bus ,. $ 495 SER T 'I :H .S...ONE' FWD -TRUCKS WITH; !ViNCH �USse Huron ' County's, Foremost 'Vied, Oar .:DealersDeilers Cash, Trade -,1.• Terma .. , .ape» Evenlnss Until X10 Cities : Service Dealer _ ` ...Pho. ne ' 73x . Brussel*. , . rnsisels '`field to resi e Ch arles� Stewart, '• , • Harvey Hod A 'slab' ablock `building ;181 •. gips. b� .ins. .2 s'w as bili t 1 ori.. the f arm'' `of An- .-drew •Gaunt-`& "Son for the • 'tr= If you 'P , .y u ant to. be sure of keep—' s of 'raising • '• � pturkey,: . br' "1� or ars'" .i Y n,' g yourfiends never; give Ahem Deaths. Mrs: 'David, Little, away.s. PaledTo Repair. Ali.Makes Di rs` act l'VMacitiliesi F:`l' N1 & t1r11C ►VJ • llltli�s rl I.NLOUGH GARAGE W. BRECKLES li home 18yr-2q; Ripley HE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE nd Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS celebrated; thc.yr .gouda:n. wedding: epi, hs ;'John: T13Ta e; ecirl e Alton: v4 -6th, .• .._M ou'th K;i.nlo C' '`eh rrrrir k`cii"' itti (:Ct1tennial a afliv(r'4a'lV; . Mr, and Mrs,: Joh K'ii,patr'ich and family rtrovefi to Norwich„: A new systeni of silo building Was "used:at Glen1 'Walden's ,When .' . , 00 . et ,en pc s ru ure', was 'erceeted in three hours:' ` gutted:, by, • fns tlic p10vitr itis December, 'Mansfield `s store 'at ' o y, i o wcis : eu tf i rt arid re -a one, Jim = 13oy1e bought W: llranl Schmid's 'rcisidene.c. bath , ' Arthur 1-lawkwootl,: v tkv: Bre timck. Mr°s. ' nna ',Munro, Mrs: Andrew Jones, ,:,' 4 YIVIy '"3rd Mr. and Mrs. Sanas). t Pt; rd,on olebraited their.•55th •weddin , trnuliveiysat ,.. Mt's. A • G:. rlllett ""tftere a 1. ,Tf a:; Sit Apply for yours at your ti'eorest B of M 8rondi;.;:, t •�A�i�i�ii� 1'V�''ana,�er . t'�tpY'WA,L K t: N G Ver r •t"r' c`,,h N A''b N'! N' • • • .1 1.l' • LNC, t8'' .... ,.