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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-16, Page 12
r *, PAGE „ • , , ' • • , Att 11' : ••, • . • ' . • • • •• • • •••• ••• • • . : . 4,, •-,"." • 0, „, • . " 4 • • IGFr - -..311111.1111.111-' *` "' • . • ,• ' 2; t • ; •th " WEDNIDSPAY; JAN. letht 190 14UCKNOW SiNTIPEL, LUCIPTOW, ONTARIO :-" • COST ,L SS THAN 'YOU THINK • • ' Oak' or Birch Flooring give sa'luxult7oua. appeirluite aly r.991'1?. • "••• • *•.• ,("0. , . oinplete. an o•ion 'brand, Small quantitY, odd lots' of O..1. and No. 2- Oa4 and Birch floorhie t greatly rducect Orices; . • . . or a 1, • NDERS PHONE 150, LUCKNOW OH, 4 • • • t • . The. 5th meeting Of. the `Slurn..:: HaldenihY, Mrs. -Jim. Smith, Mrs., 279..Single Acen 'Jardine and *as held 'at . the.:,hnnle frro•m 1.164iPs'4V.Irs• *j•11,1011.Cox BOib Reid also 'big- facthrs.'in ', . • , Blit-491WBA1414, ,RE'SAWI'S ,Tanga0. 9th ‘'• Firemen 4, Parani.OUnt. 2 ..Niteha,wkS :Belfast .1: . • 00(141 4401,44rY lith. • .Kintail---47Str-Helen.9.-_:__. • .Xinloligh 0; SOnth ,Kinloss ogqosomx scpEOp.,L,E, January:. ' • , . • • ;19-,4---Belfasr and '.Firemen :,:,;TararnOtint and "Niteha...0.c.§, 1-1,eleps,,and:SOuth Kinless ; Kintaif and , Kinlough Nite.Hawks,° ,;.,117i5pni.en' and .Kinlough • ". ,28;-.'-',,Sotith,Kinloss and Belfast 'Kintail and' Pararnetint. . , Paramount '.& South Kinloss February , . . V, 4.' ' • LOWEST, LOW ,PRICE$. .• ; . .ONTAkiti. HONEy;' No. "-i.AAT E. 20d., . ' • • , ,QVAKER OATS:H OMATO.JIJICE , 1. IGHt,A14,074.*IDECCIFFEEt-...' • .Frestity.H,k7r01.14d,. ''..ci.t.t41,iii,,S.;1:,1""4,)tir14.";;:.,,,,'. . • •. • • . •. • •,, • I,' • ' • • . -1--Triremen .and Helens' - • • • • Nite 'Hawks arid Kinlough 4 --Belfast • and Kinlough , paramount, and St. Helens Nite Ha'vvks and ‘• 11—Parainount and 13elfast . Kinlough and St. Helens 1.5—Firemen and Elite 'Hawks Kintail and ,SOWth KinlOss HawlisKinloss • , Firemen. and' Kintail 22—Belfast and:St. Helens , Kinlough ',and ,Parannount •'1!Zule Rem' inders , , Brooma_must_not __IA carried above shoulder level.; 2, Icing will' be , called if iball goes ever three lines, 3.t There are.,,,to • .fjpe., 15 minute titeriOds, strip time. „ • • . ' • . timBEIt.• 'TIPS • , The o,big;.battle Ot:the",week 'Saw. . .; the ',Qopheri" ooniing :With .to again. moye.alerne. .into .....................,..................„....................,i.., i , . • Headquarter's For All Freah fruits 'Mid . , i . ' Vegetables. ',. , •' , • ,,, . Get YoUr Apple's 'Now., Lowest Prices. ..,•,......:,i......•,m.....•..",..o...o.,...p...•.•o•,#.~_ol.ompof-o..4h•ro,r i We Sell For -Leas , , Values .effective • . ' 'Phone 119, LuicknOw" / January 17,, 18, 19 , . , , ...',... .....,•,.......i.......;—....................,...:...;.................. • .mINORS. VVORK ,91JT , - LANGSIDE, • „ LticknOvv Pee. :Wee team '.We are' sorry. to.. hear Mr. Har- • . ' • • . • 'starred practiSitigHtm-T-Saturday, PawSon of Toronto,: -$60: .of and the 'firSt. day' turnout MAIM-. 13.0avisn, j," in, .bered :thirt:y, Players.: The ',pee pital',,ngain. is:' a 'patient' in .Wees Char'.ge of ..,Bud; ,St. Michael'S. HOSpft44: .Tor-oritd, TheinpsOn. andl.,,Otto :Pedersen. .' Vietor Bantarn: and,"Midget wOrkOuts :Qhurch, t •• the With .,6e0, -c, held frorri,4 to 6 Mr: and Mr.:. Charlie' Tiffin'and'' '• SeVeral ;the,' her'.rnot,her, MO. ; Coaching Of TOby: Greer.fr- 'Mr: • .and, ;Mrs. Ira" *all and" . — . • •• of: , were . , , • •• ".SundaY visitors With Mr/.81 . . Wilson Wall ansl .and' Mrs,' • 1,14OSE . • , • ; ' Wall :and.: faMfly.',.. '.writing ,en. • MOnday. be- held - at' the, the.fluekr) juVenil.,!" tearn.'had "PIPe :•next, ' dropped their thirbt ' " ' 'Ail6n4aY1 :night _ game in as.. , receptipn many startS. 'In Seaforth „ last for.. '214r... 'and 'Mrs.. Marlow :crow-, Wednesday, •the: iboys otit St04: WAS well. . attended Friday firat:PlaCe ;at ,the.KangarOo's .0ri the shert end of. a 1273 soOre, evening. At•• the ituich ihoUr an perise. , ChuCk Short'S 655 Was. .In' Clinton oq Friday night' theY. „addresS .was. read bY Ailan `; 'high kir 'the' GopherS while I,.. ar-. lost' 6-5. LucknOw blew a 5-3' lead ler ‘i+iith Lloyd . 'Huffman nitikiti:g ry Salkeld's '628: ,was ,,the7 Kan-,- that they ,held, until ;the latter garoer's best effOrt. : ,part, of'. the third period. Accord - The. Cubs. gained '4 'points as. ing.to one _person in attendanee they . blariked the, ,Tigers. the game; . Luckn'ow. 'spent and4P-9Yer-Hedge• with .6I5•1ed the paelc. Dick' Abel' box, arid it; was::.the, itandetit again 'seared 'high. for -V ghort- perforinance of Jerry MOwbray handed . Tigers. . .• • , ' in . goal that . SaVed theni time . The WolverineS..shut. out :the: and again; Qoal:scorers tor Luck- visited, Sunday.' with,: Mr...& :Mrs. Lions:.•on a team effort -by-Jack. ,noVv were Roy Emberlin 3 'and Wrii„ •Broi,Vn. and Mr: and „ the 'presentation' .9f a: nice. Of 'money. Both .Marlo* :and Mr's. CroWstbn expresSed ',their ;ihanks; : . reception will be held Cid l', • 1WeNall (Bertha Wadde) Langside (Halt. , • and, . Mrs. Charlie.. Tit f • : Ffsher's'76287`.-an-d--.-:11.ele-n7tEal-l'w 7 -Don, Arr-TrOld-7277- 'Eliner" Huffman;. Lucknow. • 586, Ilar.old Elliott with 699 • was ' high thr, the Lions who, made bo , every game ,close, ----- . ... . • 'rile 'ChipmUnlcs an.4.. Zebras .the hostesses:--Those-contributing split :as the .Zebras came up with - 1 to the:program were avIts. '.Geo. a big garneled by Ruth Jardine's Mariorie • ThoMpsOn.- IYIrs1" Midford ,Wall,;.,May Boyle, Win For ,the ChipitunkS' it Was • . An.:§.-wr.,4 the ,to,lf•call:: With '1`4.., tga. effOrt • With.. jr,wtn,. a good uggesticip for: the." recOl-d-'dames" J. , Dave • Elphick and. Mae !Hunter _ W uni Home athiglimerits. 'were well!:•M•rs• Beytmt2n.ilsiawhenrleSon., Three, figur'. :ing. in ' • •. given. 'At .,thia ineeting the, 'girls miss, i.PnarY, , • sung and Tho,..pote,' Cats and Squirrels . •wOrked On sewing their Pyiaglas: 7friii:elhayeita'eeill;"*.d-Te:rtheselirveet441:1:ga::dRea7 —pal:w°err6eldl tibay*M4wil.c:efilrSariPdieer:sCcPffritsT's 'The' next meeting *ill be- at,., anara perey's. A *ork,.- meeting socia .timk •:Pnloy.ed• 743 'arid Chas.' Webster'S 648 I . atulations to Mr. & Mrg. 64kOct....tut) airand-tOtal--4-';3.108, "Ourtnn. collins On the ,birth 'Of Phis whileAhe, 'Squirrels behind , , • •• :4 :o as....also held:At' the honie of Barbara: Murray, .' earlier the NeW, Year; ' • 0% ' MisseS-Barbata and Catherinci• _ . , . • ,- 'Hewitt of KinlOss.. visited. With Mt.. -Glen Hodgins. was tO .Harf• siciju'im_sa" ttioay-attending4 JacqueS-Bently wedding. • • Mrs, James Hodge Was niOve:d a" daughter •in Kincardine 'HosPi-' Bill BUtton',S, 683 and Freck tal.' • MrS., ,CollinS wag, 'a former' .ton's' 639 chalked.' up .3660 'pins, teacher -here.1 . " ,The Beavers scored a 8 point, Mrs.. Gertriide_Wilsh_k_ScOtt , sPent Sunday 'at their. home. . gcKinnon's. 709* showing . the The annual Vestry'._...Atacilea.v.en_w_ith..„637_2..J •the Church of AscenSion was ,held 'on FridaY last• with 'Rev. - J.. A.,Palmer in charge, Gratif , , again, :led. the - ,Goons. in , 'their '§ingle,. point 'win. „ • harn-40 iWieter::::hearpt.frEinl'.41.1. :Tdopirrs-, Kangaroos--and-v." ' ' . #air',"•:6tici•fdliw..14617••• :*1*•i3T 11'.ind' ' departmenti' in. the *oh teh'Whith.': .Sqt.tirrels 3.4,8'. tP4071e17.:Cgas '%'.7.:iv.!-0.1,:...: . ‘ .., T.I'eet witi.• her iiiiproved.,,healtht Marked •:4 ': year 'of .;progress:.. Mt, .irepines.,..32, .Cuhs :30, :C.hipmunks...', . ':.,1\1r. 'aria:Mrs, Thin'. trOdgins.,en,:, ,,-. miciford' Wall„.retired....,..,,4for ,,. .k ona,,aed...er8,, 2,?,,, zebr40 4, Coons. . tertained' relative's' at ' a :dinflt 'long ,,terra. as,.,:iarderi;. Wardens and., tiOns .1% Tigers.17... - ,.. . . . ::.on PridaY•'evenitig.. ... .. .• : . . :elected ' wor0;E:ert:Ni:eliblSon, a'rid , .,• ; :,.. ,:,, ,.:'... '.... . ' ' , . '.... ' .. ,".„ ..,.„ ,. ," ..Mr,', rid,..iiAri.i.-,Ardill Mason. Of ''Itax,15,1d• 10),:i0;ii.;..,.ChurCh ,tre.as,,. : : •. ,,. ,,. .,..,. .,:;.,,.,•..,,,*:i. „, - ; ,: . ,..., ; :.' ,c,,'On. : zi-,'' ki.ui,64; arid, H.4i,:, ,si. ,-igig.i "j\frg's:: deerge.-..•Haldn)hey.;.,...SideS'7:. dye. . at ,,their . heirie Ori,‘,,Skinday ,,, ,. ....)Delhert HedreY, 'Crary and Paddy lrien, ,Geraid,;.Rhody,. :poll . ati=- v'e.i.lirtg...- .'. L: . • .'... :, :„.., ; ',..: . ... - . .: -7-:----74',---trititett . Siirititr"wittr-7MItt's'-1 :kAt. -tepple, ,. bethert Bedley; - SYnOd :: Mr•.:'. and .:Ntit, ... Clare - Sparlifig.. • -,", ',.i .CoIwell, - . . ' :'. : , ' " .'deregateS, I'Vti,dford.,WalV.Howard, arid- .Atan.,.....of '-.1)41,..1s,04.0.tv.tqlt-ad„.. . . ____ %., Mrs', HOWIrd TI--coiripsoni . pre..., liofi4iii:SO'n17-"Biiiftl -tif-TI/Tariage,, 'on. Sttfklay• `w-ith ...Mr,' ;and, MrS.„ .8.1.ded 'lot 'the '.1,A,f.A,. meeting . 'on.. niOnt, Re.V.,33etigOt1 ,C•6)4 Mr, Wilt : Ceorge'Haideliby. . ,, , . : ',.:.:.,,,,, , • ,, , ! !Thursday ..afternoon at 'the,: Ome .''' of 8dna' and'.'May BoYle„ : Mrs.:' . • *lanies Obailtig r.06.d, the Serip:itIttre ..4eSson.'and Ur8,, .0eOrke' 'Gra 'AO ...,.r •,,, , . .. . , V I . V V( . . ' • . , !k0v,.e. , ,tho ' Meditation -arid .invited Oeotge 1161d,ohby aqr$; •WOlek, Ouest.. ,gpenf a,: TOM Hedging; auditOrS; ThOUg,,, few. days at 'London with -Mr: las and Rae: Centen, ana Aug., Stanley...Tohnston and ' • " , nidi Coniiiittee,...Mrs; Torn ,11Q4-, : . . • . '*ing:,gna aqiig The are2 Presenting : , . , „ --1,1iSS'e-S' 'Edna' ;and r.M6p, 01.0. :.thor p ay- in, Xingart', next • • : , , Ve,b. meeting 'and alSo thank. ed pntertOned fh,,e 'Thurciait ;evening; „, ; , • - ' No, , • o • • , . . (IT" ••• , Thtl . rig ' I4u<1 gasoli ServIK •Gec ' rePrO 1 „ t.ion: The ing,G mYste seggn •Mui . 4:4 ,avil . of -e,Ye birdie at Gc) ' Vision tially Revl very ° to finl ,bliziar , T h bought mark -Dan 11 vresen fore 14 'he h;34 of his Deat ,,Weddin ;te. t 1:1 end: 11' 01 1 11' ceorireerd.;,. • Death 0 . , M0itE ADVANTAGES * MecLAIO 'th ; Econonii li" ca „.. Guaranteed! ' • Aittomatic!,,, Conipact! .• Clean! Attractive! • " 'Efficient! • ; • ' • Effective!: , ' 'Etijoy-greater heating `et- " ficiency comliined With Compact., attractive de. • *sign with a 14celary • iit.• 1 iii»fiAttc ,' A. Co tion , prorno,tc• MU.r.ra . Bank.. ' o illsonb here'by gate. ed•inant ...treat at' ;.• ;Was ..con a were :pr reciter 4 kettoVViii. . • . • 'Board. d "ribw,' a named 1 , ho flasi ' . • , s • • . • ...FURNACE saa,__ ,T•ENDING •BANISHED ..4"4...'"4""4.44'"441i."414‘44)11'viled: — No obl!ganoit • ' • Ititnbingo,-IfeatiiigOVIrilkft; ta,vetr-ollg "' * . t60:11,t/pKNelyv ' • '',Tract -ors,; X I Ni0 f. • k. ;•4,, THE HO and Gen