HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-16, Page 4• PAG'rh': FOUR • -71111111"11114":17116641'' Mkt: 7*. '1101111124100pir THE IaUGKN'OW SENT NEL I.UQKNO. FOR, Ipu+Ps, a ibert, punga' on: M S ES ---42c; per 'gallon bar Tell har e. WOO: Lucknow Dis atict ' Co-op. • ;FOR ;RENT - apartments & store space: in Luckngw Apply, :to Mrs, .Wellington Henderson, phone 108-w, Lucknow. L ,good fox hound y. • 'Sanitary Sewage. Disposals 1. ;collie ,pups. James Cul Septic tanks, , .cess -pools•, eto..,' ucknow; • phone 77-r 3>, FOR RENT --,garage,, :'one• (block 'from Main Street. Apply at Sen. -tinel. Office. - • pumped, and , cleaned; with, sani- tary modern ., equipment.: ,. All. works guaranteed. -Write ,Louis. "Blake, RR . 2, • Brussels, • phone 42-rj6, Brussels.: CARETAKEIt TENDERS • free. TENDERS' .wih he received by HOC1f.EY. MONDAY• •the ufidersigned ,,up to positioJanuary 21st, 1957, for ;the n, ' of Ju, venile hockey next,' Monday 18. Ash' night, Januar 2lst,. yin the' Lucke-'' c - Y. ifield .. (Be fns u es and Lucknow, . so' don't mZss:r'• DOUBLE #{ECE, FTION A reception will': be' held 'for Mr.''and Mrs. Art' Baker and Mi'. arid Mrs, 'Alvin Baker, in the Recreation Centre,,, Lucknow, on Friday-; mJ`anuaiy -18th •-C-lare-nce- Adlui is �orchest �a. Everyone vel- come: 4. } I CHRE` AT FORD'YCE • -" A", 'euchre party :will be held at .Fordyce ;$01001;4Friday even- ing,, January, 18th, .at 8.3Q; p xYl. Admission 35c. ;Ladies with` lunch T4 inti N 5UArY, l± • aretaker at USS No now Arena, at 8.30° It's Seaf orth 1 t) Duties to com ence: February" 1st: Lowest or any tender not, nee,' VARIETY` CONCERT &. DANCE. essarily accepted. A variety .concert will be held FOR SALE --2 000 bales of mix- Wm., Rutherford, sec.-treas., ed hav, . $20 . per ton,'' delivered. ''R.R. ..2; Lucknow; -Jack ' Curran,. R. 1, Dungannon, WOOD TENDERS phone Dungannon • 78-r-3 • BABY CHICKS BRAY •,CHICKS: Dayold,• started. Wide •olioice, including' Ames ;.in - Cross, Pilch` White `'Rock's,. Agent, D. fi;;'.Finlayson Lucknow phone, 91. art TI+ N D1DRS will be received by l in the St. Helens : Hall; Friday, January' 1.8th, at 8.30. . Guest Speaker; Mrs: J. .W: Joynt° Adults. -50c, ladies with lunch -25c . Dance the Undersigned up' to January to fol ow.• 21st, 1957, for ',1.5 corns oir beech and, maple body wood, 14 inches long, and, two cords of cedar; to bedelivered and piled at .0 S': S: • No. 13, Ashfield (Belfast), --on or 'before June .lst,,1957.,. AUCTION .SALE :� , Lowest � or any tender not nec- Clearing auction sale of ;choice essarily 'accepted. Holstein, • cattle; at ..the :farm, of ,. ' Wm: +Rutheirford, 'secs teens:, Wm:::Kemptdn-.on- Highway -86, R R, : 2; Lt eknaw; half mile. east of . Amberley, ' on ?' Monday, January•Zlst'at t30. See bills for, .list' arid: terms.. William' Kempton, Prop Emile IV&acLen nan Auc. . ' TENDERS WANTED Marked, sealed tenders received 'by the'undersigned un- til -January 21, ;1957, for care- takers for •all schools in the Ash - NOTICE field Township School' Area, dut= Y The annual 4neeting. •'of the les to .coniinence a February 1, J PARLIAMENT `REP.ORT .`Andy" Robinson, ,Feder'al- :mem- ber of Parliament for Bruce,'will broadcast over CKNX • Radio Station at 10:15. •a.m on -Sunday, January 20th' and .also over CFOS at . 7.30 on Tuesday,.January',` 22. If 'possible tune in at those hours and .hear a partial report -of what goin otr at ttawaT; Prevent. CHIMNEY .FIRES. Use:. Fire• C-lilef`�`Chprriic4 chimne • cleaners To elim- inate.•' soot • and • scale from your stove and pipes. .The smaller th'e' flame; the: more soot' and,: carbon. For Use in ;oil, coal and wood 'fired. units... units; : For ;sale at: Lucknow.• District Co-op •' .Miller's Store, St, 'Helens Collwe4's Store; Kinloss SI Lucknow ; Agricultura'1'• Society 1957: Lowest • Or -Any., tender not e` Council Rooh ' necessarily accepted. will be held .in: -..the - know Town: Fall,,. on R., T.' Kilpatrick;:' Sec. Tress • of Rile 11117 'Thursday, January -24th.:,; at .2:00 ,R R 7, Lucknow;: •Ontario TENDERS • WANTED A;' T :1VlaeNay; • Sec• Marked; sealed tenders <,wih he rie,, .e,.e ,.• e. Do you often worry150ut. the, fact that yoti haven't a planned estate?. Why not,put; your mind at ease right now by .contacting Sterling .Trusts? Ii wih, cost you nothing: to have,.your testate- planned . during your lifetime. And it'. gives' such;a feeling of., satisfaction; --a, certainpeace.' of iniad,.to'know-that-all---- .� is' in order, A qualified Sterling. Trusts ' Counsellor, will, enable. you enjoy the-satisfactio.ri_that . properly; planned est te:can bring °TF HEAD OFFICE 372 Bay SL. Toronto • HELENS +. of S tt et Mil in 1 meeting The Red Cross :annus m . . , g will' be held on Monday. Ja ,u= arg' 21st,.' 1957,: at 400 • p.m in the.. Council Chamber..: ' Secretary. Norma Anderson, -'Sec ary, OLD HORSES WANTED : es canted at 31z c' . per Old horses lb: dead cattle; `at value.' dead, ho :loved him ',best.. • , . + ._ Are � those w phone . at once' to .Gilbert: Bros. wood .as follows 10 cords each , 2 s at T e floiriiers-we la-y-s•upon his"'-:-- • ��tYN9s. 7, 15 - a�-1.7 � 25 . cards Minky -Ranch phone' collet -t God, j . � .. - erich 1483J4 or • phone, v No. 8;' 20 icords of l6 inch at. No g-raue ' 9 -Elm 18 inch; green body wood May wither • and decay,- , decay, 13ut. the- love for him:who lies, °.beneath, /' Will -never fade ;away. ' -" remenabkred -b Family, tile Januar 21;'.1957,. for."wood o be delivered ; split and piled, to any . ''or .: all of • the following schools; in , the , Ashfield Town= ship 'School Area' :by :.June. ;'25, 7: Two cords ' of dry. " 12 -inch. '195 Y cedar to ', each.". of the. following Nbs. -1,' 4, 7; 8, ;9 and 1.5.. Maple. 1.4 -inch '` reeri D id . and beech g , Y • , • :: memor ,of'. LRWIN•'=- in 'lo�ing y, i ss.ed, away Nilson Irwin,•° :.w o ree. Years ago on'January 15th;. th Y g 1954. lls .the rnemor T'oda • reoa Y Y, Of a loved one ',gone to.! rest;. g And those -'who think, of`.him ` to-` day., •.MEAT FOR SALE Good.' beef ,' for sale by, the quarter.: Beef' .killed under: lit- ense.- from~ -the Department -of 'Health. Choice 'Hereford •year dingsCustom 'butchering . a `spec- dere'not necessar.ilyaccepted. iality: R T.' Kilpatrick, Sec..-Treas., Raynard Ackert, Holyrood : uo: R; , 7, hcknow, . 24-3.0, =Ripley . ntari, ,Phone '� ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION T• ENDERS. For artificial insemination in ' TENDERS `will ''be received by forination _ Or . service •.froth, . all the uifdersigned for 20 'cords-: of beech and ample: body wood, 16 ,inches long,delivered ' at • the school, S°S: No. 2, Kinloss (Kin lough), by •June lst,, 1957; tend- ers. end ers:, also .accepted; on elm body '.wood 16", long' .Tenders to be in -by January 30th.. Lowest -or any •tender not necessarily accepted: George ,Haldenby, Sec Treas , R.R. 2; liolyrood, as follows; •5 cords. each; :to Nos. 1, 4, 7 and 15; 10,'`cords`;each at Nos, 8' and . 9.. No blocks • to. .be -under' 6 hes yr ' verl0 ncl in 'diameter. •,Lowest or any ten- breeds' . ` of • cattle, .' phone the Waterloo Cattle', ,Breeding,.. As- sociation at: Clinton' HU • -3441 or. Kincardine • 460: between ' ,7,30 and 9.30 a m We have all breeds available :top ,quality at 'low REAL ESTATE. WANTED listings .on farms, homes, businesses; small hold- .•e ings, properties ' all descriptions. Contact John, Hall, phone . ,;26, Lucknow, Ont., agent agent for W.„• L. Stevenson Real., Estate, 'Mount Forest. NOTICE -:'TO . CERDITOR,S .In ,the Matter of the' Estate of Jean ,Gillies, late ofthe. Town - `ship of . Kinloss. in ;the County of Bruce and Province ' of .,On- tariio, Widow, Tdeceased; .•,.NOTICE '18 1IEREBV GIVEN. that: all persons having claims against -the late JEAN-GTLLJES; above described, Who died on the 24th 24.th day of September, .ARD. 1956, at the Town ` of, Wingham • in the County of I:iuron,.• are notified to ;send their claim.s,, duly verified, to: the` undersigned solicitor 'be... fore ' the :8th day; of 'February, A.D , 1957 After said `•date; th SCHU MER- C1 YC -KS Since ,I939- estate willcba`oLdistributed an `the. Administrator, will •on;l Qbe; liable claims of which;ie has then AUCTION SALE CLEARING` AUCTION SALE of -accredited -and vaccinated 1-ol. stein cattle, hogs, poultry,.:feed, • etc at the farm,•of Orma, Pollock, • Con 12, . Huron 'Township,' 11/z miles . west , of "ti,iplev Road„ on Thursdayr - January , 17th (today) `at 1.00 ,o'clock, Six.'n?onths' icred- i .MacLennan, 'Auc. • afe'-an Forinerly Monkten•. "Extra 'Profit"Clicks specialize in eggduc- • We Speci. iro P tion' breeds only., . Suss. 'x Red; Red•. x .Suss„ Red x (Rock, Rhode, ISlancl;' „Red, : Leghorns, Leghorn' ,Crosses; Free 'delivery. Schum Mer'S Hatcheries, ,Linwood A gent i >Startie eGratton • , phone' 3'i)()8''�.�iCarlow received notice • '°'l ATtAl) at Walkerton this .8th, day of January, `A.D., 1957. - Cannpbell';Grant, Walkerton, Ontario, 'Solicitor for the Administrator 'of Etat of"` above" rianied-� de" ceased, .Mi'sa ;Margar • Mill . ra Hospital and Miss ford'General p , Isabelle -MacPherson of :'St Jos, e h's Hospital, London, • • were. home, for •the: week=end. Plan' ,ba attend the' Commurtity Night in the ,;Halif on �.- Friday ev- ening 'under v-ening:'under the ,auspices of the Women's Institute: Iiigh,onors, at the card • rt CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to.•:. -thea 'f ri ernds ' a ndietghiliors_ who so 'kindly, ' in deeds and words, joined with us 'in our: re- tent rbereavement.'• These kind acts will long :be ; remembered John J: Smith and' Family. ' Despite.. the unfavorable wee-. ther last summer, a nudist .camp. establisiedAn Bruce County, iri a secluded area. near, Elrriwood ,operated quite successfully; -so in:uch so that•it is ,reported a. sec- .` ond_.camp w,i1 be�_establishec in , that area this coining Summer,. T". I O inANCN OFFIC/ 13 ounl.p st. , e.n . 12.3 .: spt nsore l "ay. the Happy` Handi-.- Girls' Club under'' tii.e crafters. Gi under,. Pher= s of 'Mrs. G..• G.: leadership p Sort and Mrs JeanAitchson, vere • won by Mr:. ' Bob Ly ons h ladies and: iRos%' sMecPhe'r forte. ladies rizes; went:: to son' „Consolation p Roddy •Wraitki; 1VLrs Wraith and � �Rody Thedance ,Was,sup .led. Music, for h Pp the Wraith orchestra with Mr.., Heffernan and. Donald'MurraY: as Callers -Off: TS1E IOTHINGTO/1 O -OP FERT/L'i'ZE U" DO 'IT, BILL :' STRANGE', ISN'T IT!• Men and : women by, . the thous- arid ' will ,:gladl•y sacrifice' time money;' :energy °,for their needy', ws. ' fitness .,t1iie .,great pop: ularity and -,-grand 'work of ''Ser vice Clubs, Witness too• the 'con eecir�ii :: respo�re• , during-, ithiisT Hurigar.ian .Tragedy: Butstrange, isn't it;. that these' :same . individ uals ''refuse `to adjust' an attitude Or a .point , of, 'ttiew to ' help their fellows They ,are, seriously .'conoerneci about the., alarming. alcohol pro blern.• in •our ',midst. But it; i,; so difficult to''induce thorn -,-(even. churchmen in good stat�dinZ-tin :.: :,1L1s ' admit thaf Fra t.C.1's 'principle o•£= ' Christian ` •ivirig` should• apply OItbE here;tYOUR.hat area 'NOW! "My moderate **drinking "does ' ne'no harm a'nd'is t y• awn at. fair" ' In effect they say; "I arri,: nit , any brotfiers3eerper". Stran ,o • isn't'�it°- -Advt. t; January Deliver) n 'PIIONE 71 UCK1'JOW:,