HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-09, Page 2'44". •
FORTY ArtHRISTMAS DAY lfamily were, Mrs; Chas. Schu-
41A gla 4154NtOSS:
PO home. and. Mr$'.
Peite,r_carter and; family, C,4n:- 6,
• as. :day .gathering': with forty
Pa4n0 -people,' present,: including,
Peter carter, ./..learrY; Lillian
and Ball IfOlYr0.04d.;', Elva
Winghain; 'Miis ,
Machert IMO, Mrs, •Ar
and Mr. t.
and Mrs: Gordsm, Rig,,k-
ison and laMily; a/I of Teeswat-
el; and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Met-
s• Frank gr9Wn and
-spent Wednesday evening..
Wraith's'. , s.
grS., Merle 1-TOdgi.ris And,
Don: DonaldSon and ;family. spent
N 'Years with :Mrs. .A,' Kacr
.9(.:04:in and Bertha',Carter; .Mr.', •
and Mrs. John Carter and, *Wayne. Kenzie, • TegiWatet.
Mr. 'and Mrs ; Ernest carter: ° -`; ' • •
Ain& arnily,:s-aIl of lu,ticknONV;41-is-
and..,Atfrsl',NOISOn. car -
and tVirs. ‘110.Ward Ecliar, and
ter and family, 2; Wirigh.arici'•,.
family *of. Atwood anct:
Mr Al-
;�rtCter frOria.--ClintOn;
1/1.4 -:ROSS -PORIERS,
,1Congratttlations to • Mr. & MrsCecil MeNall .
.wha were married
'Nfonday: The grOot.n.'iS ,a son
rafliand the bride, . the 'forinef713er- 'known throtigliOut-the...4ty., 'Her
Mr„._ and NI.rs. rtabert . •
IISS .1nAltY :M4M11',,,X;AN
A resident Of Fort•William
over .5(1.. years„ 'Kiss. Mal* :Jane
70,: died tine?,Fpec'ted-
ly-; :chri#nias Fort•
William Manor:
A •former • resident, of-: PogIn
PrOdie• _street,' *hero she 4aivect
'•S7'it-ith, her'. Mother. and, operated
-drOsSrnakititg shOPi MISS 'NfaclAil-
Ian )y.as bOrri. liucknow;
.1880, . .• •
'She was a patient -at:Fort;Wil-•
iam Sanatorium .for 4 ...110yr,it*rof,
years ,prior, to xnoving to Fo't
William.Majior,,She:ha&been. in
1V1i0alth the past. , few: , 5'7,ears. .
' •MacMillark 'Was e111
• • .Waddell, •:is youngest : mother predeceased 'her in .19,35.
daughter of Mt Mr.S. George ! ''.utleral- services for Miss' Mac-
attery- Millan- were conducted, +by *n;e..v.._
•clantS Were cousins the:.groOni; LAgne\V Johnston ,of And -
Mr, and Mrs.' Tom MeNa.11; ;of feW's ,Presbyterian Chureh.
_Harriston., , , Many friends attended, the Sr-
The.'L'adles Aid was lield-mat--vicesnizti-friner-fellow. niem,„
ti,ers of St. :An. drew, 's':evenini
guild gathered • in •
' ROV, Johnston, in,. .offering
words of,'conifOrt ..thefbereav-,
ed,- referred ,to Miss MacMillan' as
an ..raetive : w,orker: during the
:eag/Y dayS of„the ehiireh, and,afso
,Spoke of her .patienee,.dUring her
to. Mr..and, Mrs: Lloyd: Whytock, long nines's.
(Roberta: 116110 Wb.O.Were- iri. the family Plot
ried ..in4-Teeswater.4on:IDecember Mountain View Cemetery's.'
Mrs. WM.. Scott :and
Mr. and Mrs', Morley„ and"
family. were.. gueSts..of Mrs.*- R.
Mr,. 444,..mrs-Jaek •Seliumach-, the,.horae ,Of Mrs. Peter -G. Mett-
er, and Charlie 'Edgar. Spent Sat..'far-on -Thursday -evening. Our-.
u.rday, evening Browles. 'the' bUsin-eas period' it was
Mr.. and Mrs. Ernie..Hanna, 8i, decided not to have any more
family and. Mr..- and Mrs....Mae tneeting4.until .dtiegto,`. uriL
ThOinpsOn Sr family were guests certaii4Y. of, the :roads and ,Vvea-
. ,NeW Yeata• of & 1VIrs. Thine < •
. .
. • ' •
40,011Ary 4.th,
MacIntYre': received “his;
M B. • degree 'at 'Oxford Vniver-
'sity;" ,• 2
-Nva-,,,-star.t.6t1 on"
Harold Stanley's -failn in Kinioss;
,Norman, stewp.rt,
jArieis in a „fall while loWering
the ..iiristrnas tee on Main. $t-
.;,ChriStrnas- week, --marked the
50th :119eddirig.anniersary:of Mr,.
and Mrs ,Wrn.; Fisher., ',440- the
45tli ariniNieriaries Of . and
Mrs.. J. M. Greer and and
•MrS. Rahert,154tton;,...:
Deaths., Joi-M Adam SirnpsOfl,
Roderick "
• ThemPson. • • ' • ...COrigrattilationi 'best wishes
Mr. and Mrs. JaS. Wraith silent
. •,Neitr Years with Mr. and Mrs.
—Murray Hend-wit-Otrand.-ehildren,
Paramount. '
. On New Years Day, Mr. 'and
Mrs. Morley Wall and family en-
-tertahied..Mr_R. itehead, Mrs.
A. Wall and Mrs. COok of Teel:
terand Mr. and Mrs. , Grant
Wall ael family.
Miss Los Haldenby 'has re-
turned to London after srpendnig
the holidays With her ' father,
Mr. Howard Haldenby. '
`Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Brown &
eginald were guests Sunday, of
. and, Mrs. Hugh Nicholson &
Mr. Don • Donaldson . made, ...a
business trip to Montreal, 'during
. the week.
Mr and ,Mrs Jack Schurnach-
.... . • , .
er visited with. Mr. and mr§.
..*Ktineugh, on • New,
• January - 1.111.
Boyle ,WaS intalled
head. Of Pie.Aoyal. Arch ,1‘44§904:-
.. 'The. death ..ocourred .SUddenly
of little: Elikabeth WhithS,
• .Lucknow COUneil rejeated a
Hl -
month. -old daughter clattg4ter • Of . •and „
'kert arseT, John Cathcart,.
Wm. MaclntYre was re-elected
Society for a second terrn.
Deaths:, Mrs. Wm. Naylor, Al -
February Sth
• Ashfield •Conneil;.
was confronted :With reAtleSts
grants . o- ing a. , , pr4c
t VV" in' GOd l'•
and Kincardine ,an
,arneurit exceeding -$20:00,0
Sehool . (Grey Ox) was • being
torn down, •
jlev. and 'Mrs; ,.A.lex,---MacPon,...--;
request by • .Kincardine
10 aLd in;:huilcifink- a:- new ;Wing.
-.1...ucknOW's share Was 'set at One.
percent,: or 4724:00:, .
' *Allan -Treleaven, -age-32, Was.
-named =general.- manager :Of' the
Toronto ,Real ,Estate Board. •'
rCoundii a:67."
cepted the 3 percent --share" mounting -to -tO $2,220, of: the Cost
of the neW -Kincardine Hospital
Marion Spent- NeW 'Year's Eve. a
.the home -'of ,Mra.',Seott's:patentS;
a, family,. get: -
'together was held,'. it belog the
43rd wedding anniversary 'of Mr,
and Mrs MacCalltiniWe extend
ongrata1atioris , and, • ,best.
*ishesto Mere.: high-
Zion United Church.- was -the
setting of a.preity wedding:when'
ReV. ,Starkey of.:TeesWater,',peir.
formed:.the pet-env:My. -Uniting :in,
Marriage- Miss, .-RobertaIrene
Helm, daughter Of Mr, and Ws..
liobert,, ,3;..,1.4uCknow and
Watson- Whytock;,•:sen
, ,
wing. •
Death Sr Mrs: 'Wm. Sahib, Erri':.•
est ;Gardner, Earle Hodgins,
• , , ,
jannary. isth.
John',Ferguiori,,.-49,'.. a 'hatless.
• land gloveless transient, who was
rvery • vague when questioned by
police, .'4Vvas picked up In Ltiek7
now and charged with vagrancy
Police were, particularly eautiouS
in sueh:icircUrnStanCes, in. View of
the. tragic fate which had .
en a little 5 -year -Id -LOndOn'
1;11airvey .Welbster • was ..elected
Clansmen 'president
: Bob Cainpbell ,PurChased. Mac-
ald :left . for the Presbyterian
mission • field .in .British • Guiana,
wbere, her parents Were senior
missionaries:. Rey. MacDonald:
-the:•-•sonof Mr and '.1,Mrs:--
"SandY", MacDonald, who have
now -• returned to Lucknew to
take up residence.
' Rev. •and. Mrs. Wallace IiiMc-
Cjean sailed for Ireland Ireland•to visit
hi S aged: mother, ,
• The Village Connell -authorized,
'Reeve Hamilton to .eall a -,•meet-
ingl.,_ot-theL-reeVes- d j t
municipalities' ' to consider the
sale of the community shed.„-•
F. G. Moffat. was -.presented
with- a $5.00• purse 'upon.:retiring
from the'CUIressMutual•Fire
.surance Odiripany. Hewas associ-
ated: with the; Company for 44
years • and .had. been secretary-,
treasider. for 32 , years, •
Deaths: Ross Murray.
frierespected .neighbOrS a.n .d nd.S..of. this -Community before..-Nfr. anel.lVirs. Alex .Whyto& . Intyre 'and Irwin's -auto supply,
• reception .is .to „held.' i ,he bride, given .in marriage, Wilmer Rutleil,ge.',Of suf-•
Moving to, LUckrio.be W.. 1 'Holy:rood. . • bUSiness...• ' Nile *
angsi ei .on- rid , -father, . wore . stm-et• fered 'a" fractured neck in a barn
.CrowStOn, ,newlyWecia.. ; • With• a niatehing..belero and a, bean*: 'He was ' empleyed by.
;Death:- Rev: W., 'S. Eceleston.
'January 25th
• Ali.da :Catharine, '2-rnonths,old
daughter of .,Mr.• and Mrs. 'John
slioekman ,Of the Olivet coirimun,
. . • • •
Mr Doug Donaldson, of Tees -
water,. spent; a' few days , at the
libme--of' Mr.. and 'Mrs.' Don Don -•Th,
e -teachers and '
.turned to their Idesks. Thursday
Morning, '
Mr... *Aria at,: Lloyd•WhYtoek.
ve 'returned. '.hoine, and are
t -
ing for :Mr.: and ;Marlow lerigth.dreSs Of -White ,crystallette rePair. atii.dent ;4/hile jacking•a
Spence. rirw.in.:•
work in R,aPp's• Bakeryi. Wing- 'white .pearls. She. earricdt, a white
hgin;. replacing:, Miss, Rena Moore .Eible :with White satin;.strearners
.who....is staking -a . hair ' dreSsing :and Afnerican: red, roseS,
course in London As Matron of honour, Miss
Pupils are °back . to schOcil-te -Marlene.illunter, :*ore, a MI0
r"the,:,..old,. grind" again On ThurS.. green - figured net ..OVertaffeta
day after the .holiday season, .A' with., •Matching headdress... She
new ,-teaeher :greeted---the.puPils-
cif,.No. 8; ',WS. Dan MoInniS..• At
the 'annual ineetirigi;.:Mr.- Wesley
--earried,-..-a--.-bouquet of yellow .
'• • . .was,apPointed
Carman WhytOck Good Roads Corrimittee f9t; '4 37
Young 'W. Pis, re7elected. trustee :.,at ''groonisrnan. ,,T,he,'. ush,ers' teim• •.
died of:pneumonia. '
iteeVe Blake of Ashfield
, fehrnarY 15th
InLtlal steps were taken to
tei the mind insurance fieldt-
the annual :meetingof the, West'
•:Wavianosh Fire -InSuranee Corn..
• Cl
e • ar
c' hope
•both-, pat
Mrs. Alex .WhYtoek and: IlarOld.,
.4V.,transaction:, of real estate in
.the. ' community Of MtereSt to
neighbors and friends took plate
Morley Wall ...bought
'• his brother's, Grant Wall's,: farm,.
Mrs.! Merle, Hedging is employ-
ed at Mr Tom Robb'S • Amber-
ley, • •
New::;-..irears visitOrs with Ir
and MrsFrank -Schumacher &
• MT -s- /49:Pe S' .W
Melvin ',Morriseth, .were TOM and Arthur. Helm; hrO- .°):ter
No 8 and Mr of. Seaforth ;Celebrated 'their 59th
replaces' pa .at giers of the --bride. The'Weddiii• g•
••.: • , Wedding anniver_kary: • •
9. • by---rMrs.
,The to be held, on ,Peter Cook. • : . Eight applicant's 'lei- the. peisi-'
Of. Mrs. Wm.- Orr. •'* home :•of the bride's parents, her ,were intervievcied by .a -depart-
Post flee,. caie alter
Thursday afternoon at the. At a . reception • held at the tion of
• :The, aiviukf meeting Of Lang naotherreceived in a navy 1 14 -161 -ft' official • Chas Cook- was
sidel;Church is to be. held in the ' -",beer over taffeta andlidd acOr.----4a:te-r-7aPP°illig4i.7s-11-e'ecl-itl- -0/1j3
,,-'l ,'
Church :on 'January 114th. ...'Sage of pink roses She was •as-
Dahmer, /WhOljoinedthe Air
Mr. 'and. Mit. Gordon Wall & .sisted* --by : 'the ',Mother of the r9rC.C,
fantilY.,* Visited,' on Sunday with, briClegrOom.. an. .aClua., Silk ..`13teatis;.•'' Eva .-Gi'eei•
Torn ,Ross ' held the Iiinelighc
at the'.:arinual :dinner of the Tor,-.
Onto' POlfae ,Superannuated
hers ASSociatipiv At .95 :he is. Stilt
tall.: and .''grectl:•, and plays the
.pipes reguiarly. ; . •
Bill'Colwell' :shot. a-
:ferriale'wolf on Wes Guests farM.
north of Xinlough
Jaek, Bannister was sappointed
:manager of . the ',Zurieh lbrattelt7'0.1-
the Bank of Montreal„
,JOhn Emerson was elected Co
Mister of West Bruce lodges
lDeaths JarneS 'DeG,rtiehy, Mrs....
, .
Mr. .and Mrs. Len Conley and shantung dress with a 'corsage of . •,- Februarr 1st
Carolyn- in Cargill: •e lowose • • .,,
• Policing was diScussed at7a-
special meeting of the Village,
. .
, ,
Council Applications ,Were C a11 -
ed for the ,position of town fore-
ShirrifiS 'Marmalade; 24 oz. jar • 66 • •
lOc„.cisf,f O'Ao0 '55er-25C:off $1.55-
, Red ,16, White Pure Peanut'Butterl6oz jar,-
Fancy Peas, '15 oz tins 2•;or 37,e'•
Red & White In,Stant Coffee, 2 oz jai 36c
Rect& Mridte„InStant,COffee, 5 oz jar • , 1.33
Clover Leaf or Maple Leaf Fancy .
Sockeye Salmon,. Y2 "tin. 46e
Rfftl)S EYE
."A"."~VW.V.VWV.VVVV. • V. t/"../WV.
enz -Cram-�f T�niat�L
10 „Oz.. tins — 3 for 35c
Aylmer Tomato catsup ,
1 Oz.' bottles 2 for .41c
n r -Quaker -eats
44 Oz. .p.cliage; 36C
Clark - s ean. with.. or
n., tali Sauce'-'
'2 :for 35C,
inClucling pollee'Auties,
Ne* :•fettilizOTinixrinete-gr,4-±7
ineptwent into _operation' at the
home in
.are Upb
side of-,,"'
7,-c h. utd.
• , Ring
Mr: at
is ,u
. n his 4:;.;
•say, :Charles :Gillespie., JosephIL:,
Wall: • '
Council reaeirelra'staterna'tc
-the appointment- a!'a town .fer(.,
.Mari.,..arid.•..AleX', Havens, contin.--,,
ued . on' Mon VI 1Y;basis
:Mrs: Charlei-',, Wardell .
't.o•Irned :to '-cleath-;-,in---her--.:---Hur(-M.A
:Township home She was in 1
18'th year'and -la -sister. Of Jehh,
. ,
Iienry.ef._Lncknow. ' •
Ma6DOna1d-„ Ofi":1406 ,
. -year--------
ddei• ()I AStifierd.'preibyte-ilian
u2 cion_pren ted
a portrait' of Mr MacDonald to
e hunig in the,Chtireli vestry,
For.,a Wedding trip the drilling .' operation's'. *or!, .
donned 'a , light IgUe" Suit With )halted 'on the farms of , .
white arid -black -accessories: up-.-• ',Webster. in -:West--WaWarioshir-Laii
:On their return 'they willireide• -HaraTel-StanleY
„ .
he b1.'idegroom', farm UitalLgas .
• fartri and ;Salt on the.Stah-,
ley.•.fartn;., but., no . oi).
'diViSion of -the.WOSSA eliPifld
tio.publie. speaking' tentest,....
• "Deaths': ,Les 1VicKeith,! 13))101,cf,
Smith, Mr, 1\41•8.. ThoMas,Herry Mi
L1oydEtrnter, .,..1Ohn Kennedy.
• :Ai the. cOricluding special Meet-
ing Of council for the.!: year, on
Friday rnght, Judge P S Mac-
Kenzie was re -appointed. to the
elkerton .pi8triet High, School
:oaro or a, twoyear-petiod,,
Mayor 'Edward, W. Kranipp ,stat -s.
---tet-that :there been •ti'
A stre
.daY drefi
tnind in
f c.thickettr-TtiltkeY"-PieS---:--- • f Or -6
New Asparagus Spears 19 oz. pkg" 53c
TastY French Prie§0-9„ ot, PligS g for .re
Cod FilletS lb. 23e
'jtion-of 'wheth, er'....,nOtMr.t.ilp..6-.
Fenzie could .sit on thc ,1.36ard-
8ike .; his appointineht to ;11 -ie
bench fl Solicitor 'Campbell
Grant, ' Qt., who ,,,Sehrched for a
rOuniCipal ruling 16 the, • l'ii.a.f;teri.
s6id'" :that .,nOthi the at'
woUld .Pr'event 'reJtip,point-
.l`vdge ..MackenZie Was . chair.
'man': Of the ,boarti when. the .pre,.
t6r11.8thool Was btillt in :1951,
, ,ClanStrien• ceintriittee
appOinted-10 disenss' inch:00;11
prOrnotion with ;the' imicippl
Edgerie Pritchard,',age,,4,
C'',C ()V eti aft'er', beingyeritieoc,ry,
illfrail.' 4. ruptured'append i • ,
'Mr.'. and, Mrs. jaM'es 11044,1g.
of 1,inlotigh., marked thpi.tv
•'Wit D. 1‘16011-'sticteeded lth*
Bannister as ,'attoritarif at t1,10.
Um* 'Moiiifeat
Paul M6ikiejoim'l •tkt g.
diagnosed- as '10.tikeipia.•