HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-09, Page 1te, • •. 4. • $2-i3O A ear, n Advance7.-$1,00 Extra To USA. LU.CKNID% ONTA;RIQ WEDNESDAY, JAN- 9 Threenew Members took their seats at the. ,meeting of LueknoW District H.i th •..SehoOI Board „ on Monday even- ing Arthur ''HO:dginO,''..Archte .14a,egilian and Gerald litithAvell, , ' Henry--.M,a6Kenzi& WAS. re'Lats•--" pointed : chairman ' for a second term, as IS: :Cust�rTiary;'03.r-dOn .vice chairman and Don- ald secretary -treas- urer.. . •. • • „ Committee. appointments, were as 'follows? with the, first' named being :chairman. . 'PrariOpOrtation, 14,11441 er: 'Clarenee. Moulton,' 'Hodgins, Archie. ProPerty,. Grounds and, Care- 1.4king Allister.. Hughes, Archie MaoMil!an, W.. , R. Howey, Arthur .Hodgins, • - ,• i.,,.Management Gerald Rathvieil,',Clarence Moul- tOfl. ' . Purchasing' .:-- Gordon Fisher, Allister Hughes. - , The Board ,ehairrnan, by,:virtue .1of.'hiS.office,.'IS :a' Member 'of, all , „ committees. ' • • Anderson Was the High -40Pointinent. q to .the Ir,tbrary'. Board ....Henry ",,.MacKenzie was, named 'Scheel' attendanee..Officer: -.2 Cadet .Corninittee-7•P.W: Hoag? Gerald -RathWeil; ,genry, Mac Kenzie and the ideal ,.cadet officer - : td: ,appointed.', , • . s'• Personnel of..., the .,Board;. an.d. • . vwhat. •bodyappointed, ::are: as . • , MRS.J SMITH PASSES • The ,:death •-•of Mrs, JOIM.J. Smith ,eCetirred- at her home, in TeeaWater On .Monday, - January' 7t1; in her ,74th Year, She was ,,the "'ft:inner Ada. Gertrude 13cir,- ten: Mr..' and Mrs. •Smith lived 'Et mile „east of',LuCknow for Many years until retiring to ..^Tees-' ".• ”' • v,The, funeral service will be held at the Church. Funeral Home,: Teeswater, on Thursday, January ,tOth at. ZOO. With 'interment in TiffinS Cemetery,, Langside.„. - ....• .A miseellaneOus, shower was ,• held .at the . home of Mrs. Mar- shall gibsOri on December in honor of:. Miss Roberta . „priorto her Marriage...A _large number of friends :and •neighbors attended arid: presented : HOberia-with -man-y- -lovely gifts., ".Aifter a , !varied:' :program and •a" Mock • Wedding 'Which was en- joyed by :all, 'a.,..bountiful,Iunch was served, Cliznaxipg a,Nery en-, poy-able, evening.: „ BIBLE SOCIETY -DONATIONS -HAVIEN'T 'YET REACHED $100 • „,The Jennings,,, sec, ,i.etary,,tretrsilier. Of the LticktieW. .43ible. Society, ,reports :the fol- loWing-, receipts. from: the church: collections i • Church, $60; . • .: • • , • , . , • • . OVERTWO. .FEET. OF sbiOw 1N SUNLESS DECEMBER weather sLigh:nary...'fQr.the month of,Deceniter., ,reveals .4 Olaf. of 2085 inches of snow, plus ,'.rainfall of 1,35 inches.. .„ „ .,,•,The Month, was mild and dull - praCtidally., :sunshine. 1There was 'a high of 60. 'ciegrees. and'a law of.'4 •:EiliiVe There was not one completely clear day ,during :Abe month,„ and only 8 days of partral; sunshine : :Total 'rainfalifer the '..Caleridae year '1056 ,amounted not a: 're- cord: ' • Vr.---calendar;;;,tear 1954.set an record for rainfall, with `a total. Of 31:55,, 'inches' recorded.' Almost on -third of this; amount fell, during_ October- of. that .year,.;, and ,Over 4. inches .,in . three. 'days:. •-atthe :Harridan "-Hazel.: _ • "Three' new elders , have been added to the Session: of the Ash- field Presbyterian Church; and the threesome,: Duncan,., Allah,. EarLHowes, and Reuben. were ordained to 'office. on $uri- day. by Rey; J. R. MacDonald. Other members 'of, Session are Ewart. Jamieson, Wm. 'ROSS,: Ger.:. dOn''.,RO6b,, D.. H. MacDonald and Duncan Cameron;The latter' two;. , bot h , 'past' thetour score mark, ,be , less active after long Years. of.. 'faithful service. Mr: , MacDonald 'holds the .record in thisvorespect. 'He' ,is 'commencing, his., 52nd •:year„ .as an eider:: He was a trustee fOi.. half. 'at• cen- tury, An official .of the . Bible • field TOWnsip; :Arthur .HodginS, :•Culross • ToWp.Ship;:, .C.1.ar e.n.c Greenock Allister Hughes; . -Kinloss Town- ship; Archie „ ...MacMillan; West ;WaWaitosh.'" ToWnshiP;'. •Z . .nowey; Village:Of ..latieititow;.Gor- . Jon:. :Fisher, LucknOw Public ..'SChoO1 ,; Board; Gerald' AathWel:1, :Bruce County .,-Cafeteria- Meals' tip . The ," price, of cafeteria :Meats.. has ,,beeh. raised 5; cents, to .3.0e a.ineal,- with 44 .add.itional. 5c. for A ',beverage if desired.' :The Ca'f-, ete iiis n rofit.., Makin ,but had showri! fiTaeficit, -dtirthiTThe. '.14,st,:fOUr months this fall, :and the. ifive-cent increase •will, wipe out the: deficit .and 'keep. the cat- •Outof ...the.: red.:.:The..."0:: eterta- received a top ;rating in ,. the .Bitice..COunty Health: 'Unit's periodic''.;inSpection: ". • Costs Over $5,000 Monthly .buthariied,c0y, —ering bank .borrowing ,during.,the; •• Year : as . and • when require .up • :.to ..$35,00O. The interest rate'. noW 5' percent. ' The . BOarfj„ had a. suriplusof over $7,000. to start the.- year.: Acebiints, •paSsed. at ..MondaY's. e t i ng exceeded 0,*. Which. ,.is'. about aver' 'Monthly •:expenditures over.10- .•mOpth.. Period •• .are roughly' be- - •j*een-i:.$5;(109 and $5,506, .Total ,expenditures.- last. Year .Were S54.679.6i. .Allister, ;•1-1Ug11.6,7, One . original • 'board.. mehiber.' . stated that ecpidirth abeift$3;200'ano'nth1y.; in the,. in- . itial .stages of the Area opera - .50. ' A ',grant of11•00.00. Was filiprov, the purchase'of books for • the SehOol, , library: ..on Which •:there itry..80pereent. gOyern,,; AubSiely: The .BOtir`d decid,• C HLh Seheals 136ard; at a fee of $25., 4qcl: the, Trustees Couneil, at fee of $50;; both strbjeet to the ",,abOye • Best . The, tollowirtg letter' was •.eeiVed Troth 4T.4 Salkeld, -1,.01)6 has been :.succeeded by ;.Att'hiq • m4egi.460. as the 'West Wawa-. ..no8b Township representative on Dear:Sir: gekVitig: b61.1 1'110611;614 of the Page' 8). ".. Those: Wishirig:, to,. rnakt• inay leave thein with , 'Rev. Jennings.,•• • HURON COUNTY COUNCIL TO CONV E NEXT WEEK When iiiiron • County l Council convenes at Godericli,' next. Tues- day. one ofthe first items on the agenda willbe the selection of the: .195/ .Warden. Figuring.. PrOrtinently. for the - honour are Reeve Cecil Blake'Of' and Reeve Hairy. GoWdy. of 'Fiowlek; Township. ' Bruce CountY Council will also convene ;next'. Week- .with the. ,openirig Meeting on Monday,•ekt- vAlen ;.13,e-ev.e.:-e1eet':George. Joyn:t win`...attend' his 'first sess- ion. Reeve Hareld., Percy ; will represent •'' Kinloss, .• Reeve -elect Claud bore, of: Htiron •Township will.' also be attending .1-ris' first' • e Was, church treasurer for Many 1957.. --C#URCHES 'TO COMBINE FOR,1RVENING,7SE4VIC.'E' , Commencing this Sunday , ening ,at, 1,00, o'clock, the emigre- gations, of the.' Anglican, Presby- terian and llnited, Churches, will hold „combined -evening seriticeS for the winter Months... ' .• This innovation • twin.have its, :start, in,' paiited,''.Church„, Where ' the - -combined - Services wilibe held. if& three Successive and then Will -be held: in, the !Other •,i,WO • ehurehes_.in. TSirnilairthree,night series. Rey. H. L. Jennings now .holds• evening service * at ';RirpleY, but when the tirnettott es:for holdhig- , the evening 'services in St.”: :Pet- e?s•,-, the „LucknOW and- congregations , will sWitch services , during ' that tirrie-,-, with the St. peters congregation, row_ irig their ,..service in the ,evening._ ENDS TWO DECADES . OF SCHOOL SERVICE • E. McKim, who has given. •twenty., -years of valuable SchOol *board: service to' this c4c4,inrininity; treminated his ditties • on. NIon•• day.„.._evenint.With_hkoffieiaL:i* terniinated.,. his „duties .ori :41.101' PChpol.; Board. In reCognitiOn, of his Icing 'ser-,. Vice;.,his associates on last, year's board made jthe Personal .pres- entation.','Of Winston Churchill's '"The • ..Histery. of the. 'Eng: - hill.. Speaking People'. . The,. doporS,. .autographed,:% the bOOk. request.' ASI/FIELD \NATIVE” DIED IN -CALGARY SIES OF IN.JURI, 4 Clarence C. W4.§h44ktgni„ age 70, :died in tringhafri Qerierit, 'Hospital on Friday of injuries he. had received ina Car ;Crash nine • days .before; • • $teV,,.,.-!. and Mrs. Washington were .'.:returning on Wednesda"Sr,„ December 26th, ,g from Toronto, where they had, spent Christmas at, the: home 445f*':theii,,..:daughter Mrs; R. ,i);;; Thomas. They wer--3,' 7entiaW:-,-.Clirittiiittiiir:ViSif 7.t:Fie77-' home :of their tither daughter, they were in collision t Wr�x- : eter With an east bound ear:. • Rev. Washington lapsed into vdmathat evening ,after adMission .,•td 'Winghain . Hospital, and except for 'brief • periods ' ,when.:_hei•showed.:„.sigris .cighilien; had remained uncon- scious for. the 'nine days; The funeral' service Was held . at Apoutii United'. ,Church on, Monday, 'where Rev. :' Washing- ton,. had 'Ministered from ..).950 Until his . retirement •last summer',. at the age of.70.',-He. then asSfuin- ed;the......iduities of supply minister on the ,Ashfield .Circuit, ,and he. and liars. .Washington took up. r:Osidepce• in: the Parsonage, :just,' at the s'Otitherli outskirts Of the'. Village; Rev. Washington to -6k - over, the duties of his newpas- torate the first,:. „Sunday:: in ,JUlY, and despite his Short assOciatibii :••• 0.4, this three-point -,Charge had become.. well ...6,n d gr4eiously kriON‘in Ao., many , in the.-Comniuri- itY who mourn his tragic:' death,. ., and extend. deepest.. Skmpathy; to. Mrs. : Washington,: :Who ; is-yrecov-.• • !e! t' Jt ',My; Caineron has. -been., '.elder DEDICATION MEMORIAL I • 6 new and beautiful icommtin. -ion set in, memory :of, the,. late William N. 81i:she1f, • was dedicat, ed at the United Church on Sup - clay, anct;uSecl" for the first time in :the, 'dispensing of:: the sacra- ment::: IL. The .communion. set,and purple :veiyet• table runner, were, ,given, ,to .the church .:by. Mrs. Bushell in ,merhory of :her late husband.. „The gifts:were,,preSented hy Mrs. `Don niece . •,',Mt8. session. . ,R.A17.si?. OVER $600 IOR IN.TBEW:4IIIERLEXFARICIEB dance WAS staged at RI ejev On Pris,iaV bV the i ley - Hi.kr011 • Legion; lin :aid of Cecil I-Iuntphr.eys of the Amberley dis- trict, resulting in .Over,, $600 •.ibe- ing., donated.' .„ : ; • Cecil suffered a • frhatired •Trpel:- vis and internal injuries When :itth.c.k.ed_thy a. bull in his ` barn. He, • *aged lifeand death struggle" with the aniinal h!lp rriy ed.: rs. Htiinphreys was -,away:',at the • time ' and, their little • ,three4 y,ear-old• ',daughter, , ;Marsha, a- ,of. the death Of Mi,8 Annie Mc- Quoid :Who passed away. in :Cal- , • :gary General on Christ,- sinas',E.Ve. The funeral was held. in', Calgary 4* December 27th. Miss • ..,1VIc'Qtioid was the last; member. of the family of Mr. and `Mrs, Jairies .1VIcQuOid,-ea,rlY res- idents of • Concession t'She was a' dressmaker. ami followed .her ,trade for 'hurn- bei.of years at Dungannon be - foie going to Western ..Canada., She. was predeceased !by a bro- ther,•..George_4VICQudid of_LVArite-: church`; Where he operated ', general Store; . by a • sister',,,:Mis,/:, Albert 'Patterson Of :SWhitechurch and twolother •sisters who ' -oleo in the West. The •• late. Albert McQuoid of lAicknow, was.::. a (first cousin. • .• • • . • • • • Bushell,' and. '1Nere received on 'ibehAlf of the. 'clingregation.• by. •Hev G. A 'Nfeiklej6h4 and Mr.. theinoriAli gift's: were -.then deqicated, in an •imptesi,vve eeteinony;:,, to, the,: :.,Baker; Who ved ;Over- 1- wake 'that' her • DaddY. Was being hurL the• neig o , . • farin home of pOrt, 'Courtney,. and, se -nee.,!: 'or 1.the-little " . • tot indicatecl..SOthething , WaS w.0.-rit' 61!"th.,atL:s.h.. tad...4VAU ' from bOnle. • • • --•,'T-heeeiderit,happenet64-.4he._ end v, 0.0 , 'eel was 1-• 0' t. d 'C '1 hospit4,lized ,for se<1.,tal weeks in I.4-6nthini.- but AS now •htin:10. • , He is a h.eiglibOr of Bob Court- ney,: ,f'er who* a. benefit ..dance was held' ibefOre''.Christtiias„ Bob spent :thc Christmas season at his home, • but, 'returned ' ,a "few days ago (0London for further tit,tithiptit.of the', injured• leg,... . • , ' SNAI'PED •FEEDING PIGEONS IN TRAFALGAR SQUARE ,•••• , Glory., of God • and loving seas ..in showed us; a inemery, of Mr, Bushe11._. • , picture ‘, this Week 'of' his sisters, The CoMnainion,'Set "consists Of: ,his brother-in-law' and . chalice, ,'.bivad''Ond. wine trays snapped while they were feed: and' the 'table runner, on Wliich.is- ipg pigeons at Trafalgar •Square • h • , oyerseas Ed' .visited': the letteis, "IHS". which are the ifit'...St Dr. Barhaedi).,.horne in. London, three fetters in :the `‘,.dreel: word'EnglancL. famous f6r, the, worlt- . crneani).4 Jesus'.' • • it has done in rearing. and plaC.;' The, .cornrmui.iien table :was a •orphaned tbdys. gift years -killed- when ago in mm ago the late was lad :of SeVen and. he', '.1.,'A,h lfisOai n;--rd-1,he 'hand work ••-. .Were ed Corinntinion'cloth, , Abe -care of the ,Barnardo , .the work and gift; a number Of home 3..in They 67111:11- :raham)..Flynn. • • in Toronto, where,.,they;,lied...for The communion Service Which spine:time before being ,IlaS°. been use, will be 4nade ; private 'home's. ,-The • Barnard°. available churches in fiOnie''' Jarvis Street, has since. and " farther ,afield 41 not been...Cidsed.,,, needed *thin the 'Presbytery,:•at. ' The 'purpose :Of • Baker'sno .cost. , • " . overseas \k'frs see • his' • .,a ered„-in ' the. 'accident. : , Mr: . Washington ,was ;:born Blackstock, Ont.. Son, of -.a .4vieth.:*. Odist;-friinister. ' : • ., • • He received hs car]y education in Barrie schoo]s. He attended yietoria, College. University of Toronto, .where as.. •medal- ist .' in Greek and .Hebrew, ob- tained his „Bachelor of Arts gree, He ,' .7vt):n• his,: Bachelor Of • .Divinity: degree from Emmanuei Couegei, University of Toronto., Po-ra', year following waS'onthe ..staff , of Victoria „ an • instructorinGreek and, .,4,ehre-W. 1-fiS, first pastoral charge was at :Ros:eneath., near...CObOtirg,.' Other. r. g e s included:„: Baltimore. Cotirtice; Ont.; Fenelon .P.41 § ;Fairlawn -.United', Church,. ,Tororito, fer, seven.- years; Cen- tral .'. United Church,” Sault. :Ste. Marie, Ont.: Wesley :United; ;in London, and AubUrn.:', . :Wa,s1-,fington: Was Minister of Wes1ey'AVnited-Thlii4ch from August, 1942..to June; 1950, when ,he -,moy,ed toAuburn... He. went.. to London -from Sault Ste. Marie. -held several top United Church ,posts in:"various',Presby-; ' chairrhan Of . Lindsay4,..PYesb.yterY... ,lgorn,a•.,presbylery ancl•., "chair,- of church's Bay 7,rof Quinte,Conference, He served a tern, from July, 1954,to Jutie: 1955. as'ehairrrian of AtiroriTOreS, • During his ministry, Ur; Wash- ington took' .an active •iritevest in 447.e_tic:..Of. the. .efitirih•-,olit0.de the, pulpit He'V):t.01y." interested', in young people's 'work., He also assumed leading roles tithe 'tb actiities and Bible study groups : , ' •A part -Of. the ;Serviee- .rnether and Otherrelati,es.' It PItA •YEit:"StliViCES BEIN , been• -used ',Was preserited w their'fiiittreuraOn sinee.t,hey .1.1klik-T111,4-1•V`Et the Luclinow.tnited.0 b Were ' arted alniest" fOrtY-seVen , _ th:e711;.34-1Yi.ob et, odiSt Ch 'reb y'ear-s a mr ,---.--'-'---.••.-•-•..--.'.----•.--.••-. __.._s •servf-ces- • •gO,Bakers at the time of, Unien, .Wheri :the. mother : still: hatt,lhe, eopy, et, the Ifolyrood Church Was cidted;!thd. -igree,MeritWith 1, the ZaOiardo. .140Nrood toirinitinion Set' had hOine,„. dated. , j'ttlY'; 201h, '1010, Mr.' John Ackert. -..'foreed 'her' to 'Part:With been a; gift that ehii,r0. by. when financial 'circurriCe two 11,1r. and Mrs; ,Ciril,..c440ke.11.: flute:, boys,: ifor,th'esit "*V‘44.iie-Y-6-e-eWea-L3rifti ;them, mothergave Ed the berhip by eiettliioate, at this ser- docinnent to. 'bring liOnie.k. with hitt, . week . pres- ently ;being hefd in `16,.41 thurch- e. The three4lightseries:, open- ed 'Tue&ty with 8MtV.id€4.,in 2 the. .Anglican chnreh. Wednesday night's serYiee is fri the PreS0- terian; Church ---and the, eonelnd Ing'fij-leefirig-TvVili be dy in the *Unitd ebutot .The $erms:*•start tii* 130,• k' • •.,