The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-01-02, Page 6lia.*M-31FIRIPPt • _ • ^ • • 'r • • • • • ' • 1 • • • . • WV,P,NVPDAN't 1957 • I'41,T ..)Ar lAJ,PCSP:Wt 'ONT104, ' A • 11.1).”110...N)411."111;$41.14)41.11"P"riP4'41.4"1"11)"4511ti . 4 . r,' a i7V---71-1-------1--..7.--3.--- ,..0141:1-7.$ aNP,PwYyl.:y.,--..pPar, t).h..r.Ev,' _.1.y.0P'or:;:.P..",r, 7 old N14,i,cthYo elSY:.0.'rilVI, $r.leyTttl.'1\48zrs• ''13..rlit,44Qr;, ;:T1'114:;°6$1,.NECIiiVVS41:JAYSNI14FEItSIDAY , '14 ithy and CongratUlations to Mr, 4 14r5, all 0:PF, 1-"/P, were 'clin-liel4ir guests',, ;', ''' ' ' ''' ' ' 1 . . . Lloyd ....Whytoelt (nee . obegta • • • , , ..' - .. -. - With: JaCk. Frost's' continued go,„ • , g • • Wednesday •evening. of .-, and • , , - .-,.. - • ••• ." •:' MrsFrank.Brown and Reainald,' • , ' • z • ',.:•lieini). *ItO:Were' Married-. Sia,t, .-,' ' . • • ' • • ,,,,,r1 0_'''' , if operation Luciplow •Juveniie'"hoc- ' ? ' . • . ' . " . ' '''' On Christmas Day, :Pax', coc •iv4rs'. ' - " ' •the flay."... ,,- - --,;-. - .-..' '• --,---• ' ••_.,._... ,•• '- .1' - • ....lce.Y..-teatn Wilt ;9:P en l* s94solv on teacher ' Miss .1(Ing ' an' 'qrailt 1A7:411 4:4 -C1 -4a:11-11- 7-1/' ''' 1Toine- , • - '''' :r,t.,,,.._.4....p.ill..,54sa...„4ed'' a, very success:'" ,' ,.,a1,1.. e StS; • Mr, and_ : Mrs.. ,,i..,r.,11,ffest , J. a4.--4ary.--,A.tx, t,, ,.:3-0,:0, ii•xi.pri!..wfil • , . . '. Int .c.Oncert••••in- the schOol, lief01,e'•'1:•,„,_h,acier,'M,r•r-%..a,114.__*__ra,,,' Mrs Bar- .prayi.cle, the.ctpti9siti„on„ ', ,,;' : • the, .elose of ille, terni_.,.. .:.:,,, , ••• , • "--.•,•-, ag__.14.e.,.,'-aff,O -?'17,181 a4C1, '4.'14.S'' ..+".7.r": . The localsciitild'PhaVe- had- a aVII.,''arid....1V11$:,. . N W -h Itoek- 4 ' rY,', ,D/4.Pa,glor.';,eevkiator,'r_ ,,- ., couple of Woriouts in -Winghani - •i,' , f.. boys' -.' and •mi„. arid - mr.s-. Ere-ret't '' QTii .-C11„1',I$talaS eVenitig Mr'. and , • : -' • -, . - . .. . • -. • . ., • • , a d, Diir...s. ,,.,i.,a.nk Thompson ‘airl--d,„ f-a.m_. 1CO ' and weir. slated fi,or- a New . _ _ . -,\AThytock and family •atten e .,4,' , . :- : „..,., ,L,.' L. - members4,, , f. Year sr pracLidq,. on .,,,nrci,e' ice, ....faninciii,4,yli,dsi,nne at the home of Mr- 11Y PrItrta.ln'ea.. the ..9. which ha been rflakir;g. ft'W"i°''i. Harold ..paiinoiiillon: -„pt tioige, Walli: fmati.i,51:Jo1,Y:4eWall t.t,a f.1111-..` get-'' a sharp 'week-erld-, aiai5 •intein-. '. ' : P. • ' 1Cinloss on Sunday -evening Mrs perature' " '. '. .• •• , I :: ,..• : ! .. :..H.- eien ,$;dh..4.•n.i. aciler,, :Lan'',;' of Con, 8'. IVI'r''.'aild.:Mis.7 -?Ar, Wall ‘,.,r'itiWk` i:tn-ih'•aaneabgn'ettlh. uArtatieB''°retetkhleesr(-)esx::.' :, ••:''i::. • Win . Campbell Was .,hostess, . . water,- ....,,Mr, . , • Miss don, .,sspending the holidays ai' 'W•alY•aiicl, children, Mr-. and Mrs,.• ,_._i '.._ '' peels to.-.4.4ve,l a 'pod sept; come ,..-fier-home•-iiero ' . ' • _., ., Grant ' Walt and Ifaitil5"::°t •C°i1' Friday'-•night, i.,..,.•;se'y'erai -.froin-77th-,e7.---coi-iirniinft-i 1:0....!andM‘.r..--ati.d-M,rs.:-.,,-B-,rt--he'W. '• 7 -7 ---'Phe-- local squad is up': - ' .. ..' • , attended* the Christmas concert felt and 'amity o. 4.incarctine.• On Chriiiinas A Mr. and : Mrs"; . • ' - - ' .. -• ' . '., - • into -a 'likely '1OOking' tearn With •••' • ''..-;--,:r • -10-.., e, -ng leart-e tire-- . a -Y._ . ' • '. no lack of . material - There were7, •• ' - ''' - • • - • ..TOW-Rossi-entertainedi.-mernbers__. _ .. . • • ' • .-- ' - . ': • ' - - ' '3: ' ' - th L-A. l' 11' .. h Satiird . • , . , r-=.',, • evening . ' - .. f . • h .• ' family,• - .1\1' . Mrs- ..247tUrned±outtor-:,(the-.--first-„,prag_.!, Mrs Merle Hodgins, :who has .9 ..,t en- '',. r, arid , , ' liCe, and nineteen. for the: second spent some tune, in Luck.n.nik, i Robt, Millen, Of Toronto, Mr:. and ' ,. ... , .., .... .. . ,.•at'T.Preserit-at,:rher h,Oine here. , Mr$, Norman Ross and .family Of. go: . .' ' -.I :.' -.. ',... '.. ,' ' • •''''''' i ' ..f:'' MiTo And : Mr$, James . •Wraif.fi vTingillan1;,-U11..---and.:41Ars,, 'W)lliarn.. - LANGSID sunclaY gyening with 1%./frl LRO..ss alici..10:11den, Srto•;41hd- Alks;.• anti Doiiald,.liess--of-Toron, ? Mr,-..1'..,a_n.da___ Ic,otiiratulatonsand,.bes:Nid4s4.7., Mr d Mrs '0 0 0' * • • • 0.01 11,1C.F.S •• ' .: 'spentandXis.mukra2iltenderSon ... , Alex .... ohildrerr,. Paramount . Mrs .McKay.YofActon an . ' 'Ur. and ,Mrs..Midford Tisiall''& ,IVIr• • ‘1.1d ?sirs;.:. Davi,. it. ()s': -10th Mesaf:We2tteeilrodwedstoton',.1'. •w,' haon '-were: ..• and 'bliug, 4,411iPld., . - ad 'rein; X. ai.risd: r. Everett.tlo YlIfah Why-Ytc'ck,71Y"hart41.aii6hd:10"---Pn -or. The Presbyterian :1),Ntrcirilsdie r,,,spinedfit:Ivirc:kr,., ._,..:Isoni_tm4,,,T4,_s-crik::_tyt: 1,. ,m.,chtil • ',. and Mr; arid Mrs. rley , Wl'i.' 't ' k 8i b men Mary 'IfenderOn 14Yrette. Ith ' Mr.. rnas' Pay- -Mrs-Crowston was fii)1.: 1 . • , Mr and Mrs. ' Clayton Meyer tock pent ,C.hriitinaS,'W . s' .. lex. y oc .. oys. , ., ___. _. " ' . .mo and Mr . A „ . , ,, 'Wal.l'and'fainilY..siient'Cliristrrias ,.• : ivirs,.. . ,Frank, ' BroW.ri'.... s.p en't '311issMona..c.ornh.'91. Kincardine TULIP LVFARG*RINE (31c lb.) .1 1F" •I BUTtE1 Canada First Grade fICI--"iStNEXTReggtarc!!' iiion.ey-7:s`4 „. 0.01 Get Your Apples by the Bushel Now. e7Bave ;Higkest_Qualityl. Lowest 'Price.. family, . and .Mi Clarence crOvvstOri.. of ' with mr.. 041vits-,--Everett-white-,-- -Thursday .afterncionyvi, , . atnain.L.werethe,...at, en an s. . .'.A head and children, Teeswater. ; L. Shelton, Kincardine: , „ ,o‘ dinner was served 14 the Mr and Mrs.:, 'Jack ' Schumacher '. 'Christmas' visitors With:. Mr.'" & home ,:).f. t,fie...grdomp§. parents,mr.. And' Helen 'spent. Christmas .liritli, Avirs.,,. TOM ::5tOVIT;art. were J.',.A.:C:' and Mrs .'John Cro*:s;toxi...'•TheY .; Mr.: and Mrs. WM. 'WAILKin-'s John Stewart and . Mrs Stewart will reside at Kincardine' Where ' ---d.----Widreri----.-of.--the RCAF--,Sta-, MarloW . ,-is.- • empleYed: at „• ,the •• lough ' SILL ' and -Mrs, Jas. Wraith, s'Peri tion,• Firiga , . and. Mrs. Mac Nvalker Bakry. • I. "�h'ristp,as. wit and fa?1?ii11.: :..ttenDeerrbr. Mrc P°376hildreh. Kincardine the. r'.e2nd . • eitel sl..Ronald. Howard 1-01 6-41.vis.. of 14i4Cch. rrift od r' go and \4gi§,1 mac"). hersdnand „family, 8th: .‘ •mr,:and Mrs •m Alex c- d' P°eel Lod, ' .Mr. • and. Mrs- • Mrs • , • ' ' d Harry Lavis London • and Isilrik§erton were;.,clijnonherir MKirniOss an, M., La harm She , HuLfrn4n ith J. 'Gra • ,‘ 'giTher °rile es. Wra • rid ‘11,1rs• . the 11. Melvin of wa . • nd • .. : • Stanley Nits. int „mr. , •7•.- girls of mr.. a huinaeller • • • e nt former Culbert 1)/fiSS SC • ••••efiing•:, . • , - seh, koy . and. : ,d• sr, ,eve, . .-...63,4of tond�n. qr. an.. ev , • , gday, ve •. at Ross, Everett. , , ed, your. • • .. ••• • „ d Toronto, Miss 'wht99.Whytock .you ,1.1)! ;IL home of rarti Moffat MrsJin of att:n t '1rmidefs°141.,.i 4el i,,eek;; at t 3°1rhe Margare bscription' •--7;"'"• and Mks: Eric Evans and farally..., of Hyde Park were•,‘ christnias,,Stinday-...eVening yisitorS. at. the F°Stei'•:34°ffat' fiCOlyeerof his 'mnother, Mrs Sarah visitorS with mr, Mrs Huntley . DaWSOnc'Curtisi. John ,Arthur, Lynda and ' :Were p,„06: Arthur Margaretot 'Weed=ond' :Auburn were Sunday visitors er;''1\11r--ialme • Munro • and '..13Nt; with ...Mr.. GordOn ther,' ' Mrs ,Clarence and family We Sell for Less Values effective 'Phone119- Lucknow' January 3 4, ....Mr.....77...,777....4,,,........,,,..„.........„ . d Mr 7i,,. Brown Iutk,•:•,. Mr. and Mrs, Bert IM.0 at,'-Jiiii- ., no147r;..-4.3al.:1d7.1‘lednia7-.Lsdlaayy.d M.of:fat ..ari'd 7.•11!11.2ral.i.,d4TOPtir'!IM•44/ilt..,i'nnon' '' a -ii& '%/ir taintly,,:mr,:arld..mtt ihn-e-r`S-Cott ::134.n--'4?1:-.4E4C4nTion accompanied and boy, Mr .aha ,MrS. David Mr and 1\il.ys.,.• Donald McKinnon Scott ' „and. : Sstet.''. -Off 'Tee$Water,,. of X...licknow to, TOPOnto. and 'yi,,-;- Mr. and Mr$', : 4410.1d- Vint:and ited' -with' !Mr.'. and .Mrs.. :Bill .,Mc- fmaaingiYidyt,,G.iosdite,(;;rrisCh. 'N,,iriehei\:4_ci,,.hr,i,it,.47..., .Kinnon •'for: the week -end , , ; .. .• '',..may,,-.11-je-.:,--. New Year --ofr95,7-.-7.".-..:-:-. t 1114inii$.1-n'Eyit-!Veirine't ‘C.'.9.ennit!ay4-1:.e.adilafot7tilh3 .I3Ornit'n.gi.*ehaPd4elfths"7d'ha'"'ne7''.'ll:.:':.: • . , Leod. • :.. were. Cnri§tipas'. 'Visitors holidaytArid .r./1•. 1.:;iArr.i.•I‘:11A.;:e:- jNoufs.17,,FAILS TO, . . '',FIND..0AUSE.'. OF, IFkitE.;.. mr,iph.,his parents,, Mr:. and. mts,: Axeic.,MacLeod, 1;auCKiiow.: ,Aii...intipet. into .: 'the deaths .o.t. AvIrs.'', BO, Brown, Gary..: and ;... An meh-:;'who, died. when 'fire. -, - • Barbara of London; Mr and J.vir',.. Eric ' Evans and family Of . HYde. r'azed' 'i:nthe,G2'' o'ciBeri,l'iteith.. '''6''Et:iiehliasiitlegd61'..,.... Park ': were Christmas visitors ; ,,.,lIot , . .. , . carbon monoxide poisoning with, Mr. and' . Mrs, Wm ''EVani,.Alid I.: 1:14.il , tea.. ' * • • . : . . , : , • , ciiised, the deans and; that. they ,. Mrs Ted '. Collyer Were ,1\i,theFe,f'4,41e si:eY.,'15;vrdbdiy:t•'114:"1eeanci"...' be': ta: re' andMr 'M • IVtunie: •and' faingYi. at: fLanilbeth- - • ••• ' • • • • ::•Mr„.'atid Mrs. Wilson Wall, 'Mr and Mrs Graham Pinkney Mrs Gordon Wall,and" and: Glyn l'of • Ajax,. ,Arehie., and Apdan:,and D9nald, andMrs Ted Collyer Mr and 'Mrs.. Wing - ham were:• Wednesday 'visitors at • the same •1crine. are'SorrY,'to reper.tifTlArs•Maeintyt\ei.:'.. had the • niisferttine to,. 'break' tWo, benes. in :her left wrist wlhile • boW: ing . ; • a coupledi' weeks 'ago:, . • ; Clarenee.•.• CrowStOri; 'Chat, harni•Spent,,the. christrrias-week-, end .:at •, Mr and .Mrs Russell Ritcthie Fred-',•Tiffin,27Mr, and Mrs Victor Emerson, White - and pfr•;;,.Alt.,Ritehle' of • • • Lucknaw; • spent:Christmas '• Mr. and, Mrs.', Charlie Tiffin:-! and Mrs 'l1iffin Mrs•ErnerSOn re- mained ,for • the rest of the week to.,. visit with: her 'Mother:, • . Mr John Barr:and family ,.of • iri164gli ..were with Mr John Purves and Fras. were all h,rne to pend Chrit • Icy Mis� rIorene and Margaret Moir o Toronto wee hblida,y ari ,q1lbilv, the. 'ChristinaS.' .,014.iay•dt rtolt Mrs„ jqhk. Pr6' woro', is Margarit Steer at Londn.01108tM0 ;.With •.lier•parentS•,..11r•;:and '• • • • • . ' ' . • • ' , NDER A:NEW PLAN YOtJ CAN BuildanAddition Fix Up An Attic Modernize Your Kitchen and Bathroom 'Wake A Recreation Itoom Install a Fire Chief Chimney .... • • .... . • Cause Of the first was not de- terrnined,- :was--Onkidered • have Started in the basement I the century -old building h4nuCir ned "like a box of matches" 1957 , :and :for Many' Sub , scribers • The , that Means DOn't fly were •visitors :on Friday with lay, please. .. ..; Mrs Wil O tern and vist Mel .Mrs . Sttic • chic Ogigetra • WITH 'NO' DOWN PAYMENT: And 24.'Mopths.er6 Pay, 4 "," • • • 0 NEEDIOWAIT • • - , - . , Enjoy t e ra om • • . • ,- atei _ Come in and discuss this plat i without obligation.. , : . t , , . ; , --H' .• Caleiadart_ c otos an CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, ell -Telephone .BUilding Walkerton' Ori • 4, .p0.10.4156, l'AIHCKN 42, t -r ' • • rl • M.rIstrs Charlie Tiffin Phone ,•44-444+÷.÷.44444 were visitors with her varent,,., .;.. Agents Msociation Member of GENERAL'. INSURANCE Thitty;Veark.Ago.• .• . • Filrnates, Oil Burners • • • Oa - '4,444,044,444,..•~44, • A Ar•••••••A