HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-17, Page 7WEDNESDAY DEC, l?th,. 1958:
,Visitors with Mr. and Mrs..
Herb Finnigan for • the week -end
were,, Miss Margaret Joy Durnin,,
Toronto,' Mr,_ J. C, Durnin, Kit-
chener, and Mr. Bill , Atkinson,;
Flint Michigan,.
Mr.. Frank Jone$of the harness
shop was taken, ill on, Tuesday",
,forenoon , last, week and could
hardly ,manage, walking home.
He. ,was met : by •a neiggbotir, Mr.
'Jack ,Chisholm who summoned
;help . and fortunately • that we
have 'a resident doctor. 'now, was
• able. to, give: medical aid • immedi-.
ately. He was soon removed by
ambulance .to Goderich' hospital
for an ,emergency operation
that day. He is coming along fine.
Mr. and Mrs._ Bill McClure and
son Bruce : of Elmira were 'Sun-
The,'Presbyterian W.M,S. meet-
ing was held!at the hOme of ,Mrs,.
Alex Percy with' the opening
hymn; "While Shepherds watch,
ed their, flocks by night". Mrs.
.John' Barr led in prayer.The
word ;for the roll call .Was "All-? week -end. with: Miss . Beverley
gel", The : hymn, Holy night Stanley at Kitchener. •1VIr, Stanley:
was' followed • by a Bible 'Quiz, and."family .motored' to, Kitchener
Acts 6-11. ,Mrs. Bud, Sutton read Sunday, for Mrs, Stanley.
a . poem entitled "Blessings",‘ Mrs'. Miss' •
Jean MacLeod: o 4a ipley,
M. Johnstone led responsive visited with • Mr: • and Bill
reading of the Christmas Story Burt and family.
and prayer. "O come all ye faith -2 number. from here attended
ful" ••was then sung f M d
Miss Winnufred. Percy, read a• ,1VIr Carl •Vassella : (nee,• Joan
News, letter from James'Pixon 'a nor last
• Vanstone,). at Dung ,n n
of Tai ei °Taiwan.
p Friday evening,
Sandra Percy .and Sharon Hod -Mr. and, Mrs. Carmen Johnston
gins sang ",Whence' 0 Shepherd' and family returned' to Toronto
ter ,from, the '"Presbyterian Bible,
School by Florence , Logan of
Taiwan, thanking the W.M.S. for.
used Christmas Cards..
The ',meeting closed' with the
Lord's prayer repeated in unison.
after which lunch was served.
Mrs. Ezra 'Stanle y spent the
Monday,, December 15, . ' •,Q 62.'
Tuesda j, December ,1(i ... .. ; . A . 1' 9
Wednesday, December 1 7 ., .. , , G .46 •
Thursday, December 18
Friday, December 19 • . '. • .
Saturday, December 20
.8 8
I' 2.9
••a rete 'tio, n in honour o
• ran:•
1Vlaid en". .Mrs. `Jack Barr and after visiting.,with Mr. and Mrs.
o n'e visited With Mr, and Mrs. lism, Cox .and Rev, Benson,.Cox.
R n. l..
'Dan Nicholsoa'at Lucknow. The - Anglican Service •. was
Mr: • and MTS." Jack Scott, 'Bill withdrawn last Sunday owing- to
and Bob,. con. 4, Huron .visited on the illnes. s of ,Rev. J. A. Palmer:
Sunday. with Mr: and Mrs. Wil= rWe wish him improved health.
Mrs Frank.Maulden read'a let
day visitors with his parents Mr. '.
and ,Mrs. W,'H; McClure,
Weare' glad to know 1VIr. Me -'band sec...Mrs. M. Shackleton,
Clure who was a patient at Wing' Christian Stewarrd, ,Miss Rebina.
harp Hospital •for two weeks has `Sproul, friendship sec.;. Mrs..
sufficiently recovered to comeArthur Elliott, 'Christian Citizen- Mr. and Mrs• Clare ' .5parl ng
tonne last Thursday. •
Mr.. and :Mrs Omar�Brooks .and
_family who` have. bought a home
in Lu'cknow, 'moved their house-
hold effects. -nn .Monday.. Mr.. and
Frank Johnston.' •
A reception: was held in , the
Holyrood 'hall on Friday evening
honour of Mr, and'Mrs. Doug-
las Smith; 'recent newlyweds.,
A number from 'here attended.
ship sec.; Mrs. Esther Rivett,, -as- and Allan of Walkerton ,visited
'sociate sec.;• Mrs. Raymond Finn.i- on Sunday with Mr. and . Mrs. •
gan, Supply sec.; Mrs, C. "Fow= Georige Halderiby•
ler, press. see:',.Mrs; " C. Blake, The Kiniough School with Mrs.
pianist; Mrs. T. C. Anderson, as-. Katherine Collins teachers held
Mrs: Kitchener/Finnigan ily also and P.M- sistant pianist; Mrs. , E Rivett and a .succes 1 Concert and Christ
moved to� the village arid.: Mrs.'L., 'leers, auditors`.Mrs: Hugh 'msa. treo on- Thursday evening':.
have ; rented the Brook's resi McWhinney arid Mrs. I v a n i Mr: and Mrs. Don Gillespie And
.Rivett, mi5slon : band .:leaders; Mrs.
Bence: Marvin Durnin arid MI'S. It. it.
Mr. Herb ,other , , Suffered: .,.
heart attack at his home one day Dawson, C G.I:T.' leaders.
last week Not having a telephone Mrs. Jas'• Montgomery' has been
•and 'living alone he was unable, to moved from Victoria.. Hospital t�
Ghristma baking
away, better
made� .
'rake known '• to the neighbours I Wingha;nt. 'Hospital . and is some,
or any one passing of.his distress
for ' sometime, until around noon
his . son Arnold' . south , of the vil-
lage came. :and the doctor' was
notified ' to come. His daughter..
,Mrs. H.: Bradley and, Mrs. Shel-
don 'Baxter, Goderich carie' and
also . have. assistance. Next 'day
he was taken to MTS: 'H. (Lenore)
Bradley,,Reg: N., for,care, and we
Pass; Alberta on Monday. He
• hope to hear of 'improvement. ports a lot of snow. and .'sero
what 'improved. She fractured
her hip the latter part of October
.at her home in Lucknow.
Mrs.. Leslie: Schultz came home.
the ; latter. part . of last week'
after. , an operation at Victoria
Hospital, London.
Franklin Stingel, blew in on a
West • Wind . from Crows.. , Nest!
The :Hereford Association . en- ; weather but he and a chum ' from
j yed; their -annual banquet at Sihellborne Ontario.made` the trip
t e United Church on Tuesday fine by` motor, but.lad'been ma -
evening . of 'last week at which.roomed once ' in ' snow in the
Mr. Steve Struthers,'• Lucknow a, mountains before he left:
retired Ag. •Rep. entertained with Annual " meeting of the Dun=
an address, knowing for some
•years .the 'advances in farming,
being Huron County's :first - Ag,
rioultural Representative; a grad
uate of •Cruelpli College. Despite W M:S. 'The "theme" was Come
uncertain wintery weather, there
was a• fine attendance. : A , promand Worship the new-born King.
i;-, A:carol "While shepherds wat-.
rent figure in the gathering was' •ched their flecks by night'': The�I:Mr. 'Heber Eedy, who at. the Roy-
Fair,won • with an ani -devotional: period . was based on
al WinterThe v,.. The scrip
mal from Crarisford .Fauns, Re -fire "reading was 'isit of the Magi,
served Grand Champion.. Here-
f d Steer sively from Matt 2 112..
gannon Presbyterian W:IVES: Mrs.
W. A.'Stewartthe president was
in the . chair for. the December •
meeting of "' :the, Presbyterian
:Mrs. Abner Morris' reports that The meditation 'taken by Mrs.
her daughter, Mrs: Leonard'Chri W. .A Stewart was followed with
stilaw of the Nile district on prayer' by Mrs. James Wilson.
Various reports brought in show-
ed a .successful year: The noinin-
sting committee 'brought in the
following "slate 'officer for 1959 --
Pres., Mrs. W. A'. Stewart; 1st I
Monday morning, looked ou
• from the 'barn as she was doing
chores • and' saW a foX playing
with their dog.; At first thinking
• it '. was another, dog; she was
amazed .at � • a better ,look : to: see vice pres., Mrs.: Robert 1VIcAlli-
s`ter; 2nd vice" pres., Mrs.. I. Hen- ,
it ,was really a fox. Her•husband
i . barn also, but the ry 3rd'•vice pres., Mrs: Arthur
entered: the •, { Stewart, sec:; Mrs. ',J.. Wilson; '.
'.fox. took fright , and • scampered
awa on Bearing his .footsteps. (press sec., 'Mrs. E. Oliver; tress:;
y Mrs. Wallace Wilson,•: Glad Tid-
The United Church W.M.S.held
'the December ,meeting 'at the,
'home of Mrs.. Mathew Shackleton'
• with 11' members and, 1 visitor
present. • Mrs:... Clifford . Crozier
. president led in the service with'
Mrs. Harvey Anderson. taking
the devotional .period. Tlie pro-
gram from 'the Missions 1Vlonthly
Magazine was foliowed "Christ;
rnas service from the hyniriary".
Mrs. C: Blake presided at theor-.
gan for 'hymns and also • assisted
with Mrs.M. Reed with ;readings,
'Mrs. Reed reported the alloca-
t ' f $190.00 had been met, A
Ings sec., Miss E. McMillan, ,Sup-
ply sec., Mrs. Mason• McAllister;
Welcome and Welfare 'sec:, ,Mrs.
W J. • Reid; ' Organist, Mrs'. ; F..
Jones; asst. organist, Mrs. W. J.,`
Reid. ; •'•
The. _ meeting ' closed ' with the
Lords' Prayer in , unison.
The `United .Church . Sunday 1
school held their annual' Sunday 1
school supper; with about 150' at
tending. The banquet was a gift I
to the 'pupils 'by the teachers and
officers husbands and wives eat-
tired. Films .were shown in the
donation of $5.00 was''Voted ;. to' ';a uadi�torium; while the meal was
:Miss Catherine Whittier M.D.,. served to groups, entertaining
India, who is a missionary there.
Mrs, Blake conducted the elec-
tion of officers resulting: as •fol-
lows; Mrs. Harvey. ',Anderson,
president; ' Mrs. *Berl? Finnigan,•
1st vice ,president; Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Whinney, .2nd vice president'.';"
} ding sec;
Mrs. Clias'Forwler, • recur
Mrs Mel Reed, treasurer,,Mrs.
C. Blake; cor. secretary; Mrs. .
H,•Mc C• tie, missionary" ;nwnthly
selcrOtaryMrs. C. Crozier, baby
those who Waited' for • supper.:
Christmas` carols' were sung to
round: ` off a happy evening.
Mr. ' Frank , Jones, who uihder-
went an operation' at Goderich
Hospital' t+�ro' weeks ago is recup-
Orati. at ,his home.
o ng
Mr:. and ,Mrs..,rohn, Fennell •and
/family, Douglas 'Ildnald, nose-
mart and ' David of Bradford,
spent ;the week -end with the
ladyia mother, Mrs, Stinge
ario Department' of "irans
announces your
Effective February
Ontario's streets••.
,o make O
and-highways safer
• and the .millions' of .'�
The 'Point 'System `is designed to protect.pedestrians rs who abuse the privilege careful-su
•negligent .drive
motorists' from the small minority of
operating a motor vehicle. will be safer 'than
Protects good drivers --corrects bad drivers. The good'drivers will b driving nn,
ever before. Forgetful motorists' will. be encouraged to improve habits.
Proof` of the effectiveness, of`the Point System in reducing accidents is providedby
its success in other provinces and in the United States.
11 is designed to save lives— includrng yours;
How the POINT SYSTEM works
Points willb�added to the driving record of motori,sts.upon `conviction for' offences' as
Misted below. ,
12 points within a 2 -year period will bring' licence suspension for 3�months An additional
12' point accumulation .within a 1 -year period will bring 6 months • suspension.
advised of bis;record and asked to improve his driving: "
•.+-A driver `with .6 points will. be `
At 9 points the motorist will be asked' to attend, an interview' and show or cause whve yis his
ce iv-
ing privilege should not be suspended. He may be placed on probation
suspended if his attitude reflects irresponsibility.
. •.e.record 2
Points .are deducted from tfi after the date of conviction. After a period'
y • -ears against his driving record. ,
of suspension, a motorist will begin with no points
Each motorist otorist. will receive a folder.describing the Point System in detail'when applying
for his 1959.Driver, s Licence.
POINT.S VIOLATION rn 5 speed eed limit by 3mproper turns
.0 2'I
1S• Criminal' negligence involving Exceeding p •
m, h,
or.more , 2 Failing to iignal
the use of motor vehicle P
12 Dr.vmg,
intoxicated " 3 Exceeding speed limit by more ' 2:' Improper driving 'where high-
while! ability, to drive than 1:0 m.p.h. endless than way ,divided into lanes
is impaired '•
12 , Dn30 m•p:h• / ,;Z Failing to stop for school bus
.. '�••.
3 Failing, to yield ,
licence by misrep-• right-of-way 2 Unnecessary slow' driving
12Obtaining .misrep-
resentation 3 °Failing.to obey a stop sign or' 2 Following 'too closely
Upon conviction for any of the signal -tight : • 2,, Improper passing of; street. car
above o,(%'ences, snspensron is -
,3.' failing to'report an accident 2 Improper opening of • vehicle
mandatory for at least 3months9 door'
'ne of 2 Exceeding speed. limit, by 1;o '-over. vio;cition
• Failing' to stop at sce .. m.p.h. or under 2 Pedestriah cross
,Improper " seeing 2'Any. other driving offence when
oreless driving
Z •Failing. to share road vehicle in motion`
5 Racing . u
d.;• ou' will keep_ ,hoar driving record clear
Man y . CdLLINS, Depu#y tvllniefer
�,ND, D:. Minister' D.•. J . •
HON. M. B DYMON[S„'M: � `