HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR. • THE Luc KNow sENTINEL1 wicKivow, ONTARIO • l "---",e—uo•—b----wNoOlliez TCREDITORS COMING EVENTS t Al; persons tiaving charm , .. . . . . t against the estate of Mary Ellen PRESENTATION and DANCE Fora'', late of the Township of .,, A presentation and dance will West vvawS11°A1IP in the Count# ' .be held for Mr. •and Mrs, Bert °f Hur°11' widow, deceased, wh° Alfoffat and FamilY in Langside died " " about the lath day of • •, MY„,•A.D. 1958,, are notified to 'Hall, On Friday, December 19th, h send to the undersigned on or FOR SALE - II weaned pigs- I CARPENTER and Repair Work Tiffin's orohestra. Ladies ring t,' csardon LYons; itit, 1 Lucknow, . of all tYPes. Call at Lucknow i lunch. Everyone welcome . before the 27th day of December ' • A 1958 full particulars of their •. Phone ,64-r-23, Wood Specialties or contact B b / I Dec - FOR pair girls white Campbell, phone DimgannOn' 68- VESPER SERVICE ' claims in writing, . Iinmediately. *Ube, •Garnet....Henclerson„. phoue. , skates, 'size 8, one figure and One 1M°. . ' ' ' . •••' •••,. _ ' -' I ,:loTwh!-PC4:0IYTtec g iani r l CofhurcthehLu•wckill eltebrerth: •ethem!jadsse"tsthofdaythafe Dsaecid. FOR SAL -house and tot• 1,114 hold their ,National Christmas 'Testatrix. will be ' distributed tube Wawanosh To_ 1 sbil"- vna e'rmbr 2rrvatic7e Sunday,pr;im;1.ivi•iss Den.rnothec5,T1 anith;rentgos,t hattne g. parties erds oerillitiYtt miles east of Dung non,- Con -4 Vesper or .best offer. MonthlY terms can :Douglas Will be guest ''speaker, ClaiMS °I' which 'the ExeCere be arrIlnged- Also oil Vac° heat-, ana'\ Miss• Eleanor 'Reed will'be shall'Illen••ha" ti er in new condition, $35., large [guest violiaist., Everybody wei_ADATED this 9th •daY 'of Pecem'• FOR SALE -- cedar hy the cord; Stze- Lawrence Smith,' Ph,ozone- 13- come., • • i ber, A.D. 1958. • ' ' , - - $3.00 delivJames a i l gaiulcm: • ., • 1 , • . : . , t• • Crawford: 8i ,Hethe i gton ered; McN in, r- , Dun ' ' • - r n Amberley, phone Ripley 110-r-30.1 ' •.. ' ZION CONCERT ' . • • Wingham, Ontario. ......_...—.......... I Zion Sunday School Concert Solicitors for the . Executors; 'MAT PROBLEMS? . APARTMENT FOR RENT -over 'For a complete stock of auto re- I Will be held at Zion Church on • 1 ' I Thursday Dece.mber 18th at 8.30 NffrICE TO CREDITORS o h 'i n claims - PIGS FOR SALE --"--20 pigs about eight weeks old. , Jim Wilson, Lucknow phone 70 • All pers ris , a v g C DAVIDSON Lucknoiii Fruit Market Apply to pair pane s-, •. Mrs. Wm. Bolt, Lucknow. FOR SALE - coal heater, used one winter. Apply Harold Maize, R.R. 1 Dungannon; phone 4-r-4. • PIGS FOR. SALE - number of weanlhig pigs, half Landrace. Apply John R. Giimore,. R-. 3, Lucknow. . p.rn. , Visualiniitg. & 'Coilislen Service I ____ ' ' • lagainst the Estate of Henry ae- No. 8 Highway,. ' . 1 CHRISTDIAS', SERVICE • 1 sar, late of the T°wnsbiP 'of Kin- , Phone 320, Goderich - I ' sPecial Christmas service fea- loss, intheCounty of Bruce. far- ' '• . , , turing a pageant "The. Shawl" ) Ter, deceased- who - died on or SEPTIC TANKS," cess pools. etc. I will be presented by • Blakes l'a , Pumped ,,and cleaned with mod-Churchchoir Sunday evening," 1958. are notified to send to the ern equipment. All work guar- I December 2ist at . g .,o.clock. at I undersigned, on or before the ''.anteed- Louis Blake, R., 2, Erus-113jaires church- ' , . . I tenth day of January, 1988, kill sels, phone 42-r-8 Brussels. s . . - , si parittiingculars of their ' claims in WEPN A. P100% 1704 1958 ,,,.• 1- 1 ~ .....,,- ,,J,I• CARD'OF THANKS rs Mari.on Brooks 'wishes -to thank her many friends who were so kind while she was a patient in Toronto Hospital. These kindnesses were. 'deeply apprecia- ted. . CARD OF THANKS I wish .tbank everyone who made it pleasant for me while in the. hospital and: since I returned home, ' • • • MRS, SOLOMON CARDTOF THANKS. I would „like, to 'sincerely thank all my. friends and neighbours. who remembered me with flOw erst - gifts, cards and: letters While I was in hospital, SpeCial thanks • to Dr. Couch and misses cif Kin- cardine;, also to Doctors Drake, Kennedy; Quiniline and, nurses of Victoria hospital, LOndon. • MARLENE HUNTER CARD OF THANKS Mr. and. Mrs: .Ernest Gaut wish. to.sincerely: thank all who thesixth dayof May A.D. were SO kind to Karen, rememr. bring her .in many ways while • she was hospitalized and since' coining home.' 'These kindnesses • were deeply appreciated. ' • • • •, , • • 1. 4 H SHEEP, MEETING. wr te• the said rospective members of Luck- tenth day of January, the assets ow Lions 441 Sheep Club will of the said Testat,or will be dis- held in the oPouncil Chamber, tributed onmest the partiesneighbours and church associates. the Town Hall' Friday' Dec-Ititled ere 0. regard who so thoughtfully , remember- ber 19th, at 8.00 lxin- Speaker to claims of which the AdMinis- ed them prior to their departure Tn. McBride, assistant agrieult- ttrat" shall then hlr(re' notice . to Exeter. Season's greetings and • ural representative for Bruce Co.1 Dated this, 11th day Of Decem-' ..best Wishes to everyone in the • custom chain saw work. Wayne TENDERS 1 An , information meeting for Immediately aif r alAIN SAW --- available for , W WANTED-th folk) in 11) Bushell, RA. 6, Lucknow, phone 00I) . e W g 117-r-6, Ripley. , •., ._ • n quantities Of wood are wanted by ' be *--- 1 FOR SALE - pulley for Ford the West Wawanosh Township tractor; tractor chains for size 1 School Area Board: SA, No. 12, 10x28 tires, practically new. Ap-i 15 Cords; S.S. No. 17; 15 cords; i ply Frank MacKenzie,R. 5! S.S. No.3,'15 cords, • SS. No. 4, k ' Lucknow, phone 209-r-2. '' 125 cords, S.S. No. 2,25 cords. This All young peorde and parents .ber, AD. 1958. Cravdord 'and „,• .FOR SALE _.... Kiln dried__ a_he11,1Beech, 14 niches long, not over are urged to be present .whether Hethezington. Wingham.- Ontario- • 1 wood is to be hard ,rnaple or corn, Lorne Luther, R. 3 Ludc....--10 inches, or under 6 inches in having intentions . of i?iping or Solicitor for the 'Administrator. now, phone Dungannon 85-r-14- diameter To be delivered in each ......„,,,,,,,,,„„,...............„,,,,;.„4„4„,,,;' 1 MEAT FOR SALE INCREASE YOUR ,I-Lavii, school yard not later than June I 0 0 lk. ' (0 beef or pork in large or buy a radio for your barn. Will . • . ' / ' • . NOTICE small. quantities Meat slaughter - tender notti Anyone th'aving dish towels he-ied on premises inspected by the buy old useil electric radios, to * The 19witvestorarY Ibe repaired for resale; also have necessar - accepted ' ' . longing to the Ladies Auxiliary' Department of Health. Custom • car radios. Jim Lyons Radio secietery, not .later„tban ttie 30tb i to the Canadian Legion kindlylkilling by /aPPointlnent. Cattle All tenders to be in hands of I Shop, Phone 84, Lucknow. ' , of December 1958. _ I return to the hall. I killed every dig and 'hogs every 1 — !Tuesday morningIrO. W A StPwart, Sec Dun annon • ..witliamtgii-spt • • ••• it SALE -cob corn $32. per - - - • -, g I *i.--“,•-•--- •‘-ab- ' - • • RAYNARD ACK1ERT, • Holyrood ton and kiln dried corn $48. per °Titari°- . 1 Your feet are One of your Phones 24-30, Ripley and ton, delivered.- GroWn at Ridge -•I greatest assets, and a breakdown . 101 -r -I3, Lucknow .. • , , , . ,.., , , CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Innis MaoSween wish to. Jsincerely thank friends, •toWn. BlakeAlton, Belfast, Phone PROPERTY FOR SALE I in t.he'structure may cause paths! • . . 84-14 Dungannon. . . -. ' Four homes in Lucknow" with in feet; knees, legs, ankles. • or ; • ‘ •• AUCTION SERVICE ___ ....--.-:-.....,___ __.L._ _ alr conveniences priced frdm lower back. See J. A. Vickers; • Allan IMaantyre .ekrri-o-i••• w-a211:zu-7a.,:ni in the $3500 to $5500. Homes for sale in t Foot Correetionist, ' at, Queen's . ' 'Licensed Auctioneer market to buy stocker steers and ;Dungannon, Whitechurch a n d ! Hotel, Wingham, each ..Monday Lucknow-Phorie 10-r-24 Ripley let cattle at all times. Lornel Ki 1 h . . 'afternoon. ` • • • • • Eadie, Holyrood,/ phone, Ripley Farms and .business places for ,''• ' ' • . 1 ' ' '' • ' °LASS! ' .. • ' Kinlough . • •• . sale throughout Western .Ontario.; TENDERS.1 For .every \ Make auto, flat, or '' ApARTmENT To RENT _. at 'List Your Property wIth Western' TENDERS FOR ELECTRICAL curved•See - • . ,. • 'Ontario's fastest growing real es- I . • EQuipmENT .• ; DAVIDSON' • • • t ,ek • ' tate,. W. L. SteVerison.aeai Estated waNGHANE G.ENERAL . I visUallning Collision Seririce • HO1Yrood, 1batlirciorni 'aiid all.. M- • • •: side conveniences, Fames A ert, Forest ' 1 mciSprrm, • .0. • 8 Highway, • CAR FOR SALE 1950 custPm Merits of the season. and 959 • lots of happiness. . rnaY frigeraters' Left hand dOor. ATTENT;ON' FARMERS i•horned)-, Beef Shell -thorn (Polled ilt Range, 2-hurner, • killi • cutting and I and horned),, and •Dual Purpose • • • Holyrood. • . • • Mount. . • • wishing you all the cotnpu- Four 8 • cubic foOt Standard Re-. ,Pbone. 3• 20' God eriCh IN MEMORIAM • 'BAR= In loving memory of Frances Lorraine Harris; who •passed away 10 years ago De-. . • cember 17th. A page in our book of memories, Is • Is lovingly plArned to -day'. • ,. ' Ever • remeinbered 'by Mother; Grandma and. Uncle Earl.. • •INSEMINATION', SERVICE • For artificial insemination ser- vice 'or • more information, tele- '' phone'the Waterloo ,Cattle Breed- ing Association •collect •at: Chit- - ton HU- 2-3441 or Icincardine 460 between 730 and 930, a.m.- week: days,. 6 and, 8 p.m. on, Saturdays.. Do • not call for 'service on Sun- day. Cows in heat on Sunday cah • •• ke inseminated' satisfactorily on Monday. • We supply service to top qual- • ity .bulls.of• the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, GuernSey,.Brow,n Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled. and • • Dodge 4 -door like new, only.1 bring you i Four u - n an Customng • 42,000 miles, tires • and battery John Hall, salesman, Lucknow .• I surface ,imits. . - I wrapping at very reasonable . • , , • practically , new, cuStbm. radio,- • ...... • , I Above equipment to 'be installed' rates. Welsh Meat Market, phone slip covers, heater; sun visor, ', , HELP .-1-!iar. • I. and 'maintained' for a period of .41. • • . ., . guarantee • •• spotless inSide and out ' Can, be •Deale.r • fcAr. • Martin's ' qualityl . . .. ., . , . I• • ' seen ,a't • •Johnstone's • Furniture tile. 4 -inch tile always on hand Tenders close .6 p.m., Friday, De- . St-cire. ' 8c. Free 'cleliverY on 1000 •or •I ember 19th, 1958. • ...CATTLE .FOR SALE -'-registered' delivery. Lorne Eadie, HOlyrocd„ . , Herefords from fully accredited .phone Ripley 24-9. • , herd, 1 cow, 2 second calf heif, • over ' Special' diseount on Winter -All Tenders' to be. •subniitted: tO Wingham General Hospital, at Wingharn Ontario. • .•• I • • STEERING. TROIIIIIES?. •• ens 1 with heifer call by side, • :OLD HORSES W • ANTED • •suitable. for, 4LM. ApplyIiveri Old horses •Wanted at 31/2c per, MacCharle,s, .R.R. 3 Lucknow;I lb.; dead tattle at, value. If dead, •phone Ripley 164-r-4 , • phone. at once to Gilbert Bros. • • Mink Ranch phone collect Goil- •CHRISTMAS FLOWERS erich, 1483J4 or 1483J1. • TENLiERg READER.S.DIGEST • Shop •at Solomon's Greenhouse • for Christmas flowers --Azaleas, Poinsettia, \Mums; pot and cut . • . . ' flowers, and ,plants,• selling from $1.00 to • $5.00. • . ' SOLOMON'S. GREENHOUSE • See • DAVIDSON' Visnalining & Collision •Servite • •• 'No. 8 Highway; Phone 320. Goderich ki your subscription paid? • Shorthorn, 'Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low. If its such a small Norld. why is it taking so much of our taxes, • WANTED • • • •• Goose and duck feathers, .new , and used. Highest prices. Call •Brown Bros., Kincardine, phone 181-W and J. •, ••• • .'. • • LAST. MINUTE •' CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS • • Life Magazine, • 26 • weeks, $3.50 . Sports Illustrated; 27 wks., $2.87 (new •subseribers • We will send any magazine as a . . , • ' • •• Cbtittmas ,speciar on Readers CARETAKERS WANTED -- the 1 West Wawanosh Township School I Digest, new or renewal subscriP- Area Board want caretakers for tion, regular price $4-00 per year" each school in Area. These tend- I qhristnias season price $3'"00 per ers to be in hand of secretary 1•year, Don Thompson, phone 35, not later than December 30th ' Luckn°w-. '. - • . 1958. • • The lowest or any tender not, necessarily accepted. • . W. A. -Stewart, Sec.. Dungannon Ontario. • , • • CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Dozens of •Christmas specials! are available from, now 'Until De- I cerriber 25th on magazines of all I typegt Look at just. a few bar- christrrias Gift • • gin's offered: 1 year of Mac - The Lucknow Sentinel, phone iditeans,fand 1 year of Chatelaine, I both for Only $3449; Coronet, 1 FARM FOR SALE -In order to year $2.50; Pionily Hearld, two Close' the, estate of the la ie John McMillan; the eicecutors. are of- •.fering. for tale' Lot 'Number 31, concession 2, Township of 'Kin- - lOss. containing 100 acres, more • or less., This is a ,good pasture larrn If intjested,•apply .to or more gift% each $1.00, Ladies , Horne JoUrnal,..two or melte. gifts, each $3,00; Liberty,, one gift $1,,i three gifts, $2.50;. Saturday. Ever - ng Post, two gifts $5.00 .each; Teen, two gifts $2.50 each, t These and every magazine in Crawford. lietherirwtori, I print available through bon i -DEAD ST9CK SERVICE.' • HIGHEST' CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows & klorses also Dead Cows and 1-1aSes at•.. Cash Value • , Old liorses 4c per, d Poun Phone collect 1 31 IliUmels BRUCE MARLATI". or• , • , GORDON TAYLOR. • Phone 44-r-24, Lticknow 24.hour service THIS SURE IS •WONDERFUL SERVICE YOU CO-OP FELLAS Gala ME. DON'T KNOW WHAT liD DO WITHOUT ir (TIS A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU, MAKES MY WORK EASIER T00 WITH THESE REGULAR ROUTE CALLS , •garriterg Whigham Orit ThonitOn, Phone 30 LttOcnOW, 4144r0.4•4•••~444.444••••••••••••,•.. . 4 11111. 011 .11 Lucknow District Coop phone 71, Lucknow • ••‘.. . •