HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-10, Page 11cS, es. ;on )th the' :ris • ars` 1.'.. art cii‘ • ncy ••, VINP:Maat 4,1; • Olt GUIDE N.EWS The past:Ineeting of the GuideS tn be held lbefore Chri$ttnas was ' opened' 'with the r011 •cali.• We • then formed the :harseshoe.Some •'girls delivered cookies which peo- '• plei had ordered,. Mrs. Ninntgom, .toOk•• recrut. in .teach them 'signals, The other • Guide used knots • We closied prac • . MeetingWith cainpfire irdtykel :sinking Of.ChriStnias , • BRUCE MEDICAL SERVICtS•• 4 ELECTS OFFICER SLA!}."'. ' At the regular board meeting of the. Direttors of Bruce Co- operative Medical Services :the manager, Lorne B. Evans, report. ed that the integration programe of the .enrohnent, of the meMbers as well as „new members in• the • 'Government •hospital plan and the supplementary plans of Bruce Co-op 'Medical Services has been • .Very succesSful., . . •: The election of the officers of • the • board for • the ;coming' year- '. was as follows; President, Allan, 'Evans, Tiverton;, 1st Vice. pres., Charles Speer, Tara; ,2nd Vice pres., Donald McKinnon, Paisley,• • Fin.'Committee, W. O. Nicholson, Port Elgin; • and 'Charles Speer, -31110KlaP. .41711-411111,4iallikerMigiaftlirrbdiarsle -..71TE.,:•.Li$CKINTOW SraTrai.P1, LliPIC1NOW'014i1.4R.1.0, — Tara: .Qther members 'of 4he ' well attended. ,The children $40$. Board • are Blared Aiken, Allen- and gave .recitations and Santa ford; Jack 1314ek,. •Chesley, Joh 'n Claus paid a visit,' The Lady •MeMurchY, Ripley, ,Clarence.nix VoresterS servedIunek on .Lion's Ileadl James PoWersi : - ...„ ••••••. ' . .!,,neptow.; •Allan 'Howe, Lion's EVEN. BUSINESS FREE Head; Hugh .:Arrostrong, Tees- ENTERPRISE EVANGELISE water', ' krld - .44nles Fiieklipgt • __,,, • ''--,----, , , Carlsrtihe. •'' ' ` .. . Every Canada ,Pusiness houid TWO 11,rkEti-ENR. DEATHS , • for, private .enterprise' 'and tell * -----;----i-,-=•-'•------ ' APPOint himself `,`an .evangelisti QCQVIt IN COMMUNITY . Canadians the .real basis for our • Present. high Sandard of living, 1 Woc.),•Lavery accured in Wing - to the Steel Co many -rripany:•of Canada, . The death of Horace Samuel Stuart ',Armour, econcomiC adviser his 09tti year . The funeral ser- - Of the . Canadian 'Marnifacturers! ham Hospital. on • Saturday, in told the -OakVilieTrafalgar branehi vice was wriducte& at the' John- AssoCiation. •• .... ''. - '''....• .,. . stone Funeral Home on Monday. •Government can Provide .4-,4oth- With interpent tri 'South. Kipless.,ing for one set of petitioilei'S: ex- cept at the expense of others who Thomwi Ferguson died at hishave ereated •and Sold the. pro-:. hornein the Village on Sunday ducts by which •• sOCiety exists",, at tt,e age of 83: The funeral ser- •he said. •But this fact will not be vice vias held at the Johnstone generally . realized until the • ,Pri7. Funeral , Home on Tuesday With '. vate enterprise •story .is'"aele-. . .• , .tinertyei.wient: •in• Dup.,in C . : ' l' " • • --„.....____:_..---- :4,-1„ ' , Citing women's organizations, church men's clubs, parent:44,?..eh,• LADY PORESICEll•HED er associations - and • service clubs , CIIIIIST.I1AS PAW.' k: •. as targets 'for. fUture addresses;•1 ' . e said, "We .businessmen should The Lady Foresters held their be out driving home to our fel-1 , .December meeting .in. the Town low Canadians. some of the merits a .- Hall with 18 mernbers Presentof private enterprise." .'' • . ' 1.• The new slate of officerS is as •., Unless business can C9nVince , follows: .Pres, Violet Arnold; people that :•without private en- ••Vice 'Pre',, Shirley Brooks; Fin. terprise :•personal freedom will ' SOC),., Pearl' Jamieson; .Sec'37.- PeriSh, '1 do not ,feelthe bright Jean Irwin.; Treas.; &hike Reid; projections as to our fdture. itil . ConductoT, MarieWar- . Button, Canada have much Chance of be - den .:Agr.ies' Alton, Chaplain, Eva ebniing. realities, 1.1 added. Tbwri Ilan on' Friday rifghl W..,!., '':governinent • Canacr. - ] • • .,. •. •, . e said t at,a ady, as a re- oirlegjotegicipinetrignolialioliezoivbi?litivioqiwaillfg.PAZI4.0fR00,000q1b7W14,00014a14.7,0kiltOiatifsett" 4tett0):•00010...areediOt.' • ASSOCIATION. • Whee......13.tte.t • ti.U.1.1$.' Are ij.§aa.7. • Christmas party in the stilt of public demands against IS, • '• • ' 6 „ 6 • First prize senior get of sire at the 1958 Royal Winter Pair by Elmcroft Tradition V. G. • Elrncroft Tradition is alive and in service and if an animal could have',feelings, Elmcroft Tradition , - wouldhave every right to be a proud father. We' congratulate Orvan Chambers and his sont% Ralph, for breeding and developing this Get so that they could win. • Our fiiinous Jeitery Sire,'Brampton Sixth 6en- eration r,.x sired the hrst prize Sr. Get at Chicago Inter- • national Dairy Show of 1958. He is 'also alive, in service . We congratulate Charles Rob'eon and Son of breedmg and Don Head Farms, New Brunswick. for . . 7- .Mac Alexander, George Innes, Homer Havilad for s,, i •1 -.exhibiting this Get. • ' - • ' . . . '' . 2 ' This simply proves that ,where. given equal. OP- / FOR A MERRIER ki • po uruty ,o ri spng-of the bulls we have in 'serVice,;(ffill hi 1/413 R ISTIVIAS . ' I 1 . , win,their share of honours for both type and production. ' BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING , . Giv-e the gift 'thetvhole ice*enjolfter Christmas ,.' . ?4 • For service or more information phone collect to• .• • ' • ai-341 riton, *HU '24oir ncne, ,460. n, ., •.. - ys ong a, ' •• 1? 3ilt. • Kiardi• , • ' • . . 3 ... ......., _ ..— .: 44 2 . between 7:30 and 9 30 A".M. Week days , . . 6' , -- " • 6:00 and 8:00 P.M.' on Saturday evenings. ' 3. Calls receiv:ed. ott•Saturciaiy eVeningare inseminated ti I• ,early Sunday morning. • • . - ••••' - • . 110 , Gift 1-4ectric Frypans . Coffee Makers -Steath and Dry Irons: . 'Vacuum Cleaners Toasters' '••• Electric Clocks Sporting Codd, Skis, TOlichgans, Sleds * • Hockey Sticks and EquipMeitt SPECIALS I . • Hoover Cleaner, Model 8241 reg. $84.50., Now $69.95' HoOver ConstellatiOn,'•reg. $12450, Noyci• $94.50 • Hoover, Steam Iron, reg 95 Now $18.50 . • • • tons • Personal 'Radios Record Players 14 . Lamps , ...-...........,... largely priced themselves out'of••••?••+•,.!*:#••••44••••....."••••••44..........E4uLTA, .. . ... • i. • 2 foreign . tharkets.. ' 4 • .. "Now we stand in very real a da'ruger of ,finding . ourselves ' un . It .&hle to sell to atiadiaris," he de- ' .e 411 dared: '.: • . •:. • , or 4. tain her present population, with- outcould a flourishing manufacturing .• . industry, he warned the decline 4' of bOth wiiiild• see: the end of our 14 high standard of livin.g. , g , The !`dernonstrated tax paying ,, '41. ability df manufacturing" should •14I 'further the esteem a goVerninent •t*, , • % and people,he said. '.1jut despite .14tly• the fact that Canadian manufac- • turerS,:, contributed 'over $204.1 Million. more income tax in: 1955 B than. all other segments of Cana- • dian •business • combined, • "it would almost seeth by the treat- • ment accorded.:to manufacturing this e.citintry that the majority ,p4•of Canadians do not like enjoying. • the second. 'highest sthriclard, of living in the world." • — 0 CHRISTMAS , SEALS FIGHT TB* tante/104A644.40100tii0414,046/ilkoil4nlOielitio.ritiAtiiii41.111"'-`11,04i0404 '.0 U V V 0,,U • • .1)a. -0k7 )4S 4 •• .ca* TOD N40' 0;0; ,iii;t10. • r. tOnl $39.g5 guaranteed for one :year • ADDS -- SUBTRACTS COmpact (31/2" x 514" je.41410 precision built. ' •' * 250,000 in • ligeby business • firits, large and :retail stores and individuals in every• • walk of life. •• * Economical for s smaller busi.. ness firrns. • •.', * ,Tirne-saving for large coinpan., ieS. •• • '' Efficient ,for retail stores. * Esi1y 'carried by ihdiijdua1s. *• Automatic checking device • • saves need for paper 'tap'e. DEAT;Ell • Phone 35, Luektiow: 0. • 0, 0 • • • frS. ete • on•. at. ::.the Dol. •=e -n • -nd !rt. for • it- • er. bY • • ir- ed