HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 15WEDNESDAY, DEd.. 3rd. 1958
Ten Years Ago:
The Village Council 'approved..,
a motion toy submit a by-law• to.
the electors on the question of
establishing a publicutility tom-
:mission. .
• The barn on the farm of John
and' Donald Thompson in West
WawanosY; ,Was destroyed by fire
.after' being struck ,by, lightning,
A seven -man committee was.
setup to' administer:, the Com-
munity Recreational • Centre, 'Per-
sonel included: A. 'Thompson,
W. 'V. Johnston, F. G. Brewer,
H D, Thompson, R, 'W. Andrew,
Councillors Sam Sherwood and
Harry. Nixon.'.' '
Emergency. steps .ta, :help cur-
tail .,hydro consurnption saw the
proposal advanced. that village
merchants .open : at 8:15 and .close
• :at &,:15' p.m., but:. failure of all.
merchants: to co-operate . stymied
the. move. H.E.P.C. regulations
restricted store and window. ligh-
ting. ;
„;.. 7;unior° Champions Fred Webster.
W A R. Q 5; •. . Lucknow's :new postoffice was
NTlNEL FI,L;EScompleted and' in readiness for
Quaig was appointed caretaker.
Orville. Elliott suffered a earn=
Flora Webster wase Seriously
pound fracture of the right leg 111., She had been confined to.'bed.
in a farm accident,which occur-: mst oof the time for more than
ed just two weeks prior, to the two .years, .
date set for his wedding: The death 'occured! of ;D C',
Bob. Armstrong and Joe Was- : Taylor,a lifelong resident of the
ney, .took over the Marshall gar- district,
:interior installations: Dick. Mc-
Thirty Years: • Ago:
Twenty Years. Ago A seaf,orth 'rink skipped .by'
The price of.gasoline, droped George Haigh won'the"Joynt tro
p 44 rinks competing.
One• cent to' 25 cents, •
phThe work of removing stumps
The congregation •of 'Ashfield and , timber from the Treleaven
Presbyterian" held a social even= • 1Viil l on �, was, undertaken ;by the
ingd honour• • their pastor and p
his bride; Rev.: and . Mrs. Rey'' Fire Company with a view to
nolds Esler: • Providing' facilities for boating
and swimming..
• Mrs. Archie Harper of St. Hel- John Talmie . Graham died at
ens observed her ,91st birthday:: his. • liPme east. of, Lucknow in
The : athletic prowess of the
his 76th year.:
girls was a :big factor in Luck J,bhn B. • Rutherford died ' at
now _winning 'the inter -school St. • Helens in• his 86th , year. '•He
field meet in . competition with came' to West •'Wawanosh in 1851,
Teeswater and, Ripley at the •age ,of. 8,• and when the
While Kinloss • "wolves" were'l first school was• opened 'at. St
the Township sheep t Helens,• he and .his brgther Hugh
population, and even causing con- i and. A.• D Cameron were , the
cern for the safety of , children. first three boys to. register..
going . and coming :from school, Mrs. Fred • .Burton,• whose hus
athe' Department hof IGarne . and. ' ,band was : at One tune employed
Fisheries ruled that the pelts of I at the Cain House., was.. killed
three of the animals. shot in the in a motor accident. in Manitoba
Township Were those of wild.' 'joining the Western ' trek to.
• ,The death of Mrs.. Ernest Blake
occured at Victoria Hospital.
The ,Bruce County' plowing
match was . held at .the Ackert
farms at Holyrood. '
Bert Treleaven was killed, in
a motor accident,, when his car,
Went over a culvert into the•.
dogs • • • ' harvest thegrain crop, from . the
In :the' boys event's at.; the High' ►. St.• Helens District, were •the. f ol-
creek pear the : 'present High School. Field Day, senior Cham- ! lowing, :Reg and• Stewart Lavis,-
ool.• pion was. Donald .MacKinnon and John McGuire; Her•.b'Taylor, John
Seh �
' McPherson, Ross McPherson, Pete
' 4407114/t,r4liO4 0121. +t0,1t+boiieu tP4 404*Ii,011Pu 4-04- t McDonald, Kenneth_. Purves
;Harry, . Lem sold ' his res.tau-
. rant business to Mr and •Mrs.,
.. • I Charlie .Chin: : '
The Centennial of the open=
ling- of the Huron.Tract fron'1
I Shakespeare .'-to •Goderich was
officially observed..
Miss Dorothy Douglas left fZ.
( Vancouver' fromwfiereshe
` to Fornnosa to undertake an : as,
Cellar Chests:
Air Foam Pillows
Magazine: Racks, $1.35
.Ar.boritie• Step
' farnous
Hassocks.. •
Chesterfield Matts
Coffee 'Tables .. .
Corner'. Tables -
Tables, .-
Tables,.- 13.50 up
',Suitcases.. from $2.2 5
; Weekend
Wardrobe -,•
Mens . 1 suiter
Mens 2 suiter.
$12.9.5 + .
• $14.95 ' S.
.. $19.95
signment by the Mission Board
of ;the Presbyterian Church. '
e Most Complete electionY Is:
e Lucknow Sentinel
given as evidence that the hold
er was a volunteer in .the "second
line of. defence; the producers
of ' good food.: stuffs.
Fifty Years Ago
Local: business • :places' adver- stage :run. from Lucknow to God
tising in ' Thee Sentinel. included erioh. Steel Hunter the former
The Melsons .Bank, J. Q. Arm-
ran : dTiver'Was' employed at the apple.
strong, _. evaporator.
The marriage of ••hr s ena• u •
C E: ; 'VlcDonafgh sold:. his ,gen-
general. store at `Lanes to. Percy San •.
derson of Dungannon.
Work• was. completed.. on. the
new, steel and ;cement bridge on
Main Street: •
Wm. McConnell, took over ''.the...
1 Forty Years Ago t ng drulggist• Armstrong and
Wm • Allin received a telegram '.Hildred, • jewellers, W. W, • Hill, C t R
that their, ton' Cpl;. Harold A1iiii grocer;. Treleaven":Bros•, millers;
•_ Bank of Hamilton, Thos . Lawr I theitford and John Bennett of
was admitted` to one of the Brit, Ashfield was salernnized at:. thea.
os talc with' chest wounds. ence,` hardware; 1Vlurdie,' and Su
ish hospitals: o -rl nd hardware; A. R.. Ander home of the br'ide's parents Mr.
Mr...•and Mrs. 'David Kennedy. 'the a and : Mrs': Hugh 'Rutherford of St..
iv. d word •that their 'son Cpl. son, grocer; W C..'Johnsto, : fur.
rete a niture, Dr.,Spence's Drug Store;' Helens.
Jelin Kennedy.. had . been 'killed ',m: lements • :J.:G: The' gold medal 'for highest:' en-
tion in 'France. He was' only` W: G.. Andrew, x p x ,
m ac Murdoch and'. Co, . drygoods; John' trance standing.' in : Bruce was
21:, and. . as a bomib, thrower i had
*fed- .Joynt .'Joseph' Agnew, boots and won by a Southampton. girl. The
been. ' awe , which :Miniera endelson and. Blitzstein, year previous it : was.: •won r
al and ' bar.; 'had been. re- shoeso. M
ceiged: by 'phi mother just two
drygoods, A.;:T Davison,and Son, Gladys Spindler. 'of Lucknow,
weeks prior. to word of h•is death . 'furniture; McIntosh 'and Camer=•
Lucknow defeated Wingham....
on, drygoods; T: L, Treleaven, '4' . in a'. 1? inning ball' game..
Pte. 'Melvin 'Clark of I'- wallpaper, D. --J. McCharles, gro- The' Lucknow line-up Was:: W'
mount. vias reported seriously ill Johnston; p;
from head wounds caused by cer; . Wm ; •Connell :drygoods W. McCoy,• .c; R:
shrapnel penetrating his. helniet. Thedeath of •Robert " Macln Robertson;. •lst F Thompson,;
Sixty-two youth's .from 13 to 19 • tosli occured at the age of 80 at 2nd;' •W Burton, ss; T. Reid, 3rd,.
were presented in the Town Hall the . Thome" 'of his"son., Hugh Mc J. Habbick, ." rf; J. Findlater, of
R Johnston, l
with, 5.O S badges, which were' T�ntosh of'Lochalsh ; t 't,+ td 't t,lt2't +'t 'itesl'�t '
za+r.,n+u,r+►t,rat,fav,rat,crurao,zat,+�rs?�,ct,attt, t
$19..95 S.
$2'1 95
see the all: new
• Beautiful' CANADIANA
Reguulai"59.50-' at $39.50'
r $ .
. q BROADLOOM, square yard, from
uare Bedroom Suites
Chesterfield • Suites
'Chrome Sets
ne's Furniture
?hone 76, :I:;ucknow
Miring The Kiddies to Sec. 'Santa Saturday
Eb1 bl is ti `_tlfztotio air`eot1otwoo1;. `heti � ilite,00001?000111,"�'if?§` itlitatinitrt' .
a► .
Smith -Corona
Wonderful "gift for all. the family,
full, size,: full -quality, full featurd
. S•mith-Corona 'Portable.
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,tet tghtOtr „
at',iS:B►t��d;sxt,c;�+t t,r�+t>1tr.atar.�a,i�t,�t;� . , • . : :