The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 14PAGE FOURTEEN
Andrew Ritchie spoke of a
block of hard. top put` On in the
township and. said, "I'm sure in
favour of more" in the. /future
years to come". He spoke of; four
municipal ditches in the township
• two af,4 themclose to completion.
and,' the other two which„ will be
held over until, next. year. • A.
fourth snow plow was added and'
the price. for plowing; raised 50c
per 'hour. The hired equipment
gets. $6.50. per hour and the outfit
using'- the .tov1nship,'plow gets
$6.00 per hqur. Andy, said, "If CPC
has a 'chance .for the wardenship;.
�.I won't let. , my nomination dor
reeve,. standin.. his. Way He had'
'a close try two years ago and •}
hope that, this time he goes over
the top". . • •
Councillor Tom Howard spoke
.briefly of the township work.
Donald MacKenzie stated that
by. 2 ' a.m. each morning.
Tillie Streets
to facilitate 'snow 'plowing within the village,
Lucknow Municipal Council',
(Continued" from page 1) '
county! tfinally+ decided; to ,pay
three :times the' assessed value of.
the land plus $2.50. per .rod, or
a `: new : fence. The development
road has progressed to just east
of 'Carlow ,and will be continued
next year.
Ninety-nine patients • are : ; pre-
sently enrolled in the , county
home at 'Clinton: The hame,. was'
built for accomodating .one 'hun-
died. A $1,300,000 home was „pro-
posed to council to; accomodate
240 patients. The county felt that
this was too `high and a further
proposal for ,a . $1,000.000 home
to accomodate 200 has, been` pre-
WEDNESDAYS T3 C. 3rd 1958.
11,41.0 e00ever iri4;90000 t+ 0011011011 0raa►t►.141140torr.01
'sented The ;home has twenty- .he was always of the opinion that
one of its inmates that are pay- .'farmers , were insured against
ing" ($75.00 , per month). . Ano spraying cattle but +found: out this.
ther ` fifty-two are on . their ' old',year in one " instance that they
age -pensions. ' , Reeve Blake felt
that "with the' present acconoda-
tion,' on might find it difficult to
get into the home without "a 'con-
siderable waiting: period.
were not. He advised ` the meeting
that . in doubt about any beast it
would be as well to' have them
brushed instead .of sprayed.
Mr. 1VtacKenzie, spoke of a re -
15,800 visited'the county mus; ; cent meeting in Lucknow m
mini last year: e
1 ' Receipts were which the federation of agriculd through the town -
critic f own
$3,985 ' and expenses were $3,901. criticized. He - telt that.
Mr: Neil, ..the curator, receives ship was
a salary ; of $900. per year. Mr.
Blake said that if the .ratepayers
saw fit to , return him as reeve
for ' another • year, he '. would
"throw his hat in again" for the`
Iiuron , county wardenship. .
any complain t s' of this kind
should .be directed by letter to the
clerk by the prescribed time ,as.
Councillor John Bradley, said .
that: they had a, tight year . in
a rupteoseno ! r#t rigs S ser e"'iooritrwa oosi
Give the gift the whole family
enjoys long after Christmas,
assortment, o f
A complete
beautiful Rust . Craft
:Christmas cards.
priced from .79c per box:
also a.
make your 'Individual Counter cards . 6
selection nowt including, "Greetings:
from. Canada
.,PtL,L N
'fust pull sl ing,
' Ribbons'
to-.r:nake.beautiful bows
and Seals
Gifts the; ladies like, to receive
China - Ceramics
Novelty Items
For suggestio s call' in ,andlook them over at
And` Gift 'Shop
,Phone 218,
C I.L 'Paints,. Wallpaper '
Santa Comes/ To Town This Saturday , Afternoon
ear furnaces in Dungannon arid
,money in the, township .this y
arid . that the future years might.
see a raise in the mill :rate. He,
-criticized the use of the dumps
and reminded the °meeting'' that
the dumping of, dead pigs, weed
seeds; etc. was a ;criminal offence:
He suggested that the ratepayers.
try to burn, not- dump their ., fert-
ilizer sacks. Mr, Bradley said,
"the council don't make, the snow
or_wind". He said that roads are
plowed quickly' as possible' and
that . in case ofsickness special;
attention 'and. allhelp available
would be given.
in' -Port Albert ' schools was' de-
;scribed. , -The biggest compl int
Of . the board was the missin of
the , previously mentioned, grant
by only having nine, .sections . in
the area; One member felt , that,
the ` ratepayers 'should have : an
open vote;'for or against the area,.
so that things could be ' operated
one wayor another.
Richard • Kilpatrick, secretary
of the school area; .described the
painting and repair and 'work
done.•in.the area :during the. year.
Henry 1VIacKenzie,-,Ashfield
presentative to the"Lucknow Dis-
trict High .School board; outlined
:.briefly. 'business °of the;; board,
Road superinitendent, ,H a "r b
Curran reported. the-total:cost 'of
snowplowing , at -, $6,100: Three .
abridges cost $12,130 of which
the government pay a 80% grant.
Widening the hill at Art Ste-
wart's cost $11170 ,And is not , a.
complete job. Mr. Curran gave,
a. break down of "ail expenses_; on
roads in thetownship during 'the
year. ,Council used ready mix for
one {bridge but were not satisfied
;bcause of . the length. of • time be-
tween each load.'
Reeve Blake spoke of the pro-
posed' addition to :Goderich High
School, Ashfield' would , assume
11% df the`ccist. The proposed ad-
dition is for •'$240,000: ,The acro-:,
modation ' would be increased by
160 in the {building of the 'add{-
"tion. Mr. Blake • said,-' "we are
faced with this whether we like
it or not." '
Electric Frypans
Steam and Dry Irons
Coffee Makers -
Vacuum Cleaners
Electric Clocks
Goods,Skis,Toboggans, s, Sleds .
Hockey Sticks and Equipment
Personal Radios'
Record Players
. $. Now 69.95 ••
$84 50.
Hoover Cleaner, IV�adel 824, reg.
Hoover Conatellationit reg. $124:50 Now $94.50. •
Hoover Steam' Iron, ' reg. $25.95 Now $18.$0;
Ornar Brooks , and Jitn Ketcha
baw, representatives to Crode-rich'
and Ripley, thigh:schools,' were
.Marvin Durnin, . secretary of
the.'it ungannon Fair :board, spoke
on behalf of the fair `and. a grant
that :.had been requested' from
the township towards, expenses
that had been incurred- this. yea•r-
by the aboard. He outlined what
had 'Ibeen done this year Ow/ the
fair and ,me�Cntioned that the'mc'-
morial ' gates' at the Dungannon
Park had cost' $1,065. .
Elmer Graham, a former` reeve
-of the !.township; 'Wished" the pre-
•sent reevesuccess in ,his bid for
:the county- wardenship. El'mcr
said that 'it . had been. predicted
to 'him iby another ratepayer that
"inside of ten years: ail pupils ;in
.the' township will* be going to
two centrally located schools"
He .introduced 'John Titgert, who,
despite the age of 89, was in sty
tendance at 'the meeting.
Clerk Donald Simpson receivC..d'•
the following nominations. .
*:. Reeve
Cecil Blake by Paul 'Ceasa r' an'cl
Bert Finnigan. •
Andrew, Ritchie {by Dyne •.
Campbell, and Leo Courtney
Roderick 'MacKenzie, . chairman
of the . Ashfield School Area
Board, said that there 'does not
seem to be, too -mudh interest in
the area, He said that they would
tarry on : for another year with
nine sections to see.. "how it
:works out". They are' . presently
getting $300 grant per section;
for a total of '$2,700. If there was
one more section, {bringing the
total to ten, the grants would be
increased +to. $500 per section for:
a total:of $5,000: The area would •
;therefore benefit by •$2,300if one
More, school .section was iii • the
area. , •
Eldon Culbert, a nevus. nominee
for school areaboard,spoke
riefly. '. , '
s i0 14404 r t 't t,a+ea+00t r 0:40 0401 t,0.
Three metrf+bers of the, board by icy
who • have another (year to serve, Roderick/MacItenzie
Walter Alton, RuebeuNtilson and Simpson and; Buncan Simpson'
Bob Simpson, spoke to the meet- Eldon Culbert by Elmer Black
Mg, Completion. of two.. new oil and Arnold Btothers.
T Council •
. oxo Howard by Mike, O'Neil' .
and Vincient', Austin
Donald MacKenzie by Har., .
bourn Adam and Rod Macitenxr? ,'
John Bradley by John Hunter
and Jacob Hunter. - .
Andrew Ritchie by Leo' Court -
hey and ;Dynes Campbell
School Area Trustees .