The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 13cr WEthkiESDAY,. DEC- 3rd- 4, :11M --11CKNOW SENiTNELp ,XMCKNOW, ONTARIO e„, ••. .... Co-op Insurance . . • , * ' AUTO, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS •LIABILITY FIRE. ••• • Agents:, ,CECIL FALCONER •Whitechurch, Ontario — Phone, Wingham JOHN Ripley, Ontario McIVIURCHY - Phone Ripley 20-23* IRWIN CARRUTHERS Lucknow, Ontario — Phone 'Ripley PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE ! • • . . ,,,,,,,, : . ' ?. • DUNGANNON W. L MADE , DONATION TO LIBRARY Canadian:'Industry -was the heading for the Noyeiniier rneet7. ing •Of the Dungannon Women's Institute at .1VIrs, Dawson's lionle i•John Durrun, $15.Q0,. e , on Thursday leVening. ,The sing son, $25,00roRalPh GOdffreY; $20.00;• Herb Curran reported fdr Blakes. Mrs. Zinn closed,. this Part of the Mg of the Ode. arid repeating the Kenneth Hodges;german • PRESENT "IN' MEMORIAM" „ . . • TO CATHCART SISTERS . . •••(••••••••••••• The NQverober.meethig of Agt-• . field 'W.M.S. was held in Ash- -,, . , • . , . „... byt . . • ifield Preserian Church with Vilited-Ghuirch 41-C GroupmrS. D. R. McKenzie as leader. a sing -song boyPetnheedthwel:nithe Sthh:ui9h17nfoerci-. tothheebmayP't'inagnd*Pittliay'ellr- . song. Gortion MacNay took- the 1 Mrs. Ewan IMeLean had the de - eye opener and appointed Ste- i votional and meditation . and wart Reavie .'"r'the next Meeting.). chose the lovely 23rd Psalm. The rr-)t Q.Inagmaillocnarnefp1741 :Banrudc:iparrges4:1 Study Book was given in assign- ' ments by bytery y.p.IT. were at, the• ineeti'lDuncan, FMrsarriRsil,'(iy Mrs. MGibson, .0rM ei grhs t. ing to ,condutt the. worship and I' and mrs.. D. ,R. McKenzie. A gen-, games. Dougald tOok the . 'irilor- eral discusiOn followed oh how ship service and Margaret led ih When Jesus was on earth he a discussion/ on ,program plan:. ing. Games. were Played and the •meeting was closed 'with, taps. Ashfield United Church • W.M.S. taUght,hisjollowers both by stor- ies and actions, These were' taken froBible stories by Mrs: D: 'McLean, Mrs. Ewan McLean, Mrs. William RoSs, Mrs. p: J. McMur- The; annual., meeting 4),f the chey and Mrs, .oEatl Howes, Mrs. Women's Missionary Society i Earl Howes made, the presenta- •' the Ashfield United Church was I lion of an !In Mern°riain" '•t° the .held „in the parsonage on Nevem_ memory, of. Jane and , Minnie ober 20th. • There were 19 ladies Cathcart loyal 'supporters'.in their present. • time of the'W:IiiLS: Airs. Williaxn The president, Mrs. Warren time accepted the In niernotian Zinn, had charge of' the meet- With verY... fitting. Words. Mrs. ing: . A. A. J. Simpson'hung 'the framed Mrs": E, Zinn: read, the scripture 'themorian. The Sunday School: and Mrs. Jack: 'MacDonagh led 7Christmas concert is to be held in prayer,' Readings Were given 1 on December .5ith. Votes were by MrS. 'Arnold Alton and Mrs. taken who tP' receive •#16 Waiireri Zinn, Jack Gardner (LW Membership tlus'year: favored with a sOio. December meeting to be held Mrs.. Clifford Kilpatrick , gave at Mrs. Ruben Wilson's..o • DUNGANNON :CENTENNIAL the tr e u r e r s report Which GATES CONTRIBUTIONS - shOw.d. a 'very ...satisfactory year'. . • . • • • The correstoonding Secretary, Donations to the Dungannon Mrs, Arnold Alton read re- o GAVILLER Agricultural Society • centennial port Mrs Aleir Hackett gave the • secretary -treasurer report for', gates fund were as follows: • • 1 Ki 1and MCINTOSA • - W. :A. Culbert and ..§ons $10.00; Hacketts• 1v4s- 'PordOli • • gave the •report for Zion. 1grs. itrid WARD • • Mary :Stettrart. golle0. 01 the'O'Connor, -$10.00 Gordon • Saun-1 meeting with • PraYer.: Meeting Started under the super- vision *Of Mrs. Erirrigton, Nine- teen members answered the roll. • call with :a: gift for cancer cUp7- bOard.. One Visite& was gist,. preL • . • • ittev:. Kaiser took 'charge. .of ''the ders,, $15.00, Canadian Ban o . 'r 'ii for the election of Commerce $10 $10.00; .Robert Stoth- President, 1 Wand Mrs. Omar -Brooks, $20.00;. ,mr.: and ,,Mrs. T. M. .DUrnin, Mrs* .Claf°Fd • Kilpatrick,correPr • pending ' Secretary, WS.. Arnold Alton.; Recording and Press Sec-. 'retary; Mrs. Chris Cooke; ASsOCi-; ate 1VIentbers Secretary, Mrs. Ro- bert :Herm; .Community friend:, .ship Secretax'y, Mrs. Nelson Ray- • sent in. the -person. of Mrs. N. :$20.00;. Robert E. Irvm, $5.00, Keating of Wingharn who gave alRiehard T. Kilpatrick; $5.0(); Car,, mon Brindley, $10:00; Culbert •. splendid talk on her trip to .Otta- . • wa ., to: the national conventiOn.. . Mrs.' Fowler also gave. Current • events. Twenty$ive dollars was ..voted the Library board. A .corn- mittee of •Mrs. Zinn„, Mrs. McNee and iterti. McDonald were named . to prepare gift ..parcels ' for shut- . ins. Final Preparations were made :, ..• for the . ChristmaS Meeting:. The . report , Of the folk rally .at Exeter - . was given by .11,Irs. X. Finnigan and . a. contest by !Mrs. K. Finni- gan: ' .. gan, After the singing of, the i • Queen and: grace . the hostesses' Sons, .$19:go; • Eltner Graham . With prayer.; Mrs. Kaiser. assisted served tefreilnents. - • $10.00. ' . ; .., _...._.L.., by, the parsonage committee, ser- ••• ved a lovely Itinch, ,Mrs. Gordon Kirkland thanked 'Reverend and ,Mrs. Kaiser .for their gracious. hospitaltty. Presbyterian Evening' AnXiliary ' The ' November meeting' was held on Tuesday, ' November 18th • at the borne of Mrs., Morgan Hen- derson, • • with, an: attendance of. twenty-two • merribers • and . one viSitor., • .•`,•. • •After t.he. call to 'worship, by the President, Mrs. Jack 1ollock, • bhe ' meeting . opened by singing' • hymn 538.. Mrs. Ross Gammie read:the Bible Reading, The Bible • Study on "Vision" was read by • 'Mrs, Noble Johnstone'. . followed .by Prayer: oMis, 'Ronald. . E,Orster gave the topic taken froOn, our Study'BOok "This is Japan". I,..Tntil • Ir - gest Weaving •ountry in the after the war Japan asWthe lar- wOrld. She told !IS of,5'.A Woman's 14ife.in Japan" and also tile story • "Gropinel• • • . . •' Mrs: Start JamieSori and • Mrs. Bud Orr • were named, the Nominating :c,onAnittee. dor the Officers for 1909, ,The • meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs.. Rayner. Lunch was served by the Committee in charge. • . ' ,, . .' •Colwahash "'earning Lassies The fifth meeting Of the Col- wanash Learning Lassies , Was' held at, IVIrs, Richard Xiliaatricles. • • It Was; Opened with the, 4-H r • pledge labored by, the roll call. Alt'• this .1.neeting litra, Kilpatrick demonstrated on ho,Ny to make .oatrneal porridge and a macaroni dish, After the ••,girls sainpled it ' Bros. • (Eldon •Harvey) $10. 0; Geisz -Motors, $10,00•;• IC, X. ay.r sop,. $15,00; Roderick IVIc enzie, . 410.00; Orval' Free, $5.00; Frank narcl; Christian stewardship. Sec: Rising,. $6.00; Allen Reed, $19.00; ,re,rY,. Mrs. Bert Alton, Nelson Culbert, $10.00; .,f; ture Secretary, • mrs, Alex 'Hac- • kett• Supply, Secretary, Dy - Hanna; M P P..:$25:09,; Elston •Cardiff, M. P. $50.00;G. A. Spot - ton, $50.00; Ceti' .131ake. $10,00; Spencer' Irwin, ,$5:00;, W. W., Fire Insurance Company, $10.00; A. J. Sherwood; $10.00; Ashfield Twp. grant, $50.00, Heber Eedy arid' nes Campbell; MisSionary Mon- thly 'and World Piends Seeret- ary, Mrs . Livingston. Menary;, Temperance, •and Christian Citi- zenship Secretary, Mrs: Warren Zinn • Rev. Kiaser closed the meeting 1958 Pontiac, Stratocbief Sedan, automatic ' L , .. . transmission, fully equipped ..... ,, ,,, :,. , ..: ,,,, : , : .... . . . . ...,.$z,695. 1958. Pontiac: Stratochief, Standard. transmission,: fullyequiPped, ,. . " . . . : . ...... .. ... .. ,.... . . ... . . .. .... t. ... . .. . . . . " .. :. . ......$2,595 .1958 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, fully equipped ..... . , .. ..$2,795, 1958 Chev. Bean. Sedan, fully equipped ...,......; . .. . . .. . . :.,,..$2;650 Two 1,959: -Chev. Biscayne Sedans ..... . . ...... „,, 4 . $2,595. 1957 Chev Coach, fully eqUipped, ' . .. .. . .. . ... ..,..., . ' $1,995 1..951 Chev: Station Wagon ... . . . . .. ...,..— . . .... ; . .. . 1. . „ .,.. . , ' $2,295 1957 Ford CustOniline Sedan, 6 cYliuder ...„;.:.f., .. „.;,. . ....$2,095. Two 1957 PontiaCipeluxe. Sedans, automatic „......., . $2,195, 1957 Chev. Sedan, fully, eqUipped' ,,...... .... . . .1,...,.....,,,,$,095 1955 Chev. Sedin,. with radio ...„....,., ... ,..............,,,.....,.$1,45.0 , 1954 Ford Coach; valve in head Motor' ......:..:,.., ... . .. ,...,....$I,295 : 1954 Chev. DeluJce Sedan ,.. . . . ., .... , .. :. . .,., ... . ... ;,.. .. .. . .,. ....... . . . .. ,31095 1954 Ford CUStoniline„. with radio .. ....... , ... ,. ..., .... .. ; .. . .... .. .. ... . $1;295 '1954 Cheve Deluxe Sedan, autematie. transpiiss- ion, ,, fully equipped ....,.,.....„,.„,... 1.,... .. ..„ . . . . . .,...,..-... . . . ,,„..t....$1,350, , 1954 Meteor. Ilardtolf• autmnatle Ill .t equipped. .......,$1,295 1953 Dodge Sedan .,..........,.,.:.........,:...!............,....$995 1952 Chev Coach . . .. .........., .. .. . . . ,.".;.,......,.. f.....".... .. .i' ..... '" " . • ... $695 1951 Dodge Station- VVagon :„..„,,,,;'.....;:.........,,...t.,............,—,,,.5695 ' • . ' TRUCKS I. • . TRUCKS! ' . . .. 1951 Ford ,One -ton stake truck .....:;,,,,...,.....,-4,-......,...',...,,..;..,,.$3.6.0 • • Chartered Accoutants Bell Telephone Bldg._ Walkerton, Onta Telephone 633 !lave you savectin the past 'ten years? The uouble. with most savings plam;is that people deposit money today :tmd • withdriw it tomorrow. A Stm Life pwineilt Policy provides you with a savings plan that cannot fail. Let me • tell you about it. • SUN "LIFE OF CANADA 1 . RA.: 2, UCCKNOW • ' ' Phone Wirighain 7I7-4» • . • . Kma an .. • 4. . BUL • for the Present time we .are carrTing. on the AMBULANCE SERVICE IN LUCKNOW ,alld DISTRICT formerly operated by McLernum and MacKenzie an Johnstone and Son. BILI. BA SERVICE 'PHONE 55 NIGHT CALLS 63-r ssels- Mottors , Huron Oonnty's, Poretnost Vsed Car peoleii'.' CASH, TRADE, TERMS -... Open tyenings Until 10 ., Cities Setlriee Dealer -.,A-, . .Photte 1'3, Brussels .,. . „...... , 00.40 the . meeting WAS 'elated ; with "ood Save The Queen". ..• • EFFICIENT ,,and ECONOMICAL Automatic Air Feed gives a clean flame and , SAVES FUEL '•. , * Automatic Forced -Air Fan Distributes Heat' Eltenly Hardware •-- Lucknow' •.• • • • • • • • .1(40110 'r• • .••• I 44*. 4,4