HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 5r a- n- 60 ek ys. In- an on al- ey, iss, aid • led ose .. i'ais 4. or'• ter.. ••: the tom`, ttle eery: MNSU RANGE W! ?' D, Y: • PAIP, ,O,rd, 1958. A. M. HARPER: Chartered Accountant, West.. Street GODERICH,, . OIyTAltIO. Telephones , 343J , 343W OY N,.' BEhiT:LE f�' • PUBLIC. .ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO • Telephone 1011. -= Box 478 '..ARMST'RONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH 'FOR. -APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 and able zone; Tasty per. Thing hone t tonal ; v of .your :ards: ;olour Luck-'', i -op FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE, AND LIFE • To Prooect Your Jack, Insure With .Jack Today. J. A:'McDONADH R.R S, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone, 61.5, Dungannon R. T. ICI L 0.Z11,13.A.14 MS..UR .IVCE -.Automobile Fire Casualty Ask' about our rSAecial Package Dea1\ kg:7,',Lucknow, Ont. 'phone, Dungannon 77-2 THE YUGKNOW`. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,; ONTARIO; RIC, R ' O HERINGT.N , .'�S.HET ' • ..: Q.C. lster, Ete. • Baur , • Wingham and Lucknow a IN LUCKNOW, Each Monday and' . dnesd Located in the Municipal Office 'Phone Wing'har °•Residence' 97''.' Otiice • 4$ '. •' .STATE . FARM MUTUAL .��AU BILE " �TOMO . , NSU RANCE Investigate. Before Investing ' REUBEN WILSON. :R 3, ;Goderich Phon*..g0..r-$.Dungannon l :JOH NST•ON E'S FUNERAL H2OME.':; 'Phone 76 -I)ay .or Night USE OF FUNERAL' HOME. At .No :Extra Cost Moderate prices Established,1894 • MPERIAI TOIL PRODUCTS ftix+ 'prompt service', and. 'quality prod•ucts;•• WINGHAM MEMORI'AI. SHOP We: ,Have • Been, ',Memorial Craftsmen' for' Thirty -Seven. Years,' Always Using • THE BEST GRANITES Along With, Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prices MostReasonable. Cemetery 'Lettering --a Specialty R. A.SPOTTON I . 'Phone 256, Wingham; Ontario Insure With The, `CULROSS MUTUAL .;FIRE INSURANCE, .CO. • for...• Reasonable' rates, sound pro- tection &prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims ' • FAMISH MOFFAT Your`' Local_ Agent R R. 3; : Telswater 'Phone 'Teeswater;'57 r-41 ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist: . '`Office:. on Patrick St.,, just. off., the Main •`St. in WINGHAM ; Professional . Eye Examination Optical Services, For appointment, 'please. Phone 770, Wingham.t' R.ANDREW AUCTION. W. A�NDR .. Barrister" and Solicitor. LISTO'1•V L,' ONTARIO ' IN LUCKNOW. • Every `Wed»esday•, and. Saturday •'Afternoon . ' Office in the''.Joynt Block • Telephone: ' Office 435 ; Residence '3.1-J CLAW ;For ever Make' auto, • flat or curved„ caee. DAVIDSON • • ysualining' .& Collision Service No. 8 Highway, Phone :320, Goderich. kit.' HQAG SPEAKER AT F+yV'rA O; MEETIN0 The November meeting of the Kincardine• Unit of Women Tea- ' Chers'• Federation was held', in the Luckngw• Pu blic School, The • president, Mrs. Violet Mac-' CARPENTER and; Repair Work Kenzie presided. ," The scripture of all types. Call at Lucknow ' lesson was: read . by Mrs., Isabel Wood 'Specialties or contact Bob Martyr. The •secretary treasurm Campbell, phone, :Dungannon, .68 er, 'Mrs. :Donna McQuillin read r-10. ' , • '. , the minutes of • the last meeting; ,'Twenty-one answered the roll 4EMEMBER!' :Your feet: are :one of your greatest assets, • and a breakdown, in the structure may cause pains iq • feet, knees,.. kegs, ankles 'or lower •^back. See 41,-; .A. Vickers,. Foot Correctionist;`' at Queen's Hotel, Wingham, , each,' Monday: afternoon. AUCTION. SERVICE • Allan MacIntyre ' Licensed, Auctioneer Luckngw Phone•• 10-r-24 Ripley • STEERING ,TROUBLES?: See. . DAVIDSON LUCKNOW DISTRICT` CO-OPERATIVE INC. i'hnae L ck Ow 71 TED COLLYER Registered. Master :Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in ' Electrical Wiring and Repairs ;...1. . AGENT FOR SPARTON TV•\ and All Electrical. ' Appliances • ;contact: R: CHISHOLM 'Phone collect B:tingannon 19-r 2. 'Always Look To Imperial , •• For The.: Best Phone 46-i-25, Lucknow N:SURANCE Hospltalitation ' and S'.irgical Plans Automobile, Casualty and Farm Liability Mercantile, Residential'. Farm; Fire & Wind Insurance: T. A CAMERON t,UCKNO'Vi► Phone 'Bongannon 70440 ••.:,ar, •Motto Is ''`Service". f5 • , call. r Mr. P. ,Wa Hoag; Principal of` the Lucknow District High'Schgol Who was''our'guest speaker, gave a very interesting and education al address;. dealing'. with..Educa-- tion; regarding' elementary . ' and• secondary schools. Miss Helen• Thompson, introduced the . 'spea- ker 'and spea-ker.'and Mrs: Helen Hall, on ib, e half, of the teachers, thanked hien.. A. ,bingo." contest. conducted by Miss ' Beverly Ashton was won by Miss Helen 'Thompson. A' sung.. song .,followed. with Mrs;. Jean Carruthers' at the piano an :led by ' Miss Beverley Ashton, A film,' "The Teacher and P•ulb- Visualining & Collision . Service 'lie ' Relations," . introduced by; ' No. . 8 . Highway, , . Miss • ' Helen Thompson,was very Phone 320; Godench. 1 interesting. Mrs, Maithel Wilson: READERS DIGEST • led in a discussion . of .the filni.. " •Mr ..'Clara 1VIcTavish: gave'a con - Digest, ,; Christrr�as • special' .on ,Readers Digest, new . or renewal " subscrip-.'I test, Christmas nuts to crack,. tion, regular price $4.00 per' year, It' was; decided that as` we are Christmas season,`' 3.00, per having' a special speaker '•from price$ Toronto.: Miss.Barbara Sibbald, year, Don' Thompson,''.Phone' 35, .at our :next meeting'•to be held LucknoW; •in•. the Kincardine Public' School,' April 1.6th,, i we should,":invite the Chesley,`'. Port' Elgin and Walker- , ton Units: IA .dainty luneh: was served' -by' the Lucknow teachers.`:Mrs.` Nim - mo thanked the hint Committee and 'all, who had' taken part and helped make the meeting • a suc- cess.' uccess.' FURNACE ,OIL,• , •STOVE OI:, KEROSENE, GASOLINE See . or call • WM. A. "BUD" HAMILTON Phone 220-w Lucknow District. Agent' for Cities . Service. Kenneth:' J. MacKenzie • R.O. Optometrist. ',ONT. atthe. former WronaJewelefl rtore. Ripley, .10 a.m. to 9., p.m WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26• and, every Second Wednesday :Eyes. examined 'r' Glasses fitted ForaPpp p ointment. 'phone`,' Roy MacKenzie, ' 96-r-24, Ripley. McLENNAN "and' MacKENZIE. • . FUNERAL SERVICE Services • conducted accord- ing to: your .wishes -at your ' Home, your Church, ,or at •• our . Memorial,. Chapel -at 'DP': • additional charge. Phone 181; Lueknow, :Day or ,Night `WRITES . OF, • 'SCHOOL TEACHINGIN, THE. 'YUKON Buy PAGE kVA ovally: Miss . Margaret Salkeld,; daugh- ter of Mr:: -and Mrs.; T. J, Salkeld, is. leaching. School this .year. at Kimberly,'. B.C. 'The' previous. two years she spent at a selhoof in the:'Yuikon,,. • and apparently has. a' Yen- .for ` the far north; Where her students were 'Indians, white. and halfz,;breed, 'children. • Under. the .pen. name. Margaret Ruth, Miss, Salkeld recently 'wrote sin article,.for 'the Family Herald under.' the. 'caption, "Widening. Howardis Horizon." ' Howard, was' an Indian.'.:.bvv around•whom• the story' centered. • iVi:i ss' Salkeld's• introduction to the sto y read. like this "Teach- ry. at the .best of 'tunes is full .of: surprises, Children have ' a way of looking ,at life in fresh_ and' sometimes strange. _ • perspec tive. Yet I'm' sure'.that' teaching. Indian children m' a one -room School in the Yukon, has more. surprises. to , offer :'than, even: the: most progressive . 'school on . the "ortside'., 'Register Forms: Carbon Snapout Forms, Gas and Qil Truck Forms: Continuous Business Forms ' . . Counter,' Check Books • • Restaurant Pads • . The LUCKNOW SENTINEL .„hone 35 Held Family -Gathering Mr: and 'Mrs. Harry Canipbeli • Brock ''and Lore€ and 'a • friend Johnnie Olson' have returned , to► Dawson City?, : Yukon ,Territory ' after three weeks visit with Mr and:' Mrs. Cyril Campbell and with sisters in St. Marys alid Kit- chener. One of : the highlights. of. the visit was a family get toge- ther at the ' home of Mr.. and Mrs. Ross Gammre.':A11. members, of: • the Campbell Family were pre-.. sent; • the or�ccasion ,'being a birth- • day party in honour of Loree' .. Gammie ` and .:her grandmother Mrs: Cyril :Campbell. . United: Church Mission Band.. • 'Members of the Presbyterian Mission Band were' guests of the .United Church Mission Band • at the • Christmas , :meeting . on Mon day. Beverley. Rathwell read the minutes: ''Donna Corrin, Janice. Brooks and Jane J,oy.•tit •sang, "Sil-, ver ''Behr". Elizabeth and Arleta' Pollock . sang a duet. • Sharon: Mowbray' read, aChristmas., story.' Rev. Geiger showed a film, Mrs.: Whitby` gave.the.cail to' worship, ,Donald Andrew -and 'Ricky Prit- chard read • the scripture Barbara ,Cameron: played a violin solo The Lu,eknow; Sentinel can: fill any of your needs.... in rinbber' stanips,' stamp pads, etc:;. phorie. 35, Lucknow. THAT • numerous year-end . sub seri tion ` renewals still bring '.. p `Centennial •:comments, G.; Ii.;.. Eckenswiller. of. South Burnaby,, 13.C., says: "EnjoYed ' reading :all: about your Centennial and it•seemed a 'great success. Many” names' were . in. the paper, thi14 I remember w'ell," He has vivid •°ecollections of buying and • barreling• apples, for Mr: , HoI•+ mes and his son. Bill.:. BORN. AGNEW — in :Stratford General Hospital 'on Thursday; 'November 27th, to ..a/11 -:.and Mrs, Donald • Agnew, " Stratford, 'a daughter. WILSON—Gwen and .'Jack Wil- son.: .,are happy to announce the . ' birth- of their ;'baby girl, Sand.:ra Elizalbeth, o'n :November 27th,: in Oakville .General"Hospital:. Feed Contracts Service; SOYBEAN OIL MEAL ' • OIL CAKE MEAL' (Mil Feeds At All Times) • ' PURE CANE MOLASSES DRIED MOLASSES, r • . DAIRY, BEEF;.•:and, POULTRY CONCEN •TES. are completely balanced .to your. needs . . Feed-free'choice' if you will AUI2EOMYGIN" Recon L Our Prices Are Right. it eclitel an LUCKNOW PHONE 7$ •� ' °,. New -Life Need! T , "'t here s A; Feed rot Every Nd3