HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 2PAGE TWO , • • • ,414'""„ 9( THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, IX cicNow. oNTARio Reeve Joynt Reviewed,.Projressive Values' KLEENEX TISSUES, chubby or regular . . .. 6 for $1. LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED BEANS, 15 oz., 6 for $1. BALLET COLOURED TISSUE, rolls . .13"for $1. NIBLETS CORN, 14 oz tins . . 6 for $1. PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES, • Chocolate, pineapple, spice, layer . ... 3 fo lumfirs COOKED sPAdHErn, 15 oz. .. 7 or ROSE BRAND MARGARINE, ib. pkg. . .. 4 for NESTLES' QUIK, gt. economy size, 2 ib.- tin , HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER• . 'Circus tumbler, 9 oz. . . . . . . . . . . 4 for $1., Red &. Whitet JELLY POWDERS, pkgs. 14 for $1. CHOCOLATE BARS, Assorted, 10c . ... 12 for $1. Choice Quality PITTED CHERRIES, 15 oz., 6 for $1. AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL, 15 oz. tins, 4 for $1. LYNN VALLEY GREEN •PEAS, 20, 'oz. tins, 9 for $1. CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES, 20 Oz. tins, 6.for $1. / Choice Quality Cream Style CORN, 20 oz. tins, 6 for $1. • AYLNIER. _TOMATO SOUP, 10 oz. tins, 8. for $1. Red & White 'EVAPORATED MILK, tall tins 7 for $1. Wagstaffe PURE PLUM JAM, .24 oz. jars, 3 , for $1. Dr. isanaid giampion.Doc FOOD, tins, for $1. Pillsbury ANGEL FOOD MIXES, 15 oz. pkg., 2 for $1. Natures Best choice cut GREEN BEANS, 15 oz. 8 for $1. AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP, 10 oz. tins, 8 for $1. KINGSDALE BRAND BISCUITS - celo pkgs. Choco Grahams, Fruit Crisps, 'Variety Mix Cream, Party assorted . . . ......... 3 for $1. IIs eci and arket .• . ; PHONE 26 - FREE DELIVERY WEDNESDAY, -1?•EC, 3rd. 1958 Village ratepayers less than The'qualitY of the water is good,. •Alex Mac.I.4 eod. felt We had the, heard illeeve. George Joynt and Municipal Ward to develop the Joynt for getting Bruce CoUntY: , members of the Council outline well to pave the north and south, ap, • • 50 of them - not taking into and setter, than other wells, Ap- best .roacls of any village In the, • account the visitors and official.s, plication has been made to ,the Province/ 4n4 commended, Reeve • • a year of Progressive activity in .To Continue raving Program.' .Prc)4nes to Main §tFee‘ . . the Village, at/ the nomination Reeve Joyitt 'outlined in detail Snow removal and SnowPliQW whih „ returned the Board by ac" what Paving operations are plan-• eests last winter had Cost elarnation. - nect f•or next year, as well as about $2,600. Mr, MacLeod: dealt • In concluSion school affairs road buildin.g work preparatory with maintenance andconstrue- were dealt with by Donald' Hen- topaving; One of the major' jabs lion do0s of roads of Whieh the derson,' secretary of both the Will be the cutting and widen• ing Province pays 50%-;• and on cul• •Public' and.).:High Sehool Boards. of the Forel Gar • age Hill" 'On vents and bridges 80 %. . , • Reeve Joyntobserved that the .V.ic.tOria, :street. Treleatien who,filled' a . •Village had looked very -Present-1 • , Parallel Parking vacancy on the Board along With able for the Centennial. Seventy- IfighWay offi4a1s have TOcc$111- Mr: SaridekSigi, pointed, out that five new type lightswere instal- mended paralierpat ,' on the a few- concessions had beenab- led on the "back" , streets, when Main Street, and it .a ars this tained cfrOnt Hydro over the years a competitive price reusulted in is ine-qtable, at least on one side, but felt the County method Was.: a big', saving in this installation. which poses :the question of 'a the proper .approach. • There effectiveness Will be fur- municipal: parking jot- near the He strongly favored 'a good ther.imprOved by !•a continuing main ,business sectiOn.. A 2eoptirt.;• parking' lot as centrally • located tree priming program, that start- uation ofthe street south of the as possible.; This is a .farniers ed with a $2000. pruning job on Legion Hall, is one site being con- town . and without thern.the grais the ,priinary hydro lineS bY sidered. : • ' . • would be or -Owing on Our streets,, tainer had. cost 6 oaf and ProbleMs, he said. • - . t trained -hydro 'crew. • • -1 • Th reeve' stated that the road and We would have ne 'Parking „. . .•• main Fights Hydro Discrimation .$ Reeve :Joynt said that he had was badly needed for snowplow.' Donald Henderson ' explained • • in detail school affairs. The Pis-. proposed ,at County Council that Mg, the cost of which had 1peen 174.---doWn- 8 from the start of' • a ' fight. on a 'County basis 'be. averaging'about $1,200 a Year. tinct High School attendance i4. • launched to- obtain more equit- There will also113e a summer able and lower ,hydro rates. He - • bus' d - 1 tel revenue 'from the machine. the tern-l'a year ago, and the total" '1 • mileage is own by 6. miles said •a meethig Was pla•nned',for' The debenture will be paid off • . daily: in Department noW pays. • • • $40.00 a month more,. service they planned an expansion. Using theBeatty Ladder, ractoFy , IVIr. Joynt referred to the Beat -7 , ai, • • , • . • 14, eacn-rgral seetion in the area. . . .. as an example, " he termed •"ridit ty. Ladder Factory. having come . •rri .1.11e. Public School' provincial culous'r the fact that . they pay here this year and suggested that ' grants •of $11,135.67 are up $1,829 over last year.. There is a flat rate of $100.. per charge here than . they . would !in . ging. is now' , scare Am the Reeve Walkerton.• .,• ' :. •- : ' - is iiwestigating. the pogsibility Of pupil attending from a rural .sec- .. • the coming 'Week t • o discuss this. in five years. . .,$186, Per FOOL arid .$150. for ••• . tion that is closed.••• , • • ".••• TO Develop NeW Well a- low rental housing prOject. • • . ' , The reeve referred to the cor- I -le ------------onut that the Village ' The gross . cost, per pupil per roding action. that periodically noW, had only two indigent pat,- .day is 75c in Lucknow, and Mr: cuts down.the 'flow. of the No. 3 dents locally .and that the new lieridetson compared six schools • , will :arid requires restaratiOn !ao-,. ...Welfare Act would. ,lessen the with. only • 'one under . the Luck- tion.•,To avoid the danger of ' ano- ,burden• On the local rnunicipalitY. now Per pupil, coat. These costs, • '' tiler wateri shortage,' he said it M. L. Sanderson, a new .mem- varied 'front 69e to $1,09 . Was necessary to drill again for ber of the Board referred. to the - , Charls Web.stet, chair:Man of water The site this, time was on e*cellerit condition. of the Town • ,the Public :School Board; paid • . -town property, at the Howling Hall, . on which '1,797 • had :I:leen trititite to the • efficient. Staff, to .. 1 Green park where they had oho* ••spent. . . • ' - '• the other Members of the Board tallied what looked like a very • W.. A. "Hue HantitiOn. dealt and to their efficient secretary, good well at less than 175 feet. with the debenture :indebtedness. Donald Henderson:: ''. PURPLE- GROVE • 1K,O. SAirS' TIME TO START .• I NOTED HORTICULTURIST CHRISTMAS MAIL/NG WILL HIE TIME THURSDA1( • Th- Post Office Department has C, Epps - of Clinton, well issued Christmas 'mailing infor- known horticulturist, will be, the inaiin .suggesting . that United guest Speaker -at an open. meet States mailing should be 'done /rig m 'the Town Hall on Thurs- day evening at 8:00 -o'clock. The meeting will see the.I.,,tick- nOw' and- District' Hortichltural Society official come into being. "-A -letter' of best, wishes has' been received from the Provin- cial Department of assurance of a speeial• t all member ship 'enrolled by next. 'June•. -Revival, of a Horticultural So-, cie4y is heralded in the commun- ity by many,. -and a large at- tendance is, anticipated ori,Thurs- day night • • • „ • ' . • • . 'Miss Edna Boyle of • • (Intended. for Last Weeks.) • ,Attending the Royal Winter • Fair at Toronto: were Mr. and 110s• Donald McCosh and Dickie, Mrs. Arnold and Robert Emerson. • , .Miss Margaret RobertSori spent • the Week -end at Luckriow at the home of- Miss Annie McLeOd.-- • . Recent. visitor at the' home of Mr.:. and Mrs..Peter Leagon, Was Resolutions avor Std. Time Huron, County Federation, of Agriculture', held' their Annual an.eeting Noveinber 27th in the Londesboro Hall. 'Mt. -Winston. Shapton presided and -welcomed the many farmers 'and their wiv-• es. He outlined the assistance giv- • • ••4 'before 'Decentber 8th. Various points in Canada are -listed (rem' • , December lith to Decernber 15'th, • in Ontario and Quebec and for local delivery, December 1.'ith. It iS suggested .locally . that Stamps be purchased •early and that rural patrons have .a supply • on, hand for :their Posting needs.• The tying up of ' cards and •letters:in ibtindles is 'greatly 0- preCiated by -postal, -• employees • and speeds . up. the handling of mail' atthis season, • ' , CLERK DOESN'T PAY . • Our statement; recently, that • the, clerk of.,the municipality in .Which a f�* is killed will pay the „bounty,,ia incorreet it seems, The :bourrty h&wever, is paid at the municipal level after an affid- aVit iS filled out and the account passed ,by Council and an order drawn On the treasurer' o\ pay. ment. . . ' • • ' . • ' .4Mr.. and Mrs Dahmer , • and Mrs. Frank Stanley, Mr. Kirk Dahmer, Mr. :and. Mrs.' Leland•. • Stanley and, family. of millarton, - 4 Were Visitors at the home of Mrs. Helen Swa-n and Mr. -Milton• Stanley.• ' Recent visitors at home of ,Mr. and. Mrs.. Denald 1VIcCosh -were M. and Mrs: Albert Col- well and family. of Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs. Albert.HeWi•tt Of Millar - ton, 0Swald. of CheS1 • en to the Hog argl 'neat pro- • ley, Mr. Victor Marrow of Hast- . ducers in distributing information ings, Mrs., John ',Colwell of Kin - throughout the ' townShips on . lough, and Mr. and Mrs.. Ardell . , their marketing, plans. Assistance Mason of Huron. • . was also g• iven the Beef produc- M. Gordon Greig, chairman of the Resolutions. Committee mtro- duced the resolutions. Some of the res6hitions -approved, are as• follOWS: (1) Reiluest to gOverrit. rnent for., cOrripensation• for live - Stock lost by rabies was re-affir.7 rood (2) In order,to, Carry on the ever expanding wOtk. of the Ped, eration it , was agreed that' the -levy be 1k mill. This an. in- creasiof 10c per'thotisand of as- (3) The -Meeting Strong- ly endorsed' resolutions. received front the tOwrialiiiii and . other .organizations requesthig, standard time 'throughout the year.: '(4). The Hog Producers' • Marketing' Plan was. unanintbusly endorsed by the meeting. (5). Appreciation was extended to -the. Weekly pa - 'pert and .tp (NX for valued Doug Mlles, -Ay'. Rep. outlined the Brucellosis canitiaig,n to be conducted early in the -'new year, also the. faitn accident surve`y that :will begin this whiter. Of- ficers elected, Witraton, Shapton, Exeter; President, Warren 'Zur- brigg, GOrtie; lst Vice president, Gordon • Greig, •Wroxeter;„ .2nd Vice. . • • , . . . • Mrs. • George, Emerson. visited • • holding their Meetings. with her pare..nts Mr and Mrs. „ , ers Pipeline's . didn't ,affect many John Bell of Kincardine. farmers but 'a • meeting . was held 1VIilton, Stanley and Mrs. Helen at which these farrners'were able Swan, Norval and Rosalyn visit- . ... to learn something of,• -the corn- FeCtra:Lintcitil.le,BOye home. 07f SMurt.idaanY1 311. rs' .• ' pensation• they. could receive. Winghain Hospital,oti 'Tuesday, ,Nove.mber 18th, Mr. and Mrs.- Russell, Irvin of Ash- field, a daughter, a sister for J'erry, William, Dale and Murray. ' BORN CULBERT,-at Alexandra.liCapit- al; GOderich, November 26th, 1658,- to Mr. and Mrs: itoward. Culbert, PungamiOn, a daUghter, Mr. Elston Ca.rdiff pointed that is Mt, 'and Mrs: Victor Gatvley tbe 'federation • of Agriculture were .guestS of'14r. and Mrs.. had stood the test of time and in his opinion' was stronger than ever. He also stated that with the, ever decreasing farm popula- tion unity among farm organiza- tions was vital. Mr: Ray Hergott :Director of Field Services, Was. guest spea- ker. He rerninded the gathering that fanners- are strong on pro-' duction but in many cases are we4..in disposing of those .Pro- duct.S. 'Price strpports have been a benefit to the fantriers..but as has. been *alien in, the U.S. too high a sti.ppott price can be just as bad as one too Co -Ops cart play an: in-it:portant part in. combatting the' dangers of verti- cal. integration since', through -the Co -Op the farm ,retaina control. Quota marketing ' is .; something that will have to ` be* considered, Ir:Hetgot't -stated that markets for our products rittiat be, exParid-,-, ed to the utmost 'before we at to' ProdUction tontrOIS. Mrs. GbrdOri Greig Urged.every .one to attend TV Farm For•urn, • Much information can be gained through the Fou nt but: perliapS more important is the forming of ideas that Can then be put in- to practice. Clark...Needham on Sunday, • BIGGEST VALUE We ,have the/ biggest value available in •.'perSonal Christmas ••• . cards "(ycitir name •printed on). , 40 • cards and envelopes • only . $1.50. • ,, Also the usual- Tlatge .selectien. of boxed 'cards; -wrapping paper, novel gifts' and' everyday __cards. Samples will be left. with you to look at your leisure. • , .Don 'IlioniPiono phone 35 THANK YOU NOTES 'and HastY • -Notes available at 25 ,centi per package of 10 cards and/Matching envelopes. Den -Thompson; phone 33 or 35. " ' 'THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL *Ludeno* Ontario' • ° Authorized -aa second class mail, Poit Office Departtnerit, Ottawa Established 1873-2Published Each Wednesday AfternboF .11 t, , $3.50 Subscription rate -245O year :a....yance-to U.S.U.S. , • . L. 'Campbell ThoMpsori, PubliShet • IATEDNESIDA 3rd, 958 • • . • .