HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 10q• Ps in yd'• at • •• id - of * •• ing • • wo ski,' , • Re- • oys r. Ave ' • On clay AC,;•; lay,. ver- alop • :D 09 11404.04!..• ack. fr „in •1 kparr 44)." IF APE 741lWirn*r444Wtgfit;keiArW4all": ..• . " ' ' • ' ' • ••• • • - • • • .•$2...5(); A. Year In Advance --.$j.00, xtra. To. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3rd. 1958 • . • SWITEIsT, Ultra odoril'aultdingLio Replace LOST F:INER,.IN , CORN', PIC,KER .RaeWatson's Firei-Gutted.' Store- Al • • ex °Hackett of :Con. 10; Ashr.- The Rae J. 'Watson Cycleand Sports Store in London was gut- ted by fire that ;broke out, at the supper; hour on Thursday, ••• Dramatic rescues !were reported as 26, teriants fled by fire escapes. and, stairwells •from the smoke fjlled .building,,, that soon became •an inferno,. that kept close to half a hundred firemen engaged fOr four ].purs ii.contro11ing the spread of the; flames,' which threatened an adjacent business section . .• • Rae is • •no 'longer associated •with this btisines's which he, est ablished and` developed, and. which bears his :name; but. he •Owns the building and is landlord 'for the tenants who occupy. the Second • .frbor apartments. •His agent, Ray "Wpliarris,' said at the time of the fire that the loss including aOartment furnishings might reach $200,000. • . The Rae J. Watson- Hardware establishment, adjoining the Cy, ere store; was•protected by a fire wall which saved. 044e .has .been in the fire, .,and in. :a. Sentinel,/Wsay.s: Dear -C -am:.° it. •• • London since .letter •tThe , - The smoke and steam has clea- red away and great gobs of ke. Half property and • 3/4.of my incoine is wiped out; • but there, is, a fair amount •of .just south of .the cNR railrb d Many from the Lucknow are,a „have- seen if on their way, to Vitoria .Hospital. • The building will be replaeecj .irrimedia-tely With an ultra mod- ern, '2:floor Store..Wm. Lindsay and Joseph Patterson, who oper- ate the buSiness, are .operating frem the hardware store. (the' newly remodelled. north ,huilcling) that only received • water and arrioke damage. Fire doors defin- itely saved ,this •portion The fire' . will not effect ••the • provincial electiOn• campaign •in Huren-13rUce. 1 may be forced to ,stay herefor a few week, but newspaper ads. will replace rny: personal visits during that 'time/ Rae J. Watson,. • • . . ' The offers' of •storage. space,. financial: .help, •ManpOwer help, teChnictill,and professional assit-. taneir havepoured in frorn Per-•, sonal friends, business assoCiates, business •firms, 'and customers •as: •• well as the city Of London,.who offered us 'free use •the old fire hall, It really makes ' you feel good to realize that . so many people are bind. you. • . The Rae J., Watson Cycle and Sport Shop is on Wellington.St., • '• • N • . • .VISIBILITY "NIL IN • SATURDAY'SBLIZZARD • A howling storm :swept over this ;district on ,Saturdayi and by mid-afternoon visibility was zero: By, nightfall motor traffic had Come to a .complete • stop on the highways,.: and ni,,:teWn there. were' few either ;walking Or driv- ing. , • • Some 'merchants •cloSedtheir shops. at six • o!cloCk, andothers switched.off ,the lights :early in •the eVenirig • with business in some lines. non-existent: •' • Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Robb; -en- • rOUte horne' to 41.1Carl from his ifatlier's funeral; !found driving conditions so dangerous that they finally decided to stay Overnight . . ; field, is a • patient in Wingharn liospital'folldwing a corn picker accident that cost him, the 'fin gers on his left hand. • Alek OWI1S the Corn picker and Was doing CUstom work on. the 7fararef--„Hartild Cooper; in West Wawanosh, ,formerly known • as the Joynt "Red 13rick."; farm, The ,aecident •happened i en Thursday afternoon. Alex was working alOne, -when he got his hand in the machine. .!-Ie was, not caught in the machine, and after shutting off the tracter, made. way for help across. the .field to the adjoining farm, where Mr. Coopees. -employee, Mr. Heffernan resides. ;" • • Alex was taken to Wingharn Hospital,' where it was expected upon admittance that he Would 'be a. patient for about ten days. At the first Of , the Week: his • , condition , was quite satisfactory. .• It is expected. that: Alex Will retain most Of the 'palm of the Two Cattle Die Of Rabies,Herd Quarantined, Family Inoculated . „ . Peter Carter has lost twO:cattle Peter had over thirty head' of due to raiiieS,' the balance of the herd is under -quarantine and Petek and three.inerribex•S of the family are receiyirig. anti -rabies • inOeulatioris. , Peter farms on the 6th Conces- sion of Kinloss. re,had not seen any • 'foxes bothering the cattle. On Monclay of last week the first pow died ,with syinpto,ms that de- finitely pointed to rabies, • with" the 'animal frothing at the mouth and bawling Continuously. The head was. Sent to the Dom ioion Laboratory at Hull for ana- lySiS which definitely proved to be. rabies. Anether cow had to be destroyed .and • . buried • on Ttie,sdaY. this week. The balance of the herd—eight cows and a calf are under a sixty- day quarantine, and there is a possibility ...that 'the • •infection could wipe them all .out. • cattle, but sold the most. of them a few iweeki ago. . • • ' • Peter and three of his children, yvlio helped their father with the; • , • milci,ng and: chore.s, Tecei, ving anti:rabies inoculations as a precaution,ary. measure. They re• ceived their first "needles" Sun- day. The children.are Peter, age 11; Marlene, age 12;' and George, • • age 14 years.' .1 • e, • r : • ONLY. ONE HOME BINGO: - • • ' PRIZE , LEFT—THE ' HIG,.. ONE , . .._____. • , . The third of our home bingo , prizes was won last week when:' . Mrs. Charles IVIasOn and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald both had': four corners filled rtivith Monday's number, B 9 They split the $10. Prize. . • The •full Card prize of$50.00.is yet to be twon. wanosh Board ven 6th erni y cclamation West •..Wawanosh ,. Township ,COuneil was re-elected by accla- mation' on' Friday when only the' ,bare slate of Board members was, noMinated., The Board will Commence theirsixth term, with, the personnel. tinchanged 'from the 1953 election: • Reeve. John Durnin and Councillors Orval McPhee, Harvey Culbert, Lorne 1)umin, El on 1V1iller. The two retiring school trust- ees,- Wm. Webster.. and Wallace j Miller„ Were returned, by acclarn- ERNIE OiiItTER, ESCAPED. 'SERIOUS INJURY, IS' 11014E . • • • Ernie Carter. who WAS injured. km, Tuesday of .last 'week at the Beatty Ladder ;Factory; Was 'able. to return to his home near South Kinloss Church.on Sunday Oren-. • ' • • Ashfiet Ernie, was ,.struck by -a heavy • kiln., ':doer . which Was blown • . • -• CCIarnation down by the wind. He was ta,k n • • by •arribulance to. ,Wingharn. It was feared he mi b e seve e Ashfield township will' be ad- ministhred by the Same reeve and:, council for the, next, Year. Iteeve Cecil Blake and COuticil- lors, Andiew,Ritchie, John. Brad- ley, Donald MacKenzie arid Tom Howard will carry' on the toWn ship duties 'for 1959, • Roderick MacKenzie,. chairman. .of the Ashfield Township •School Area Board, : Was, :re-elected by,: acclamation. Eldon .,Culbert fil- led 'the other vacancy by accla- rnatien; succeeding Ross Henry:. The acclamation occurred at last Fridays afternoon's .nomina- tion meting at theteWnship hall chaired by clerk -treasurer, injured but 'an x-ray report from London •On Friday revealed no broken• bones or other. injuries, 'other than some bad bruises. • Ernie is supposed to rest ,this week before returning to work.' -ation. The only 'other • trustee :norniriee was" Wallace .141.11son, . ,. Other members of- the .-Scheol Baird with a. yearto run are Ted 'Mills, Harvey Anderson .and Jim Curran, who. currently 'the Beard chairman. . . • _ O Friday'sattehdance • Was szhall , and may soine extent have been affected by wintry weather conditions.' : • . The .following nominations were received by 'Clerk • jOhn F. Foran': • • , • • Far Reeve • .„ John. S. Durnin .by Ted Mills. and .Th'emas McCann. • • Harvey 'Culbert by Frank Mc, Ouillin and Gordon IVIaePherson'. For Collneallor .• • Orval Macphee by. Ted• , Milis and Wallace A, Miller., • , Harvey 'Culbert by Harvey Anderson and WM. Webster: Dttriiin; . Brown Smyth. and Thomas :McCann. Lorrie Durnin, by G. Greer and Wm. 'Webster.:• '. • Eldon Miller, by Gordon Alac-` Pherson' and Frank lrirr School Trustee •Wallace bsi:Ted Mills and, Harvey. Anderson. •,, • 'William Webster by Harvey Anderson and Ted Mills. ' Wallace:Wilson:by Albert Tay- lor and proWai:Smytht• ' Chairriaan. ..of the ratepayers meeting', which followed,- was Brbwn Smyth, a former reeve of the Township and. an ex -warden: of Huron Comity: , • Apart from the nominee's, those called on by • the •chairrnan, cluded.'„Everett • Firmigaii, :Bruce bounty assessor, and'. a former Westllieinpfeanra4clePrsk OfeEvaelt% Wawa - nosh Township, Trustees..Harvey Anderson and Ted Mills; J. .R. 'Murray; township.. representative on the'Luckhow District' High Scheel Board,' and R. D. Munro, • of the .GoderiCh Collegiate Board..' The new provincial' •hospitaliz- . ation act, which. Ponies into force in the Newr,Year, was .a subject., " • clitcussed, specifieally as to. what •,7 effect it :Will hayeon the ent Patient problem. The Matter does not yet appear to have been. officially:. Clarified. , • It was explained that the ,County road from Dunlop • to Blyth had been, taken ocret this , Year as al:development Oad.'hy the' Province, Which assumes .the cost of construction, with the County •responsible for fencing. andfor the: purchase of any land' required for road widening put- ' 'pbses: . It is' understood that' 'when. , completed the 'road .reverts • to . ••• • the County. •Theexplanation is: that' the Province coistructs such roads with relationship to the sum received, from the 'gasoline 'tax,. within the potint-Y7- whiCh on • .. a doinitYd•wide basis satruptints' to an almoSt unbelievable &tin. • A %matter of concern is the. • Manner 'hi' which garbage and refuse are scattered along .toWn- : ship. roads,:and it appears a Must.' that something will' have to. be (Continued on page 3) , • • • .. TOP MAGAZINE....SELLER . . '". •.1 it Be in Huron Township. '... •• ... - . - student at Lucknow District High ' .' ' ,EleariOr Carter,' agrade twelve ... , . ' • • s .....m., .4.m.01.4.. . • ', ,, - School received first prize for ‘: .:011 "*.rivt3 •selling ' the highest: amount Of magazine subscriptions: She re- ceived ,as. her priZe an electric Marconi ,record player, .Elearior 4•„,., .1.$ .the eldest daughter of kr. and • . , Mrs,'Peter Carter of HolYrood.: aid Smipson. t.' • '. • ' 'I . . • • . )i . • ' : , • : Reeve , Speaks , - . ' Reeve Cecil Blake referred , to 1958 aaone of the •better years since he had taken office in Ash- .: field. An . 'extensive road widen- ing • program. . Was , Carried, .on through the year. Five inileS 'ef' ..‘ road was widened' in Comparison. to ;-the usual three miles. 12,609. yards •of gravel was put on the township Oads: ,. ' - •• . Reeve ' Make referred to the. Very' great loss to the . county in .016 person of A. 1-1,Erskirie: the former county 'clerk. "He wag. • ratfd as one of the best, in 'the. province,. Mr. :Blake said:. The IteeVe gpoke of the development road from Highway 21 through • to Myth that had been taken ever by the overonlent Who will 'pay 100% of the: .ceSt :With th0 exception of the land purchaSeci from indiViduals for"the road al- • , ...,*•eve*r!: ,4* *•• `AAs's.1 .• <e. loWance. ' Considerable trouble was. ex- perienced in setting prices ih ttittie•Of the land purchaAcd. The • 000fitintted on page 14)” • • ' ' .• ••• Pictured above are our of the candidates that have‘ben bucking the, snowdrifts in Huron- Town- ship .‘'eletionderifir. „ Lost to right are Sack. Campbell and Alfred Walden, veteran cowl- Cillors who are fighttng it out • • • Politically for the office of de- puty •reeve, • In the centre is Claude Dore Who IS retiring from the redveship duties: Wext is John Madlitiehey, deputy reeve, who is trying to ,gdin the reeveshii and Chester Emrnerton, a foriner° 1 - • • , . • • met, reeve, • who, •is Mr. ' opposition , for .the honour. , BesidesthiS there is a.full slate for o d 11'and Huron -west • school 'area. ]lection day is .M.0111, day, DeCerriber 8th. '•• • 7 . •. , Sentinel Photo • SANTA CLAUS .TO, BE HERE SATURDAY The LuCknow Business Asso- ciation has completed plans. with, Santa Claus 16 pay his annual: ' visit, to LtiekneW. The date' is this Saturday, December Gtl-f; and • the tin e of his • arrival 41s• slated • for 2:30 sharp. • • • • With,: King \ 'Wiriter holding. sway at the morn'ent its uncertain, just •,what means of transporta- tion: Santawill require.° The bewiskered" •Old Gent 'will ". have a crew ofhelpers 'to .assist . hitnAn passing out a big bag of •• • sweets to every • Airangments to aid Santa, are, • being made by the Ladies' Auxi- liary assisted_bY Members' of the Legion and Lions Club • 'It Was originally intended -to • congregate in the' arena, •,btit the ice is in now .and other arrange- • netts are ;being Made: So at the • • tiMe Of writing all we cap say jut follow Santa:, • • . . • •