The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-29, Page 9Wednesday,. .October .29th,, 1954 ITIWYCI • .• THE; I.I.TCKNOW SENTINEL, tvgjcisTow, ONTARIO • FAG.E.,NT4E. 4 1957 PLYMOUTH..automatie, radio,'etc.: 1957 FORD VS seaan automatic irmnaculate 1956 PLYMOUTH 'SavoY V8, aut'Ornatib, radio, etc , • , 19.55 METEOR VS Niagara S"ccIA11, radio, naw tires .1955 :PLYMOUTH Belvedere V8 Sedan: • 1955 DODGE Regent' Club Coupe • Li.„..„*".....)10,..,1Plai Club e . overdriVe ,195 FORD. Sedan -Delive.ty, ci.i!rhauled, 1952. DODGE Regent Sedan, overhauled and :refinished. 1949. CHEV COach: • 1948 ',PONTI`ikC Sedan, new tires Pc1 4; iis b7 er, .is rid Ice rt- ty. ive r,an ag7 rrn • ige iky the: Up .•••• Ivi- • t :fra • ••' mai • 3n - to her the ugh - , ror- eat Ired •the -lose the • pro- ased .for hich vol;. cted. h Of. itiess• the be they rease- ic ,to pey -op • tion e this nS ,of carnu' aring, , tiOnol orOud CO -0i) • t. LIONS. HALLOWE•14,41rsuND DNATIONS., ...PARTY .FRMAY • SHQRT •-013.4Etir114 The Lucknow and ' District The Huron COunty ftmd-raiS- Lions club will sponsor their 2n4 in campaign for the Canadian children's Hallowe'en party in National Ipstitute, for the Blind the Arena on Friday night, corn- rnening at 7.30.- - Lion Gerald RathWell reported at Monday night's, meeting that t the party would •star with a •t street parade 'bead'ed by. PiPer Frank MacKenzie "• • , At'the arena there will be en- tertainmenti treats and a, peanut scramble.. • There will be . cash costume „prizes for pre-.$chobt Children, Grades 1 2,. 3; grades. 4, 5, 6 and Grades 7. and 8. ;- A, Carload of Lions frorn. the Howick Club. attended the meet- :ing and: laid ,claim to. the Ta - veiling Lion, which was presen ted by. President Chas., Webster to. Wray. CoOper, president ' of the •••4 has fallen short of its oblective to date. , Locally the same situation- ap- plies, but there is every reason to believe that. LueknoWanct Dis- trict .will -do their part. The total to- datp receiyed by Thomp son, • Campaign, C ha irma n, is $*291.00 of 'an objective of $350.00. Donations not previously ack- novVleclged:. 0• J, R. Henderson,s,$10.00; Thomas Burns, 1.00; :WO Catherine:Mac. • Gregor; 5.00;•,. Gordon Montgom- • ery, 5.06; Art,13reckles; 2.00; Mis. ses Jessie 'and Annie IvlacKay. 10..00; ,Robert Rae,2.00; Miss Mar- garet :Malcolm, 2.00; Jack Fisher, 2.00; George Henry, 3.00;• 1)9n •Cameron, 2.00; H. M. MacLennan, 5,06; John MacRae, 5.00; Dr. J. table guest District officers at: Mrs. Clark Finlaysoh 2 00. Roy •the head table were zone' chair- Havens, 2.00; Mrs J W. Colwell," 1 -nn Harvey McDermitt, Deputy '5,00; Thos. MacDonald, 2.00; W. I. District ,Governor Harvey 'Web- I Kintaili• 5.00; W. J. Pollock, 2-06; • • Kincardine, _Ph:one .147 • • "Your Chrysler Plymouth Fargo .bealee•• •,• 4:44:KtigNiOgiNicN!tvt WHITECHURCH • 'and :Mrs.. Ken Dowling, • •• " W. • B.• ;Anderson reported for ster, and, District Governor. Rae Watsen,wlio received ilietions roar for; the 'success • of the dis- 'trict rally. at Arthur. Rae 'replie1. that it •hadn't been a one-man I show by an; Means. • Lion •.Bob 1VlacIntoshi One, of the neiv. Members gave a good report of the rally. • • , President • Charlie, announced that the rnernbership stood at 94 and with the induction:of Donald Hamilton would set a record of 95. -members., ••••. , 0• • ;Mr. arid: Mrs. Russel :,Spotton *Brock Cleland on 'arrangements Mr. and IVIrs. .Lotigheed 'and% and. : of Toronto spent the for a stag 'night smorgasbord at. .ponsible.-for disposing:of an' ,ad • .the week -end at the horne.`of Mr. .and /:.$5.09 a .head, with. members res7 family ,of Midland s p week -end at 'the honieref Mr. and, • Mrs. •Geo. . Fisher and. attended • the wedding of. her brother Gor- don to. Joan Marshal. . , Miss ' Marjorie COultes spent • the week -end at the, borne of her parents'Mr...and Mrs. 'W. R. ,Coi.&.• . • , Miss W. Farrier of Toront spent the week -end'. at the.. home • of her .parents IVIr,• and. Mrs..• R. Farrier. : ' . . • Mr and •Mrs.. Robert Aitchison oft,Ildrton spent the. weekend • at"/the home of her parents Mr . • and Mrs..;Ken. Dowling, , , Mrs. Irene Patterson Of. Toren: - 10' 'spent ' the% week;•end ; 'at : the home: of- her,. Mother, Mrs.. Bill Tayfor...: , •• • • Mr. and'Mrs. • Rooney Sr, 'and tion 'of the by-law .?.s from $10. t Wiation from the drivers ..ni• Mr. and Mrs. A. Rooney of Mt. to $50.00 and dogs:at large May •Mount of $22.50. •• Forest spent' Sunday with. Mr..' be destroyed forthWith:', • , tribute Coin c • :The: penny • banks were. bated to 'Town ,inembers on Mon- day..' night • with ' eachiLion 10 cans to distribute . homes: and ..btisineSS places. • • • A committee volunteered . to. lay out a. rural area for can • PlacerrieptS. These :"banks'' will ibe PlekediO'in• the 'Spring,. and, the proCeeds Used for .weltare. work.' • • The President , suggested that rtiekle a week" tirottld not 'be Missed • and would add up to a I. .4' • sizeable. ainourit.. With ticket ra- ffle, stag night. and peanut .sales on the ,moneys raising agenda, the President reminded the Lions to ' be .On the lookout for worthy pro- jects to support. • • Mrs, Adbert Hendersen. (Intended. For Last INeek.).1, ,. `..... ditional ticket t�their own; Char- lie • Short.' announced the menu, J), Win. A. Stewart, 5.00; Charles Webster, 2.00; D. C. Kingsbury, 2.00%, A • Friend, 3.00;.'S.. E. Rob- ertson, 2.00; 1VIiis Emma IVfcClu- 'skey, 2.00; g. R, Gaunt, .2.00; P. W. Hoag, 6.00; J. Gibson GillesPie, 2.00'; St. Helen's W. I.,., 509;. Old Light Lodge, Mrs. G. Mc- Diarrni'd, 5.00; Haro 1:d 'Ritchie, 2.00; Mrs. Albert Alton,..5.00; Miss Helen L. ThOmPson., 2.00. : Total.• td date' $291.00., ObjeCtiVe $35000, • • ; ,AUXILIARY, MEMBERS.. VISITED EXETER BRANCII. yceu . WINGHAM: • . • . To .snOWS. eaCIA..111.0t: Fit* at 744 • Thursday, Friday, fr Saturday October 30,, 31, November 1 glenn,,:Ford, 'Anna Kashfil •Jack • j" • " •"COWBOY" An 'outstanding technicolour western with the storyof., the conflict, between a hard-- bitteri trail bosi and a. tenderfoot. who becomes his pall -tiler. • Coming November 6, 7, Elvis Presley, •in- , KING CREOLE • .c••••,•Va. otta'''t,'"rt • '. . • .., . . . • :Seventeen m e in ilp e r s of: the LucknowucknoW Branch Ladies Atiiiili- arY. TeCentlk • visited 'th e. Exeter; Mrand MrsRObei:t Laidla* .Auxiliary on the occasion of the and. family spent .Suriday. in ,I-Jarrwith Whitney Grose'Sid for Ca, ,1,- . .Seventh Birthday of the ,Exeter ilton, visiting relatives. . * . .'' 1 terin,g having been accepted.. Branch. 'Also 'Present were Gode- ... Mrs. Turner' left the village on Lloyd Ashton Outlined the work rich and Seaforth BranchesAn ..: i enj.oyahle eVening was 'held with' Sunday td spend the winter. in done in .getting .ready for .rnirior.r,- games; contests and an interest-•• Toronto. • • . hockey and free skating. Lion . __. __ 1 Mr: .and - Mrs. Norman Sthith Lorne Reid,- as secretaty• 'ot -th1.7... ingThPerPligruia Hoops .Were 'demong. afli visited at the home .of Mr. and cOmmittee; has contacted 23 SC}lender. Si.)11.nd. Mrs. David Houston Jr. on Sun- '001s, to find out what boys wish strated. by Evelyn Amanda Hamilton and Joan -Eng- , • to' play' hoCkey. As Of Monday, fr. 2, day. .. - •. • ...... , land gave a. very Tunny reaging. •• - ' there are 27 Squirts, 24 Pee: wees 4 K. Purves. wOn• the prize for . 's • .• and' 13 Bantams, with 17, schools drawing a horse 'it' the dark. COnithie Pegs yet . to heai. from. . • • • • • $15.00 -waS voted. the .Dungan- non' W:td aid with their ,1-.1cal- lowe'eri, party:. • , ' TranSpOrtation paid 113Y. indivi- dual Lions' going to -Arthur,' was turned oyr to the Club as a don-. Due to the threatened .spread. of rabies, Ripley Council has, pas- sed a by-law • requiring all :dogs to be tied up until the danger no longer exists. The fine for infrac- You .. are cordially invited. to 'attend the . . . HURON - BRUCE:PROGRES4IVE cossgRyATIvs. a e. own Hall, Vringham ovem at 8.30 p.m. Hon. Dr. M. H Dymond I. Harley CraWford, 'QC., Secretary, Huron -Bruce Progressive Conservative ASsOciatitiii • Guest Speaker 1 -Ion. Dr. M.; H. Dymond•, Minister of 'Transport, :Province of Ontario • ELECTION Of • CFI?' ICERS Ladies Especially 4Invited O REFRESRMENTS • . Platform guests will . • chide: Wflliani A. Stewatti. M.P.P..; Chas. MaeNaugh ton, M.P.P.; Elston Card- iff, M.P.; Andy Robinson, ,• M.P.; W. •Marvin Hove, M,P,' J, Fred EdWards, MaP, •0 .• GOD 8AVt,MW QUEEN `v!%*4tvggt:64".:;0e. ROE BRAND ncentrates_ ,t• .LAYING' CONCENTRATE 32 % Protein $4.95, per cwt. HOG CONCENTRATE 36 70 Notein *4.95 per. cwt. ' • C . • OW CONCENTRATE. 32% PrOtein. • $4.25• per cliit• 1 • • Feed Roe and Watch Your Profits Growl D. R. FINLAYSON AfclOor prize remained Ex0" • ter, ,a$ ;,did the blanket .draw. A 'set of ,dishes Went, to Seaforth and the-memberwith the. birth- day nearest October '20th was • also. from •Seafortii.,. . • • • • „ • 7 -7 1))) ) . .. „..),. w74..".:•:‘ ..-` . _.,_,....„ ,. . ' • •/'a reel taken by Harold' Thomp-1 •' son .of Kincardine,: were shown' j:s7 .Catripbelt Thompson. '• • Centennial • pictures, including, FAMliV. REUNION MI? • BY i3EG.i....EY:.E” Mr. and Mrs. William', Begley • of •Learningtoni Jirn Begley of Moose Jaw; Sask, Warner Begley of Nanairno," B.C.,' Earl Begley of Fort 'William,' Mrs: Martha Million of Lucknow, Mr. arid Mrs; Robert Rosel of Grand RaPicls, Michigati,, and Mr, and Mrs. •Q,11 - ver Smith, R1Pley, all attended, the• Begley reunion at, the hfine • ON all CO-OP dairy and beef concentrates and premixes (This offer expires November 801h) Cash. in on this 'get acquainted' offer and convert your full. ,gianary into extra profits with a Co-op balanced feeding program. Grains are deficient in some necessary .flutrients. Co-op Concentrates make up these deficiencies and give`you increased milk and ineat production greater profits for of • t h e i r sister 'Mrs, Margaret ' Sproul in Lucknow. • These brothers and sisters are' members 'of 'the family' of the late Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Begley of Dtingannoh. A dinner was held last, T,hurSdaY at Tiger.1140dp • • • Q11 0 Phone ft, Luc ow t „ ' • 0, /./ • . .• . • ' • • ..'•,'.", • .• • . • • t.. 1.1