HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-29, Page 6, . il*AGE • LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO RECEPTION HE LD AT LANGS ID E pews', gency GENERAL INSURANCE • Established Over Thirty Years Ago lelehones; 81;lain 39 HOWARD AGNEW Residence 138 '44,.......~.."•.••••;•••••••••••••••••••••;4•••••4...~.•••••?, WALTER,: 'BRECKIAS slimepuci#, ONTARIO Phone .18-20 Ripley • •(LANGSIDE, NEWS) A large, crowd, attendeda re- ception, and dance in the hall Friday, evening for M. and, Mrs. Arthur Hinschberger (petty Mil- ler).,, Tiffin's Orchestra supplied music. At the lunch hour. Miss Cecelia Crowston read an addresS •of good wishes. and Miss Marion Seott 'made the presentation of a well filled PUrse., Art made a , suitable reply and invited all to: visit thern in their borne' in. Kit- WednesdaY-October 28th, 1.53. Now's 'rum 'ME TO, BE irummiNiG OF A NEW McCLARY '• . . Youi' John Deere Dealer --Automotive and Tractor Repairs Are and Acetylene welding . . Machine Work . . Pioneer Chain Saws,Lawn • and Garden quipment 6 For your best buy in „diesel tractors, see the ,'David Brown" "4' 4,7 5 ft) 1 11A 1:2 1)1. KI( 4 1 I II 44 I ' , •, • ' • - -./.....4/...-47-..-4,#4, -Insur8nce- 4 1 'i AUTO, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, LIABILITY, FIRE. , • ••I• • Agents: ••• \ CECIL PALCO'NEI2. , •\ Whitechurch, Ontario —:-. Phone Wirigham 5704-3 JOHN McMURCHY Ripley, Ontario* , — Phone Ripley 20-23 , > IRWIN CARRUTHERS Luckn ow, Ontario Phone RipleY, 127-r-9 PROMPT CLAIMS SERVICE 4 4 e 0 • • ,I , . . ' • . ./4.."..". /S.'. ...."...../..".,,../..."'..),4.."4/ 4 V.'. .."..• /. O'' ...".......,',"...."1,...."'..., ....,"../ ......."../ "..•• '6/4." 6/ ".. ,'..,,......'..r."."............./. chener..: • , • The follOwing, is the address:. Larigside," October. 24, 1958 Dear Betty and; Art, . We, • your friends and neigh- bours, have.- assembled here this ,eVerring,,to offer congratulatiOns and best wishes onk the occasion • Betty, you have entered into a new phase of life, having chosen your life partner.' Although you will. be living in Ihitchener, you 1 leave behind you friends who join in wishing you every success and joy in -the 'future. We know that such qualities; of kindliness, and friendliness, as, we• have found in. you, will pave \the way NLOSS NEwS • • *earth and Sixth. „ , (Intended For Last Week)` Mr.'and- Mrs. , WM. Townson nd NiTe4da motored from Sud- iniry, ,Ttiesday..evening and "Mr. and Mrs:-.TOwnseri ' accompanied 'Mr. and 1VIrs. Tra.,Dickie to NOrth- vine, Web; on Wednesday 'to' at- tend of Mrs. L. Sev- erance who was a sister of the late 11,,Trs. L.' C. Maciver: •• , • Mr. and Mrs Wm Eadie were guts of 'honour' Saturday even- ing at the,liome,,of their daughter Mrs. cur"rieCOlwell on the' oca.s- siori of their thirty-fifth Wedding ..Anni,versary. • „A. number of Kairshea ladies were on the bus trip to the Insti- •\ lute 'Rally in Wiarfon on Titurs- •itlay. • LEARNING •toward your realization of our' S1ES ELECT OFFICERS• • • good wishes for your happiness. COLWANASH -. 1 The first Mee ting el the Col- " May good fortune smile upon iwanash Learning .Lassies was you as readily as your smile has held at the home of Mrs. George, been cast upon u.s. AlfoltioonOft w..s'ipriceesirdsentwerejt; eAnleontede ,juesArt, to most thataolfoiigha us, we hope astrangerpet-oecome ton; vice-PreSicleet, Gertie Camp- better acquaMted with you, /and bell; secretary, Marilyn Caroor- that: you will continue to make on; press reporter, WandaRi Hen.-- many friends in our .cohi.numity: ry. The leaders are, Mrs. chard Kilpatrick, gild mrs. George Alt- warmest obsott!iofyou wegive u wishyesihatyoumay on. The members are, Barbara have a long and happy wedded Nelson, -Donna Nicholson, Doro- life filled with health, happiness thy Alton, Gertie Campbell, Jo and prosperity. Anne Alton, 15.aren. Kilpatrick, Marjorie. Alton, Marilyn Came- ron, Mary Andrew, Wanda Henry. er :MORE ADVANTAGES with .91eibLAiriiE[EATING! Econeniical! .' Guaranteed! Automatic! Compact! Cleen! Attractive! Quickly .Initalled! Efficient! •.Effective! Ou e !. • Enjoy greater heating ef- fiency, combined with compact, attractive de- sign with a McClary Compete In Provincial Judging • The provincial. 4* -H Inter Cl,ub competitions were held recently at the .0.A.C. with 482 boys and girls participating in the various classes. Bill Andrew of 'Ashfield ICINLOUGH, and ,Jim Blake of• Dungamion, • (Intended For Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guest and Fred visited Sunday with Kin- • . cardine friends. Mr and Mrs Dan Nicholson of &minium/ were guests Simddy.lof Mr- and Mrs. Jelin Bushell. •Mr. Alex MacKenzie, aLang- zide, Mr. and 1VIrs. Wesley. Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs,. Charlie Burt of Kincardine visited Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Maulden. Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Clark and children „of Wiarton visited on Sunday with Mr and 'Mrs. Roy • Sdmeller and family.,, Miss Marie Schneller spent a day with friends at Paisley. members of the- Lucknow Grain Club, placed 10th with forty FURNACE TENDING BANISHED. En ies Invited — .No Obligation :ebster: c . Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, E,avetrOughing • PHONE ,50i, LUCKNOW 1 •PURPLE GROVE • .„ (Intended , for Lag; 'Week) M. and Mrs. John -Beira, ,We ask you to accept , this 'gift 'cardirie visited ,with their is a slight token of otir esteem,. ter 1VIrs. George, Emerson May your future be a wide open . day. door, to the wonderful years life mi.- and Mrs: Donald holds in store; and whatever you do, or wherever, you g�, -may nothing on earthbe too good to be tine. Destroy. Two Dogs Anxiety is being keenly felt . in this community, as in many others, when. Philip Steer's, two, dogs were attacked by e lox. on teams 'competing, . Friday evening. Both dogs were destroyed Saturday. When the • family clog is so depended. upon .on farm,;,,,,, and people get , so attached to Ahem, it comes as quite a loss andheart break to have to part with the family pet sister, Mrs.: Quigley of I.,onden. Surely there could be a drive on • The Presbyterian Church at the foxes as they have become • %140,00.1140.0.404:.4410:MIPTIONM#014P70 • GAVIILER; MtiNTOsH• Lino wARri • Chartered Accoutents • Bell' Telephone Bldg.': Walkeitt* Ont. • , Telephone 633 and family attended the Parmerts, Meeting at. Pine River Sunday evening. • Miss ' Mary McCogli attended' the Rally' at Southainp- , Mrs. Frank Dore, 'Mrs. Helen S -wan, Mrs.. Mor f ord McKay, Mrs:• Will 'Arnold, Mrs. Donaid 1VIeCosilt attend the Bruce Coun- ty. Institute Rally at Wiarton. • Mr. C' alvin Robertson spent a few days at his brother's,Ken Robertson- of Zion: •, , • Mrs. • Ralph Hill liisited her sary on Sunday With a good at- tendance. Rev. Neil McCombie of Ripley had charge.- of "both ing and, evening services, and • preached two, very inspiring ser - i, augh- n cCash Junior mons. . The 'music was under the dir- ection . of Mrs. John Emerson, which 'consisted of a solo by Mrs iii MCPhersOn, a duet by Erh ma and Sandra Percy. At the evening service a solo was' ren- :dered by Mrs. Harold Halder • and, a number. by . the quartette of Erlma and Sandra Percy, Don Roberisim and. Mac McDonald. • KINGS Mrs, Irene Murphy moved in- to- God.erich recently arid has tak,- en an..„Apt., there , for the winte months. '• Mr. Cleo Benninger of Pontaic Mich. is visiting 'his brother Bar • • Kiniough marked their Anniver- riey Berthinger of Dungannon: so "plentiful and bold. Mrs. Reuben Tiffin is not as • well as 'her, many friends Would like to see. , Russell Ritchie: received word Sunday morning that his brother Les Ritchie, Ashfield„ Township, .....0-•••404.~•-•••••••••!•-•••••••••••••• had been taken to Wingham Hos- • pital Suffering ,from a stroke. Russell. visited ,with Mari Sunday afternoon.. He was removed later to, London :Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. ,tric Evans and • family of • Reidale. spent the • week -end with relatives. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fran ••Miller, • and Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hinsehberger, visited on Sunday afternoon with relatives in Tiv- • erton. •: , . . Jack ,Bannister has been named chairman of the Boy SeCut Com- • mittee .at Zurich. ' • I0 4: GOOERICH 'PAVILION ' ,Every WEDNESDAY. at 8.30 p.m.' ' Sponsored by Goderich Ilona Club ' For Welfare ..A.chniattion $1.00 51,1ARE-THE-WEALiii, . Prizes .Over • $S00.00 • ON' IATI L 1$19 r:"If gmfartififi:00. isp",•%arw vpr;,32,11101".- mODII 1958 Pontiac StratOchief Sedan, automatic , ttensmission, fully equipped . $2,795 1958 Pontiac Stratochief, standard transnaission, , fully equipped ' ' $2,595 1957 Chev 'coach, , fully equipped $1,095' '1957 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, automatic transmissien, . ' fully equipped' • ' $2,395 • 1957. Chev. Station Wagon • $2,350 1955 Chev • ,Deluxe Sedan . 51,595 .1954 Ford Coach, valve and head motor , , $1,295 1954 Chev. Deluxe Sedan , $1,350 1954 CheV. Deluxe ' Sedan, automatic transmission, • fully equipped .; •4,• $1,450 1954 Meteor Hardtop; "automatic, fully ,.equipped ',$1,395 .1953 Pontiac Sedan .•. . .. .. ... . . . .. $1.095 • 1953 Dodge Sedan '• . 444•*,* . $1,095 1952 Chev. Coach • ... '$ 795 1951 Chev 'Sedan. ' • , •,. ,.$. 695 1950 Ford Station Wagon ....• • '•' • $ .550/ ; 'TRUCKS! • ; TRUCKS! . 1955' Chev. -Half Ton IPtekOP . . : ' $., 950 1951' C1iev. 3 -Ton .Drimp 'Truck " 650 .1kito*Oill: ,CoUnty's Foremost Used Car Dealers • CASH, TRADE, TERMS — Open Evenings Until ,10 w-tities Service Dealer •, 'Phone 1130 .Brutsele,