The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-29, Page 4PAGE 'FOUR r THE LUCPNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO S DIGEST Chrm Pe as special on Leaders t 1!Digest, new or renewal. subscrip- ' ' WA 'TE.D -- Will buy old, used radios.. To be fixed.. for resale. ,Jirrr'L,yons, {Lucknow; WANTED -- a :cutter, 'piano box -style. Jack England, Lucknow.. FOR SALE—three-year-old rete astered Hereford bu11, Art Gil - "More; phone 61-r13 Dungannon. READER ist. thin regular PriCe' Christmas Season $4.00 per year, price °$3 00 •per year. Don • Thompson, Phone' 35, Lueknow. • atEMEMBER: Your . feet -are one.. of . your• FOR t greatest, assets, •and a breakdown SALE -225 Sussex, Red pul- • in :the structure.may cause pains lets,; starting to lay, 'Apply . Jere in ' feet, knees, legs, ankles or aniah• ,Eckert,. R. ' 3, Goderieh lower back; See J. A. Vickers, pntario near Kingsbridge, Foot Correctionist, at Queen's FOR SALE—Ten choice H olstem L Hotel, •,Winglam, each' ' Monday . Heifers,' close., to calving, T.D..' afternoon. Y: • tested . and vaccinated. Apply to •leap RUST PROBLEMS? Dungannon pair panels DAVIDSON FOR SALE Nine chunks; of pigs. ,, Sam Chislett, phone, 179' Luck Visualising. & ,Collision. Service sow: No. 11 Highway; '� � oderich , 1 •; . ' , - .. Phone ' .320, G MEAT' FOR. SALE Good beef or: pork' in• large ' or small quantities. Meat slaughter- ed on premises inspected- 'by the 1.cOMIN.G EVENTS SHOOT PARTIES' The Ladies' Auxiliary extends; a :hearty invitation •to all their interested in a pleasant social CLERKS NOTICE T: evening, to, join them at their weekly parties commencing . Nov- ember 7th. Wednesday, Oatoaber ;29th, .1958, NOTICE Village of: LACIuow DEBENTURES FOR SALE Enquire Municipal Office E.H. Agnew, Treasurer. former Shoot, friends and anyone , E OF FIRS POST .G OF VOTERS' LIST 1 Voters' List 1958, ,Township fl of 1 West Wawanosh, County of •..... ' ` ; °, reb given ., that 1, ... The Zion W. A. is . holding a Notice is -hereby y . 9�. of .bazaar.' of homemade baking and have complied with Section sewing and will also serve af- The Voters' List. Act, 1951, and. a.. e. ion rooms : that 1 'have, 'sted.- yup at my •of- ternoon tea, hn the: Legion .. ,. . Po , on Saturday, November ist ' at ' fice; `R:R. 2, Auburn; on the 28th'-. • ' • 'day ' of October,. ,1958,' the.. list of at 2.30 p.m;. • ' .. Y .__ . •.: � all persons: entitled to vote . in -the CONCERT AND :DANCE' ,Muni 1pahty at Municipal. Elec . Hallowe'en Concert, Masquer- tions and that such list remains ade and Dance will be .held in there for inspection. • • Whitechurch Community Mem- And 1 hereby, call upon all vol orial Hall on `Friday October 31st : ers to take, immediate ,"proceed - SALE—Purebred Yorkshire FSR'. boar,. , around 400' pounds, not re . > . , '.gistered, Quite reasonable. R. T. Kilpatrick, p 77 -r-2. Dungan- non., : • Department of • Health.. Custom. gas cook � killin by . appointment. Cattle. FOsR. SALE propane g. ... Stove, oil sPace heater, very rea- i killed every day and hogs every sonaible. Lorne Power, phone 71, '.Tuesday. morning:.•• Lucknow. RAYNARD ' ACKERT; Holyrood , and:: Phones , 24-30, Ripley FOR SALE -=, number ' of servi- ' .• and.. Lucknow • cceable age boars,. purebred York- • 101,-r-13, . `res all:'' advanced registry. GLASS! •`s+1i1 , blood line. Apply : to MacDonald.I F r every_ make' auto, flat or Bros. Ripley• ;hone -162-r-3. v” -7- FOR See DAVIDSON: i i alisin : &' . collision. 'Service EOR SALE ---Four yearling Hol -1..... V �sii. g . stein Heifers; Gerald` .alter R.R. No. '8 Highway, • 7 Lucknow phone Dungannon 7'7 - Phone 320, Goderi at 8.30 •p.an. sharp. Prizes for costumes follo• wing corrected according to law lugs to • have any omission or eala.:beibg •t e S d byWhitechurch ted this 28th day of October, Library Board. Admission 50c 1958 • • NOTICE: O. CREDITORS Ir>t the :Estate; • of . WILLIAM MELFORD• MAC1N•T*REI, de ceased.. • All persons having claims age- ainst the Estate .of William. Mel- ford Macrntyre, late/of the,Town-, • ship of Kinloss,, in. the County,. of.,Bruce, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the' 4th day of July,, 1958,; are hereby notified to :send. 'in their claims to the undersigned Solicitor•' for the -Ex- ecutor,' of or before ;the .8th day,, of November., 1958; as . after the . . Said date' the estate .will be dish: i. • those :entitled tributed :amongst o- o , • thereto,.' having regard only to • the claims of which the Executor., ,then 'have• notice, shall • Dated, at ' Lucknow, Ontario„ this 15th day of October, 1958. R. W, Andrew, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. on , errors : ancirr to Farrier s. h ' orc es ra, ; un "` i�iii " e""=„"P`?v 11th. day of November, ed. _ ponsore Whitechurch . - Th Public School Children Free. J Foran; Clerk ' of the Town :t KEEP THE' DATE OPEN! .ship. of 'West' Wawanosh: Keep the, (late, open; for .St,• An- n-. , IN. MEMORIAM Brew's Ball, Friday,. November. —=I•n NEV�MAN loving rnernoiy •of` °28th :under auspices' of the..Karr:--,-a • , -band father. and a dear hus , ERVIUES ANNIVERSARY S hes' Women's Institute. . grandfather, Fred; D. Newman,; •, who ` passed away four years ago , October 25th. The ;60th . anniversary . of Calvin .' What . • Church, St, Helens, ;will be ob-t . Wh we would giveif weecould. served Sunday, November 2nd say` ' • Rev H M >, To hear your voice and see your Im finister will be former .' '' • Helens minister. Special' 'music To sit With you'and awhile.. chat , So you Who have,a. father, Cherish him . with care, For; you will never know' the at 11 a .m. and. 7.30 p.m. Guest Hello Dad, in the.same old way, Wright of Mon kton, a f orrYrer St smile, . i by the choir. Lucknow • United Church mixed . quartette in the evening a , heart ache, . NOTICE' 'Till • you see his • vacant: chair. Sadly. missed and;ever' remem of Revision 'on' the: ch ' Court ,bered iby. his' .•wife, children and, Assessme t R Yl '; piled `in � ,grandhildren.. , • NOTICE TO CREDITORS seEE• .14:1,1 W • D ALTON, deceased.. n o tom INSEMINATION SERVICE !195 p- of West FOR SALE - Three cows •l:..hol»> 8' for the Townshi .... :. ser- will be • inseminat n s swinish 1, � THANKS . � w , ... CARD OF TH F' artificial held' at the KS n persons' having claims ag .of :Ro • Edward . • • � e EstateY ainst , Alton, 1 e the village of Luck - now, in the County of Bruce, Re-' 'tired , Farmer;. .deceased,, who died. on or:'about. the .22nd day of June, ' 1958, . are, hereby i tified to to send• in their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for, the Ex- ecutors,. on ,or . 'before. for .8th day 'of November, 1958, as after • ,.y the said date' the Estate Will be d amongst' st' those . entit- led distribute t thereto,.having 'regard. only •. the Exe ih t of •wh c to, the, claims . cutors shall then have notice.-, Dated at Lucknow, • Ontario, this 15th day of October,.1958.. R. ; W ' Andrew • Listowel, ' Ontario Solicitor: for the Executors. and 1holstern and hereford or ar . steintele- or more information, Township . Hall, : ;west Wawanosh due :vice. ,, 1 •,.: ' ;: and,Art,• �Hinschberge� 'carryingtheir,: second calves d. . 1,1, 1958 f . Betty Waterloo Cattle Breed- onTuesday, November , hone the i. .. 3.. ..n sincerely tank every - in November,.• one blue cow mil- . P, .,.,_ ._ until noon., wish to si a y h. •: •ingAssociation. collect at Clin !,from 10.00: a.m.,. .:� . , , : •. ;>; Who had any';, art,in'�makirig. kingand a holstein bull calf.i . ownshi Clerk. ton' HU • 2-3441. or Kincardine,,,, 46-0 J;. , F. Foran, T p rte 1 � Anderson Lucknow aR.7..._ their .reception ..at ' ngside Hall Gordon � : • ,• between 7.30' and 9.30 ,a.rn week: CARPENTER' 'and Repair Work!' Such a success and for'the: �gener� FOR SALE . =-' . ICCtary days 6 : and 8 p m. on :Saturdays.:(. ,. manythanks. STOVE F Y i of all types.. Call at Lucknow ous gift. Many •S un- and . 'wood kitchen 'range. -r not call for service on un- lyes or• contact Bob'n Wood Specialties • rte 13-r-18: �' in heat on Sunday ca . � •' priced reasonable. -phiday. Cows on Dungannon 68- 'CARD OF TITAN e1 h e 1 g 1 fat ori c pb p KS` i c sa tS nsemi sated Y, n on.:. be i . Dun an a g - ith Ed THANKS - Gardner '1 on sin and r 10. S>t anal r -!!Monday � cfaanil would like: to .thank;' all u 1 su 1 ice, to top qual ERING ''ROUBLES?' �' HAY FOR SALE about, fo We pp Y i STE ' tai i i ,friends and neighbours who as by Y teen sere -..: • _ tons of loose ' a o - i Jersey, . tee it : ' •bulls of the Holstein, . e ,, y,1 See ... ` •• to and clover. Jack Henderson,.R1 Brown Swiss` V�su ow. and Don -Lucke oiled h • �, Red Poll; Hereford ` (P alining & � Collision Service lit ill' Thisavailable through o u g —. Thorned), Beef Shorthorn. • (polled, print ` OUSE- 'FOR 'SALE. . : • N . 8 . Hi hway, „ : HThompson, Phone:. 35` Lucknow. y .thoughtfullness was BiR.IOK H 9 g j aPpreciated tel 3 acres,'good soil and 'horned) and Dual • Purpose Phone $20 Goderich � •' .. .. , . 3 Y sisted in any way in.helping Ayrshire, Guernsey, . DAVIDSONto their new home on Qua- These and' every .magazine m move • . CHRISTMAS' SPECIALS' ' Dozens , of Christmas' specials are available :from now until De-, cember 25th on 'magazines of all types., Look 'at • just, a few , bar . gains offered:. 1 year of Mac Leans and 1. year •'of Chatelaine, both' for :only. $3.49; 'Coronet,. l year $2.59; Family . Hearld, , two, gifts,. each ..1.00 Ladies' or more � gif $ Home`jourrial; two or more :gifts, each $3.00; Liberty, one gift. $1.,'' three gifts, ' 2.50;:: Saturday Even.'- g � .� ing. Post, two :gifts $5.00 each; Teen, two gifts $2.50 each. aPproxima y , hot and cold running water, Oil; Shorthorn, Angus and •Charolais1 I ,� ,. 'furnished or unfurn- breeds. The ' cost is low: 1 / BLACK CARDBOARD heaut.". Sell . •ished.. Death forces sale: In .: the DEAD STOCK REMOVERS a Sentinel has in Stock, • black Th" Village. of St Helens. phone Highest cash prices paid for cardboard,; for which' there is gen- 1,erally..a demand as- Hallowe'en old,sick'or'hors'bledhorses and t approaches: Lucknow •211: r11: .. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT I cattle. Old Thr slaughter t WS situated on per pound.For prompt, STORM WI1gD0 Stauffer St. 'home of • Mrs. C sanitary disposal; dayR or iighi Save 15 to 35 percent on, fuel Elliott, 'available 1�lovesnber 1st ,phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood , costs. By . using storm wio,dowsI Aipply John' Finnigan; phone 550, 153 collect or George ' Hyslop, (either wood or aluminum) you! t ' • can save up to-35�percent`on. your j out FARMERS present fuel costs Actually, storm i FOR RENT: ten acres on ATTENTION }windows can'save ' enough fuel . to skirts of Lucknow,', close to school O.CK Rvicutting' at very•reasonable tie: Storm windows are ' an . in- „Emerson Irwin, 29' Craig St.' Apt 'rates. Welsh.Meat•Market,: phone vestfnent'—hot an expense. Let us estimate the cost. of .:storm wvind. 6 rooms and bath, at 5c . •• • • Wingham Wroxe er, 2-r-15collect . 9, London 41. ; . ',Z , ° •WILL •SHARE good home with WANTED '. -- used: windmills,` ows: for your home:.Prompt ser Christian •lady, still als ent1evide pumps and primp. jacks:.Irving :vices no .obligation: 'By, placing home - .for Christian.entlena is hone P aisley your order now, . you can be assur, Keyes, Glair#► ,. Phone With car, if interested : all 60' ; .1 .ed of delivery before cold wea- ' 114-r-4.� '.- • •Lucknow. they: FOR SALE—several `.;used milk=' •• John vv. Hendersdn..Lumber Ltd. APARTMENT TO RENT -- all ing machines of various ''makes: phone 150 •''' Lucknow 'conveniences, choice;; location, -' Let us.. install one of • these • 'Or ; mediate • oss sion, formerly 'pc., Something Something ao self. S :i- possession, your barn on ` ' ;M� Power of the Co- anew Woods. in � Phone ,35, Lucknow., , copied . by:trial. Prices, given without•ob- to buy •' Op who ' is•: moving • to. Toronto.... . ie g Glamis; i •': Apply, to W. L. 1VYcKenzi.e,.,phone, ligation, Irvin Keyes • , phone Paisley 114-r-4. I DEAD STOCK SERVICE,„ .193 NEED' :. EXTRA DOLLARS for your "back to school" budget. Yoh can earn - $2.00 or more per hour as a.. representative for Avon cosmetics. Representatives 'needed in rural area stirrounding Lucknow. Contact Mrs. Lourien Green, Hanover. • AUCTION SERVICE Allan' MacInti e • Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow—Phone 10-r-24 Ripley CLEARING SALE' V you are looking for ,lovely 'Christmas- gifts at.reduced prices I t in' Hymneries, • Books of Praise OLD HORSES WANTED • whave them ', White and Black. ' Old .horses wanted at 31c' per': leather back Bibles'Choir $odks 1b.; dead cattle -at value. If dead, phone at once to Gilbert Bros. 1Vlink Ranch, phone collect God erich 1483/4 Or 1483J1. HIGHESTCES CASH PRI Paid for 'Sick, Down or •:Disabled :Cows 'Zit Horses also Dead Cows 'and Horses at Cash Valise' . C .h r i s t i a n books. of 'alt kinds, • Old horses 4c per pound Children's Books,' Puzzles, Pia- phone collect'.133., Brussels ques, Concordances, Smiths Bible Dictionary; Westminister Diction- BRUCE 1VIARLATT Ary .of the Bible, Bible Students s - or . Nr most effective. and practical, Livestoc, InseCtlClde ever developed , , CORAL is of particular interest to livestock ' men, 'for insect control,, because; CO -RAL • is: applied as "a SPRAY: US- application requires: ;minimuin handling' and labour. CO -RAL'. kills warble grubss ,INSIDE the 4anirnal, BEFORE they damage meat or hide. Only orie • or two sprayings a year, are needed to give ' ex- eellent ,grub control. . . ' ' -RAD is a atom fete livestock insect control: CO „complete . w n Co.Ral alone, controls . rubs, screw ohms;' or flies, lice and ticks. For. ode, at •/ . i SEPTIC TANKS,' cess pools, etc. companion, picture dictionaTAYLOR Y Phone 44-r-24, Luc x �' GORDONGORD0111 "Royal Farriil pumped and cleaned with mod- for children The y l;no�v, ?» guar -the. ern equipment. A11 work' , _ :. ._, ... 4=hoer • 1 , n ...k Sho" :lizabeth serv>tee Bros- Christian Doo p * ' 2• ,� anteed: Louis, Blake,. R , , Henderson, Iiatloek St. t • , Brussels. ' • els, ;phori1e 42-r-6 , 0