HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-29, Page 1u• • On, • rad re-. zap ill» tier' sora tge, bag ist-• Ilrs. s ate 4 • 2.50 A. Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To•'U.S.A. ,T CKNOW, ONTARIO. Wednesday. October 29th, 1958' M i eeve Warns everal Dogs,; ection Danger p Foxes ., presumably. ,vrabid, are now prevalent` :in •'the ' mored ':'ate vicinity and are cause for real concern in . the Township of Kinloss where' rabid -acting foxes have 'become. quite num? eorus .within the:past few days. .ixi�snmres Although . r u e e County council convenes next week, the situation has• hecome so.. .alarming, that an emergeney, meeting of County. Council. was called for .Tuesday, nighty at 'which Reeve Harold. Percy of Kinloss and Reeve George Joynt of Lucknow were ,a- mong ,those: present. . STANDARD TIME ALTERS, P.O. MAILING HOURS Upon . 'revertingto standard time, the deadlines for posting mail • at the local post office have beep. altered.. -rte Several, • Dogs :Destroyed. A'' fox /,was shot ' on Friday ,af- ternoon, . on the 4th Concession ' lto -after, i n west by Gib Ham, , had faced up "to do battle" with a car driven by Mrs. Fred.Gil- christ. • Praotically,,within the hour' • a- nother fox "took on" two dogs owned :.by Philip. ;`Steer,•:"Conces-, sion ' 4, East. The fox took off a-` cross the sideroad :north: and was• sighted by lion Forster ` a few. uninutes later. He stopped but not being equipped to do battle with' the vicious looking fellow, didn't go within attacking. range. The Steer ;dogs were destroyed • on :Saturday: Dogs owned, by ' Mrs. John' Barr and Alex.; Percy of the Kinlough, vicinity 'both tangled with foxes at the back door of their respective . homes and both dogs .have been : des-. troyed, but the foxes escaped One of th e first. incidents in. the 'Kinloss - Huron - Kincardine vicinity* occurred • a couple, of weeks ago, .;when,' Morley Scott had .to .destroy a female hound and some pups after a•,bout with TEN PAGES, ' REEVE JOYNT 'BEING,. MENTIONED FOR WARDEN With 'the November .Session, of Bruce • County' Council , in the offing, conjecture as to the.,1959 wardenship candidates gets the limelight; The name of •Reeve .George Joynt of Lucknow is ,receiving increased: publicity, but whether or not George. will "toss his hat in the ring", remains to be sen. lora eer • of Kin ar- e, ed.5rei i tiiclma" y" l Ken Muir of Paisley were pub-. licized . some months ago as the prospects, but with ' Mr. .Muir`, more 'recent announcement ,that. than .730 a.m. for the upgoing truck to Kincardine 'at -8.00 a.m; Twelve O'clock, noon is ;the. dead- • line.' for: down mail, . leaving. •at 12,30. Up: • again, its 1.00; • p.m. for 1A:NAGER GOES TO WESTON Lorne' Power, manager of the , .. Lucknc DistrictW" 'Co-operative • .for the .past fifteen months,' has accepted a position with the. Cen <tral Officeof the' United* co -Op- eratives of Ontario ' at 'Weston:. Lorne will manage the' propane gas .departffnent" .at the Central Office. He entered:the Co-op:' or- ganization in 1957 with Lucknow it t .••osition: Mr. and `'. the outgoing 1.40 truck and he would not .he.a candidate,, at t• ention has been focused on Mr: . down again the -deadline -is 4.45, for the 5.15 p.pm. truck. JQynnt .. •'• ••• ,A fourth name now mentioned. is that • of Wesley Hahn: of Wiar- ton. • 7• PAPER DRIVE' THURSDAY Lucknow Boy' Scouts will hold a waste paper collection Thur- sday afternoon of this week., Box or'securelY tie your old;: , papers and ' magazines ands set them 'at the curb. MOVE TO NEW' HOME Mr . "and Mrs. Jim ' O'Donnell arid family --are this -'-,week mov- ing to the,former Sam: Durnin_ property; •which they • purchased earlier. from. Sam,: Nesbit. An X=raylast Monday ;showed that •rim's leg injured in a farm accident over two years ago, is beginning to put down some new iliorie. His London doctor hopes it continues to: do .So, thus avoid- ing .bone .grafting later: SORRY ',Indications are,as. this part of the paper is printed, that,: there will have. to be several articles. ommitted 'from the last run.' • ,. On Monday, with few rural news budgets arriving, it ap- peared: like'..a IO' -page paper •and we proceeded-�.oi—this_�� ,basis to . make our Monday press run -the first of three. On Tuesday a flood of rural, •news found" us 'without space, •or ,time to handle it: It 'appears that the change • to standard time upset •...thea connections & .•.all the north.-:, ' ;budgets reached ;us .TTuesday.^ JET INSTRUCTOR. RECEIVES FLIGHT LIEUTENANT RANK. Air 'Forge ' Headquarters re gently announced' the',, promotion of.. J. H.. (Jim)Barger from the rank 'of Flying Officer to Flight' .Lfeuten ant. He as .the son of Mr. and Mrs x. F: Barger R.R. 3 Lucknow, . Ontario:. 'Flight 'Lieutenant •Baner join- ed the Air Force in March 1951 receiving,. his Wings' M January a•da—lrelvas, transierred to Air 'Division in Europe uxitil Novem7 ber 056: He is at present an in,- strtictor on Silver. Star jet train.- ers at .3 Advanced Flying School, Your Subscription Paid? 1Vlrs.: "ower an• • 'arm y. 'p .: .. to take up residence in Toronto, im- mediately. . Succeeding Lorne as • .manager here will �}e Ross Robinson of. . Belgraye who, has been manag- ing the Belgrave Co-op Mr.. Rob- • inson is married with one son of 'high : school age. Bud Orr; who Chas been employ-• •ed at the local: Co-op for over -two years, will go to Belgrave to take 'Over the manager's position there.: Hud, a native 'of Lucknow, .lfad been employed 'at C 'coley and Walkerton before re urning tO Lucknow. Elmer ,Mackenzie "of . Ashfield Township, ,who has been working with the Lucknow Co-op on Apart time basis, has .commenced full:; time work. at the MainStreet Store. All the ; above eh`` rages will Abe •come effective October 31st. Wig • On Sunday, Cal RobertsOn found a dead fox on •the roadside two miles WesC• of, Kiniotigh, GilliVraY shot, .a . that Was: roUnd the barn yard.. On the 14th of Kinloss,: Delbert Stanley I ;, and Kenneth t HOdgins botlr. Shot foxes, anct: handled theM, as' did guarded .against. . • Warns Against •Handling In' 'an interview with Reeve Herold Percy 'of •Kinloss, he laid stress. On . the faCt he had been officiallY informed. pf. the danger of infection' from 'handling rabid foxes, particularly if the ,indiyi- .dtial had a break in. the /skini,.Ii is wise tO.use gloves they, have (Continued on page 3) NEARS FOURTH YEAR' IN AIR FORCE; NOT YET 21 .Bob Morton, :son Of Mr, and, MrS. Albert Morton, arrived Where he had been• serving with the RCAF at Baden-Baden 'since October 1956. , The "Atlantic crosSing Was by air both ways. The return jdur, nek, frOin Germany was 'a bit round about; by.way of England, The AtOres and Gander to Mon- - Bob has been transferred tO seven ISlands, Quebec, and ledY- .6S here next Monday for his new base some distance north-east of and SWitzerland While in Ger- thanY. He will net be 21 Until next Month and On Decernber 20 Will have completed four yearo MRS.. MONTGOMERY SUFFERS HIP FRACTURE THIIRSDAY • taken to` Wingham Hospital; and on Friday :to Vietbria Adspital, London, Where an Operation was performed inserting a plate' to. ' cerrect the fracture.. • .• Mrs. Montgomery 'is ip her 77th The first of the .Week •an aged pith; Mrs Hattie kicks, •suffered a hip .frattlire. She is an .aunt.Of Mit. James Durnin of West Wa- DONATIONS ,*2,100, PLAN , CENTENNIAL . WINDUr. :SOON: Donations to the ucknow • •contributiOns not, previously ack- no.Wledg.ecl 'were received from The :Finance ,,Cammittee met this week ,to receive repert and be ,called4hdrily. book is • now all paid :.and' this - Committee is planning to ineet.eif a night can be found) to fina- lize this. project, froin which the Centennial will :benefit substari; Pictured ,above ate the win- ners of, the Kinloss TownshiP -srieaking contest held in Holyrood Hall last 'Week, Seated, speaking eantett, .JUne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.; Ray- nard Ackert ahd attends Holy= rood School. On the right is Lin- , da Campbell who placed second, on the left Karen'CarrOthers whe was third and in thd centre, Peter Steer WhO placed fourth atnorig fifteen contestants. June was One of the Seventeen contestants, to compete at the 13ruce Count finals at Chesley on Friday. e winner was Joane Sinith of Port • . 'Sentinel Photo John •It: :Wilson. of Oakville, in4aw of Mr. and Mrs., Philip Stewart, was invested 'at Govern.: ., ment House, Ottawa. by the Gov- ernor General Rt., Hon. Vincent Wilson signifying his admisSion to the .Order af St. John in the grade of • SerVing 'Brother. :This 'Award had to he Signed and approved by Her Majesty .. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson .inoVed tO Oakville, in Atigust where Mr. Ment. Mrs, Wils011 iS the former • •