The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-22, Page 9dy; en! : yen' s 6 ter • vas ion. led,• the. rne- uch.• the :the tops and ., and. .nit; re- oval' Arial tiier.e Mrs. rof., rater, ark Mr's. W. `. Mrs. Web - Web -Mrs. Rae; Alex Mrs. `i PWESDAY, • OCT. 22nd, 1903. 7 THE 1 UCKNOW ,SENTINEL, L 61 r wAMY OW, ONTARIO. PAGE ,NINE • A. M, HARPER. Chartered Accountant: Wiest, Street: GODEHICH, • ONTAIIO :'Telephones 343J -3W 4 ROY N BENTLEY 9 , PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • • ,. • GQ.DERICH, ONTARIO • ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT.. ?hone 1100 NSU.RANC'f • :FIRE, WIND, 'CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE: • .' AND LIFE. TO Protect Your, Jack, ,. Insure With'. Jack Today. IVIcDONAGH 3, .Lucknow,' Ont. Phone.. 61-5, , Dungannon: R. S. HETHERINGTON, QCT' Barrister; Ete. • Wingham sand Lucknow IN LVCKNO'W '''Each .Monday` and Wednesday Located in the Municipal..Offic. . 'Phone Wingham ' Office , 48 _ Residence. 97 . �. RM M. VT1U'AL ;S'TATE F ..A AUTOMOBILE -�I NSUR --ANC• Investigate Before. Investing • REUBEN WILSON R.R. '3, Goderieh Phone 004-8 Dungannon JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL . HOME .'Phone :76 Day. ,or Night USE OF FUNERAL ' HOME ' At. No Odra. Cost • Moderate ,Prices' Established' 1894 MPERIAL `OI'1. ,A ,PRODUCTS for prompt service, ti :and quality products, R* T IC,LPATRIC,IC. GEi\TERAT Y iTSUR#`_NC . Autoinebile Fire -- Casualty • Ask about; our.. Sp,.�cia1; Package Deal • RR, 7 Lucknow, ,Ont. "Phone °Dun •nd 7 2 P._.ne . gan.,,n .7. ,. NGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP. • Been 'Memorialorial Craftsmen for' Thirty Seven, Years, Always • Using; • THE BEST GRANITES.: Along' With . Expert Designing; and Workmanship. rrOliFiriTeasonab' Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON 'Phone. 256,. Winghamri,,. Ontario • Insure With The • 'CU LROSS 'MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE CO for • Reasonable. rates, 'sound pro- . tection &.prompt, satisfactory' settlementof claims: FARIS'H MOFFAT Your.. Local Agent RR 3,' Teeswater . Phone Teeswater' '57-r.41 , {G. ALAN 'WILLIAMS cv ROss ERS ' Congratulations to B 1 y' ;Wall on winning third place 'at the Public Speaking Contest at Tees+water for pupils.• in the Tees water Culross .area. NO'S.: Ethel Wilson and Mr. Wm. Kidd have returned, to Tor, onto after visiting 'her mother, Mrs, : Mary Wall and Mr, and Mrs.. Orval Wilson and:' Susan and. Mr. Jas, Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Wraith spent Wednesday evening-' . with .: Mr,, arid. •. Mrs. Murray. Henderson and children, Lucknow,. • Mrs.; Pat - Hodgins Visited Wed pesday afternoon " ;wi t h Mrs.: r Wal. • Milford Mr Mac. ,Lane and Hugh, Kin - lough 'were visitors Thursday l evening at Browns. ' Mr. and. Mrs, Harry Hackett, Ashfield,, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Midford, Wall 'and Don: Mr.: and. Mrs. Harvey Nichol 'yi ing with the Browns. Mrs.. Cecil McNeil and Charlie accompanied by Mr. and . Mrs. Robert 'McNah; , Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr.. ' and..'Mrs. Ray. McNah and family, - Brucefield. • Optometrist Office. on Patrick St., just off, the Main, St:, M WINGHAM ,4+. -.7W4 • 1 Now .Playing "SPANISH AFFAIR," Carmen Sevilla in DeLuxe Colour. A rornatic story filmed in Spain. Mon., Tues., Wed., October 27, 28, 29" . Adult Etitertainment -Paul ,,Newman Joanne Woodward and Orson Welles From William 'Faulkner's sensational novel` "The Hamlet"' comes the controversial picture of a ,Southern household. "THE LONG HOT: SUMMER"'. In Cinemascope•,and • Colour Thursday, Friday .and Saturday, October 30, 31, Nov, • 1 Diane Varsi, Don Murray and a Sar Supiporting Cast A ,•brand new treat for' everyone.. who favors' a •swift,; red-blooded outdoor adventure yarn. "FROM HELL .TO_TEXAS" .In, Scope and Colour Normal School 50 'Years Old• The 50th anniversary of Strat- ford Teachers' College ' wi.11' observed on November ''1st.' It i estimated there have been '.about 8,000 graduates.' during the half century, ' Professional • Eye 'Examination` 1 Optical. Services For appointment, Please Phone 770, ' Wingharn' R. W. ANDREW' DREW . •Barrister and .Solicitor. ' LISTOWEL :ONTARIO ' IN LUCKNOW Every • Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon ' Office in 'the: Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence. 31-J'• LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO=OPERATIVE INC;. • 'Phone, 'Lucknow, 71. TED CDLLYER„ Registered Master Electrician :ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FURNACE' ;OIL; STOVE AIL,. KEROSENE, 'GASOOLINE ^' gee' or call WM. A..: "BUD" HAMILTON ::Phone; 220-w Lucknow District Agent '.�f or .Cities ` Service Kenneth J . MacKenzie, R:O Optometrist •LISTOWEL, ONT at the .former Wrong Jewelery; :. Store; Riley, 10 a•m,,to9 =p.m.;` WEDNESDAV,:OCTOBER,' 15th, and. every Second Wednesday. Eyes .examine4 -"Glasses fitted. -appointment hone - Roy: • For;.�apPom, P..•'Ripley. MacJentte,: 96-r=2,, Specializing in ' • • . Electrical .Wiring 'andRepairs; AGENT. FOR SPARTON TV • and • • contact: • $. R., CHISHOLM •• Phone collect fjungannoh 19 r-2 '"Always Lodi To Imperial Po't They Best" • Coming -- l a t . s isney s, and Olivia De Havilland.. Aft Electrical Appliances • ,'Phone 46-r-25; Lucknow :INSURANCE Hospitalization and Surgical. ' ' Plans, Automobile, Ca 'ualty and ", Farm' Lia ility • •Mercantile, R idential Earm, Fire & Wi" d Insurance T. A. CAMERON. Lt CKNOW phone Dungannon 70 -r -i0 Our Motto Is "Service" McLE NNAN and MaccKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE • Services conducted „accord ing to your wishes ..at your,.; Home, your Church, or at :.. our Memor.ial . Chapel at no' • additional , •charge. :Phone 181, Lucknow,: Day or Night. R• Heavy Duty ' Batteries____ -___,,,_—_$7.95 up_ Generator Exchange $8.95'. Fuel .Pumps, as :lawn as,..., ' $2.85 Brake Shoes Exchange, full set- -$7.90.; Voltage: Regulators $3.98 MUFFLERS AT : LOW COST ee Motorcade Dealer meat . and Bai ancin n Phone , 3, Lucknow ESENTATION 'Ti•FFIN: NI I LY �' FA ,. (LANGSIDE NEWS) A social .evening ; was held on. Friday, October 17, in Langside Hall. when Mr:.. and. Mrs. .Georges Tiffin and Colleen" ;were present= 'ed with a :purse of money: Mrs. Bert Moffat read the • address and Mil.as, .MacMillan.,'made the presentation: Mr. and Mrs. Tif- fii and 'Colleen will soon be moving' to \.their' new :borne in Lucknow. • The evening was spent' in dancing with music by Tiffin''s orchestra Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Emmerton of Kincardine visited on, Sunday with Mr.- and Mrs. John :Crow - stop ; ' Mrs. Lucy Wangler of Amble side was . a recent , visitor with her daughter • Mrs Pat MaeMill an. R',andy. Evans ' of �Rex, dale wass. a . visitor at ' the home of., ' his ,grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm Evans Communion was held ,at the Langside Church last Sunday.': SENTINEL ARRIVES, IN ' BR:: GUIANA REGULARLY. Mrs. Alex. McDonaId (Margar- et MacKenzie) says that her son;, Rev. Alex .:MacDonald • is 'regu- larly regularly receiving The Sentinel at: { Essequibo British.: Guiana, i'n South America. Alex says ;it is' surprising how much he finds of interest' as he .. hasn't been around 'Lucknow oft en since, as, a ;boy, ` the ?,spent the summers with, his grandmother, Mrs; Ewalt MacKenzie. Mrs. MacDonald is at present , at ;Cape, Briton, Nova • Scotia, and plans to go to British.•Guiana' •ln February. eed Contracts Bagged --Service Alt through the season check the'app , anent ' leak in the granas DAIRY, BEE G` and POULTRY CONCENTRATES are completely balanc� i completelyed to your needs u .. � Feed free' choice if you w OurA Prices Are Right Ors igiONE 18, 1'