The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-22, Page 6town • • THE. LUCKNOW SENT?NEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO Mc!: od and Matt `Gr, oup ars' Group, 3 of the Woman's Asso dation 'held their regular. meet- ' e erg op, Tuesday, °October 14th at ache home a Mrs.. John Hall;, Mrs. Lawrence. McLeod presided,; The, :theme of the meeting • was thanksgiving: Mrs. Howard .Rob Olson a read: the :scripture Mrs.' Struthers, gave .tlhe meditation and prayer.. Hymn, is 'at thanitagiv-' ing we . , ung;• After:. the busin Hess; :part . of the meeting, Mrs:, Gilchrist took charge of the: pro- gram, l ifrs. Hallam gave. a read, ing. Miss Dean McLeod was the guest' speaker. " ' She spoke, on thanksgiving, with reference to different pages of scripture.. Mrs. Alex.'Hayens and Mrs. John. Hail favored: with an instrumen- tal. Mrs. Nicholson gave a read- ing, The , roll call was answered. by eighteen, members, "What l Ain 'Thankful For." Mrs, 'Gilch- . rst thanked , Mrs. Hall for her home and all who' took. part 41 the meeting. Mrs. Nicholson had a contest. Lunch; was served, 'by the hostesses,, Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Leod, Mrs. Clarence, Irwin and Mrs., Fred ' Gilchrist: hymn. 'Mrs.:Ross, Black, Olivet; opened the devotional :period. Mrs, Donald. McTavish read the; scriptum and Mrs, Alex. McTav ish offered prayer,Readings by Mrs. Walter Black and Mrs: Mer vyn Funston, gave some spend;id. V10141 '44 thankfulness. An en, joyable ,duet Was sung by Mrs. Murray ,Walden and. Mrs. Lester Ferguson with Mrs. Wm; .Court- ney. Courtney. at the organ, The guest speaker, Mrs, (Rev.) G. Sach , of Bervie, was. 'introduced by Mrs. Ralph. Elliott. .. She presented: a. fine River United Church W.M.S.most interesting report 'from the Hamilton Conference Mrs :n- • Pine . River. W11Ii,S, ' held their •ald Courtney thanked the Speak:: 'i Autumn Tthankoffering .meeting er .and. those contributing to the, in the Church on Thursday,. Oct- ober 16, having as their guests the neighbouring societies of. Olivet and Bethel. Words of 'wel- come by the • president, Mrs. Sam Geddes, followed the opening THE CONVENIENCE OF 011. D'' c program'. Mrs,. •TlazabethM . on . ald gave the closing prayer. iVlrs.' J. C., Campbell, convener, --and assisting committee, • served a. dainty lunch and a social period followed in the fellowship room. South KinfosS W.M.S. - h ri ankorreX g an" °' eg't'111 montihl r meeting of. South kin - loss: W.M.S. Auxiliary , was held in thea. church' basement.: " The president, Mrs. Lloyd McDougall Opened, , the meeting... with words' df. • scripture and ';`prayer. . The ladies' were reminded of the sec tional meeting • to be held.,at Kin- lough,. October 22nd, at 2.00 and 7.00 p.m; The 'scripture and medi- tation on "Lydia' ;was given by Mrs ' Gilbert Hamilton., Miss Dean MacLeod • gave a: very interest- ing talk on thanksgiving. An in- teresting, item of ':the meeting was the :showing ofslides by Miss 'Margaret' . McDonald on her recent ,. trip; to Japan. Margaret was one. of 5000. delegates to l thea Christian. Education Conference. The opportunity is great for missionary work' in Japan. She 'also ',said- -the ' Communists are making great head' ay. Theme of the. conference was. "Jesus Christ,,the .. Way,' the Truth, . the Life." The slides shown yirere. most interesting, anal colourful. A -trio of. boys of the C.O:C- sang. A`, iano solo by Bill Buckton. was • enjoyed. Mrs. Fraser, McKinnon gave, the - closing larks, 'espec-, ially thanking Miss', MacDonald and presenting her with a gift in. appreciation of her„; interest ing talk' and: slides. The meeting clbsed with'. the Mizpah. benedic= tion. A social half hour was en- ,j' yed` at the close of the , meet - THE COMFORT HECLA fid if oM ate WINTE AIR CONDITIONING An ample supply ofclean, humid- . lined, healthful air;. •.. 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" . suN LIFER : OF': CANADA, WEDNESDAY, OG"1",, 22n1;;,` Ashfield: Presbyterian' .'Ashfield Presbyiterian W:•1VI-S were pleased to have as .their 'guests . at the Ashfield: Church on Thursday, October. 16th, the ladies of Dungannon and Ripley W.M.S.:• for :their'' : Thankoffering service -.Mrs: Wm. Ross, the 'pre- sident gave t'he'/call to worship and -'.Mrs., Earl Howes read the scripture, meditation .. and pray- .er..1Mrs., D. A. McLean welcomed the ladies 'and Rev,. Neil 'McCom- bie was : the 'speaker A trio from: Dungannon 'sang•,and the Ripley ladies gave 'a" duet. Rev. „Neil. McCombie's topic, was ' based on the beautiful hymn, "0 God. of. Bethel. ' The.. Ripley and • Dungy ,gannon ladies thanked 'the, field branch:: ,for . , their , worship together. - Lunch was served in the Sunday School anda social time . enl oyerl There were " sixty one' ladies' present. m. ` Kinah'an;:: R.R. 2, LUCKNOW Phone . Wirigham 717--w.4 rt AI -TO. *' ACCIDENT; SICKNESS, LTABLITY FIRE. ;On • Agents CECIL FALCONER ' J.3. Phone Wingham 570r JOHN McMURCHY Qldv 24 IRWIN; :CARRUTr l.ERS uciciiiow, . Ontario Phone : Ripley 127-r-! PROMPT CLAIIVLS SERVICE' ' ! • key.. Thebenediction, was re peated. Mrs. Eadie thanked ,the hostessand all who helped with they meeting Whiteand MaeMtllan Group Mrs.: Campbell, Thoaripson .Was hostess to the ladies. of Group . II of .the W.A.' for the October meet with twenty-four nieinbers answering the. roll call to tell an` amusing incident' of piny, holidays.. Mrs. Philip MacMillan presided and introduced the theme. After: the.opening devotions, Mrs. Hurn phrey read the seripture lesson and Mrs. Brooks the 'meditation.. Mrs. Frank ' Thompson :took ,charge:. for' the program. Miss Margaret Rae's : solo was enjoyed.:, Mrs.* Campbell Thompson hail us relive the 'Centennial as ;' she. showed moving ,pictures and slides. taken . at the time,. which. everyone enjoyed. Mrs. Eadie and Mrs. . Frank Thompson gave. readings .on Thanksgiving and Jack Ackert conducted a Contest on the thanksgiving. tur- CHRISTMAS,` SPECIALS. Dozens of of 'Christmas specials are available from now until De- cember 25th on magazines of all types. "Look at just ;a few bar- gains offered: 1 year of Mac Leans and '1 year of Chatelaine, both for only $3.49'; Coronet,_ 1 year $2.50,• Family .Hearld, two or -.:more gifts, ,each x$1.00; Ladies Home 'Journal, two or more gifts, each :$ $3.00; Liberty, one gift $1, three;; gifts, :'$2:50; Saturday Even - Post; rsg: Post, two' gifts : $5.00 each; Teen, two gifts : $2.50 each, These and every magazine; :in. print available t h r: o u g.h Don Thompson, Phone 35 Lucknow.., GAVILLER, McINTOSH and :WARD Chartered Accoutants Bell ' Telephone . Bldg, jWallcerton 'Ont. 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