HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-22, Page 4*AGE FOUR THE LUOKNOW ,SENTINEL, LU4OKNONT OOW��: ' .... ' • . �WEH • DA,X, OCT: 22nd, 1958.. Ye 4 tc tyr 4 rt ,11 t 1 • 010001-1) P` 1 CNII.NI� EVENTS MASQUERADE DANCE Hallowe'en• Masquerade Dance. Iolyrood Hall, Wednesday, Octo- ber 29th, .Carruthers Orchestra. Prizes for fancy; dressed- WY; " • comic• dressed gent, best dressed FOR. SALE—seven ,steers about READERS DIGEST lbs.; of pigs, Chri as ' 's special on Readers Hallowe'en couple; same for 900: - :. some .chunks, � P� Under sus- Public school .Pupils. ni. ,.e weeks old, .Frank.. Ritchie, ►Digest, 'new or renewal; subscrip- P.,I ,Lunch o' n i tion,regularprice .00', year, Pices of Holyrood W . phone Dungannon,: 69-x-i2;g perChristmas season price $3.00 per drill ' 1 H.P. Motor. Chris Shel-' „ ,counter,,. -admission 50c a and :35c. FO yearae!;.; • ar Don Thompson, Phone 8 one 5, SHOOT PARTIES . SALE ,-- used 'chain saw, 11r I . :Bench saw 4' . jointer, Electric. •u' cknow, The Ladiesie ' Auxiliar y , extends '. t L k phone 80 tGEMEMBER'' a. hearty invitation to al ,, th it ENT' ood • interested in• a Pleasant a. FOR SALES OR R g greatest assets and a breakdown House, •aR on, uc now,, . former Shoot friends and anyone ..Your feet are one . of ;yourl t soci l • gre e.. ,. B: • �, evening,;. to; . join them at their conveiences, R• in the 'structure •may cause pains.. , . Quance, Lucknow.. in feet, knees, legs, ankles or weekly parties commencing, Nov lower back;. See J, A. Vickers, ember 7•th., FO R" SALE lVlarconi radio, as —' new. 1 Quebec round coal. or Foot Correctionist, at Queens. HALLOWE'ENEDANCE IHotel, :Win ham, each ' theirC• Hallowe'en costume dance in • u �.•cknow • ,0 ®37 ., r: ± R ma ie. ly wood, 14 inches long. Gor- don Reid, Dungannon, ' phone 81-r-,12. LAND WANTED `suitable for growing flax. Anderson Flax Pro- ducts Limited, one 21-w, Luck - now. FOR SALE = . an ;electric West iDgllouse oven like new phonee 146 Lucknow. afternoon. , the •Legion. Hall,; Friday, Oct. For' a complete stock of 'auto re- pair panels— DAVIDSON anels DAVIDSOhT Visualining & Collision Service' No.. 8 Highway, ... Phone 320, G•oderich'•_ HELP WANTED The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association requires a technician to work in the Kincardine area (beginning' December' 1st," 1958. `Applicants • `for the; position will FO'#, ;SALE -large :size oil stove, new. William Keropyn, Clam Lake, R.R.. 4 Kincardine. FOR SALE --'Boy's grey station 'wagon ' coat, size 10-12. • Mrs: t Harold .Gaunt,,, 1 44- _ Lucknow.• }"} be interviewed in our ' office in I n ardine : on-' Friday morning, c IOctober '.17th, 1958 at 10.00• a.m. , THANK YOU NOTES and Hasty Notes . available' at 25 cents per package of 10 cards and; matching envelopes. Don Thompson,+ phone FOR• SALE, : two .. registered 331 or ,.35 7 i Hereford heifers. about 1100 lbs. MEAT FOR SALE. CORDON SMELTZI R; LAUDS LYONS WORK; A ;former Lucknowite,`. Gordon E Seltzer of Edmonton, Alber- ta, .speaks: highly of Lions • work.. The Sentinel recently received, a cheque from. Gordon for. • two 1ears, subscription, a copy of the Lucknow Historical :b o 0 k, and; "if there is anything left over (there was)'please send it ,rto the Lions Club, of which I have been a.member for. twenty five years out here, and;. whose ' work. for civic bette4rment is.. uns'ur-• passed by any organ ation. . "We regretted 'being unable to take in • the Centennial re union., Many of .our old friends 'invited us to come and .be , their 'guests, for', which. we are.grateful, but the dates were in, conflict with •f, jimefother committments which We ltU. ;obligated to keep. From ..h ... extra. ,;Priz for cos Fumes, ' inch 'counter. LIONS' HALLOWE'EN. ,PARTY Lucknow and •, District ..Lions. Club will ,hold.' a ' •Hallowe'en Party for the children in 'the Ar- ena, Lucknow at 7.30 o'clock Fri- day, October 31st, Costume!• prizes. and treats. Watch for details -next week, 1. ' . BAZAAR AND TEA a ..holding The Zion.: W. :is .. bazaar of homemade baking: anted: af; sewing, and ' will also � serve • ternoon tea,`. in the Legion rooms,. 1st at November on Saturday, 1 at 2.30 p.m. RECEPTION FRIDAY • A. reception will be held on Friday, October 24, in, the Town - Hall,': Lucknow, for Mr. and: Mrs. Chester Hackett (nee Bell' Gra- ham). Jimmy , Scott's orchestra: each. with 'calves at ,foot, 1 her ! . Good beef; , or pork in large or • fer, 1 +Bull °calf:.: Archie ;• Parker, Sinap, quantities. Meat'slau hterEverybody welcome. small q� g 100., Ri a Phone `.ed. on i`emises 'inspected bythe. P Y P. , . _sP� • De ntment: of Health:.'Custom NOTICE:• FOR SALE small Coleman oil I � �Cattle I# 1 Bob Mackenzie, treasurer Scout I • �. Assessment • Roll compiled in Tueday' morning.of West ' a iori: •1958 :for the. Township oci t � - , .:: ,. ••T, •Ass„ _. , , Hol rood. RA ARD ` ACffER>... •, . y . ,i WaWanosh, will be^•�"Held. at .the.- . ,.... Y1�1T•. ' FOR SALE ' - Six room frame Ph•ones' 24-30,. Ripley and, <. T shi ,Hall,.:West Wawanosh; i p ove . used in Scout Hall,. Apply killing, by. ap�pointznent. . A Court of Revision on the st , killed eve day. and hogs every huge success." NOTICE TO CREDITORS' In the Estate of JEANIE HELEN DOUGLAS, deceased,. • - • All persons having claims against the estate • of Jeanie. Hel- en Douglas, late .of the ' Village of Lucknow,. in the County of Bruce„deceased, deceased, wlo died on or abo1.,,,t 'the 26th day of May 1958, arehereby notified to send in theclr'ams to the undersigned Solicitor for the Administrator,, or on before. the: 25th day of r ' 1958 s' after Octobe. , , &.. the said. date :the Estate will • be'. distri-'. buted " .amongst those . entitled thereto, ` having . regard 'only to the claims ,of, which the -Admin- istrator shall then have.,notice. ed' at Listowel i • • 'Dat . , Ontar o, this 4th day of October 1958.: •R, W. Andrew; . Solicitor for the Ad- ministrator. . CARD' OF THANKS Mr, arid Mrs. Adam Johnstone wish to' thank all who called,. at their home . and.. at Tiger 'Dunlop Inn for open. douse at the, time of their golden wedding aniversary also. 't h o s e. who sent greeting cards and'gave lovely gifts.. To all: we' say Thank you.• ,CARD OF 'THANKS Mr. 'H. S. Lavery wishes to ektend his sincere thanks to all who :,.so : thoughtfully remember- ed him with cards:. and. in other ways, while, °a patient in .Wing - ham hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Mel. Corrin. CARD OF THANKS COWAN I :wish to thank miy; friends and neighbours. who sent gifts, flowers ' and cards .while I was a patient 'in 'the Alexandra Marine and General' Hospital • at Goderich. ' Thanks : to Dr. Taylor and the nurses•, and staff:. of the' hospital. Everything was: apprec- iouse 'ui ;the' village•'of St Helens 101-r-13, . Lucknow I on Tuesday, November 11,' 1958.1 iated. •Hydro, 'garage, water ., inhouse. from 10 00 a:in until noon: Price 800,00 `.A ' 1Y M. MRamage GLASS! ! F; Foran Township Clerk. $._.� PP ;. J. 'or every make auto, flat or. I R.R. 1 : Szpworth:. CARPENTER9 and .Repair Work .'DAVIDSON. of all ,.types. ' Call at Lucknow •Visualining & Collision Wood . Specialties . or contact Bob No., 8 Highway Campbell, phone Dungannon ` 68- -a- NOTICE • ie pack will be mak-: ' The Brown Service erV mak- ling a : house-to-house canvass this• i i a k'end :for coat hangers and Phone 320,Goderich; , ,wee g used fruit;baskets: Support the JOHN` COWAN 'CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Dozens' ' of • Christmas specials are available from. now until De- cember 25th on• magazines of all types. Look at just a few bar- gains offered. 1 year - of Mac. / INSEMINATION SERVICE y. Brownie . •Pack by • having your Leans and. 1 year of Chatelaine; ici •... • i.: nd_ han ers ready;only 3':49 Coronet,1 STEERING. TROUBLES?. For artificial. mseminatron• er=1 used baskets a g4 both for $ S , vice or more , information 'tele- :for them to ' pick up- year ,$2:50; Family'. Hearld, two DAVIDSON hone. the Waterloo Cattle Br ed= or,.more- gifts, each: $100,; Ladies p ;, at: Cin; � Home .Iourrial," two or more. gifts, ; ibert ; one gift 1. ton I•IiT 2-3.441 or Kincardine: 460; • RE, LEATHERCRAFT CLASS �/ each -$3.00; L , Y,. g $ , between 7:30 and , 9 30 • am. week A meeting, will be held • in the' three.: gifts, $2:50; Saturday Even- ...— ve - days 6 and - 8 .m, on. Saturdays. i' Town Hill,. Lucknow, on Mon-:. ing'.. Post, two gifts $5.00 each, FOR R, SALE --8 steers, : approx' , •P i O t n `Sunda can i' of all those interested in leatn- These and every magazine in day 'Cows in hew o y • . NOTICE isualining,„ & Collision Service ing Association collect 'NO, 8' Highway, Phone`.' 320, ' Goderich - Do not not call: for service ' on Sun -day, October 27th, at 8.00 o'clock,' Teen,.two gifts . $2:50 each: NOTICE TO CREDITORS' In • the ,Estate of WILLIAM ceased. AU' ' persons having claims ag- ainst' the Estate • of William. Mel- .ford. MacIntyre, late of the Town - shit) ; of .Kinloss„ 'in -the ' • the Count of Bruce, Farmer,. deceased, who died • on' or .about `the, 4thf. day. of July, 1958, are hereby , notifie to send. in their'claims: to. the Undersigned..Solicitor for the Ex- ecutor, .oil . or `before the...:8th da of. November., ;1958,. •as after ` th said date the estate:will be dis tributed ` amongst those entitle thereto, having , regard. only t 'the:• clairns of which the •Executor 'shall . then. have notice.- • Dated at Lucknow, 'antario this 15th 'day of October, 1958. • ately 1000 lbs.; '4 steers, approx- imately* 900 lbs.; 3 steers,'Tid. .�'app- roxixnately 750 lbs; 2 cows a June' calves... These cattle are We supply service to top qua1-' Mrs..George Joynt. Herfords and .Durhams •'and are it y bulls ' of the Holstein, Jersey, for ,sale or will let out to 'f eed ) IN ' MEMORIAM, Ayrshir e, Guernsey,. Brown Swiss, • on the gain ' Fraser . Ashton,- Red :Poll, Hereford (polled and CAMERON—• • I ever loving phone 75-M,; .:Lucknow: Memory o Kenneth. Cameron, horned), Beef Shorthorn (polled : and horned),, and Dual Purpose .who • entered into rest ' October Shorthorn, Angus. and Charolais 24th, 1945: He was. a wonderful.'man, ' breeds The : cost is low. He played life's , battles square, DEAD,STOCK REMOVERS .. No matter when we needed hire be inseminated • satisfactorily on.I craft:.Thbse ,planning to. take the print available •th.r ou gh Don Monday �. course, :please leave name with Thompson,. Phone •35 Lucknow. -)BLACKCARDBOARD. . The, Sent'in.el has in ,stock, black cardboard, for .which there is 'gen- erally a demand' • as Hallowe'en approaches:'• V J WANTED -- used windmills, pumps and pump lacks Irving yes,'•fGlamis,• phone Paisley '1 4-r-4.: FOR ,SALE—several ' used milk- ing machines ' of various makes. Let us install one ,of, these or • a new Woods 'in your barn on trial•. i Prices given without ob- ligation. Irving Keyes;., Glamis, phone Paisley 114-r-4. Highest cash prices , paid ' for °old, sick or disabled horses and Cattle. Old 'horses for slaughter at 5c per. ` pound:, For prompt; CUSTOM \DEMAND' for 'Avon Service. is at its highest enabling us • to extend la wonderful earn- ing opportunity to energetic wog men from Lucknow arid District For information, apply, Mrs.: Lourien Green, Hanover:• He was always' there. Looking` ba'Ck' with 'tenderness '• Along the' path we trod, We bless. the years we ' • spent !°It°: earoe. •• ,daughte'r Grace, , George sand 'grandchildren. ' ATTENTION FARMERS .'" Custom- killing, cutting and: Wrapping ' at • :very reasonable rates. "Welsh Meat Market, phone 41. STORM WINDOWS Save 15'to • 35;. percent •on fuel costs. By using storm windows (either wood. or aluminum) you can save up to 35 percent on your ' present fuel costs. Actually,; storm OLD HORSES WANTED • windows' can save enough fuel to : , . three years' Old horses wanted at 3112c per pay for therriselves in time. Storm windows are an in- lb.; dead% cattle At value. 'If dead,, phone' at once to, Gilbert .Bros: vestment -L -not an expense. Let us estimate. the cost of storm wind - Mink • Ranch', 'phone collect God- ows for your home. Prompt ser- erich. 148334 Or 1483J1. '' 'vice, no obligation. By placing your order now you can be assur- ed before cold wea- ed• of deliver „ 24-hour ofie' % I John W. ' Henderson 'L'umber •Ltd.. -our sery .Lucknow :. .'Phone 150 ' SEPTIO TANKS, cess pools, etc; pumped and., cleaned with mod- ern equipment." All work guar- adnteed, Louis Blake, B: 2, Brus- sell, phone' '42-r-6 Rrusselsy; DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST PRICFSt Paid Tor $ick, Down.„ 'o'r Disabled Cows 8t 'Horses also' bead Cows and; Horses at • Cash Value . OId horses 4c 'per pound Phone collect 133 Brussels' BRUCE MARLATT or GORDON TAYLOR` Plhone 44-r-24, 'LtichtiOUt R'' W.• Andrew, • Listowel, Ontario Solicitor;. for the :Executor • NOTICE " 1 O , CREDITORS In the Estate of ROY ED WARD ALTON, deceased., All persons having claims : ag ainst the ' Es tate of Roy . ; dwar' Alton; late of the village of Luck now, in'.the County. of Bruce; Re tired Farmer, ' deceased, who,die( or about .the 22nd" day'o on. June,. 1958, are Thereby • notifie to` send • in •`their 'claims to th undersigned'Solicitor.'for. the Ex ecutors, ; on br before : , the • 8t1 ovember, 1958,as. 'aft'e day .of N , .. . • the said `'date .the •Estate will, 'b distributed' amongst these enti, led thereto,. having regard onl, to 'the ' clauns ,of which the ' Ex cutors shall then have notice::' • Dated 'at ;Lucknow,: pntari. this. 15th ,day of October; 1958 R. W.,'Andrew Listowel, Ontario,. . . Solicitor for the•Executor, AUCTION ' SERVICE, ' .9 Allan .MacIntyre "ed Auctioneer 'Livens Lucknow-Phone 10-r-24 'Riple BLESS ME i IF.Y01/0 GT co-op ANTI+FREEZE THIS WOULDN T,HAPPEN. •.7 TOp QUALrr ROCK BOTTOM PRICES •