HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-15, Page 5958
fae FOUR-14.
Congratulations are extended
to• Barbara Murray who. has: come
pleted nine : 44i club pr'oj-ects,.
Winning a special award of • the
National '.Home. • Club. Five girls
were chosen: from. the Province of
:Ontario, Barbara. ,being the first
in the .County of Bruce to win
this ".honour, She will attend the
gbya1Fair; nave • a ,tour
-et Niagara then, .on to. Ottawa
where :she ;Will.the pleasure
`.,of, meeting the 'Prime 'Minister.
and' Mrs,, Diefenbaker; .Barbara is
the daughter of `, Mr, and, Mrs.
P.' A. Murray... . .
Mrs. Sam • 'Farmer . and . Mrs.
Lyznarr Sutton Were- hostesses for.
the September ' meeting of :the
Holyrood W. I., held in' the Holy -
rood Mall A donation was. Made
aim to the Children's Aid. Society at
lage . is planned for Wednesday, Octo-
ber 29th and a:Rern'embrance day
or ''service for ,November: 1:1th. The
958, W. I. will:Cater to thea Federation
1 in of Agriculture meeting' on Oeto-
;ned ber.14th', when Professor. Norval.
:tor„ • <Richar.ds, a twiner Kinlough boy,
of • will be guest speaker:: A visit to
said CKIVX studios• was planned for
stri early in •Noveinber... Delegates to
itled '' 'attend .the ;rally ° at, Wiarton on
✓'' to ' # October 16th were, Mrs.::Frank
min kaulden,l.Mrs.. Wm. Eadie,
Mice. • `Tom Hodgins, alternate; ' Mrs.'
this Perry : Hodgins. ` : Mrs:" Gertrude
w. Walsh. and Miss Ada Gawley .*ere
,judges for: t}ie :contest, "Article
suitable for .`the ''bazaar." Prizes
went to :Mrs...Frank . Thompson,'
and,. Mrs, ..Roy .Graham • ', Mrs...
Frank Thompson ; is to order the
trophy which will be presented
at the public -speaking content..
The Motto,. TO plough is , to: pray;
topray is .to• .prophesy, and the
,hai••vest answers and' 'fulfills.'.,;
Vas. given .by Mrs: Margaret Mac-
Pherson. Mrs. :Raynard Ackert
gave the . tiopic, `Putting roses. to
bed for .the:; winter." 'Mrs. Lorne
WgrklESPAYi OT413ER 15, ,19581
rib .
i0. to..
Eadie favored with a reading,.'
Mrs. Howard Harris gave axi in-
teresting. demonstration, on` need-
lepoint. Mrs. Stewart Needham
and Miss Ada Gawley showed'
pictures :and gave an interesting
talk on, their trip to, Bermuda,
Mrs. ' Fariner,. on 'behalf of the
institute, presented etch ,lady
with a gift: were.
served :and a social • time brought
the meeting tp a close.
The W.A. Met' at the home of
Mid -ford Wall with Mrs.'
(Howard Thompson presidtn;:. The
scripture was,;t Lread by. MrS.•W,:
: Colwell, • followed , by prayers.
Each Member answered the. roll.
call with "thanksgiving;" Mits..
,James Hodgins gavethe_rned.ita
tion which was a Thanksgiving
theme, Members are to attend
the 'Diocesan semi-annual greet-
ing at Kineardine on:October`24.,
Final plans were made for . the
entertain,ing::•day, "His Crucible",
filmed by the Anglican -Church
of Canada .•whic.-vi-be
with 'prizes, •and a baking and
rummage sale:
Glen Hodgins, Bible. student got'
Peterborough, spent the week-
end at ,his, home, here, Miss, Ruth.
Barnwall returned to Peterbor-
ough, where she will' resume her,•
We extend sympathy to Mr,
Joseph Wall• in .the passing of
MVlrs. Wall, (the former Ida
James), Relatives and, friends.
from ,here attended the funeral,;
from »the McLennan, and Mac.
Kenzie 'Memorial. Chapel:on Fri-. with burial in Kincardine':
cemetery... ,.
Ladies from here 'attended • a
bridal, shower for kiss Helen Col
h§911 in Westford school on; Tues
day evening.
Mr. and: Mrs." Gerald Gibson
and • family• have moved, from.
London to Holyrood, where he is
employed by Raynard Ackert.
Mrs.. Gibson ' is the former Ruth
Sutton, • daughter of Mr, and
tRe "fain: y o' our com-
Mrs: J. W.Colwell spent, a few
days at the McQosh' • .home ' at
Purple Grove..
Mrs. Eva Stanley, Bars. • A
Eizenga and Michael , arid Mrs.
Fred Johnston of, London visited'
ed :on Thursday with Mrs: ,Har--
vey Hodgins „arid Kenneth.
Mr and Mrs. » Tom' I-lodgins• ac-
coinpanied: by Mr,' and Mrs: Art,
Hodgins spent: the Week -end with
Mr. and .Mrs. Art Graham ` at:
Sault Ste. Marie.
Miss Beatrice Haldenby''of` Lon-.
don , spent the :week -end .at y her
home here,
Mrs. J. W. Colwell and, other
members of her family attended
a thanksgiving •. family ''dinner at
the home: of Mr.' and Mrs. ° Roy
W e'b s t e.r' (Retia . " Mason) at
Mrs. Harvey` . Hodgins 'spent 'a
few days. .. with relatives at.
p -n . l " unsay; •c o.er
26th from 3.30 to •4.00 p.m: A
most inspiring letter from Miss
,Grace Holmes' was read •by Mrs.
.Colwell. :A letter of. thankswas
acknowledged. Meeting closed
with the W.A.'litany and, dainty
refreshments were served by the
hostess. •
Mrs.' W. Thompson of »Kincar-
dine is visiting •with Mr.. and Mrs.
jack. 'Hodgins arid' family.
' '• Messrs. Ronnie Graham and
Weir; Eckenswiller left from
Goderich on the - "Soodoc.
Mr. Frank .Murray and Elaine
Murray' motored to Iroquois Falls
Where, they visited with Mr. and
Mrs. .Bob . Dales .:and family:
Rev. Benson Cox,. Mr, and .Mrs.
William Cox, •Misses, Edna and.
May..Boyle. also M'.°,and Mrs.
John' ".Scott,.. wereguests at the
Milligan -Boyle wedding at L.on=
don ori—Saturday.
The Kinlough Memorial St.
Light .'Comrnittee is:. holding a
social evening in the school on
Friday, October 17th. Theme Will
he. euchre' axid, crokinole with-
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Announces: •
"Visitors over .,the .week -ends.
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy
were Mr. Delbert . Trafford, Mr:
and Mrs. David Trafford, Dennis'
and ,Karei,':Toronto, and Mr. Avis;
McKee, Teeswater.
Messrs. Russell - Barr of Toron-
to and Percy. Barr" of Hagerswille
spent the week. -end at their home,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy :and.
family attended a• family dinner.
held at the; home of Mr. and, Mrs.
Howard Thompson when, over
sixty relatives were • present:
Mr. and .'Mrs. » George Young of
Kingarf visited' ` on. Sunday. with
Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Stanley ; and.
Misses Erlma and Sandra Per-
cy attended the P.Y.P. Confer
ence ,at , Windsor over the week
Miss Beverley Stanley of . I :.t=.
chener spent the week -end at her.
home here.
Mrs. J. W Colwell and other
Members of her family attended
a ` 'bridal.. shower for , her niece
Miss Helen ..Farrell • on Monday,
The: Presbyterian , Anniversary
Services will` be .held on Sunday
next October 19th:' at 11;00 a.m.
and 7;30: p.m, (D.S.T.) Rev. • Neil
McCombi,e of Ripley will be. the
guest minister: The choir will
provide special :musk/ and there
will not be . Sunday School.
The Anglican 'Service will 'be,-•
cancelled so the congregation'can
`worship with the Pre'sbyte'rian
congregation' on their annivers-
'" `Mf rid Mm"s'`A"'t`YYruii Phi lips
and Peggy, of Fonthill, spent
Thanksgiving with Mr arid Mrs.
Frank :Maulderi • and Keith. Mr:
.J. R. Lane returned with then:
to Fonthill for. aw1'i 1e.
Mr. arid' 'Mrs. Lyman Sutton
and family , Were to London .at-
tending the Wedding, of, their son.
The Anglican WA...entertained
.the Kinloss W.M.S. and Kinlough
W:M.S•. on Tuesday afternoon:
Rev, ',Benson 'Cox showed' pic-
tures, which were most interest-
ing. Ladies from eaol 'group con-
on-tributed. to the program.
Ted ,and Paddy Palmer repre
.sented the A.'ir.P.A. at the Dibee-
san conference• "held ii'r London,
over • the past `'weekend.
On Sunday, everting the A.Y.
P.A, were entertained at the,
Reetorv.`.Mrs: Palmer gave a fine
paper • on; ThanksgiVirig, Each':
membe'r ansiered the roll call
Telephone; Wingham. 5e70 -J-3,. Collect
• - . A. i 4.A:A : ii iii
with a scripture . verse -with the
word ' "Thanksgiving". . Karen
Nicholsonread the.'scripture. and
all repeated the general 'Thanks-
giving. Ted Palmer gave as
splendid report •of the Diocesan
conference held iii London., Pad=
dy P,alrner conducted a Bible
;quiz. Norma and, Douglas ' Bald-
eriby favouredwith a duet: AI -
ice Haldenby conducted a ga.Me;
of school days contest.' ,Edna
Boyle had charge of thehymn
tine period. Douglas Haldenby'
presided •; for the meeting and
conducted the opening and clos-
ing. devotional part and Rev..
James Palmer led, in prayer.,.The`
next meeting is October 1 26th at. •
the' home of 'Madonna Graham.
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