HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-08, Page 8''AG�i' EIGHT n4• ' E 1411t] DISTRICT, 'RESIDENT; PAID. VISIT TO SILVER LAKE , W.I. . The . October 'meeting of Silver Lake 'W.I. was held at the home ,of :M'rs.. Clarence Hedley, with Canadian Industries being the theme for the day.. r • The meeting opened ; with !the, Ode .arid Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Mabel Campbell . read the scripture, Boll gallwas answered. by a Canadian ;'mineral.. A letter was fetid from Mary Lou Black concerning the 4-1.1 . Club Girls. roject for, the coming' winter and Mrs; ,Clarence '1Vlouiton and .Mrs. Ellison Hodgins were "chosen as leaders:, Plans, were made, . for some of the 'members to attend the ' rally •in "{Marton . on- October 16th., It was, voted to give $5.00 to the C141/1. Reports from the standing committees were given by . Mrs. Y HITECHRCH, a ONT. I..UCKNOW and. DISTRICT. AGENT` ACCIDENT,; UTO; SICKNESS1 .'LIABILITY, FIRE. llect Co 570-J= 3 Telephone ' Wu>tghatn r ,. WALTZ R BRECKLES HINLOIIGH, TARIO Phone 18-20.Ripley ON . Your John Deere Dealer - Automotive and Tractor Repairs Arc and. Acetylene' welding Machine; Work Pioneer Chain Saws, Lawn and Garden Equipment For your best buy . in diesel tractors,, see they "David Brown" 3:0CAL DONATIONS TO THE CANADIAN BLIND, INSTITUTE There has 'been a very gratify ing response, to date bY. Luckunow and district•residents in. 'Support of . the' C.N:1 B. campaign. .Some • of the contributions 'received .by. the .local chairman, H'. D Thomp- son; are •as: follows Robert McIntosh " $5, • C.; . M. Hum :phrey $5, W. A. Russel1.'$1, John R. MacLeod $5, .' J. • McNaughton . '$1, E. Groskorth $2, Mrs. George Andrew $1, Miss .Elizabeth • Mur die $3;, Mrs'. J: W. Henderson- $5, Donald Henderson $10;' Alex An drew $5, J. ': R. Lane:. $5, Mrs: R V. MacKenzie ,$2a Miss Ruth Thompson $5, S;, B: Stothers $15, Mrs: Maud Sherwood $2,' Mrs.. Wm Campbell $2, "Miss Christina Clarence Moultn and. s, a Campbell' on historical research and by , Mrs., Harold Banner man on Home . Economics. Mrs. Clarence He411ey was -chosen' . to be public relations representat- ive.in London on >Octaber, 20, 21 and • 22, and Mrs, Charles MacDonald Happy birthday was sung for) and Mrs. • Ernest Gaunt were 'ap- Mrs. Bill Stanleys who had an: pointed as, delegates: Five dollars p yews 'GEN1 •t Yearn Ago 'Established ; 4ver� Th>;r 7�, a ' • Telehones', WEDNESDAY: OCTOBER 8, 1953'4 ;' INS Ong HOWARD AGNEW Bgslna�s 89 ' t Mcfaluillin, Mr§» Andrew Gaunt, n'.• HELENS and Mrs. Charles MacDonald are the. committee to arrange for • the dinner.' It: was decided' to observe Remembrance. Day at:the Ceno ,taph on November 9th'with Rev, Green as ;speakei., The 'topic "Let Us Resolve, to be Better Citizens was ably taken by the resolutions convener, ;Mrs. Lorne Woods//. Mrs. Residence 138, . 'Volunteers To Paint Hall Porch , T'he.regular meeting 'Of the St. Helens Women's a Institute w.as' held Thursday, October ,2nd}: in the Community Hall with 15 ladies and 'three, children in• attendance. The roll call was responded to by er Next QYear," A later was read motto "Let us:. resolve to use -our in regard to the ,_Tweedsmuir talents for. the good of ourselves, Workshop to' be' held in: Dun- our, ,Institute' & our'community. gannon' on Thursday; October. 30. , The program consisted; of a solo ; ^ ' The Area convention is to' be held by; Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, a' reading by Mrs.- Wm. Rutherford and. a r irbaday vitas voted to delegates' . fund for the contest by Mrs•. W. G, Humphrey, A lovely, lunch wa's served by the' hostess, .,Miss. W. D., Rutherford;,. and d Mrs. W. G. Humphrey:: They • Mrs, :Harvey Houston, the dis- blind. Mrs- C, McDonald reported .Were tendered a vote of thanks • trict. president;. paid Ther official that the paint -for the hall porch by ' Mrs; Jim Aitchison, visit to the branch• and gave a had been purchased and Mrs: W. BORN..' LANKSHEAR --=' at the Brantford General Hospital on Thursday; September 25th, to. Mr and lyirs 1. Lankshear,. .a daughter," a sister for Doug, Cam ' and '' Jeff. Mrs. Lankshear is a ' sister: of Mrs. M. IL Corrin of Lucknow. very interesting and helpful ad- dress on`safety. in the hone and on -the' farm;• dealing •With', fire hazards: and other .sources , of ac cidents which can be •controlled a great deal with a little .care and thougfit ;She closed with a few good thoughts on the "Ten. Com mandments for Young People:.'.' Mrs. Clarence' Hedley. gave the, .motto `'fie that soweth 'good seed repeath 'a good harvest' , which :'Had' beenprepared: by Miss Emilee Hyde. Mrs. Albert Young,. the -convener, gave' the topic on the history of salt Readings - were given by Mrs Fred.,Mouton, Mrs. Bill 'Stanley. .and Mrs Stanley Cooper. Mrs. 'Fred Moulton con ducted a 'Contest..Lunch, was ser- ved by Mrs Harold-' Banner nan and Mrs.. Ebner Bannerman,. The next meeting will be on Novem Carrick . $1 Jerry Cranston • 3, Wm.'A. Schmid $2, James, Cam- eron $2, G. C. Greer $2, ;Ernest Blake :$2, Chas. Short $2; W. B: Anderson $10, Dr.. M H; Corrin. $10, ' Mary' J. Laidlaw • $2, Mrs:. Annetta Bushell $10,: Wm. Irvin. $2, .Dr. T. B. Cleland $10, Garnet Farrier :$1., James Mathers $2, Cameron .MacDonald $2, Morgan Henderson $5; Miss. Gladys Mac- Donald '$5, Alex F. McDonald $2; L. C.,' Thompsoon $2. For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly ,designed from equality material, rely on SKELTO;N MEMORIALS Pat O't-iagan, Prop. .: Phone 638-,vir .'Walkerton arr t ber 5th at the home •of Mrs. Clar- ence 'Moulton, the special, feature being a bazaar..'•. of- homemade gifts suitable' for. ; Christmas presents.' G. Humphrey; Mrs. ' T. Todd, .Mrs. Ross . Gammie, .Mrs. Frank Mc - Q} u`llin . and Mrs: Ci MacDonald volunteered ' to ' 'put it on. The ladies agreedto cater to the , - Hur on ••County -Federation banquet in early November' in , Lucknow.. Mrs, 'Ernest'. Gaunt, Mrs. Ross Gammie; Mrs.;. W.: G. Humphrey, BORN RAWN-In Winghiam' Hospital on.. Thursday, September 25,, 1958; to Mr. and Mrs. Morley ,Rawn, R. R. • 1 ' Holyrood, a daughter, deBOBR--'I'n • Wirgham' Hospital on Wednesday, September 24, 195$, : to Mr. and Mrs. ;Peter .de 'Mrs Wm Rutherford, Mrs. Frank Boer, R. R. 5 ' Lucknow, a son... ALCOHOLISM, AND INDUSTRY`' "Up'to six percent of .:your em ployebs may '.be . " alcoholics. ° H your firm is above average, one of ,.every twenty workers is pro •bably 'suffering from alcoholism." - Business" 'executives' gave heed to David Archibald when, he • chal- lenged them. with 'these statistics recently. He.` knows the facts. He has:!. been Executive„ Director `of'`. O n .t a ri o Alcoholism Research ' Foundation since. its .founding :in g 195 m 2`. These data came .through an''. intensive' scientific' study of• in dustries in one OOntaria county: There is no reason to suppose that they would not apply to industry in :general '. It is interesting to learn :that A :chibald's keen •inte est in this / ale-ohol; problem was awakened .by 1 . the toll' liquor took am. ongst. fly=. o+ • ing: officers during the war, A. ' .radar operator a nod later bomber pilot he saw lguor' end the career a`etao" i- any -'f1iief soinetc, " then, his pais in the RC.A F, Advt, i .ato y v',F' 'Y• �i"/ r • s';$ rL t+yr.63e cheddar rrfi r chola e DAMP PAOMOiss OP CANADA • 409 Moron etreol,' 'ores' ` • . Maria F,a er's neMlr'w' Che4%i 'C�Sserotr Rci7 Snit Witt, is . er ITER C with .' Ontario winter can be really 'enjoyable when .your home pis- heated with CO.OP SUNGLO `FUEL 'OIL the oil with the higher BTU '`;rontont. Filtered clean, Sun io Fuel Oil gives you more hours heat' per gallons . g and It keeps, your burner operating at peak efciency. Find 'out about'•Co--op SUNGLC" Se lee`• today, fat ..