HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-08, Page 7y,
°Agi Or 1900
on, Tuesday afternoon a fire
xn the furnace Pipes at Morley
Walls was cause for eoncerr} and
a call was, put. into Teeswater .for
the Fire Brigade which promptly'
responded.. • • •
Linda- and '.Larry Henderson,
' ,Paramount, s p en t Tuesday with
their grandparents. Mr.. and, Mrs.,
James , Wraith",
The} :.comr..a:unity was .well. re -
Presented Wednesday at Teeswat-
er Fair and several from the eon
rrlunity"availed themselves of the
opportunity to view. CKNX rad-
io and TV 'stations* when Mr. W.
,Cruikshank :and his s t a f f held
open house Wednesday y evening,
•The community extends deep-
est ' sympathy to "the family of:
the late Fred Thompson who
passed away .Friday at the home
of his son Frank Thompson.`
Members of the family • were all
home for the funeral,
Reg. Browny was :ag uest at
the : Nicholson - Scott wedding
Saturday . in •, the Presbyterian
Church' at Ri'nlough. and, at the
reception at the. home of `the.
bride's parents: 'Mr, and Mrs..
Ben Scott. •
Congratulations ,to, Miss Elda
Wall, on'` 'winning a: 100, lbs. of
pig starter pellets at Lirioltnow
Fair, Elda's guess was the
est to correct in guessing the
number of pellets in - a jar. ,
Congratulations are in ordex
for Miss Joan..Sutton,. teacher at
No.. 3 Kinloss,,- -loth. Con., and
her Pupils on obtaining 3rd
place fora `the best dressed school
at+ the Licknow Fair,,
Mr., Ed. McCallum and Clar-
ence and ' Mrs. May Jackson.
/10r fs` r
wa.�ffi.++y{r��.f ,1�/,c;
// r r
for only a few cents ' a day
an automatic electric
water heater Provides
abundant storage capacity
and quick recovery when
more hot water Zs needed.
4 •
,. a lot off o vwra r , to loo after a, grown � far i � ..
It takes a•g y
and to help get the housework done!' That's why an automatic
. ..._ ;y
electric water heater is.' such a: wonderful.convenience. It
supplies : ou with.the hot water you.need whenever you need
.An electri` .. . . y ul
it! •� � is water heater is one of m:an wonderful
appliances: that /help. you : live better electrically"— the safe,.
clean, modern way. .
i. . does 8o much. •' costs so little r
eect io ty
Wroxeter s en u
P .,..t 5, ..nday 1.04 Mr,
and 'Mrs. Frank Brawn ;and, Reg;
Mr. and Mrs. John Schumach-
er, Mrs. Wm. Wall and Charlie
Edgar: sp e n t Sunday with ,Mr.
and Mrs
...pon Robertson and.
Diane, Ge�orgetWn °
Teeswater is organizing for a
reunion next year, ,and Mel Dona
.lwe has: been' named: president of
the , organization. .
Have You Renewed Your Sub.
scriP'tion? • ,
the wedding of Mary' Joan- For-
1' Chalmers Presbyterian Chizrch,
Whitechurch was the setting for
` `
•ster, , daugh er. of . Win. - Forstglr
µ [r . r orster„ an "•
Ronald :Alexander Richard Perr-
ott of Goderich, and formerly 'of
West Wawanosh, •son :of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Perrott, County Cork,,
Ireland .
The Rev., .R": T. A. ' Marshall •
•I officiated at the double ring cere- .
rnony.. Soloist was 'Lorne' Forster,
:brother of the. bride, :who, sang,
"The Marriage Prayer" and '"0 ",' •
Perfect •Love."
• The bride wore a - floor -length . .
gown of chantilly lace styled with,
fitted „bodice; sabrina ' neckline,
long :tapered sleeves and.bouffant
skirt; A Queen's crown, of hand -
1 cliped pleated tulle,: sprinkled.
Withrhinestones and pearls; held .,. _
herfingertip veil and she•carried :
a cascade of red . roses :and stepli-
antis, '
As' maid of ,honour for..ker sist-,. '..
,er;' ivriss.. ' ;Irma• Forster , wore • an:.
autumn coral chrysalette gown.
Wearing identical gowns were
•Miss'‘Norma Forster, sister of the.
bride, as; :bridesmaid, and little
Ruth Elliott, her neice. as flower-.
Murray Gaunt of West .Wawan=-
osh :was' best man 'and Paul Ell
iott • nephew, of . the• bride,' was
ring :bearer: Ushers Were john°
Forster,' Bayfield, brother of the:
bride and' Donald Gaunt of West ...
At the reception held in the
:church, parlours, the'. guests were
received by Mrs. Walter 'Elliott;;
.'sister ,of .the bride,attired; in a"
pink tweed suit, :navy: accessories
• with a pinkrose corsage:.Wearing '
anensemble of royal blue print, ,
royal blue accessories. and a':pink
rose co•rsage, M. Russell Jack
son,, sister: `of the groom assist• ed.
Fortratrelling the 'bride donned
a taupe tweed suit. with green:,
;accessories arid corsage of ,yellow
carnations: Mr, ; and Mrs. • Perrott;
willlive in Goderkch..
Second, :Fourth and `
� Sucth``
Two boys ;have arms -in casts -.--
the result of accidents at; school..
Bruce' MacKenzie had both arms
broken and Ronnie Austin had a
.bone in his hand splintered.: •
Mr. and Mrs Lloyd McDougall,
Allen and Grace visited Saturday ' ,
With Mr. and, Mrs. Harvey :Mac-
Dougall of 'Owen Sound.
Miss Johanna De 'Jong is 'a:tten=
ding business college in Toronto.
1V7rs. Cliff Roulston wias in: Tor
• onto on 'Thursday visitin
-, --�. _._ ..__ . _ ..::her..
bothers. _ dam.-..
daughter, 1Vliss Irene. Roulston. w
-'' There was a good ettendanceiat.
' the meeting of the Faith and '.Fe1-
lowship Group, of South Kuiloss
Church On 'Sunday: evening" at the
lyer. Executive for this' term
home of Mr, and Mrs. Ted, Col-
will be President.: --Philip Steer,
Secretary—Mrs. Currie,, Colwell;
Treasurer—Mrs Harold Campbell.
Program 'Conveners --East ' Mrs;, -
• • 'T:• Collyer, Mrs. E v 'am ICeitl,
West -Mrs. ,Lloyd MacDougall' &
Mrs Gib, F arnilton.•: Readings
were given by Mrs. L3, Lavis and
. Mrs. I;' Dickie, Rev. It' Marshall •
began the Bible Study on . the
Gospel of St, John, exlaining how
this gospels differed from the
- other ':three in the Apostle John
interpretations- ' of the life and
teaching of :Jesus:' The:next
meeting will b hold at the hoYne
of. Mrs. Betty 'MacLeod on -tO.
ber 20thx,