HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-01, Page 10'PAG TEN 7 TUE uC OW° SENTINEL, LUI ow; ONTARIO 10 • WEDNESDA$, 0=0E4 1958 adies' 14COATS -- sizes 'frosty ' 10 to 20 — - assortment . of, colors; $10 -Off Any Coat Also, A Few. Misses'. and Ladies' CAR COATS and SUBURBAN COATS . nt REDUCED: 'PRICES! • 'GENT -FOR KINCARDINE 'CLEANERS Free Plek-Up* and • Delivery. Monday and Thuitsday.." • I+AU ': MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Piece Goods and Wooll PJIONE; 75-W ` LII1 OW, ONT. THE TENTII veisar e ra of ,the ON courrry JIrNIOR FARMERS' and JUNIOR INSTI'YUTE Will be eld on October '4th. and 5th Registration 5.00 .p.m.; 'Chicken Barbecue Admission $1.50. Tickets 'available from all .rnemberS:. Variety prograM. Dance, ,Carruthers Orthestra, Admission 50c IINDAY, OCTOBER 5th— Clinton, „Ontario Street United Church. Church Service, 7.30 p.m.. Speaker .Padr6 W. A. Young. Fireside Hour. THAT Mr., and Mrs. Jack Mac- Donald attended the mixed bowling jitney at Goderic took nn • Monday evening. , They • Fred 'Jackson. along .on the. chance, " that he would 'fgicl i up", a partner. Fred sure • did. He bole d with Dorothy Mac Connell, . and they won first prize. Incidentally, Jack and Audrey got fourth. AFrank JoTnsto of -Os Y gra writes about ;the .fast mail . ser - 'vice they' are receiving on The Sentinel.; The paper leaves here late. Wednesday afternoon . and they receive delivery Thurso- day at '9.00 a.m, THAT Leonard Griffin left on Thursday, to rejoin the crew . of the S.S. Senator of Canada, its home, port:- being at Sault Ste:: Marie, Mich. The ship had, beentied up since late July... THAT Bert Ward states he donn- ed his first Agricultural' Soci- ety "police" . badge in 1918--40; years ago—and hasn't missed a Fair day since then .in traffic direction. LAN For the present time we are Carrying on the AMBULANCE SERVICE IN. LUCKNOW and „i CT formerly operated by McLennan and MacKenzie Johnstone and Son. PHONE 40 NIGHT CALLS 637r TWENTY-ONE YEARS . SINCE LEG AMPUTATED -1Jpon ordering a historical bock tion and forinerly of Kin1oss did a bit of 'renurnscing about he Buy SUNNY MORN' COFFEE 1 -pound. !.. RO7 AL. GUEST COFFEE pound . , ... •', • DeLUXE INSTANT COFFEE . IGA, 6 'oz. ..; , .. . . BLUE and ,GOLD FANCY PEAS 1.5' oz. ▪ ..►.. . ,,• j_ . YORK PEANUT BUTTER Pricei Effective October 2, 3, 4 E DELIVER r 33c 9c, Market PHONE 20 THAT Bill Marshall has joined' the staff of the Lucknow branch of the Bank of Montreal, hav- Iing commenced his duties last THAT George. MaeDonald, I bon-; cession 2; 'Huron ,ToWnship,:has • been- 'appointed as livestOck shipper for Ripley Shipping Agsociation, a position previ- ously held for several years by the late R. S. Wilson. IHAT from a letter that is unot - for publication," we pick 'this. paragraPh. "Those who in any .way were responsible for the planning and who worked so hard to anake the Centennial what it was, deserve great early days. Bill, was .79 last June and' is "still going strong'', in- aPite of the fact that he is hitting on only "one cylinder." He had a leg am- putated. twenty-one years ago, in the fall df 1937. REALLY DAINTY FLETTE—ideal for ladies' or children's night wear, sanforig41,. yard 59C ,I.OVES-4—,-.1aclies fall .and winter, gloveS: " navy, White, and beige, pair 98c. green„ p,owder blue, yellow, 8 to 1.6 years, $2.19 League strives, sizes 8. to 16 . $2.95 MEN'S OVERALL.5:—:- Snag Proof, blUe denim . MEN'S SPORT SlAllITSZ—Corduroy, 'expertly sized# green, tea,' 1,yine arid royal blue, M, $5,49 • lire aPpeared recently in. the Globe and Mail as the $t. Cle- ments School representative in the T. Eaton Cci. Junior council. Barbara is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs': Wm. F. ThomPson of Toronto THAT hula hoops have hit the community ' and are getting quite,a whirl by the young fry. THAT Rosemary Rothwell of fractured arm in a fall at school last week. She is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs; Ed Thom. THAVIrWin Carruthers has pass- ed,an examination successfully th d ageht in .this area for Co-op Insurance. THAT propertY .recently sold thru the W. L. Stevenson , tteEil 'Est- tte by their agent, John Hall, Mr.' Ritchie Of' Port Colborne; the MacDOnald house on Hive - THA. T for the Prsent tim. e, Bill : Hunter. is carrying on the am-. ''' hulance service discontinued the end. Of SePteniher ,by McLenn- an arid .MaeKenzie and John.; THAT several ladie• s , frOm. ' the 'district attended 1 the Wc, 24th and 25th: Mrs. Reward Dexter, .Mrs: ' Orland Irtiqhard$y .Paratriount; lgrs. Allister Hugh - 'es, XairslieA: Mrs: Harvey Houston, ,' , Didti;ict President; South 8ruce,.: Mrs, Roy Graham, .1Iolyrood; Mr* Albert ColWell, Silver Lake branch; Mrs, Elden .THAT the hour cif, Confusion, ar- rived at; the: week -end when, standard tithe and others. pro . continuing last •thne and ap- in this area, Ripley) Kincardine BORN IVIonday, September 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. Rorliald Alt9n, R.R. 1, Dungannoni-as son. WON FAIR DAY PIG • Mrs.. •Jelle de Jong was, the winner of a 24 pound, 12 ounce' conte3V4_bilclucted at the Tre- leaven ilMing Company 'display at the Fall Fair on Wednesday. • There were seven guesses . all within 4 ounces of the correct weight and from this severi Mrs.. de Jong's name was drawn win the little porker. WON GIJESSING CONTEST • In a ,guessing contest cond'ucted loy the Lucknow District Co-op at the Fall Tair, the winner Was Elda Wall of Holyroods. 'The' Con- test was to guess bow many pig starter pellets were in the hottle. number ,was 3,698. The Win- ner's guess was 3,700--70n1Y,two The prize. was ,100 poundi of Co-op booster pig starter pellets. THAT cOrnmencing this Saturday night, IotigiriesS' places in Luck - now Will., olose at 9.00 pall,' , • o. All Owners of. Late Model Cars , Your Car ,SHIMMIES, WANDERS, DI, SEE' HERB .'COLLL4ION, SERVICE one :320, GOderiCli 1 COMMENCING SATU DAY, OCTOBER 4th Will Close at 9.00 p.m, On SaturdaY Nights This, decision' was reached' at' a ,recent meeting, of tk?a, obserVecl, throligh 'the .fall and winter rtionth§ iast year,. „,./PECIAL HOURS 'Will: BE OBSERVED PURING THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Robert Finlay, President, LUCKNOW, BUSINESS MEN'S A,SSOCIATION1