HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-01, Page 3`.• 1-H • ' • • 4., », • • +k, 141,trEDNSPAY, 007r9B11 1,1958 oaps.4,s,f,m10.mri...a...••••,. • • 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINIM, Lt/CffCNOW., Q.rARIO c•toucknow 1 General rrisbyteon:Chorci:i , Minister: . Wallace -McClean, SUNDAY, QCTOBER 5 10.00/ airi.:• Sunday School' 11.00 a.m.: Sacrament of.the Lord' Supper. • 3400 p.m.i.kiskirie, Dungannon 780 ,p,M4-Eyening Service. Oirep*ratojry Services: :Durigannen,.. Thursday:" 8.00. -LucknoW Friday, 8,00 • • •11=41;11111.!,1411111,1.a.,*!4•11,•••••ftww." ,,swo...404+44•04,41.1.041e.4t.iniommotA LUCKNOW. Minister: Rev.. Gordon '.R. Geiger, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, sOCTOBER 5 •10.00 a.m:: Church School 1E00 a.m.: GUESTS Of GOD' A service cif World Wide Communion. • SUNDAY. .00TOIIER :12 ••ThanicsgiVng Sunday" Thought' For The Week: Absence from your church is. a "vote to 'Close its doors. .•‘••••. , • ; . . • ' 1'OR THE INFORMATION OF. PRESS .REPORTERS •With the , whirl of Meetings — Church' and). ciVie—getting under- . way again; we wish to pass along • some Irifcirrnation to the press correspendents, responsible for. sending in reports”.of :these vari-• • olis meetings. ' ,•; • They .tinst be :redeived by . the Sentinel 'by "the end of the week ..in which they take place, or stand little chancel of being. published. 'The date of the meeting should • be given. Please write ,• reports without • abbreviations and properly piinct-: uatedb, so we will not have to guess at the meaning. • • As space alwayi at a , prem - • jinn condense these reports to the interesting'facts. The reading,. of minutes, 'the singing, of ' hymns,' • the receiving -of. the offering and •Such routine. procedure has little •. news value, unless 'there :is. some • ',reason to elaborate. The "reading Of the: treasurer's report', ialike- wise Of no' interest unless there • is some 'reason to enlarge Upon • how the fund • has been raised or • • If the activities of any •orgari, Edgar Ritchie of Huntsville Was a visite' last Week with relatives and friends in i:immunity. • Mr- and Mr. Wilson ,ArMstrong of NobletOn *erevisitors •here on .Wednesday and attended the Fair. 'Wilson regretted he was un- able to attend the Centennial..He is a security guard With the. Ont- ario Hydro and was transferred: to Cornwall at that' time because • of the: inundation operation. Mrs.campll Thompson,show- ed' their over/seas.Pictures at the Woman's'Association meeting ,in Teeswater United ; Church./On Tuesday, evening of' last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson, John And •Robert of Windsor, spent the past week at the home of' his mother, Mrs. R. H. Thomp- son. •, "Archie, c ui an, son of_ r, and Mrs.. Wilfred McQuillan, has 'returned to 'Western" 'University, London; to continence ,his second year • honour science course. •Archie has been working for the Union Carbide Company in. Len - don during the sUmnier. Howard Agnew underwent 'ari operation on .his nose in' Lot:Rion '-the latter' part of the. week: and was able to return home, on Mon- day. 'Mrs. John Carruthers acConip- anied Mr.' and Mrs. Eldon Lowry of Ainberley on a motor trip to, Northern Ontario and visited with and..Mrs. Allan Stuart • at • EgariVille. .Misses 'Florence and •Jessie Kennedy of London and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' Rower. of Chicago; Were recent -Visitors with Mr. and Mrs; 'WM. Macintosh. MissJean Lyons returned home Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heath: and 'son • Ricky of Toronto ",'• after ,spending a few weeks With 'them in. the city.: 'BIGGEST VALVE . • We have the 'biggest value available in personal Christmas cards' (your. nam.e printed on). 40 cards and envelopes only, $1,50. •• 'Also the -uSual• large .selectiori ,of boxed cards, wrapping" Paper, novel gifts and everyday cards. • Samples will. be left with you •to l'odk 'at your, leisure. • • Don .Thompson; phone 35 ization are worth publishing, they certainly 'merit some time and care being spent on the writing of the 'report; so :it will -arouse the reader interestit deserves. • .:4'417"."..."110411.1.Hi.110.+4111.11..110,0411111i:0411MIMPOMPOIIIII".04110.410Mnild111.' . • Waterloo Breeding , ASSOCIATION • • • • "Where Bett,a,. Bulls :Are; Used" .••• . • • • . . Offspring Of our buits..continue to win, their share -honours : at d,the 'shows especially , where °given, equal .• opportunity.. • •• • • Example JERSEY' -• • , , • A daughter of.,13rampton Sta•nding' 13eacOn• was, Grand .e Champion at the.)958.Waterloo County parish show for. $ • :Sherwood Taylor' of Galt. Her , dam • was a daughter.1 sleSter's :Dreamer and 'a top show cow. Her grandam ---;•wats-a-tlaiighiet.44f B.,;6,,,m,p,ti,)„,ti Viojees13eacon and ReserveTGrand••••cliampi6n• at the -Royal. Winter' Pair:- i These- 'three generations were all bred through the Waterloo Unit.. ..; , • •• • 'ExarriPle HOLSTEIN A daughter of:Seiling.Wing',Pietje. was. Grand.ChampiOn • •at ,the Waterloo County- Black ,and .White Show .fot, Irvin 'Brubacher.. Her .dam .Was by Elnicroft Mon7. 0 -Grand, These are 'both Waterloo ,Unit sires, • The WOterldo. County Black and White show was the largest . m..,tintarto. So Tar, tnis SeasOh,..'t.init. daughters were pro- Intnent •arnoingst .the winners especially in , the Milking Age females: .••• , • Yi:ti' can ;hav'e 'this same, breeding. by Callingcollect • for Serviceor information to • • • •CLINTON HU,' 2,3441 or .KINCARDINE 460 between:7:30 ,and 930 week days ,* 6 00 and 8:00 on, on Saturday .cvcnings. •'Calla received, dn Saturday everiing.,are inseminated • early Sunday morning, " •. • • ,BETTR CA. Tri -,E FOR, BETTER LIVING BOWLERS MADE 1 , • • .PRESENTATION -- • Under ideal conditions the lawn ',bowlers had a Jitney on Tuesday of, 14st week with a very good turpout of twenty-four players. •Lunch was later served' in the icittirilouse by the lady bpwlers. when the gathering took this op- PortunitY to present a Lazy Susan, rto Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Howe, prior to their departure -for Eng - •land.„. Mr. Howe , had joined the 'local club and spent,niany pleas- ant' occasions at the greens.. Jack MacDonald 'expressed, regretsin - losing a' new, member so ibon, and oneh balfof the friends ex.- tended beit Wishes'fpr .voyage .and :good. hearth in the years to cote, , In expressing their appreciat- ion, -Rev. Howe said, not only had he enjoyed going to 'the green to inlay but had enj ed- the pleai- Inonigs gone there in the .day time to sit awhile and read. • , • He remarked how everyone had been so friendly to them. • ' • •'Upon making the presentation, Mrs. Jim McNaughton read the • following verse which' she had • composed: . Well here's your bowling buddies -All gathered here tonight, . The end of your stay is hover- • ing in sight. • We hope your visit you've en- joyed, . ' Especially at the green. We watched those bowls that you rolled up, • F,or the "Shot" that 'night.have been, ' . ' But, best of all, you've been a sport. • Into the game you've put your • best, ••• So you, just keep right at - Lady Luck will do the rest. We got you a wee minding, - Its price is not so high, • ith just a little som.ethhig, to remember us by. Its made right here' in Lucknow, A 'lovel'y 'painted weoden platter, Well surely none:of you did think We'd get a Beatty lacider'. • With' it go all good -wishes to you • and Mrs, Howe, • • .• • To keep afresh the memory , of, • your friends in Lucknow. • Prize winners .at the, jitney were Ken Carneren, Gordon Fisher, jack Fisher. FALL .FAIR . '''''' , . (Continued from page 1) • •:, ,Carruthers', Allan Macintyre, Leo Murray. _On the Ashfield team,• I captained by Joe .McGee, were: Leo Van . derlay,. Mel. Dickson, Charles 'Wilkins, •Doug. Hackett, Alvin Alton, Herb Wilkins, Grant Farrish- Bob ' Simpson; •- " • • • Forty -w� Pens of. Nig • ' FOrtY-two, pens of hogs (168 pigs) were shown at the, fair, in the Eaton bacOn • hog special. These Market hogs • SOld by auc- tion at $30.75, 314c above, market price, the, buyer being George Elliott •' , • • -- • Winners of :the top six pens placed as folleWs: David A. Hack- ett, R.R. 3 Lucknow;' Harvey Houston, R. R. 3 HOlyrood; 'Cliff ;Johnston,' R.R. 3 '}tolyrood; Ar- chie Bonnett, R.R. 1:• Helyrobd; Donald Kirkland, R.R. 3 Luck - now; Gordon Kirkland, . R.R. ' 3 Lucknow. ChampiOn carcass, A, • Bonnett; reserve carcass; Donald Kirkland. • Children's ,Races '-inners-in-Vit,isehiioi-ehrldreriLs races were: boys 6. And 7, -Tim , .Collyer, Francis Hogan; boys '8 and 9,- Ron HOgan,- Jim Layne; • girls,: • Mary Finlaysori, ' Sharon Mowbray; boys, 10 and '11, Ross Forster, Wayne, Todd; girls,. Mary Ann MCD6nald; Roseniary Hogan; boys 12 and over, Bob, 'Watson; Riniald'. , Brooks; girls, Helen. White, Marlene Carter; -100-yard dash, :Bob Watson, Jim MacDon Rock 'n, Rollers The Encors orchestra played for a dance in the Town ' Hall in the, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Watson and Garnet Farrier juclg-' ed the Rock 'n Roll contest, with the boys noticeably missing. The Winners Were; 1st, • I3arbara, Stu-: ernol and Ddreen McKay, Wing - ham; 2nd, Mary Aliin and 'shit - ley . Sinclair Of LticknoW; •3ra kathleen. Haekett 'and Elizabeth Finlayson, -'0! tkucicnOvit.• • • PAGE, 'rfIREM, Ladies!.an& Wear. VVISE, TO WEAR . HOSIERY — lisle, wool silk and nylons. If .you are • . having ler ache. try Supp., liose NyLoN SPECIALS,heavY dutY 79e, 2, Pr. $1 .5 0 Men's CAR COATS and JACKETS for Boys and Men; , TROUSERS—•-fiew fall colors; WORK SHIRTS -and WORK GLOVES; Full size range in WORK CLOTHES: SPORT -SHIRTS see our new checks, plaids and plains, SUITS -- materials for:mai:le-to- -measure just • arrived. New fall HATS and TOPPERS. NEW MILLINERY; • SKIRTS — pleated or straight; BLOUSES—Jersey, $2.98; • UNDERWEAR—Panties, • Vests, Watson's Bloomers, Panty Foundation, Garments;' mrtterzn •-•01-1VrlirdigARFEWAlekreST cOATS—$19.95 for girls; •NEW DRESSES—wool, silks, Rip -ons, half price; , GLOVES—gay new colors. • , r • • TROUSSEAU TEA. AT ST. HELENS • • • ST. 'HELENS . NEWS 'Miss Joan Forster was guest of honour at a trousseau tea. at her horne on Tuesday afternoon and evening. The bride -elect wel- comed the, many guests and her lovely giftsand trousseau were shown m :the afternoon by. her sisters, Mrs. Walter Elliott and' Miss Irma. Forster and her sister- in-law, Mrs.. John. Forster of.13ay- field; and in the evening .by 'her sisters, Mrs. Elliott and Irma and NOrma Forster. At a lace -covered table, centred with autumn flow- ers, .flanked by lighted tapers,. Mrs. ,Dixon arid Mrs. Don Aitchi- son of Harriston ' poured tea' in the'• afternoon, and Mrs.. Alex Robertson and Mrs. Ronald Fors- ter presided in. the eyeing. As.. sistants were Marilyn, McTavi.sh; Mrs. Kuik,. Lois Miller and Bev- • • erley Gaunt with Mrs. Andrew * ' Gaunt and Mrs. mif `Arhite-- church in the. kitche WON DAIRY JPDGING • 113 Junior Farmers took part in the Bruce County • judging, --- competition at Tara. • Gordon Roulston of -the. Ripley club was high Mali in the dairy' judgini.. • Bob' Scott of Ripley scored highest points in the novice class. Dougald 'Campbell of Kinloss was high man in the senior coaches class and Hugh Mason • of tRipley: was second in the - junior coaches. • • Have, You'Renewed Your Sub- scription? .1' 4 • Choose from'five confection Colors . • • , . I.Ji-Top, STYLE -LIT* CONTROL CENTRE CUSTOM -DRYING EVERY KIND OF FABRIC The new Westinghouse Onstoin Imperial Clotlies . Dryer brings to your, fingertips automatic " controls • for properly drying every kind of fabric you wash, That's right! With the 'brilliant new Style -Lite Con- trol Centre you custom -dry ,everything' from the • most delicate -to, the 'most 'rugged fabrics ....correctly` and automatically. " • ' • •'- You 'Can *Be .SURE . . If It's WESTINGUOUSE ebster ocKinnon Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Eavetroughing • FHONE 50, LIICKNOW • 40111,1111MIENVIZONtetagaliglar , 7,111hLiiittiles •