HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-01, Page 1x
X2.50 A Year Tn advance—$1,Qp •Extra
its Show Increase
ool. Childrens' Class
Exhibits at the 93rd annual
Fall Fair, held last Tuesday and
Wednesday, surpassedthose of
. r n e s .inquantity,
'other �" r
1w . y a.. ,
and particularly in quality. There
was a particularly' impressive
cattle. show.. _
• .v , ,
The newly hard surfaced floor.
in the arena provided a more
suitable and 'ronvenient display
area. Unusualinterest was shown
in school children's classes with
, many children' making entries.
ang ` was spent • y' oicia an
directors in arranging entries and
exhibits; Wednesday afternoon,
despite' dampash weather, brought
a ' large`::crowd•.• of spectators to
the fair' ,'grounds to view • the' ex
hibits,• and the _Program that had.
been arranged, while the children.
• hada their eyes. ''on- the midway.
: and. pony rides '
MilneRural Schools
The parade: to the park • from
the public school: grounds was
led by, the Seaforth High School
Girls trumpet ;band and the . Luck -
now District High School band..
Lucknow Legion- and Ladies'
•. Au?4arY ,
li. • -lead their prize winn-
ing float in . the parade sand the
Lucknow, Public School ':marched..
"with Gradel .siding on a Silver-
wood truck. ; Nine : rural schools
in costume added'; color . to the
procession: Belfast;:: Don Camer-
on, teacher; Fordyce, Mrs, George
Fisher; St..Helens, Marlene. John
ston; No. 7. 'Ashfield, Mrs.; Lloyd
Cline; 'No ' 7 Kinloss, -Eva Carter;
Ashfield, Mrs: Jinn Little;
No. j':15 ' Ashfield, .'Mrs. Norman_ • Mrs. Wilbur Brown of .Dun: -
ss :Joan Slit- .: annon is "sold" 'on classified
• Taylor; `Vo:.3: �.�inlo g ,
.ton;. No. 11 Huron, Mrs. Ken. a ertiising in. The Sentinel:. Re-
` ceiitl , theyquickly, disposed. of
'McFarlan Y•q Y
tar. est' dressed a space heater and. -about ` a year,
Winners the b
h ' l -Belfast, Ford -ce and ago, •a piano was sold just as
sc oo .were.�' ,,
order. ' In quickly 'by, a • "Want Advt... If
No. •� 3 Kinloss ' in ' that �
the school yell and chorus. com-
petition, No. 15. Ashfield was• lst,
•'St. Helens. 2nd, and No. 7 . Kin1-:
;loss. 3rd,
Don • ld Blue of: Ripleyacted as
master'' of ceremonies. An' early
afternoon shower of rain just as -
the parade was getting under-
way„ . caused some .of 'the. grand
stand performance to be taken
.into_ihe arena. Gordon Kirkland;
president of the Society,' spoke
briefly, ' welcoming the crowd to
the fair. John W. Hanna, M.L.A.
• for. -Huron-Bruce, introduced El
ston Cardiff of •Brussels; M. P.
Huron, who 'officially opened the
Novelty Winner~
Winners' of novelty .' ,events': de
corated. bicycle, Joan MacKenzie,
Jane Joynt, ` Mary Finlayson,
Donna ` Button; public school
square dance competition, ,Bel-
fast, No. 7 Kinloss Seniors, No. 7
` Kinloss Juniors; Most • 'similar'
•twins, .Carl and Clifford Wagner,a
• Boyd' and: Blain' Carruthers, Tru-
dy' 'and Judy Walden:. Other en-
tries : were the Morrison twins,
the. DeJong twins; and the Mac-,
Donald twins:
The- -.best .pony tail Prize went
=to -Karen Carruthers., Sherry' Jai;
dine, Verna Aitchison. Winner of
the pig ' tails contest was Marg
aret MacLennan, Susan Cleland,
Brenda Jardine • and Heather'
Hewitt:. 1
Jim :McDonald of R.R.•.7, Luck itt• of theteaching,
now,. worn the public speaking
'award: Linda 'Button'of'LucknoW
was second and , Donald : Young•
a e Teeswater • `wa's third•
Judges for the special events
were Mrs. J. W..Joynt, Mrs. 1 -lar-`
' v't'Y Webster, Miss Olive Webster„
and M'r. J.: H, Kinkaid.
Kinloss Retains' Hanna 'Trophy,.
The "brawn" ' of ' Kinloss again
w•o s'field.
„ ver that of A h
n out o
in the tug-oft.war for the John
Manna tro h •;M rribers' of the
p. y e
,Kinloss team ca 'tained .by
Murray, were,. .Harvey :Houston,
Philip Steer, Dan,'. Thomson,' A. C.
Grahatn, , Currie Colwell, 'Elliott
'(Cohtinuted on 'page , 3)
• The Sentinel mailing 1st
:was corrected on• Saturday,
which will ease the minds of
c'''a number, of folk' who have- -
been wondering if we. 'ha d
erred in not advancing had
expiry in
• A glance 'at. the ` date . on
.the : address label : this week
Will :tell 'the. , story. In case
of error' `please -roti ' us 'at
1 ir`
And. if you're . subscription
is ^ in arrears, please remit
promptly , and save us ,the
time and expense of :billing..`
M and Mrs. W. G..Barrett: of
algary.''were' Fair 'day 'callers in
town, Mrs, Barrett is the: former
-Eva Harrigan *of Bervie.
While in: town. 'Mr.. Barrett
'pickedd up" some: mementos for
a 'Calgary ; friend and former
•Lucknowite, Dr:. L S. ' Kidd of
Calgary. Dr. Kidd was' born- .in
Lucknowwhere his father prac
tised medicine for a. time.
Amon the souvenirs that Mr.
Barrett/took West to Dr: Kidd,
were a historical book, a C'enten
:.. Rev.; Ernest Howe was the
guest speaker at the.. Lions Meet-'
ing on Monday of last week and:
gavea very interesting descrip
tion. of shipbuilding in his home
city; .of Sunderland on the North
sea coast of north-eastern Eng
land. He traced' the. industry from.
the •drawin g; board• to the launch
ing, final. fitting and test runs.
Rev. and' Mrs. Howe leave this
week on their return to, England.
after' an extended visit . here.
They, speak • very highly of Can-
ada, a land : of friendliness and'
ev. owe was' "in'rociuc
Gordon Fisher and was. thanked
by'. Peter Bissonnette 'and pre-
sented with :a gift.
Fraser'., Ashton, president of
Teen Town, presented `.Lion Presi-
dent ` Charles Webster . with a
cheque for $100. in repayment in
full of ' a $200. loan last 'year to.
install;, an :amplifying system in
the Recreation` Hall, where teen.
Town dances ' are held. Fraser
was ::introduced by Gordon Mont-
' gomery one of ''the directors of
Teen' Town, and spoke highly . of
the work :of Janet -Rayner, who
was the' first year. 'president . of
the' group.
President Charlie reported : on
the Executive •meeting, .' when it
:wase decided` to place,' penny. bank.
cans in 'homes and business plac
es .in' the community.
E H. Agnew , Village: clerk,
has been appointed issuer, of
motor •vehic le licenses by' the
Ontario .Department;' of Haigh
ways, and .has taken over the
• �as ld * for' `23;
,..Tho posh w he .
�` rfield acDonald '
years by Ga , M ,
whose death .occurred a few
• weeks• :ago •
4- : Clubs Jud edl• at
h ,.cknow Fall Fair
e Lu .. .
'The climax to the 4-H Club
ievement day., held at: the' Luck-
now Fall' Fair for the Beef and
Dairy Calf Clubs and the Grain
Club.. The calf.: cubs have ' been
sponsored for;=many years by the
Lucknow Agricultural Society,
and this •is: the second year the
Lucknow and District Lion's: Club
has sponsored the. Grain Club.
Grain. Club Champ
Placing first in both the grain
and sheaf .class was Bill, Andrew,
R. 7, : Lucknow. - His 'brother, .John,•
placed second for 'sheaf and 4th
for grain, while .Barrie Kilpat-
trick of R;,-7, 'Lucknow placed, 2nd,
in the grain 'class. Ernest' Ackert
of Holyrood was 9th in grain, 6th
in sheaf; , Robert `Austin,: 'R.. 6,,
Lucknow, 7th.: in.. grain, := 5th in
sheaf; James : Blake, Dungannon,
6th in' ' grain, 7th ' in'sheaf; Barry
Johnston;' R. ;3 Holyrood, 5th in•
grain, 4th ; in ''sheaf; Doug Kilpat-
rick, R. 7 Lucky ow, 3rd in, grain, •
8th in sheaf; Terry Wilson, .R.. 2 MARKS ''N I�N ETY
Lucknow, . 8th in . grain, 3rd in
nial Sentinel, a cur.,.rent ;issue- of A .Hallowe'en' party is planned
the paper . and a . fall' :fair poster. for 'the children and .several vol
unteers. offered •to take charge' of
i t:
. October' is membership cam-
paign month The `Executive pro-
posed a number. of` prospective.
members . and asked the members
to submit their•Lsuggestions.
. District 'Governor .Rae Watson
nounced," a, district :: rally at..
Arthur on October 23rd, when it
is anticipated 150 new . members
etliin for sale that. will be• inducted; by International
you have som g Director Al"Shock of South Dak-
is in public demand; . in ;reason-
ota ;,
President Cecil Blake re=
ported on the Zone . meeting at
It ..has been suggested that, each
club contribute $100 .to the re-
tarded children's 'school' at Wing
•ham, which had 'an .opening en-
-rolment. of • 8 district children
and: may be increased to about 13.
ably good condition `and at a' fair.
price, you, too. , will ` get' `quick •
In'' ordering another ad this
week, . Bill Hunter 'of Zion, says,
"I . sold the ` pigs . I •recently ad
ver.tised ;before. I 'had received
my., own copy' of .The Sentinel:"
On, Friday ,night; September ,26,
the Gai'ade 9 students of Lucknow
District High ''School ,accompanied
their parents to a social evening
with• "the; teaching 'staff. During
the -early part of .the,'evening, the.
parents' were` given the opportun-'
ity '•of inspecting: the facilities of
the/school; and they- also met the'
teachers• on an':• informal.' basis.
The principal, ,Mr: P. W Hoag,
then resided over a meeting ° in
the school and i tori um. Mr..Gord-
on. Fisher, chairman, of the High
School Board, spoke ; briefly to
the parents and students concern-
i:ng'the'part played by the admin-.
istrative bodies connected with'
education at LD`IIS- VI.t°sical end
tel tainmeiit was very : promin
as ,Miss Marilyn Cameron' arid•
? iss Mary Purdon, both `students
of Grade tl. played .piano solos:
Mr, Keith Laur; an'cl •Mrs. L. Hew-
staff, a so
+ the, audience with vocal.
Hew -
solos, .
The s
' . aeal'.er, the Rev. Pordon
Geiger, was .introduced by Mr.
T. R•athwel1 of • the' . school
board. Mr.''Geiger,s address, en -
"°W here Are You Going,""
,was a .thought provoking lecture
al those' " present soon real-
ized1 ,. . ,
the value of education and.
ilc d
.the. effortrequired fed . to. attain it. •
to , an
Tl7e evening, came err"o y,ed
after ,•the students had.J
:games, under the supervision of
.. ,
• ry Ronald. Metter-
1VIr. Lour and M,. �. , .: _
ort and ;lunch was then served
by the. girls of , Mrs. Hewitt's,
Borne ECOnorni'4s class. .
Gone. A't
The Sentinel took a, picture
of 4-H winners Ken Alton
and Barry. Menary; with, their
calves' at the fair last Wed-
nesday. The ;film' was sent to
the ' engravers in Kitchener,
and a call Thursday
from Kitchener informed' us
they bad received the letter
of instructions, about . the film,
but the envelope'was torn
open 'and. the: film was miss
ing: Somewhere between here
• and: Kitchener, two 4-H
members ;and their calves area
still unaccounted .for and we
'apologize ' for :the absence 'of
the picture.
phoneh d
. A, 'Culbert ands Sons of
Dungannon, have sold forty-one
head: from ; their . Shorthorn herd
to ' ,H. 'D McGowan,' of Maclyff ".
Plantation,. Alabama; Georgia.
The -cattle. were:•triucked •to Fergus
from - where they, were, • shipped
by rail, ' making up the :bulk" of •
or -the
two:: carloadsT purliased f
south from Ontario Shorthorn
The 'Culbert sale. included ' 37 •
females, • mostly bred heifers and
"cows with calves, as well . as four
young bulls, three of serviceable
- , ;rQnthe..late
rfe : y ; ince,1Ysenior 'sire,,..o
e: Culbert herd for some time,
having, been'purchased originally
from Reford ' Gardhouse.'
The Culbert •;herd: is far .from•
being depleted by this transact
ion. They will be consigning five
bulls:. and ' eight heifers in the
Shorthorn club sale. to ' be held ..
in Lucknow., later this": fall::
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon..MacPher
son,wish to announce the niarri
age f their'yo nger . daughter
Christine ,to.
LAC Fred-
erick ' D'arcy Thompson, :son. of'
Mr.' and Mrs. D. Thompson,' Trail,
B. C. The = marriage :was perform-
ed' by Rev.'G. Goth, Metropolitan
United `Church, London, on Sep-
tember 8th,' 1958 at : 7.30 , "p m.
Top Dairy ' Calf ; .
Murrayunter. of Lucknow Congratulations and best wishes
to Mrs. -David Kennedy of White-
had the top. dairy ca1f..His sister .
Joanne placed: and. Allan church 'who is celebrating her
' P 96th . birthday,' on Wednesday,
McDougall, R. 6 Lucknow,. placed Y'
,Oct. bey 1st,kt ler Whitechurch,
third. 'All' -showed Holsteins; Q
`: home: -
Won Beef Awards
Mrs. Kennedy was born near
Barry Menary, R. 7 .Lucknow, . 4 Sea f orth,, but, has,lived,: in the
had . the . best calf in ':the• steer
Whitechurch. community since
division ' of the beef class. He was she was '12 years old. She married
followed by .'Ken Alton, R. R. 7.• David 'Zero Rintoul,White= the late David Kennedy•.' in 1882.
Luc yHe died in 1937. Of their 'eleven.
church; Garry . Gammie, R. 1
Lucknow; Ross Hamilton, R. 6 children, seven are still living.
Mr^s. Kennedy was: formerly
Jane Fish i� daughter of the late
In the female division of the J e. a ., g
beef class, • Jack Kennedy,R. 1 Mr- and;Mrs. Peter : Fisher.
• laced first; ':Mar aret She 'is in fair health the past
Lucknow,P � ,g
Lyons, R. 1 Lucknow; : 2nd; Den- three years, is.up and around.
ver : l ickie, R. ; 5, . Lucknow, 3rd. Part of the time, and does. some
Best Showman light housework.' .Mrs. Kennedy
, to -still retains her interest in com
All the Calves were placed
gether for the showmanship munity, • and church: affairs, being
judging. Ken Aiton was the best a member of the Presbyterian
showman followed by ;Leroy. Rin- 'church,
toul, Joanne Hunter, Barry Men- The following, members of Mrs.
ary, •• Margaret ' Lyons, Murray Kennedy's family are still, laving:
Hunter, Jack Kennedy, Allan Mc- Alex' Kennedy, Winnipeg, Man.,
David Kennedy .of 'Victoria, B. C.
George Kennedy.. of Whitechurch;
Mrs. Harry' Tichborne (Agnes), of
Goderich; ,. Mrs. Lorne Durnin ,
(Jean) .: of West Wawanosli; and
Peter Kennedy and Annie Ken-
nedy, who reside with their
Mrs. Kennedy has eleven living
grandchildren,. twenty-two great=
grandchildren and three great-
great grandchildren:
A birthday�'party was planned
in. Mrs. Kennedy's honour..
Dougall, :.Denver Dickie, . Ross
;;Hamilton; Garry Gammie.
There doesn't seem to . be any
solution. to •thisl time muddle. The
• government should solve it, some.
-Joins Teeswater Staff
Kenneth. Young, son of Mr.,and
Mrs. Clifford: Young of :Kinl'oss
township, .has Joined the Tees -
water branch: of the, Bank •of
•Gerald Courtney of " Con; 2.
'Huron'.T'ti!p., iii the Amberley
district,has sold his farm to ,J. S.
Robb, who recently had the barn
on his farm destroyed by. fire.
Mr. Courtney is having a no;=
reserve clearing: Sale on Friday
of next week, October 10th, and
because 3f •the .size of the sale .it
Will get underway at 12;30'•sharp
.standard. time. IFeatured on the
sale will be his choice Holstein
herd:, that• includes scb
all in calf and over 20 young
say: A plebiscite is the answer,
say others.
One rural school; teacher tried
a: section "plebiscite:" The'score
from 12 replies'was:• six for fast.
time; five for slow -time and 1-
it didn't matter.
ift Subscription to Rea.
Names Horticultural Column
In this issue appears 'the first
of a series of monthly horticu1-
tore• articles, the author of which
prefers to.remain ' anonymous:'`
It is contributed with the sin-
cere hope' . that : ft may 'arouse al)
interest •in horticulture' VI ` Luck-
now and • district, it is our hope
that we may publish ,this for you
.once;.a Month,, providing you with,
timely hints about' your '1'awri and
garden, '
We have ' arranged, to
h alsog
answer your .q:uestions in' this,
coluinii: ;Any cluestit5ns"�pertair-`
ing to' • horticulture • will ''be
answered by', some of the best
authorities 'available. I! -you wish.
a personal answer, please include'
a stamped,' self-addressed. •envel-
ope ~for a reply,:+ • Address sour
question. to ``Horticultufe-" .`The
` '
'In order that tie may have`the;
feeling of 'Our readers pertaining
to this •subject The Sentinel is
offering a, one -Year- subscription
.for the best ttle..for this column.
It is ;mainly of hor.ticulttfral: in-
terest with a little humour.and
philosophy add- ,: w
ii inl ive s ouid.
'What do yot .�, li
, s. :
van- Let's- it-?- Lets hear- froii- .ytiu��sr�.-. -•��-
. the ,,. ,n. xt , ....nCart'
that 4he �.olumlr ,ire mo th
•be• headed with the 'winning title.