The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-17, Page 61�.GE: Si;
A number of pictures taken at
the Centennial, as. well. as others
of current interest, such as the
Kindergarten .class' at the Public
School,' are on display in The
Sentinel Office window::and are
creating considerable interest.
Prints of any . of these 'pictures
:or for .that matter, any Sentinel
photo 'appearing in the. paper, can
be, purchased. '
When setting sail. 'on the' sea
of matrimony. It's nice to have
a ' raft of money. ,
The 'September 'Meeting of the
Paramount Institute was held' at
the home of Mrs: Emile. MacLen:-
lam, There' were 11. ' 'members, 7
children. and .one visitor present:
The meeting opened, by 'the'. sing-
ing, of . the Opening Ode and .the
Dexter was appointed to . go. to
the . Area . Convention. Arrange-.
ments•' are . being made. to go to
Wingham to visit CKNX in Oct
ober • ' as our ' regular: monthly
meeting: ;Mrs. Wilda ;Campbell. and
Mrs: Jim Ketchabaw ,gave •read-
ings. 'A lovely musical was• given
by Mrs. Tom , MacDonald and ` , a
contest, was ..conducted by, Mrs.
Wellington Webster. At'.the'close
of 'the Meeting ' lunch was served
by the . lunch committee. and . the
iwUO-TNEitte IMPERIAL -41,500 BTU
vtpvfl Modern: dessgn in beouhfut:'
$ath se • finely-53,00o'•:BTU model
44.40111Y high.r..
Exelvsfval Duo-TIMrm
SEir4ilhter F Turn'.: Ate;
diol and. .,electnc -SELF-
Lighter lights; au-
tomoskollyi •No,,:.
No fuss.No rarest:
Exclusive! Duo -Than
Power -Air Blower—
Automotucally forces heat
to , every part of Mime.
Moves "Iozy",,' ceiling. heetil
to living'1e"ver 'Soves up
to 25% on oil. '
Autoawtic: Thonnostat
—Se(°'and• forget.' Keeps
the 'temperature just as
You like it.
.. ,
Stei and
A lovely miscellaneous shower
was held at 'the home of. Mrs.
Donald A. Hamilton in honour of
Miss Betty. Miller,.. on. Thursday
evening, when she received many'
lovely gifts. An addresswas read
by Mrs: Alvin :Baker with Mrd.
Hamilton as chairman, .A sing,
song was enjoyed .with Mrs Geo.
McLean of : Ripley. `at' the piano;
,readings ' by Mrs.. Alvin Baker;
a'"'contest .by Mrs: Alan Barger.
Betty thanked ' 'a11 for, their lov-
ely ely 'gifts and invited all. to visit
her in her new"home in Kitchen-
er.Another miscellaneous shower
was held in .Kitchener at .the
:home of 4 Miss Vernitta Bragg.,
Mrs. Raymond Hinchberger was.
hostess where members of , the
groom ;elect's 'family honored her
with .a`lovely card table and, four
Mrs, •' Russell' Oakley enter-
tained girl friends with Betty
receiving " a Sunbeam iron and..
ironing board cover. ' During. a
pot luck supper, and. m'eetin'g of
the Forester's Betty was: present -
'ed with : ` a three sheet set.
Mrs. Frank Miller was,':hostess on.
Saturday: afternoon and evening•
for a trousseau' tea in Honor of
her' daughter, , Miss 'Betty Jean
Miller, brie of this week,•, whose.
marriage takes place in the. Pres-
byterian , church, Kitchener, on:
Saturday afternoon.
During the afternoon Mrs. John I