HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-17, Page 5WEDNESDAY SEPT, 1958 .. S'17.1 1,1 'Mar .. ..,.. .,.;: ,,.,., „fir, gym. THE, LUCKNOW . SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO FIVE' RTIFICATES • issued; in arnountsfrom $100.upwards for .3, 4 or 5 years, • 1 earn 43 interest, paYable 'half- • authorized investment for all ,Canadian Insurance Companies and trust; funds. • SIOWER• HELD AT 11OLYROOD PALL' '(Second, ,Fourth &- Sixth) A • delightful shower was held in Holyrood Hall, on Friday,, even - Ing ixihonor of Jlviiss Bell ,Gra ham, bride-to-be, :The. varied pro- gram was emceed by Mrs •'Torn: MacKenzie, who Performed., .this duty . mest eapab'ly.. .Miss4. •Dean: MacLeod first, gave the 'toast, to the bride in her original verse. We have lately heard news That has Come round,.our way,• How the datehas, been set For a, gIa3' wedding clay. And who'll ,be the::bride . - But our bright lassie, Help Andif-Yon should ask us Her talents' to tell,. With quite an array We'd be sure to •invest, !Der, While all the,aime thinking "How 'lucky is Chester"! • Tl i"s yming -lady's--°sin artT YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 15 .YEAR$IM CORPORATION . 372 Bay St.,' 1-3 Dunlop St, Toronto Barrie EMpire 47495 PArkway8-5181 (Miss Hodgens) (Mr.Akorn) eon.' news' INSURA..NCE. GENERAL 'INSURANCE Established ;Over Thirty Years.; Ago: Telehonest HOWARD' AGNEW Residence 138 Business .39 • Zion W.]VI:S. Mrs.Charles Anderson held the September meeting, at her home with. 1$ :ladies, one visitor •'and 12 ;.,children' •present. Mrs. -John Hunter read' the devotional with` the scripture lesson, -read by Mrs. Charles : Wilkins.: Christian stew ardship: was taken. by Mrs. Jack' McDonagh. A ''letter from our missionary, .Miss Muriel Bamford of India, on sickness in their .hos- pitals .was read by. Mrs. Jing Hun- ter. Mrs. Eldon. Ritchie is :to .`ar range for the'' program for ' Oct- ober: Visitors , for shui.-ins are Mrs.. Gordon..Kirkland..and Mrs Jake Hunter. .Special • collection of 25 cents ,.was taken to cover the 'postage `,for '.the missionary parcel; to be sent this month Mrs. Robert Helm gave'a- read- ing, Mrs. Wesley Ritchie favor- ed, with an, instrumental. and Mrs 'Jack McDonagh'. a ' reading: -The� study book. was'taken by Mrs. Harvey` ' Ritchie. The; October meeting is.planned to be. held McDonagh's. An • counts. `in her. knowledge Full many a. thing. 'She'll' handle the tractor • To help with the ,.crop.:.., With baking and.'canning Her labors won't stop. For hidden away' Neath. her 'trim nurse's cap Her knowledge will help her A, bandage to wrap. • She'll know what to. do For all .Sick buddies' round And just how much virtue In powders is found. For .timely assistance.,: • (Should any folk lack it), • ' . We're.. sure they will .find 'it In young Mrs.. Hackett. Mrs. Bill,. .Scott favored With a'bright''piano instrumental. Mrs Harry 'Levis . gave, a.. hilarious reading./Iaren Carruthers sang a pleasing' solo with Mrs. H. Hails - ton at the piano.' . ;Miss ; Marian Scott ' played her., accordian fol lowed ''by' a reading ,'by. Mrs., C. Roulston. Two` contests, were,con ducted. by Mrs.. T. MacKenzie and Mrs . I. ' Dickie. 'The:ghighlight" :of the',program was a' mockwedding with :Mrs.. •Harry Lavis as mini- ster 'and. Mrs. C.'' Colwell and Mrs. E; Keith as`., bride and ..:groom. Jokes were red by Miss Marian Buckton. Miss` Bell "Graham . was then' escorted to a- patforrn where she. ,'sat'. in .0 .decorated ; chair, be-' heath. an umbrella from which hung .many, bluebirds of :•happi- ness. - She was '-assisted in ;open= ing the many beautiful gifts. by, Misses -Mary . MacIntyre, Ruth Steer, Beverley Ashton, and Mrs. • Evan Keith. Bell in her ''usual' charming manner thanked' ,each :donor personally , as ` the gifts were ;o, pened and " then a big thank • you to all and invited. everyone .to a trousseau tea on Wednesday'. afternoon and 'evening.' A .delici-, ous• lunch was served •• to end a very pleasant evening at• ` Mrs. Jack Announces, WHITECHURCH, ONT.:; LUCKNOW and DISTRICT AGENT • AUTO,' STcKNES$, PIRE. ACCIDENT, LTAE LITY,, Telephone Winghai • 57O -J-3, Collect• Mr. and. Mrs. '.Eldridd..Cathers, Brenda and Connie visited with Mr. 'and. Mrs. Currie Colwell• and family•:on,:,, Sunday. • Among• those attending Western Fair at ' •London' 'were: Mr. ::Harry Lavis, • Mr. and .Mrs. Austin and' family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon , and Mrs. George Lockhart. Mr, and M'rs. W F:. MacDon- ald have, sold their farm tb Mr. and Mrs. McQuillin of Green-. ock. and • are moving 'tb. Lucknow, They will be :greatly' missed from this, community.. Mrs. ' Allan .1Graham• has her th_um n a cast, haying the mis-, fortune to- tcatch-iin they rear' door. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Tonks of God_ erich visited with Mr. and 'Mrs: Ira Dickie and family on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell and. family, of Ilderton: were Sunday guests .with /Ir: ,and Mrs, Harold Austin and family. Robert. Austin who has spent a few days',vacation there returned hame with them. DONATIONS 'ALL ISTAr 2,100 Donationsto the Centennial Fund are still• being received, and . currently stand " at $2,096:50, or . just' $3,:50 short of ah even $2,100. Donations were received' last week from the MacDonp,`, aid Clan who had held 'their" AIR CONDITIONING TAn ample �su ply of'dean,humid uJaA.:- heated and circulated throughout your home and with • no' at- tention from youl These beautiful Clare units are comaletely auto- matic and amazingly low in price. Checkthe advantages listed — then come in to see3for yourself!. UNITS FOR OIL FIRING • No' ashes, no dust, no . attention: • Automatic, thernostatical ,y con trolled heat assures even tempera tore. •. Healthful air, filtered, humidified,. evenly warmed and circulated.. • Economical to operate. • Smart appearance for modern "Er .. fished" basement. 1 . MU�rd e C .Hardware Lueknow' annual reunion at the Pub f ; • Centennial .and ' from 1VIx. 'lie School grounds, during the I Mrs. Melvin , Orr of Elmwood. WALTER BRECKLES KINLOUGH ' ONTARIO Phone 18-20 Ripley Your John Deere Dealer Automotive and•Tractor Repairs Arc ' and Acetylene 'welding .... Machine Work ... Pioneer Chain Saws, ' Lawn' and Garden Equipment" For your' 'best buy' in diesel tractors, see the "David Brown" •i , L 11 never ..drives again g • res, lo►n That's.the vow Fred Smith took when he; learned 'the youngster' he had run over' had. died as a result ,of 'the injuries. • Fred's .conscience was tortured by the.feeling that a child had died as a result of his . actions. 'He toreup his driver's license; and has ' never been' behind' the wheel of a car since:. ' There's only one way to avoid •Fred Smith's night= niarish situation.. hat'salways to •watch. ,for 'children on the road. / Your Ontario. Department of Transport urges you; ,to :support the current Child Safety Campaign. , • t 4.1