HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-17, Page 1w:
$2.50, A Year. In Advance- $100• Extra To U.
usiness. Mins
9` m: Satur
ay Closin
Commencing October 4th Luck -
naw business places will close at.
9.00 , p.m.: on , Saturday nights.
This ' will continue in effect until
March, 21,, ` inclusive, Exception
will be made to these hours at
tht Christmas., season::tut this
but this will be decided on at a
later 'meeting; •
A motion was put 'forth at last
Friday's. meeting that .places ' of
business ":• remain open until 9.00
on Saturdays until Christmas and
.6.00 p.m. closing our e am
endment . to, the motion was that
stores observe the 9.00 ' p. m.
closing hour all through the fall
and . winter: The amendment
- carried ;by one • vote.
Some favored starting the -9
p.m. hour on the 1st of Novem-
ber, but when put to a vote,
October, . 4th was the . date:, set.
Eighteen business places were
represented" at Friday's 'meeting
which was; chaired by Bob Fin-
lay. Elmer Umbach is secretary
treasurer .of the Association.
Discuss, November 11th"
The observance of November
llth was discussed bythe meet-
ing and, it was voted . to close
until '12,30' p.m.. on that day and
then. re -open for business in' the
afternoon. In • taking this action
it was. ,felt by the Association
"that 'businessmen and employees"
were losing sight of the real, pur-
pose of ' the day and thatit was
just becoming "another holiday"
-for many. The low .aattendance at.
the church 'service ,last year was
brought to light at the :meeting.
in October:
T • ..R:.
The 1958 Bruce County Plow
rn -Hatch, undeLauspic`esTof ,the,
Bruce. County branch of the Ont-
ario Plowmen/s Association, will
be . held on the farm of • Farish
Moffat at Langside, ; on Friday,
October 3rd, commencingat 9:00
a.m. D.S.T.
There are about a,'dozen class
The death of Donald Alexander
McCorvie ccurred.. •in . Victoria
•, n
on Sunda
o Y-
S _�..
.n . ,.�....,,. •.._.:
September - 14th. He had been
taken ` to the hospital early in
the week and underwent major
surgery on Friday.
The funeral service was • held
at the McLennan Funeral• Home,
on Wednesday ;conducted
Lueknow ,Fall Fair bills are out
announcing -. the • annual event for
Tuesday -and Wednesday, .:Sept-
ember 23rd and','24th=nexweek
mind you.
With art' asphalt floor. in , the
arena this year for,;the first
it .will be a great benefit
eraIly to b oth exhibitors, and
ec,tator"s: and should., make ,and
an 'exceptionally fine indoor dis-
play. There are . many special
events that' should encourage in-
door exhibits ' in various .classes.
The Fair - grounds .were 'never
in better -condition and an extra
gat. res.
Additional prizes have . been of-
fered •for the rural school com
petitions, which should prove an.
inducement for more schools to
Following` . so closely on the
Centennial . there will he no par-
ade of floats, but .. prizes are of-
fered ,for . decorated bicycles;
which will join in the school
children's parade.; There' will be
two::bands,, 'the . •Seaforth District
High 'School' Girls' Trumpet.
Band and.'; the LucknowDistrict
High School Band :
In addition to . the local, grand-.
stand show of school competit-
ions, public speaking, ` '` square '
dancing, most similiar twins, etc,
there will -be .a: versatile program',
by ; Harold . Dagg ofy ' Hamilton,
who is a; professional clown and
specializes in .comedy tumbling,
and then switches to tap: dancing,
singing and one -roan. band per
, Up for annual competition ag
ain will be the. -John. Hanna. ' tug'
o' war trophy which was 'retained
last syear. by Kinloss Township
when they ' outpulled ' Ashfield:
The 4-H:Club activities are * al -7
ways' '.a `highlight •of the Fair .as
IS ,theac.n co ho. contest, ..which`'
last year attracted over . thirty
pens 'of' hogs and: which gained.
for . the- exhibitors,apart from
prize :money, .about . three 'cents
'above market price when sold
by auction at ,the,Fair.
'Silverware On.Display
Two . lovely pieces' .:of silver-
on display in.'The Sen
tinel Office window:. One . is a
pitcher which will 'go to the
lady scoring the greatest number
of points in the. Dairy and • Table
Supplies :class. The" other, a sil- • .ti
ver " bowl is for the ,highest total '
in' the cattle, swine and •'sheep..
.• . classes..
m.Rock 'n . Roll Contest .
The Fall Fair night . concent
which hasn't ,proved profitable
the past couple of years has been:
dropped. The dance to be held
in the - Town' Hall •.will be pre
ceded by a , Rock: • 'n 'Roll contest
which, . should prove interesting
to say the least, even :if: you don't •
"go .for it". . For the dance, 'Music
will '•be -by the "Onkors", who
'feature old time as' well as mod-
ern music:
There.'will be a work bee at
the hall and grounds on 'Satur;
dayday afternoon.
Eleven . Ontario hog producers
met last week with their : coun-
sel,' B, 0J, McKinnon . of Toronto,
and instructed him to commence
proceedings'' to have' the 'vote of
last July set, aside,- William • Har-.
ria of Ripley is ,a member of the
committee which has tentatively
named , their roup the_ Free ,En-
terprise 'Hog Producers' - Comm-
plebiscite in Jul 67.5
In the y� .
percent • of ' the voting, producers
favored having the Hog Produ-
cers Co-operative control all hog,
sales in. the province, A two
• The new group is headed • by.
Peter MacDonald of Bright and
Charles` Coultes 'of Belgrave is
secretary- ,treasu.rer, It' claims to
represent about half: the. • hog.
producers in Ontario.
It is.. expected that. represent-
epresentatives• '. will . attend • •the annual
meeting of the Ontario Hog Pro-
dicers' Association, and Co-oper-
ative on .September' 18th.
Santa Day ';December 6th.
Santa's annual visit to ' Luck -
now hatd;previously been' set for
Decernbrer b 6thb Further discussion
On the ,,day ,brought forth the
"Qrganization" problem which
businessmen admit was lacking
• at .last year's day. Most business
mien feel that they ,are tieddown
on this particular Saturday with
the large number of : visitors in
the village, and' that the' organ-
ization of the . children in giving
out the 'candy Would. have „to' be
more thorough.
A motion was put forth by the
meeting that local f organizations
be asked for financial 'and phy-
sical help, for Santa Claus. Day.
An amendment to the , motion
was that organizations be asked•
for physical help only. The am
endmerit carried. 'The . Executive
was ' appointed as. the : corrunittee
in charge of • this 'matter.,, .'•
Another; meeting .has been set
for. the first; Friday in Noveinber.
The annual; fee of the Associat-
ion was set at $8; Collectors are.
Cyril Brown and Lorne Power.
A delegation. .6t six was .ap-
pointed : to 'approach Council to.
seek information about licensing
, Of . transient, . traders and. pedlars
and about seeking information
•'about Village washroom' facilit-°
of special prizes•' champion--
ship events.
One class that was riot in-
cluded on the , posters announc-
ing the event, is a novelty 'event.
open to members r. of Bruce Co.
Council' and. Township officials.
Theevent calls ' for two rounds
With. a •hydraulic plow for a
prize of $5.00.
The plowing match will ., be
followed: by a presentation ban-
quet ' at Langside Presbyterian
Church at 6.30 that evening.•
The president is Farish .Moffat.
of Langside: and G. R Gear,
Agricultural .' Representative of
Walkerton is secretary -treasur-
Kinloss Township .- Council: has
donated; $25'. 'to the match', for
Township specials which will be
deailed :next week.
Last week ` we referred 'to
Steve. ;Stother's arrival into the
world *as having prevented • his
father from attending, the barn
raising. at 'the hone ;of. his neigh-
bour H,u Finni an,
. } ., gh.• .g.
We `can't "Say if anyone' else
missed it because of the stork's
arrival, but the old . bird was
mighty busy along the line that
Steve can name- fifteen child
ren. who -:were "born within, three
blocks along the line that year;,
and it . :could be' that he may
have overlooked a couple.,
Miss Dorothy Douglas is home
on' furlough: from 'Formosa where
she has given long missionary
• service as a teacher in the girls'
school at Tamsui.
She took an extended• tour en
route home, leaving Formos a
some three' months .:ago, longbe-
fore the pxesent unrest came to
a' head in the . Far. East..The last
leg of her journey. . was by air.
from London to New York and
then onto. Mahon.. '
Miss Douglas left on Saturday
for Woodstock', to visit her bro-
ther,Rev.Georg L. Dou 'tas and
George • .g .
where they were joined by;her
sitter, Leishm'ian of
rater, Mrs. Ti. A.
Markhairi, Dorothy Yater went to ,
Toronto to ,attend a Meeting of
the Board of Missions of the
' Presbyterian • Church before re-
turning to Lucknow.
'River United Church .with inter-
ment in :Ripley Cemetery,
'Mr. and Mrs.' Spence Irwin.
were 29 years • married On Thurs-
day, Setember • l lth. The event.
was quietly observed with a few
friends joining ,with them. as'
dinner guests. Among thosepre-
sent. was Spence's mother, Mrs.
;Wilson Irwin, • who is 86 ' years
of age. • • r •
• The _first Teen Town' meeting
of,this . term was held on. Friday
evening in .the •Legion Hall with
a splendid gathering. The 'offic—
ers ,for the second year ,of Teen
Town were elected as ..follows:
president, Fraser Ashton; 1st
vice' president,' Joanne Hunter,
2nd vice presdent, Doug 'Schmid;
3rd,,vice president, Barbara Mur-
ray;. secretary, : Dianne Rayner;
treasurer, 'Nancy. Webster); direc-
tors, Patricia . Thompson, Joan
Crawford, 'Paul, .Henderson, Miur
ray Hunter: .
The meetingwas followed" by
a dance which lasted' Until. -11.30..
Approximately fifty-five were in
attendance. The' new officers
held a meeting to decide suit-
able dates for the -following dan-
ces: September 26th; October, 10;
17, November '7, 28; December
5, 19.,
. . Oscar White `has' ;'purchased
the farm of James' Irwin on the
Second Concession of Kinloss: Mr.
Irwin is a ,patient.. in the, -Ripley.
Nursing Home. ; The sale was
completed by his son ` 'Gordon`
of Sarnia, through the Bosveld
real estate agency of Goderich.."
:On Sunday • SePtember.. 14th a•
Sunday School rally service was
:held'. in St. Peters Anglican.
church. Two teachers, Carmen
Mc.Qu ihin 'arid' Ba.Y rr / McQuillin:
;assisted in the . service. :Keith
Roulston ;read' the Scripture: The
children " 'sang an .anthem: and
Keith oulston' and Hugh' John=
stone received theoffering..Nine
teen children with their parent's.
attended` the. service. Using a
boat as.an illustration, the Rev.
H L.: Jennings gave an interest-
irig talk.
r..ee in
le at
Public School
�d .kms .: �. •` y, ::
*Bottom Row, left to right—
Brian Jardine, Brenda . Ritchie,
Murray Johnstone, Donna. Mullin,
Neill Taylor, Patricia Marriott,
Mervyn Hodgins, Bonnie Maize,
David• McKinnon. •,
Second Row -Carol Campbell,.
John Emberliti, .. Brenda, Jardine,,
Brian Stanley, Lynda Walden,
Jimmy` MacDonald, Carol . Brown;
Jackie "Haldenby. •
Third -...._' Hum h-'
'rey, Roy Kennedy, Bobby
ochre; Gloria McKee, •Itekietli
Derma tt, Dan-
aid nMacDona d ,o d l�` Leader,
Donald Whitby.
Fourth Row -L-Danny ..eddy
James Montgomery, John Hussey,
Bobby Greer, Alan Kreutzweiser,
Bobby Cranston, Brent Bailey.
Teacher :Mrs. Lorne JOhnston,
Sentinel photo
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon V. Towle
of Vancouver spent a few • days
in the community at the week-
end.. From here they went to'.
London to visit her' :sister,, Mi s.
../ean Quigley arid from, there
were starting homeward 'by way
of Colorado:
Mr., and .Mrs. Towle enjoyed
the Centennial and then 'set out
down the St. Lawrence to Mon-
treal and, into the States,
They were •high in their praise
of the 'Centennial, the .way' it
was, conducted and the enjoy-
ment it provided. The highlight
they thought, was The Queen:
Mr. Towle said he • •had met
some " Peo1?.le he • hadn't •sees
over• 60 years, and others he had-•
ti'n't seen in 55: years: Coining back
was "very worthwhile Tiley -';bath