HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-10, Page 9. . . 958 WEDNESDAY, MT, 1.0th. 950 lefty coin' tea, , .1 • • , • 1. •-•=7.27ir 1,111111* - 1P• Tarr LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LIJOKNOW, ONTARIO Centennial e ections... •VORMKR JaJC10,401MIES. PROMINENT 1$' cOi. TO:MN (Walkerton,'Nerald-Tinle0 • Bev. W. A. Henderson, ,mini - stet of Knox Presbyterian church • spent the week -end in Lucknow, • his home town, where an old • boys' arid girls' reunion, was 'be- • ing held. Rev. Henderson, took •part in the Sunday morning ser- vice at .'the Presbyterian church, and Mrs. Henderson, together with two ,of her sisters,'favored • Auto -Blower! --Thermostat. the large congregation with a beautiful trio, "0 God of Bethel". Lucknow has many „ illustrious sons and daughters. Take'for ex- ample the officials of Bruce Co. located here. The two judges, P. S. MacKenzie and Harry Alton, are both from the Sepoy town as well as Sheriff E, D. Cameron, County Treasurer Thomas Alton and !County 'Assessor Everett Fin- nigan, formerly of West. Wawa - nosh' Township, • * • OLD-;TIMER-EN/OVED-7T--'7 of the sPecial 'edition' •of .The Sentinel containing the rticle on Dr. •Gamier, A friendof mine loaned me his' ropy. of the Sen - tint and w1en. my brother saw it he was :p icularly , interested in this 'article as he was named for Dr, Garnier, and I was named for Mrs. Gamier. My mother, Elizabeth A. Gollan, had' made her. home with the Garniers for many years prior, to her mar- riage. , - Miss E. M,clver,, *•*, D. M. Clark of ,Ottawa says: "Congratulations on yourCenten, The old town really, looked CENTENNIAL SPECIAL „ : • JiMetion, ;Colorado, , . • August 11, 1.9.8. Dear Mr. Cameron: I ' 'I doriot know if it was you, your cominittee, 'or Mr. ThoMP- on, EditOr of the Sentinel,: :that copy 'of The Centennial miniver, sary issue of The Sentinel, but whop/er it was,' 1 want 'to sin- cerely thank them, as I, have .• been; and in fact still • am, "en- ., JoYIng reading .about the. Timers. . It was a treat t� .read the dif- ferent • comments .On the olden days; such as the, •names of the storeS. which used to be along main street, 'about Jimmy Hun- ter and jiis singing, ."Jock' Adams •,•Road to .the : •• • • DUO -THERM IMPERIAL -41,500 BTU output: Modern design in beautiful . Platinum •finish. 53,000 BTU model slightly higher. Excluslitspl: Duo-Thakrsm SELFrUghter —Turn Alm dial and electric SELF= Lighter lights the fire'aU tomaticalli. No, matches., No fuss!. NO mess.' • Exclusive! • Deo=fisenst, • POwer-Alr: Automatically forces heat. to • to every part of home.: MOVes•lazy", ceiling heat, • to living level. Saves up.. • to .251. on oil.• Automatic Tharmostat =Set and forget., Keeps • the tempentduie just'.01youRWRIlike UNDETERS' APPROVED ster and 'cKintron .'•01:4*Ap10 CONGRATULATIONS TO LUCKNOW FROM KINLOUGH (By The Kihlough Bard) To allthe folk in Lucknow town I send congratulations And birthday! celebrations. • I met good friends from near • and. far, Catifornia. and Tahiti, • • Niagara,. "Brantford, • Orillia And even Uraniiirn City. Your pipers all,'both,short. .and tall •• •• • Gave many a heart a thrill. With the stirirnutune, • "'The and his, horse' Barney, ' the , Cale- donian games, and many many others,. (don't hear. much about the , bagpipes , out here), • , sure brings' .back pleasant memories. • Have often.,•wondered whatever became of someofymy boyhood friends, such as Jim , and Nellie • Stewart (lived On theist 'farm north of town; on the main road); Billy McClure, his ' dad had ,a grocery store, Arthur .I3arbor, more.: • Dorialda McLeod,'and dozens . With mirth and gaiety But when 1 to the .park .did .go . „Again' thankilig you for the And heard the speakers tell Centennial, edition. and I will en- of all the pioneers and things they did so well bowedMy heartvcas full, my head I tharicd Hoimw; from 'Wham all, blessings flaw.- As- they marched, o'er 'the hill.' The floats paraded through the 'I very much' admired , As well 'a§ all the ladies So beautifully attired. • . • • , • The lads and lassies, all had fun, To ..this • you will' agree, :' • . The. old folk were not far behind close wlittle 'of that (necessary stuff). 'to pay ,for the' copy, post- age, etc,. what is over, put in, the fund towards :the next' bratiOn. ' • Sorry I cOuldn't be with you t�' help celebrate the occasion, •ain sure that everyone present will have had a. wonderful time,, and one that will be long remember - Sincerely, 'Len' ArmstrOng. • (Publisher's, Note "With "what • Was Over"; a histhrical book was sent'to' Mr. Armstrong",) . CENTENNIAL, WONDERFUL, SAYS MRS. MacKENZIE • Mrs Wm .MacKenzie of Tor- onto- writes:' "We :do want yOu: to knoW.just. hovv very much we enjoyed the . Centennial: .Every-' • thing, conducted with , such pre- cision:•and so many people hap - and satisfied wi;th: the„ Whole • four days. The Centennial was really verY 'Wonderful". • WRITEIVS MOTHER MADE • HOME WITH GARN;:ER'S .411 power Bldg.; , Winnipeg I, -Monitoba Dear: Sir: , : I am wondering if by any But 'now your Centenary's., or And .,of this you'may :be proud, You; /honour ;did Onto' your ' town And, pleased 4.: wondrous :crowd. ..$0 Witie. • You 'have another. one Be sure., to :let; knOW, • Address a letter to. your friend The ``Bard KiriloUgh. . . , :WIIITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. G. Gillespie spent Friday and ,Saturday in.Toronto at the-horne.of Mrs. ,Charlie Gil- lespie. • _ • : Mrs. Ken Dowling spent ,a few days at the .hone of her, daugh- ter,. Mrs: Bob Aitchison,irfIlder- ion. ,, ' • •Mrs. :Lett .has returned to her home inthe, village after spend-. ..ing the summer in Calgary .and British Columbia. • • 2. Mrs: Roane is 'a • patient in •Wingharn Hospital: • • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith and family visited with, Mrand chance you, have an extra copy Mrs, a.Hotiston,Jr., on ,i,in,44"asr. .b ONTARIO "HOS'Pt! joay,9 F • PAGE SEVEN • , • • . '4, '4,- "",' = LOW-DOWN Plow down fertilizer (1) on sandy soils to be planted to corn (2) wliereclarger amounts of fertilizer than is safe to apply near the seed at planting time is twins used and (3) when rye, straw, corn stover, etc. age turned under . . . „ FALL' GRAINS • A Starter Fertilizer containing nitrogen: WhosPhorms and potash should he applied at plant.ing,thne. .• !Ian application. of :fertiliser' Insures ..winte.i. .7-,r4fneos. • .•„ . . . and early spring growth for both estahlislledlegume... .scida.'and new seedings.-. '• : IT • , , • • ' . . . . . P '‘ItS, TO USE CO • ..• • .HIgh in Water. Soluble Phosphates:- • ,04 :Free Flow -I"``,. • •• •• •Avr. :latest ' recolinencled ratios • ,• you are•lookng. fat; • • from a large New • Stock of the latest • _ • • • • • . • • , , EDROOM SUITES . • , , • . CHROME; SETS CHESTERFIELD 'SUITES eome inand look over Our selection ,at. LOWEST.' PRICES ;for GOOD • CLTALITY. Bedroom Suites, from:.,"$109.00 Also Unfinished Bedroom Suites and Odd Pieces Davenport Suites, from $139.00 hrome Suites, from _ $6.9.00 4cLennan &.MacKenzie ome Furnishings - Phone 181 - Funeral Directors SUPRA:NCB,. • . : . • • . Applitation forms for individual 'Pay.illitce.entolinerlt available at banks and hospitals. In communities without a bank, the forms may be obtained from thetOst office." ndivi- duas: Must register by September 30 to haVe protection effectii0 Januar.'l • ImPoit.TANT: jjoa not ,star,as individriat if yes are Militti4141*ONgb a 67'040.) • • • 40mrariMINOW • ONI4010 itOtilitAt •Timiosto 1.WA.44301. DR, • , • '„,•• 0: • • Mis Louise' MacLennan of . • Toronto spent the week-eridwith her Parents, Mr. and MrS. Emile Mr: ,and Mrs. .john MacRae ' • . • spent the week -end in Detroit visiting friends: ; School started again with two little beginners, Judy .thorburti • and Kenneth MacLennan and . • neW teacher, 1VIrs. Victoria. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Matonald, 'spent Sunday visiting Mr. Oliver • Barkwell and Mr. Flax BarkWell. Mrs. Ruth Brooks spent a few days with Mr. Oliver BarkwelL • Mr. Parney • of RidgetaWn visiting With IVIr. and Mrs. LOrne'-' Luther: . • Mr. and'Mrs. Oliver McCharlet, aeconipariled by Mr, arid Mrs.,EI... liott SandY eiijoya4 a motor trip' via the taWaYr, CrOSSirig at Corn— wall 'to visit at Lake Placid and • 4' on to Cape Cod, Mass., Bostorf and' WdeeSter' and returned by Niagara Fall. • „ 7 • • r. • 1. 4.