HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-10, Page 2• ENMEL, LUMNOW, ONTARIO I SEE BY TIRE' 'SENTINEL THAT Mrs. Wm. (Annie C.) Mac- Kenzie of Toronto is planning a trip to. Victoria •where her sister Ethel and her husband will 'celebrate their -golden wedding on September- 29th. THAT Mrs. John Carruthers suf- fered -a broken bone lit her foot a month ago. She was hospital •has a cast to her knee which she- will have to wear for an- other month/ • , THAT there' a movement on ,,foot,Jo„organize. a horticultural. society locally. Once a flour- ' ishing civic group, the Society • has been deftmet for a number -of years. Prospects,. of its re- organization will' no doubt be well received andwe believe such a worthwhile civic beaut- . ification. society will have a _ •Up -Top STYLE -LITE CONTROL CENTRE CUSTOM-DRVING EVERY. KIND OF FABRIC The new VestMghOuSe Customf Imperial Clothes Dryer brings to yoUt fingertips. automatic 'controls for 'properly „drying *every4tin4 of fabric. you wash. ,That's rightrNVith'the brilliant,new StylelLite Con- trof Centre. you 'custom -dry ." everything from the -most delicate to the mos lugge . fabrics ... correctly and automaticallSi.'; • • You Can Be SURE . . If It's WESTINGHOUSE IsrpilEsDAy„ Awl'. 3rd, 4958 Buys • . , . • CLARKS BEANS WITh PORK 15 oz. . • • • • , •• _ SUNNY MORN TEA BAGS' 10(Ys KRAFT CHEtZ, WHIZ mg", 16' oz. 0 t; BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP 9 t9 .. • at the MARKET STORE • • School Opening Specials that mean:, VALUE and • SAVINGS for yOur family shopping. Look these over and, see for yourself, this week, these, and many •more bargains:•• ' • '3 -RING BINDER—well made scuffproof, and a • real bar- gain.' Each , „ • . ... $2.98 .I1EFILLS-150 pages, ruled, fine paper, Every pull wii ' need several.. Special Sale . .-41c DELUXE I3NDERS---big, roomy • 3 -ring - bin ers, Strong metal back, embossed tooled surface, bumper edge. Avail- able in/ colors. Each $41.98' and .$5.95 • , :SPECIAL OFFER! REE! wttllvery 1 elm, Binder FR 2i bill point pens OR a _„__-page.re____ R SCHOOL SUPPLIES—Note Books; Pens, • Pencils, Pencil Boxes, School Bags, Lunch Boxes,' Crayons, at popular prices. • . • , • FOR THE BOYS PLAID siturs-78 to 18 years, : each $Lig. PLAID SHIRTS --3 .to,,0' years. Sale ' • 98c SANFORIZ,Rti. JEANSt-Tan, blue charcoal and stripes... ' rair:est rdotroio0o0ioollitovolillitLY ... • o otioe olooga to oi floo 000 o o om 0000 1.66 o $2.98 • FOR THE GIRLS . . STRETCHY "POPCON SOX"--Pairl 49c JEAN$—Blue, charc al, tan. Pair o $2.77 and .0:98 ORLON CARDIGANS 04...PULLOVERS,--EaCh. $4.50-4t. $3.50 COTTON BOBBY 39c • • • good deal of support, and large membership. THAT the InOst recent word , about the health, of Mrs. Stan - GIRL WEDS FORLER--440FFAT ley J. Pymm, is to the effect that she, is more feeble and A candlelight double ring cere. h:ilysel rgewnoerrall .icnogMrsn.ditioPylflm n. grad- mony in St Andrew's Presbyter- uian Church, Wingham, August a patient at Central Islip Hos- ' pitai in. New York state. at 7 p.m. was the setting for the wedding of Shirley Adell / THAT to advertise Frontier Frontier Days Moffat and George' Karl Ruler The bride is the daughter of Mr. in Wingham, leafletswere and Mrs.* Robert Moffat, Wing - dropped on neighboring towns ham, and the groom •• is the son from Rill Cruilrshank's aircraft, of Mr. and ,Mrs. Alvin Forler, assisted by Norm Welwood. New Hamburg. k The Rev. W. A. I Henderson of Walkerton officiat- 'DHAT in renewing her subscrip- • , • -------- 8wEINERROLLS59 WE Prices effective September 4, 5, 6 DELl VER , . • arket PHONE . 20 a FORMER LUCKNOW tion, Mrs Andre*,H, Allan „of tradit, Spruce Grove, Alberta,. express- . ' es regret •in not having been . ,piczalle wedding- music,and a cc ,oin- d the soloist Mr. Stewart able to attend the Centenma , Cook of New Hamburg, who but she is receiving a good deal •sang "0 Perfect Love" and 'That of pleasure from the historical book. Voice That Breathed O'er Eden". Given in marriage by her • THAT' Dave MaelCetizie of Kin- father, the -bride. chose a formal tail bas , sold 'his farm to El- gown of pure silk organza, over verve Hallman of Petersburg, nylon tulle and taffeta fashioned near Kitchener, who obtainswith sabrina neckline trnmned , . possession in. mid-September. With appliqued daisy motifs. ° Matching appliques accented the THAT Mrs. 'Glenn Irwin, who bouffant skirt. A tiara of French was employed. at the, Bank of seed pearls held her ° fingertip Montreal here, started work on veil of illusion and slie .carried Ttiesday in, the Toronto Dom- a white Bible crested with a inion Bank at St Thomas white hybrid orchid and . steph- where she and her daughter anotis. • Glenda have, taiten up resi- Wearing ballerina length gowns detiee*•of white:organza over shrimp taffeta i bridal attendants were. THAT a recePtion was held in ,, - Miss dirOyCe ArdOnna Moffat, as • the Lucknow Legion Hall on Friday of 'last week.for Mr. matron of honor for her sister, and/Mrs. Stanley Heisler, Guelph and Mrs. Robert Armstrong of and Mrs. Lawrence Cowan, Tor - London. Bruce Johnston ad - onto, -as obridesmaids. They car: dressed the newlyweds • and red similiar cascade bouquets of '. Allan Maclntyre • presented a •gift of Moneifroethose in white ' shasta Minna and iVY• groomsman„ with Alvin Forler; New Hamburg and Lawrence' Cowan, Toronto, as ushers. , At the reception in the Church' - parlours, following the CeremonY, the bride's mother received in a Montego blue chantilly lace gown with pleated nylon insets , and ash rose acceSiOries. The groom's mother received. in a gown of •• prihted shantung with mauve 'ac- ceisciries: Each wore a corsage of .• , pink hildergrade roses and steph' ' • r anotis. , .. • For travelling the „bride •dom... ••., ned a royal 'blue- printed' silk ; chemise, Matching feather hat; • black and white accessories and',.• orchid • a n d Stephanotis. ' The ,couple will, live in Kitchener. The bride isa' graduate of Lon- don Teachers' College - and the. groom is a. graduate of Waterloo College'. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs Frank Miller wish to announce the engagement 'of - their daughter, Betty Jean, ,to . Mr Arthur W... .Hinehberger.- The-Wedding to take plaee'at„4:30 p.m. on Septetnbei- 20th, 1958, at , St. Andrews Presbyterian. church„ , • , • Kitchener, Ontario. , . BORN NONKES—in Kincardine Hospi- . talon August 21, _ 19580' to Mr.,' • * •ts and. Mrs. John Nonkes, R. R. '6„ Luanow a son• NICHOsLSON—in Wingham Hos.- • vital on, 'Iluesday, August. 19th, ' •958, to . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth • ' Nicholson, R. 3, I.Aucknow, a 'son: • • • • MCINNES—in .Wingham 'at - .Hospital' On' Tuesday,' August .19th, 1953,.. • to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McInnes • .13tother of the .groom, . Dr (Helen Nicholsen) of Wingham, • tendanCe. THAT since his graduation from - •Osgoode Hall, Toronto, in June, Bruce Johnston has beenpract- ising ,law in 'London with the, firm of Ivy, Livermore. and ouder. - THAT in sending a change of address for The Sentinel from Toronto, to R.R... 1; Sudbury,• . Mrs.' Torrance (Hazel) „Ander- _ son comments: "The Centennial was a real success". • THAT members of the chipmunk bowling team, of which -Bill Hunter is captain, had a bowl. Mg party for a 'member' 'of the •team, Mrs. Wilda Irwin, prior • to her departure to St..Thom- •THAT Mr., and Mrs. Ross Cum- ming 'have moved to the Gam - 1 mie apartment on Main Street, vacated by M,rs. Wlida Irwin. THAT Armstrong Wilson under- went major surgery in Victoria , ilcispital On Wednesday .�f last Week. Ile, was 'quite ill for a 'time,,,.hut Was improving the first of the week. r/4. • Claude.. FOrler OfElmira, was a son, Allan Robert. • • - . --••••.-•••• -•• • -•'•,-•'• If yoli are lOOkhig for from a large New Stock of the latest BEDROOM SUITES CHROME SET CHESTERFIELD SUITES come in and look " over our Welection at LOWEST PRICES' for GOOD QI:TALIT'IL , . Bedroom Suites, fiorri,.:1'1::::,_.:,___...... , ' .$109.00 AlsOi..1(Iiitliash.ea "tearoom Suites and Odd Pieces , . Davenport Snitesi.frOiti...,,:„...„.„,„„,„_,_:_____,..:... $130,00. C hrOme Suites, from ,,,,L,,,:',„„„...4___::__...._LL.:..;..1. $69 00 frl • cLetiriab & ..Ma ckenzie _ omeruoishing. s,..., Phone .itti, . Funeral DirectOks, . • • ... . . • . . •