HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-10, Page 14 . • -446111=Mayg' , $2.50 A Year In. Advance—$1.00 EXtta.To 1-LS•A, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10t11,.. 1958 • • ' • ' -TWELVE ,I4AGS: Elliott Carruthert! Becomes Fifth Road -Superintendent In Kinloss Kinloss Township Council will complete the year with a vacancy, on Boarddue to „the .resigna- • tiOn of Elliott Carruthers who • resigned his'. Council seat to •• ac- cept the appointment of Town- ship road superintendent. Elliott succeeds the late Wm. MacInty.re who hekl the post for eleven years until his death early in July. Elliott becomes the fifth • Irrezirat,wdent loss Township, since the office came into being over thirty-four years ago under 'the Highways Act, When the old statute •labor .system of road maintenance be- came outmoded. ' . - At the request of The Sentinel, 'Clerk J. R. Lane of Kinloss has • ' provided* us with the following hit of ,appointments. The - first •'• road superintendent. in the Township was Jacob Miller, who was appointed .on June '24th, • 1924. John A. •: MacKinnon suc- ceeded him on March 2nd, 1926; ••• Alex MacLeod on May 26th, 1930; . „Wm. Macintyrg. on August 1st, 1947 and .Elliott Carruthers 'on . August 5th, 1958. ; • , The new road superintendent •had served On: Kirilbss Council Board since the Spring .Of 1955, • • when. he, and ' Councillor Wallace •..Conn were elected in .a by-elec- tion ',to,•fill. two vacancies •on the Board.These vacancies followed .the ,death,,,Of. Reeve Dave Car- ruthers (Elliott's brother) When: Councillors Harold Percy.: :and •Dan T. :MacKinnon contested the• , .reeveshit.' • BACK FROMOVERSEAS . • • • Harvey Hall of. Detroit and his father, John Hall of Lucknow, motored to .Montreal recently to meet Mrs. John Munro, and Har- vey's son, John, age 12, upon their return from a trip overseas. They left in mid-June. Mrs.' Munro visited at her old 41 son Jack in London, 'Englandduties with the opening 'of the They visited here briefly before fall term. • continuing' to Detroit. • ' ENGAGEMENTS TO PLAN ACTION , Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Grahar. announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara Bell, to .Mr. James Chester Hackett, son of Mr. Clifford Hackettand the late. Mrs.' Hackett. The marriage will take place the latter part of Sep- tember. • • B.M.A. To Easiattss FALL. AND AND WINTER HOURS The matter of Saturday night closing hours during the fall and winter months is on the agenda at a meeting of the Lucknow Business Men's Association to be held in the Town Hall onFriday evening. - • Christmas plans 'will also ..be discussed - and other timely topics • which call' for, a representative attendance of merchants. Bob' Finlay is president of the organization. and Elmer Umbach is secretary. '' D.S.T. CONFUSIO TO BE,PEATED • The district is again heading: for confusiont (hie to the various :dates that have been 'set, or are being altered, for. the terrnina: tion of Daylight' Saving Time, •• Locally, the-. termination date was set last Spring for Sunday, Septernber 28th, . when standard time will again be in effect.1, This Was for ;long the -generally „cepted"date of turning back the clocks, and last year no reason 'waS seen to change this cuStorn. The picture is is • not likely to change this year, and in all liken- ,Lucknow wilLretain the pireiii6i.ISIY-7IfinikiiiCed date of September 28th. • .• " ( Wingham has set 'October 26th as •the date, which is .be 'obserVed .CKNX, The .Hanover Local 486. of the • International Woodworkers has recominerided' to the Town Ceuri- Ol .that if a municipal eleetion is held thiS year residents of that that cOinniunity be given the oppor- tunity to vote on whether 'cr not they Want D.S.T. Last fall . Dungannon was a "glaring" example .of the coatis ion, Churches were on either ft or slow time aS it best suited • their hours: bf service. High students going to Goder- loll were On "fast time" and the Dungannon public- ath901 on standard time. . And so it seeing that's indica- tive of what we're beading Sgaifi, RETURN FROM SWITZERLAND TO .TEACH T wxsTERN Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacRae and daughter 'Jean have aviVed home from Switzerlandwhere they spent the past year while EtlteipfrOpl:-.-Stot$:fortligtjtOtidH , Dancing' tests Here .Saturday An all -clay Highland dancing - ,•- .. •Duncan was teaching there: Jean ••• . attendedcompetition ,will be staged inschool there, .as.' had her ACCIDENT VICTIM ' , Lucknow this, Saturday, Septem- •••• sister Mary,' who took her final HOME FROM,H°SP/TAL' , ' ler 13th, with competitors from year in high school in Switzer-. i. land -the previous • year, and is Hospitalized a month after sill- Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara ,Falls now attending Western. , fering serious injuries in a motor and Ontario, including perforin- MrMacRae, who was prinei car accident, r ' ' _ • Eldon Wraith was ers from the Lucknow district pal of CollingWood Collegiate for . . : . , '',. • able to return to his . home' here At the ' first of the ' week sixty . an aPPOintment at Weitern Uni— .. a number of years, has accepted th‘emt olsaterclitaor pik•aasrps;,..m.,....„,....ii=ze:'tico.a,•iE...a.;_ mellotrreiearehaelpel?ceteedn . rThec6elyv,ewdillanbde. ...., . _ ...0. . • received_m_to.lhe,....sta,........rlst,t1,, _le * , •1....,...a...,:. -_,,me,,*-4i,*/ iigure- cas over oth Slibulil- will.. Ire io. i• •a:rdn'"'Sati'ir'••=-7—','.'''''''''''''''"' '---- • • • _ ON HOGVOTE' Ten men from -nine Ontario Counties were named. last week as a finance --and negotiating com- mittee as the first step .in seeking to have set aside the vote of July 25th, by, which: more, than the required two -third vote, gave ap- proval to the compulsory market- ing of .hogs through *theOntario Hog/ Producers Marketing 'Board. The Committee ',plans to take its'first.step on Thursday of this week 'when legal advice;will be received . as'. to the course .of action to 'be adopted: The committee was named at Lucknow, • announce the urer K C. :migdie reported, a a•ineeting in Tavistock last Week engagetnent of Iheir ••daughter, neat .-PrOfit from 'the Centennial booth • and Lion Brock Cleland attended by some loo hog 'pro- ducers, Abigail Loretta,Montreal, who gave approval the Mr. John Redmond O'Reilly, .sOn got the plaudits for this project. Motion,. "that action be taken to and-V/illiam H. set. aside the vote of .July 25th". O'Reilly, of Montreal.. The rnar- Named' to the committee Were mar- riage to • take place' • •Sitiirday, William Harris, Ripley • (Bruce); October 4th at .11 O'cloCk in 'St. 'Arnold' -Darroch, Clifford (Well- MiChael'S phurch, • Lonclon. •i(nHgurtoonn)).;,;CHhoaws.a'rCdoculostebsurt Beivimgratavke, ;The ;engage' 1404, is announced ham (York); ..(york).; peter McDonald Of Mary Joan Forster,: daughter er, 5, Stratford, . and Ross•Mc- Mrs. Forster, to Ronald Alex- Tavish, R.R. (Oxford); Theodore Park- of Mr. Wm. Forster and the late (both ander Richard Perrott, Goderich, A-, -Stratford- Perth); Victor Reist, Waterloo son of, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Per - (Waterloo); joseph Todd, Cooks- rott .in°fareia°guentwY.11ci Court, Ireland place at •ville•• (Peel), and Edgar Martin; :The' Chatham (Kent). '• • Chalmers Presbyterian 'Church, . • • . . Whitechurch. on September 27th; Mr., and ;Mrs., Frederick Tuck. of R.R. 2,'Wingharn, wish' to an- • to -Mr, Neil. 'Duncan • McColl of quite a boost .frorri the rummage Ladies' -Auxiliary. • tounce the engagement of their. The Club Club has ' over •$L°°0 in 'ill '•11F4t,se'LgI'Ll.°,.11ANIsTivaillalL7wARe ayittri. 6h. Only daughter, 'Nancy .Katherine, .its welfare fund, which received cfm4iter• will he operated. by the :All competitors are are -mernbers OtterRapids,piRaacepiclins, .,othierighpaamarroiangsesar. * amounted iittehde. ti:',„torvoeCiees.6d100, owfith*Lhlochn of. Tthhee..,,, Ontarioadmiss: ,onHiglehela.nisd , 50c cueaerirda , , .... , • ,, ;, , tirdaY' September '2 -7th. .. K. L. MacKenzie getting .a band 'from the 48th.. Highlanders ,and • • , • • Mr. and Mrs. - Joseph L sM for Convening that project. Treas- . judges will be appointed by the - ..., , , 1„'• . , stay as as, long as they 'Wish. . • .25c. Spectatcirs .may come for the . ' -• , .`. :•,` • Association. 'There. will be pipers • -; day, or at. their convenience and . - _ ____ It was a: year agb, last week , . that the first issue of• The Sen- , -• , 1h*incitii44,.,,,,, .4.ki-hile,,,litr4st:i*ie4trinS:'•anZneen•Wt,4'12?''''' ,:• premises of the paper since it was established 85 years ago. era to aid the knitting process. aaY morning. . The competitions will be for - '' ' • •• , .• • • • . ,. various age :groups from 8 , and • under to 16 .and under, and • . ' '' . • BORROW TO PAY •• dances performed will be the . •, Fling,.Sword, dance, Shears Trub- • , ,,, . ,,,,* ': F,011ARENA FLOOR • .. hais, Irish Jig and Sailors' Horn- daAyt nthigehtfa_imisthnie efeitrisntg.s°41neeM'thile" There will be medals for the first, second and third prize win= term -end meeting' in June — ap- vers for the various dances in proval- was given to borrow the necessary funds to permit pay ment of the account of $2,200 for installation- of the asphalt 'floor in the arena.. . • •• each age group, and -a champion-• ship trophy for the high Point -• winner in each group. • The -competitions will be held A Government grant of 25 per- cent is anticipated on the Cost of the floor, which would amount to $550. • Lion Gordon /Montgomery; re- ported on the peanut sales, •and, 'pointed' out they would like- to: wind up the project in a couple •of weeks. or so. , . • • In order to govern the.number of' plates required for 'the twice - Monthly 'supper meetings, Lion . . . Wm. A. Schmid pciinted Out •that members not planning to • be present notify hiM. by .6.og p.m. on Saturday, or they will be, re - Is Your Paid? 165,8. .• quired to pay fortheir meal. , Off To School They Go, Twenty -Seven In Kindergarten Class • . tr. Z.V,Vkik.f.:‘&444.1, • ;•.• • 1. 40S*. it waS, off to SClitiol . to • the e d, Mary litabet ' enderson Third • row: Allan Andrew, , first time last week for 27 be- Gregory Hunter, Joyce Ann John- Anna Graham Douglas Gollan, ginfiers' In the .Kindergarten ston, Jiniraie Parrish, Patty Ham- Margaret Chester, , John Mac - class at Lucknow Public $thoOl. ilton. 1 . _ Kenzie,'/Rancy, Walden. And, it would appear to be with Second row: Murry Hackett, TOP row : . Blaine , Gardner, 1 tni3ted • 're -actions as. they Posed Charlene Andersori, Jamie Cle- Norma Jean Anderson, Barbara for the Cameraman.' land, Deborah Anne Conin, Wilkins, ' Jiminie flallarn„ Gail ., . BOttoni row, (left to right): Jamie Elliott, .. Delores, Whitby, Jamieson, Elva ititblilb (Joanne Janet TtionitotOn, David' Lough.: Robbie t Boak., * . ' Greer, lib:sent). ---,8etitirie1 Photo diterimisissiming*sdietioattieattia Prize lists for ,LucknOW Agri - Cultural Society's 93rd*. fall fair - were completed at the week -end, • and are available to anyone in- • 'teresteil in the 'fair. • Gordon • Kirkland is is. Serving his second ' •,' tern.' as president and Mrs., Fred • McQuilhn is. "tackling he first:- •'• ; •.,. fair as secretary, as 'successor -to!! • • ' i7‘17, Alex MaeNay;.' who • resigned- in . • the winter.. . • Entries for ,Pereheron• and , ...Clydesdale teams have been add-, ed'in the horse class • In the cattleclass ection •• for Holsteins has bee . 'added', , • , without affecting the purebred • dairy class, Other than Holsteins" • • Prize money has been increased for dual purpose Shorthorns•:and' f Grade cattle., Tile 4 -II:. Calf Club, and „ • Grain Club, • sponsored • 1* the • Lions, are repeated and can Eaton • special is 'offered to the exhibitor • • .scoring the highest. points in . . • cattle, sheep and Swine. This is , • additional to the bacon hog spec - al which ateacts rnany pens . • • • each year, which are auctioned off at The fair Indoor' variety is • offered in' special displays open to women's organizatibns,' 4-H • • Homemaker' •Clubs, Girls' Sew- ing displays, and •a • class open • to members of the High School .• Home Econortic§ class, Which is, J‘ • something new. Rural. schools will have the op- portunity, this year to -win bigger prize Money. For school 'parade • ' -rid dress there ,ate. prizes of •• $10.00; $8.00 and and $4:00 • . • , to each„ school participating. As , well there are three prizes of $10, $8 and $6 for School thorns and yell. These ,were judged as, one event in other years,, The cow ca11ng ane.bubbIe gum eor4ests have gone by the , board, but prizes Of $5, $3 and $2 are offered for the most sim- ilar twins,