The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-03, Page 11WEDNESDAY,' *it 3rd; 195$ THE L, LU NQSENTINEL, LUCKNOW. NTARIO PAGE ELEVEN. 'UR'L GROVE VistiQrs at the heme fo Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh last • week were Anetta, Donald, Bar- bara, Carolyn and Jeanette For • Ster, Thelma CarrlPbeli, Mrs. Ger- tie' Ger-tae Walsh., . • Mr artd Harold .Campbell • and Thelma of Orillia • were vis- itors at the Grove last week., ` 1VIr, and' Mrs, Francis" Boyle &. .family attended .the Avery' picnic ,at Kincardine on Saturday. Miss Edna,Boyle`%lYl s. Helen Swah and • Rosalyn ' spent ,a few .days at Inverhuron last week, Misses Mary McCosh and Ileen .Collins - spent . a, Jew, days .last week with 1VIarlene Robertson -Of • Zion. • • Mr;and'', Mrs, Kenneth Bell' of Detroit;: Mr. and Mrs Cameron • Bell, Judy, Vicky and Nancy' of • Carol,; Janis, Kenneth of London; Mr. • and • Mrs. W. J. .Bell of Tor- onto; Mr.' Arthur Patterson, Shar- on, 'Sheila, Pat and'.';Gail of Agin-. court, Mr. and; Mrs. Andrew Pat- terson and ' Gordon, • Mr.Jint Goodwin of Ripley were .visitors at the liome of •Mr, and Mrs.•Bur :ton Collins', on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burt . Needham and •:Blair Of Hamilton, Mr.' and Mrs. Chester Campbell and Dav ,id, Mrs... Ewyn':Carnpbell of Corn • wallAwere ,recent visitors at '. the home Of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Errierson.: ' • Mr: and Mrs. Frank Currie; & ' Brenda visited in • London last week. Mrs:: Vina Percyi, of Detroit is .. visiting relativesf around . the' Grove,! . 'Visitorsat the home • of Mr.. and . Mrs. Frank Dore ,were. Mrs:` Earl Brown -and son 'Bob, Miss Lydia O'Connors of ,West ':Neath, Mrs. 13findley, ' Miss ',Laura Fry;; •Betty, Lorne, Gordon and : Allan Brindley, Bobbie Thompson: • Mr. Edgar .Watson of the 4th' visited his ' cousin, ' Donald ..Mc-•. • Cosh, last week. ` ,AliXILIA*Y, 14i1EMBERS ': `AT BOWLING' TOURNEY Members of Lucknow. 'Branch of the Ladies' ,Auxiliary to • the Canadian Legion . were in Walk erton last ' week 'participating in . a trebles bowling tournament for members of Zone • C3' and Zone Present :;from: ' Lucknow were Mrs,. P. M. Johnston, ..Mrs. Roy Black, Mrs;" Ronald . Forster Mrs. James McNaughton and Margar-. et Rae: •. ..Thirty-sixladies competed in • the trebles competition.': Mrs: Black ' wasa member of the first place rink, 'Mrs. Forster was 'one of the -second prize trio and •Mrs. Johnston's rink ' finished'. 6th. DESPITE .'WEATHER, THIRTY- TWO RINKS COMPETE Lucknow Bowling Club's : Lab- our `: Day doubles tournament • went ahead as schedriled despite threatening: weather 'and a : sub- . _.normal temperature. • Some thirty=two rinkscornpet- ed in this big event of the season known ' as , the: Merchants' and Manufacturers tournament. `This 'was 'a good. 'entry. considering the weather, but - below the : ca•- pacity •accornodation of 44 rinks .the :twodraw'Iour'ney `�` s The. Lucknow duo of Isaac 1V1i1 ler 'and Paul ,.Henderson took top honors' and' were. oneof three rinks winning three games, The others listed':below were • 2=game ,winners ` 1st; Isaac Miller, Paul Henderson, Lueknow; ,2nd, Bev Christie, . Seaforth; 3rd', Robert Rae, George Westlake, Lucknow; • 4th, .Hamilton; 5th; • Sparling of Goderich; 6th;, Bill '.Cameron, John'Rutherford, Walkerton; 7th, Alexander;, 8th, .Rev. G. Geiger, Austin Solomon; 9th,• Garnet Henderson, Wallace Miller; 10th, Ilarold Ritchie, Alex Hackett;, lith • McLean, Goderich; • 12th, Liver more, Clinton; 13th, • White; 14th, Art Wilson, Wingham; ;15th, Roy • pinyson, Alex •MacNay, Luck'- now;"..16th, Gray. ti the attic or on the beach You're , apt "to find some ,funny iliiiigs £i...trunks..• • • I NSUR;ANCE. PLAN EXPLAINED When the Ontario I3ospital In- surance plan, comes into effect next January 1, .it, will offer the most coMPre.hensive,Fhospital in- surance benefits ever made avail- able to the people . of ,Ontario.. It will; .provide payment for all the hospital service a patient requires while under • treatment in the ;standard ward ,of an approved hosPital.1 Arid these services Will be •covered just as ;'long :as. they are,' medically, necessary :without• any."specified limit,. on the `Hurn_ ber, of days a patient ia under, treatment:` ,Benefits will -be,, provided •in public dgeneral ;hospitals, hospitals for. convalescents and the chron- ically ill, tuberculosis sanitoria, Also in private andan . •com hos- p y pitals if they have received ap- proval from the.. Commission t.o provide benefits. As broad as the benefits . of the Ontario , Hospital. Insurance are • they will " not cover every sick- -ness expense a family may ineur. For example; it• is a' hospital plan -7-not a medical plan. Therefore, doctors' ' and •surgeons' bilis will. remain the responsibility of the patient or : his private insurance company if he has that kind of coverage. Medical bills not cover- ed include ' the •servicesof the. medical ' , doctor who ::administers the anaesthetic during an opera- ' n. peraion,'These doctors,like; your own family physician,' are' 'private practitioners andrender accounts for their 'services. • T1ie , plan will cove r hospital: x- ray and laboratory'diagnostic : ser, vices when they are/necessary in' the course of the treatment of a iatient..:But ,it/ ' will not cover these services. on -an out-patient .61 40 .except . during emergency hospital . treatment within twen ty-four" hours' of an . accident. A, patientadmitted to hospital for,. •the •'sole:purpose of having tests performed' must'. meet that expense hiniselZ . Thi only. 'exeep tion 'tothis' would' be if the diag- nostic procedure were •. a very cbmp1icated••: one :..which could not be.. perfornaed''on an out-patient basis: either, at the hospital ;or the : doctor's • office. If.' a patient desires semi-priho vate ox private hospital.-accomo- dation 'in .an approved hospital, the Ontario Hospital.Insurance, plan will :pay only what it would .have paid if the .patient were car= ed for .' in a standard ward. The hospital will bill .the ''patient :for: the difference in the daily room charge forsemi-private or 'priv- ate ';accomodations:. • . ' Any hospital expense 'incurred. before. ,midnight,: December 31st, 1958, will, of course, ,hot be .a re sponsibility..of' the, plan, but if an insured patient is. in, hospital when the ` plan begins at 12:05 •a m,.,. January 1,. 1659, the `insur- once :will provide full benefits from that time on. Ambulance orll other • transportation charges are not covered. • /• • LANGSIDE Shower for Bride -Elect A social evening Was held in Langside Hall on'Saturday when Miss Betty Miller, bride -elect,, was -given,..a miscellaneous show_ er..at which she received many:. : lotvely. gifts, . for ' which she ap- propriately expressed her thanks: The, addres`s:•was• read by Mrs. Win. Evans': and. Betty was assist- ed in opening the gifts by Mrs. Clayton Alton and Mrs. Pat mac - Mrs. Lawrence MacLeod was chairlady for - the 'program. con-, sisting of: ?a solo by Mrs.:.Jim Richardson, readings by. • Mrs., Harry Lavis, Mrs, Huntley Daw- son, ..Mrs. •t ordon Wall and Mrs.': C, yton Alton: : A • contest was conducted :by .Lois Cbnley., Miss Joyce Smith of Orange 'ville spent the week end' at the" home of Mr, and M s '+rank Mite • ler. • Mt. and Mrs, Frank ,Miller, Harvey, Allan, Betty and NMr. Ar-;. thur Hinschberger attended the Joyes.,Sinith wedding, at Tiverton On Labour Day. WEDDING BELLS HUETHER—WEBSTER , .Varna United, Church, decorat ed with white ...and pink gladioli, and candelabra,, was the setting on. Saturday afternoon,'. August 16th, at 2 p.m.. for .the - wedding, of Margery Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Watson R. ,Webster •of Varna and William Douglas: (Ray) H'uether, Walton, youngest son. of the late Mr, .and •Mrs, John Huether, Cranbrook • The double•,ringceremohy was conducted by' Rey., `Mr: 'T. 'J, Pitt and Mrs, Addie :Willis,. Toronto, accompanied .'Ythe soloist,,,' Miss Jayne Mary Snell, who sang "The Wedding Prayer" and •"I'11 Walk Beside You". The ' bride, given in marriage by her father,;- wore a full length 1 The fitted bpdice which extend- ed • •to points over the. bouffant net skirt , feature a' scalloped neckline andlily/Point port •, sleeves., A. coronet of seed pearls and rhinestonesheld. her 'three-quart- er length net veil, and . slhe car- ried a cascade of red roses. Wearing, identical. gowns ; of figured blue organza were the. at- tendants, . Miss Nancy ,Webster,. Varna, the. bride's sister, was maid; of honor; Miss Ruth, Clarke. • Miss Gail Searle, Walton, ;niece of the groom, was flower ,girl, wearing a frock of yellow' organdy. . • -Ross Macall, Blyth,, was grooms man and ushers were' Jack. Holmes, Clinton and. • George Coleman? Toronto.. • 4 Fpr .travelling, the •bride'don ried a pink wool suit with; navy accessories and, a corsage , of white. mums. • The bride ;;is a'''graduate of Stratford. Teadhe'rs' College. The couple • will reside • near • Clinton after, their ,return from points East,, New York .State and Ohio. BOB CARBERT ACCEPTS F. OF' A. POST AT OTTAWA. • .R. W, (Bob) .Carbert has been e n a • '.ointed • Director of Information r' egeration 0 Agriculture. To farm people in Western' Ontario • ,Bob is no stranger. Ten years ago he 'start- . d • the far ebroadcast' depart- ment at CKNX Winghazn. Mr. Carbert isa. native of• Perth County, raised .in the:_Mitchellarea, and' previous to`farm •broad-• casting ' he farmed in Hibbert Township. He stakes up . his new post in Ottawa September 2nd:' Mrs. Car b ert, •the former Mary Goodger,, R.N., Stratford, and Miss Diane and '• their three children, Helen Saunders,, Royal Oak, ;; Michigan, '10 `ears Ronald 6 ' ' Y a Ronald years s .and' were . bridesmaids:' Bruce 3 years, will be moving t GAvILLER;; McINTOSH..• ands WARD Chartered;: Accoutants Telephone Bldg, Walkerton Ont. Telephone -63a: Ottawa as soon. as :a.ccomodation is arranged. Bob,acted,as emcee of tlie7Mon day afternoon program at the Lucknow Centennial. UNABLE TO. ATTEND,;. 10928 S' Drake Ave. Chicago 43, Illinois Dear Mr. 'Cameron; Acceptour congratulations and'. best wishes for a "happy and suc- cessful celebration of the Luck`- now' Centennial. This is indeed a special. occasion And I 'sure wish it' would be . possible for us . to attend. The .hard working committee that is planning and arranging all:.. of 'the special events, are certain- ly to . be commended. . Sincerely yours, Catherine' and Lloyd Neilsen: a_a • • WORKING conversion period ' expires September 15th) Avoid the last-minute rush '.. take advantage of this golden opportunity.toget up to. 50% more income' on your /Victory Loan investment .p.. for quick service'. see your nearest branch of the Bank of Montreal.: If you hold Bonds of the 5th, 6th, 7th, . `8th 'or ' 9th ,Victory Loans with serial letters beginning L7, L9, P3, P5 or P7 bring them:ilite your nearest B of M branch. today. We will be glad to convert them for you and to pay you your .cash adjustment immediately. You don't have to be, a B of M customer to take ad - of this service, and you don't pay a Penny' for it. vantage• y^ convert today . Don't delay :MYIIANr lot num avows Y'ou'. can also 'buy Conversion Loan :Bonds : for CASH .. ' 1 . at market prices ..:.bur; facilities are readily ;I=* available for this purpose... Immo' Memo.• - MM. ANK -0, 6404'4 yeirot IACkhbw.Branch: MILTON RAYNER, Manager Wit,1 °CANAD,ANS' ,iN .:EVERY WALK OF Li:04 SINCE 18.1'9 rwett •