HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-03, Page 4• <' • PAGE, rOUR • 1" THE LI NOW SENtiNEL, LuczNow, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT 3rd1958 1 ...ip.f.......;im..;TR.f....,....I CO- 1 MING -EVENTS 1 i - - 1 • LAWN TEA ',AND BAZAAR • Blakes W.A. .are holding , a Lawn Tea and Bazaar on the Ashfield, 'Parsonage LaWn.. from 3 ,to D.M. on ThurSday Sep - FOR SALE—lovely home with CUSTOM SILO FILLING—don, tember 4th. • • all conveniences ,13,-.quance, tact •Alvin Hamilton, • R. 3,,- Luck- ..4•9•4!..14.••••*4•14••••••••$.09,94#4",1•«,1, Lucknow now, Phone' Pklgam:1011 60-07-ISEPTIC TANKS, cess pools, etc }MATF,D 2;pArtfit mENT KOAT,L,-,1•Pumped and. cleaned with mod- FOR-••••••••••••• , •••* SALE. -300 HainP.-Sussex, pullets, inorittis '01d, Carl 14c, ,tlenzighan, B. 5, toucknOw, Phone 7 7 4024-1 -Whighara: '..• - • .• . • . • FOR. SALE—Pekus seed rye, off registered seed. "-Robert' -Thrift, . R'. 1,Lucknow, phone 207-r4 Lueknow.'. •. •• • • • ••. , • • - •• WANTED: — used • _pbeLcs:: • Irvin • eys, "-'177Plitnie"4,7Ki 114rr-4. ' •• • • • —.••• SALE-. 49 Hudson sedan, •• real,nic driving, spunand ec- • ,•• onomical, new. rings. N. W. Win- • terstein. FOR SALE-Landrace weanling • pigs. Herb Buckton, R. di Luck7' noW, phcme 2640 Ripley; • '1,(;:a SALL. -i.io-Therm oil space heater, blaid- color, complete with blower, excellent Condition; Wilbur Brown; Dungannon 4-r-6.! 1 FOR SALE—Axminster rug, 9 x 101/2 feet, oriental, pattern, wine background, in good condition; • also felt for under rug. • M , ••Lloyd MacDoUgall phone Ripley • •128-r-30,, • •• OUS.E FOR. RENTon Stand- ppe }Till, ,formerly occupiedy George, ‘Stanley., House will be redecorated: Austin Martin, R. 6, LticknOw, phone Ripley. 117-r-5. FOR -RENT —• 4 -room apartment with bath. Apply to Mr. D F. Leader, corner Havelock and Wil- longhby phane 23 ''' , •' ---.. --- -- "•••', WOOD FOR SALE—Wm. Hous - Ston Luckziot Sawmill phone • 1524. i "--• '' • • • • TRACTOR :*- We can fill your needs in tractor tires, truck and car tires • 'at lOwest prices MacMillan Bros., Lueknow. FOR SALE—several used milk- ing mac nes of various makes. Let -,us install one of these or a new Woods in your barn on trial. Prices• given without ob- ligation. Irving Keyes, Glainis,' phone Paisley 114-r-4. • , 9..• .. FOR SALE . Residential Property in LucknoW of ,the late Miss Elliabeth p. Welsh. Immediate possession can • -be arranged. For further Partic- • ulara apply to, Ross H. lVfartyn, , Riple,' Ont.,.,hones .58 and 85. + • 4,• ,g‘ t *4"„•,„ (.; Familex requires aggressiVe men with extensive experience in. • . •the •aelling field covering AIleti-4 ford, Chesly, Kincrdine, Luck - now, • Port Elgin; 'Mildmay, •and v, aurroundinga. Conunission basis: : „. •• Excellent wOrking conditions. No tisk, Trial Perod. Write for free catalogue T, Garner, Dept, , 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. . FOR SALE—folding single bed with mattress • and springs; Prin- cess Pat kitchen range, like new; • Beatty electric vrashing 'machine ' and other household : articles; ,windo* sash ' with frames,- panel doors. Dave MacKenzie, . Kintail, •• phone 66r1,4 Dungannon. • CUSTOM DEMAND for Axon Service' isat its highest enabling - us to °extend a wonderful 'earn- ing opportunity to energeticAvo- men from Luclinow and District. • ' For ‘• information apply,. Mrs. PROPERTIES' FOR SALE •'••; • 100 acres of good pastureland, close to Lucknow. • House-, and ,• barn, -Exceptional' good buy for, $4,00, or nearest offer. • Low down, payment. .4, 100acres choice' clay loam land. Extra large barn, very good • home, everything in a good state • of repair. $9,500., IVIortgage can • be arranged: J BOSVELD, REALTOR , Phone 1108 Gocierich • ABLE — Gammie Apartments, , leirnnteeedq.uLIPomueisntina4kle, All wR4:.11:2k,, riguruars; phone 183, I.,ucknow, • • sels, phone 42-r-6 .13russels:- CARPENTER and Repair Werk of.. all types. Call at LuCknow ! ' 41"rE',1-.1"1,i FARMERS Wood Specialties or contact Bob _Custom_ „ killing, -entting and Campbell, phone Dungannon• 68- , wrapping at very'. reasonable r-10. ' • . '4 • 1 • ' i rates. Welsh Meat ,Market,' phone 41, I STRAYED --_-, about two weeks___]. a o, from the farm of, Mrs. Mar, DEO 'STOCK REMOVERS - . A, i gl,?e• *-81-45gige ford calf, 4 'months. old., Finder old, ' sick or „disabled horses and please contact • Mrs. . Heclgins,,„ tleca • Old horses for slaughter I t .. p hone It' le 18-19; ' , ' i at 5c per pound . 4For prompt, 1 I . . . ' SIC LESSONS • ' !phone Leroy, - Acheson 'Atwood. ; sanitary disposal, day or night,• MU Mrs. A. C, AgneW,.' teacher Of 1153 'collect 'or '' George Hysiop, Piano and •Theory. Pupils pre Wroxeter, 2-r-15 collect, pared for examination, Toronto! ConetvatorY of• -•Music, if. desir-1• MR” FOR SALE • ed. • • , „ , j .• Good beef for sale by ,:the • '''. [quarter. Beef killed on premises,' •.1VIIISIC LESSONS !inspected by the Department of Pupils ' prepared for Toronto Health• Choice #ereforcl year - Conservatory examinations • . if de-11111gs. Custom butchering a spec - sired. Lessens -commence. on Sat- ialty• • ,:' .• . _ urdity; September. '6th. • Mrs. C.; ,. RaYnard Ackert,' -4101Yroou Shaddick, Teacher, Gough Street, I* ' • Phone 24-30, Ripley LuCknow. • '' ' ' .,,•''.. •. sm , SALESMEN' WANTED' VP IN LATIMODIL 1957 Pontbi Deluxe Sedan, automatic transmission fullr equipped , • •S2495 1957 Chev. Station Wagon ,r $2,450 1957 Chev Deluxe Sedan, automatic , ,$2;495 1957 Chev. Standard, ftillY equipped .$2,196 1954 Meteor HadtoP, aut,omaptc, fully equipped $1,460 1954 Chev. Standard Sedan, fully equipped .., $1,296 1953 Chev. Retail*, Sedan •, $1,295 .. • - • 1952 Chev. Coach . ,• SURGE' MILKERS • See the new. 1958 model Surge Milker. Milks, lw, uneven. ud- drs. better. Nw loold'n•glass • Your feet are :one *f your •. greatest assets, and a breakdown in the structure may cause pains in feet, ,knees, legs, ankles or finish; easier cleaned= Same safe lower back' See J. All• Vickers, "Tug and Pull" cow mill4rig• Foot Cw°rrineeghtaiZiste' eachMonday.)//Quonedaa'ys , - Phone ' Lovell McGuire Wang afternoon. , , • s, I ham 593. Collect • VV ----. INC-OME TAX RETURNS, ' .• TE ,AN '' 1 fif you are a farmer and havenot Live poultry, top • 'prices at the ' lea tax. returns,' my advice to farm.' Phone collect Brown firo- I • thers, 181-w,.ncacllne" , I reguou ;a7"-{ily,olestoi.,nIef efiLlikhiratovuer fcialepd_ " AUCTION SERVICE 11.istac 1:owste.allow,ance• (depreci.ation) •! Allan •MacIntyr i • 4, - •• • 44'44 • • ,, APPtioneer, PYMM, -Boit. 74 - r:::uanow— h•lime JO -r-24 RiPley • 4"libl•ic Accountant since 1944 • NCE -TO CREDITR.S In the Estate of Elizabeth Gordon •, OLD HORSES WANTED Old horses wanted at 3½'c per lb.; dead cattle at value. If dead, Welsh, late of Lucknow, Ont, phone at once to Gilbert Bros! inster. p •Crecitors-- and • others having 1 Mink Ranch, phone collect God- • • • Affalatraislogri.,,*aMe°. $ 750 1953 Dodge Sedan • , • $1,095 , 1953 Meteor COach •51,050 • 1951 Dodge Custom Sedan • , 1951 Plymouth Sedan, mileage 1951 Ford Coach • 1950 Dodge Coach $ 695 $ 695, $. 596 $ 575 TRUCKS 1954 Chev. 1 -ton Stake Truck 950 • Brussels 111Iotors Huron County's Foremost Used Car 'Dealers, .• CASH, MADE, TERMS — Open Evenings •Until 10 Cities' Service Dealer • . — • Phone 173 Brussels, . • omrwinroroplarawri.lonrgarmolirmr., WALTER BRECKLES - • KEVLOUGH, ONTARIO Phone 18-20 Ripley • erich 148334 or 148 31. • d , . 3 • • claims 4gainst e above, estate ence Dunlop, Ripley; Mr. an Rivett,. Dungannon. . .• E are required -to send full partic- Nirs Walter 1VIantzki, Chsly; Four sisters Were resent. and Your Jahn Deere Dealer ---A1110/110thre And Tractor • Repairs Are and Acetylene welding Machine Work . . :Pioneer Chain Saws, Lawn and Garden EqUipment • For your hest Iniy in diesel tractors, see the "David Brown" • • NOT1C Lucknow Agricultural • • -,, • iulars of such claims to the under- Mr. -and Mrs. Everett Errington, two. brothers Mrs Mrs. Stan Hughes •Society ;signed executrixon or • hef9rO. the Dungannon; Mr. .and Mrs Victor • Was unable to, be present a her 'offering space in the .arena for 1:2nd .' day .of Septmber, A.D. krrington, Dungannon; Tommy husband has been sick with, merchants displays on Fair-Pai/1058, after Which date the estate's I Rivett, Dungannon, Mrs. Mary heart' conditibn• at 50c per foot frontage, 10 feet asse . tS.Will-be• distributed having' deep. COntaCt he President, GI:1r- regard 'ontYNto' clahns that have don Kirkland, or the secretary, been then ' received., Mrs. Fred McQuillin, beforeliand.1 rs K. Beatty, CUSTOM CAlt PAINTING Varna, Ont,. •Executrix. A nice new paint job is money]. • .• .• • . •• well spent, single "or two tone, TENDER TENDERS for sole rights of 'the hot spray method, fender. and 'body work, rusted panels and , sections replaced. / , N. W. WINTERS'I'EIN (1 building west of Town Hall) AUC.TION SALE • •Clearing auction, sale of house - booth privileges at the LucknoW Fall Fair on Wednesday, Sep- tember 24th,' 1958, will b' receiv- ed by the undersigned up t,;) September 15th. Lucknow Agri- cultural Society, Mrs: Fred Me- uillin, . . Lucknow, secret hold 4-urnitare and real estate . • at the.. residence' of Mrs. ' IrWin,- north of C.N.R.depot, , Lucknow, Ofri Satirday, Septem.7, • CARD 0V. THAK8. bet. 13t1 •at•'1.300m. See bilis for Mrs; .T. .C.; Anderson of Dun - list. Household furnishings; cash. gannon 'wishes to, thank everyone The 10 -acre farm With ten-rOorn fortheir gifts of cards and kid- •=srrialt nesste--he-hile.-A., ',patient in barn and henhouse will be offer- Wingham'llospital.- Special thanks ed •subject to reserve bid.. 10 per-. to the nurses, to Doctors Corrin tent on .day of sale, balance in And Fhilayson and to Miss Mary 30 days. Mrs: Rachel Irwin, prop.; MacIntYre. Allan MacIntyre, auc. FIFTY AT, CENTENNIAL , • INSEMINATION SERVICE FAMILY GATHERING ,,• For artificial inemination' ser- - • • vice di More information, . tele- Mr ,and Mrs.. Roy Black en - phone the 'Waterloo Cattle Breed- tertained' about fifty members of nig *Asscication' collect at: both fainilies on their lawn on ton HU 2-3441 Or Kincardine40 Centennial , Sunday. T -hose •pres- •between 7.30- and 9.30. a.m. Week eht were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert days, 6 and, 8 p.m. 'orf Saturdays. Do not call for. service ,Ori Stn - day. Cows in heat on Sunday can ta be insemiriateu satisfactorily on Monday, • • • - We supply service to top qual ity bulla :of the Holstein, .Iersey, Ayrshire,' Guernsey, BroWn Swiss; Red Poll; Hereford (polled and Manitoba; Dr, and Mrs, Wilfred horned); Beef Shorthorn (polled Black, Ottawa; Mr and, Mrs, nd horned), and Dtial Purpose Cecil Black, Brittain;, Mr. and • Shrthorn, Angus and • Oharelais Mra. j; Gerald Lassoline and fain- . • breeds, The cost is low, IllY, GOderih; Mt. and Mra, Clare- oneau•summeraummalimiaraim. ••• Badman, Combr; Mr.' and Mrs. Harry . Hartilten and -family, of ,GrndSend; Mr. and Mrs, Dick • Carter and family ; Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. George Ttrnbull, Brus- sels; Mra. ,Cleo yea, Southamp- ton; Alan CoOper, Owen Sound; Flying Officer Jim Barger, Shilo, DO YOU IREQUIRE "LONG TERM CREDIT" • . .--OrYiOUr• .. • eding Pii•ografirli The Co-op. can provide it at 'flBrik Rate"interest., A FAIR- DEAL WITH NO GIMMICKS ' A • Come on in and find out more about • , the Co-op 'tom.Crcclit" Program. Lucitno • . • . • '• - !". ?hone •