HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-08-27, Page 2PAGE, .' t'Q
in Tomato :Sauce
5 Oz. 3. tins 49c.
Clznckwagc n $ iier, 15 ' oz. in, ,___39c
Wagstaffe Raspberry
with- added pectin, 24 oz : 43c
Rose Brand Margarine :_. 4 .pkgs. $1.00
E,asifirst Shortening,
5,c off offer. __t _-----__- '2 lbs; 45c
Miracle Whip Salad -„Dressing,
• 'ilii
Bee Hive. Corn 'Syrup,, 2 lb. tin
New! Comet Cleanser , 2 tins' 39c
West ,Wawanosh Twp! Council
held their August, meeting in, the
Township Halt with all members
Mr,• . A, W. Morrow, District
Welfare Supervisor, appeared be-
fore Council 'concerning 'a prob-
lem• in connection with relief as-
sistance. , •
It was moved ''lay • Councillor
Culbert and seconded by Coun
Donations tO• the Centen-
nial fuud opntinue to be re-
ceived, sending •the grand ;
total at the end.. of the week
to $2,073,75:.. -
Contributions, not .previous•-.
ly acknowledged are as fol! ,
lows:;•. H. •A.: •Doupe, Port
Credit; Mr_s. Robert' Smith,
Sault . Ste.. Marie;; Dr. John,
K; MacKenzie, Toronto; 'Cac-
het Farrier, Whitechurch; .K.
J. Lowndes; Mount Albert;
-eillor cPhee that: West Wawa- "'Wonder Bakeries, London;
nosh Tovti•
'nship C u o •ncil• grant the Y Gertrude ' Treleavenr London,
Wrn, Towle;.. George ,Alton,.
Henry family $10.00 per
� Smith
w ek.. r 1 ef assistance in:the form Sault Ste. 'Marie; Mrs, Liz4ie
e • Har eir,: Levy, Sask: •,' Irene '
on condition ' . p
that a voucher system •and licenseHolr»es of. Toronto Harry
the. ignition keys �: Holxines,. Corrie; Miss Henry;
plates Of ' the Henry Smith •family. ' ;Gori'e,
car be turned over; to the Town-
ship Welfare Administrator. for
the duration of relief .assistance.
It was!, further decided . that • the
.It was back to "work ---last Frjit
day after a two-week .vacation,
On August 3rd,' the rerun on , of and it's not easytrying to'tie 'in
the -Fisher family was held oil' all the "stray ends" .to. get' out
the lovely lawn at the farm home this issue. -°•
' of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Camp- The ..holiday was a family at -
bell on `•the' -2nd Concession ; of 'fair that included a trip. , down
Kinloss. the St. Lawrence, with a side
There were seventy members jaunt to Ottawa. At. Cornwall we
present. A very'~enjoyabletime viewed the hydro project 'before
was 'spent: in the afternoon -and crossing to the United States to
a de ions, su Ppe.r was served` return around the south side of
with Mrs,.' Harry .Lavis, .and Mrs. Lake Ontario, recrossing at Nia-
Harold ,Campbell, ' as conveners. gara Falls.
present: were ` from Tor -A sidetri to. Lake Placid, , and
ThoseP "North
onto, ," Hamilton;; London, ':'Mon- Santa Claus land'at the
areal Detroit, `Listowel, Stratford Pole" was . a highlight for .the
and Lucknow. ;. Junior member, and we • ' can't,
Full or
twin size
„sto ansa
a .Guaranteed by �
'Good ttgy~ckceptcg
• "Golden Sleep" niatjre s
in durable, decorator c.01for
• Crushproof, prebult..
' borders.wear•like trod',
• Tru -balance coils for
firm support .
• Matching box spring
only $38.88
ome , Furns rags' y "
ane .181.
cKenz• e
putierat Direieters
deny enjoying it too: Takes a
family to, ke
f ep: you «young". and.
not --to • be.; chicken both Pop and
Mum: took the 3700 -foot chair "lift
to the mountain -top
• From ',Niagara it was ' back to
the beach and a .lazy week of
ary transportation, if possib e, to
the doctor for • any member . of
the •Henry Smith family. • Motion
carried; •
/A : discussion took • place ' con-
cerning the 'striking of the 'gen-
general municipal (Township) rates
for 1958. As was the case last
year, there will be, one rate for
agricultural and residential, prop-
erties and • another rate for, pro-
fessional and commercial prop-
On, .1a'' motion ' by Councillors
Miller and„ Durnin, Council de-
cided to set the general Township
rate ,for 1958' at seven. (7) mills
for farm and residential prop=
erties'-and-at':; nine --(9) milts for
commercial properties. A mill
represents about $1,730. at this
year's Township rate.
On a motion by Councillors Me
Pliee ;and Culbert • the. following
accounts were ordered paid:.
J G. Berry, ' Co. Treas., indig-
ent patients' accts:,,.$60.50, . i. Rol-.
of Toronto were . visitors , lastVillageLu n
• velopes 2.76; of ck ow,.
Mr a
nd Mrs Elmer Cartwright lison, Auburn, stamps ' and eh -
week with the latter's' 'brother,. relief acct. ,for May, 15.48; Ont,
Mr, and ;Mrs. 'Wm. ' A. Stewart: HYdro ,.Win ham, Township hall
Mr., and Mrs, Wilfred Pentland 4ydro acct., . 6.07; John Kuik, .4
,and family .':vasited on A. Sunday •:'fox . bounties, 400; James Erring -
with. Mr. and Mrs._ Benson Pent- ton, 1 fox .;bounty, 1.00; James
land /London Finleon , 1 ' fox bounty •• 1 00. Wm
M'r . :.Abner. Morris , returned Hardy, 1 fox'; bounty, •1,00 Thos.
horn ' last week after spending Leddy, 1 • fox. bounty, :1.00:
some time .with her daughter, Road 'E�tpenditures
Mrs ussel. Drennan. of ��rights Wm.' F.. Robertson, spraying
Grove, -who is-, recovering nicely weeds, $174.00, Sawyer , Massey,_
since an: operation, • grader repairs,: 6.01, -Corrugated;;
Mr, anal ,Mrs. Robert 'Irvin. and pipe Co.
Ltd., steel• pipe, .45:00;
Betty,: ;alsd Ethe .former's father; The Steel' Co. of Canada, rein
Mr. Wm- Trvin, motored Thurs= forcing steel, 50.33; Gus , Dever-
day. to the °sob, spending the .coax, motor ;oil, 6.00, Stuart Tay-
week-e:nd : with Robert's'. "uncle, lor, welding" grader, 1Q.00, Ben
Mr George Alton. They went by Park, cutting; weeds, ,11:25; Thos.
way of Toberinory :'and the ferry Young, • hauling ` chloride, 2.00;
to Little,. Current. Mrs Will Irvin Lorne. Ivens, 'salary, 196:25; Nor
returned: home with them after man McDonald, hauling. gravel,
spending, . a week, 'there. They 92.80:
came home by •way 'of :Sudbury '.Council adjourned :to ' meet on
and Parry ,Sound.September ,9th, . ,195.8, �,
Relatives to. call on Mrs.. Ethel J. 'F. Foran, Twp. •Clerk.
McDonald. last •Saturday',' were a
;cousin, Miss Queen Ro ertson of BRUCE PRINCESS
d t l Mrs.
Kenny Farrish, 12th .of Ashfield
and Mrs. Robt. Nelson,'Iucknow.
Sunday, August 10th,: the des-
cendants. of the late George and
Rebecca Colwell, Kinloss, met in'
Landsdowne Park, ' Kincardine.
There were 78 members at ,the.
luncheon table, The president;'
Frank Colwell, Bervie, welcomed,
all the :relatives and friends; Sey-
other members brought •
greetings and , spoke 'briefly. Con-
gratulations were. .extended to
the newest married couple, 'Bill
and. Helen '. Colwell, who were
one we k a o
married just, g .
Red: Deer,•. ;Alberta. Bill replied,.
telling, about, his father and moth-
er, George and Ruth: Colwell; 'who..
are nbw living in. 'Dawson Creek,
ri ish Columbia,
The ; youngest, Member:. is^'
Kathy Farrell, daughter : 'of Mr:
and Mrs. `Jack Farrell, .' Purple , •
Grove. Mrs. John .Colwell., Kin
lough, ,won. the honors . for, the •
Oldest member.
The. officers" in charge ;of next. .'
year's picnic • will. be: president,
Frank:.Colwell, Bervie; secretary-
treasurer, Mrs.. Don McCosh,
Mrs. Albert Colwell, Kinlogs, /Thea
picnic ' is '
to 'be On .:the second'
Sunday • hi ; August in Kincardine.
Mr..and Mrs. Leo Clare : and
family: of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. '.
-Edmund King of London• ,and
family were recent visitors at:
the Walter '.Clare home
Congratulations:. to. .Mr. , &' .Mrs •
Clarence Doherty of .Toronto up-
on" birth :o' a daughter at`:
St. Joseph's Hospital, . on August
19th,.. 1958..: •
Mr. and Mrs: Dennis Dalton,
'Alice,' Brian and ' Maria visited.
with relatives; •:in • Wallacebutg
during the past week:
Mrs.': Jas. Sinnett, Mrs M. Mc
Lerman and' son Michael of. Gor-
rie, Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Sinnett of
Detroit,: Mr. and, ' Mrs. J. Ti ie--
Weiler and family of. Detroit,. Miss
Shannon Sinnett of :Detroit vis- •
ted . with relatives here over the
Miss ' June E Stewart mt.
R 4.;
. week -end.
Kincardine, dairy ;princess of Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Meyer, Nor=
B C t h won, thef t' I een, Anne and John were Sunday
• Mrs. N. F. Whyard of London
has been speliding two weeks
with her sister-in-law, Miss` Ida
Mr. and. Mrs.. John Spivak' and.
children are visiting relatives. in,
Windsor this` week..
Mr.' 'and Mrs. Ray , L'ambie.
(Thelma Currie) and.two child
.ren of Midland, motoring down
to these:. parts, .called Sunday on
Mrs. W. E. Andrew.
Bob Eedy ,spent a week with
his uncle, Mr. John . Y. Eedy-of
Strathroy •
Erskine • Presbyterian -• Church
W.M.S..' met in •the church . on
the afternoon of August 21, In'
the absence of the president,
Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Mrs: Robert
McAllister was in the.chair. Mrs.
Frank Jones' conducted the de-
votional period Miss E. MacMil-
lan gave the Glad Tidings `•pray
er. Mrs. R. Fitzgerald gave . a
chapter from • the study 'book.
Mrs. Robert McAllister. read a
missionary letter from Miss Bea-
trice Scott of Amkhut, India and
after the closing hymn gave the
prayer and benediction. The . lad -0
ies then retired to. the ' basement
for afternoon teas'
Mr.. and . Mrs, ., W. •I�. McClure
race oun y, as' w n "ins visitors with the' Clift
oh •corn etition at •-•;the 14:E *visitors , .
She competed with princesses,
from : Essex,. Hastings, : Renfrew
and Victoria, to :qualify 4or the:
next round, _ in the quest .for the
1958 Dairy. Queen, who will win
an all -expense • trip to Great Bri
tain. ;tidied
yadGroups are .nightly at her 'sister '' were; 'recent visitoi s
with ''Mrs.:Jerry O'Connor,
Miss Fay Courtney, and Miss
`Sharon Courtney spent the' past
competition With girl from Peel week with their aunt, 'Mrs, Bryan.
Norfo Peterborough _and Wates , who accompanie
erloo.' . . iiinh.eriii:ohro6mriteo
_,..,_ �,"• ..__. :' •� >R � "11 hold
and two daughters, Mrs Winnie ! ing a family. reunion on Sunday,
Widcgrn`be ,,and Mrs. $�Ief'b..Finni August 31st: Rev: H. Van VYnckt
gan enjoyed a •week's' vacation; will officiated "at the 10,30 'mass,'
at Midland, Honey Harbor and :here, for'' •their special intention
there! visited their son" Bill and I Following this; dinner will be
p family..
fton A stif:
Mr. and Mrs:. jos.. O'Reilly: of
Detroit' visited'. with the Gilbert
Frayne." family' 'during the past
Miss Anne •McKinnon, John
McKinnon the Sproul ,Bros., Miss.
;Mary Haines of Wingham. and:
the CN.E. On Thursday evening
Miss Marleffe Johnson:of, Ford
wich, who • teaches at St. Helens,
will represent •Huron. County in.
The family of the late Mr. and
. y, hold
Michael O'Reilly y are : -
family at their 'cottage ori • Whal
en's Island, Cognoschene -and
called on friends at Collingwood
on the way home. They were
also ,recent' visitors with Mr,
McC14tre's -sisters* • near Clinton,
Mr's Ca Shepherd and Mrs. M.
Galbraith•' and Mrs. Leslie Lar-
served to the famiiy, their guests;
etc., at the Sunset Hotel, Goder
ich,. at. 4 p: n. with an' evening
reception to be held at the home
of".Mr. Myron O'Reilly, Goderich,
Mr: gekert of Seaford). has
been eng aged : as teache
new ;..:school team►.. ;commen
September ',�..