HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-08-27, Page 1s)
' a.
$2:50 A Year ;In, Advance ---$1 Op Extra To,
Injuries, Car Burned After Crasl
• Eldon Wraith, 18-yearold: son
of Mr. ,and Mrs Jack Wraith, of
Luckuow, • has: been, in Wingham'
.Hospital :for almost three' weeks,
as a result . of''setious injuries re;
ceived • in a car collision. • •
is left• collar bone was badly
and time alone .will de-
termine 'howit will knit and to
::what extent the use of the arm
will be restored. Eldon can new
Shove his fingers• and is. "corning
along nicely":'; •
To.„aid •aid the shattered 'collars
is under. traction, 'and sand bag-
g g
in is being utilized . in the treat=;
ment. Eldon is ""onhis back" . and
must keep still .to.: prevent Com-
plications from 'developing.
" 'Four 'Were In jured • •
The ' 'mishap ' occurred. about
• 2,30 Saturday • morning, August
9th On the • Kinloss -Culross boun
,,clary at • the 8th 'Concession Cor-
ner; when a car containing Rob-
• ert. MacDonald, ' 17;; and ;his:bro-
r •Ronnie of Concession• ' 10
,the , ,
Kinloss;collided with : the right,
rear of'; the •Wraith 'car, The
parties i volsed
re en
homeward froma reception 'at
hangside Hall.
• •
With.'Eldon Was Miss 'Shirley
Scott, 16, daughter' of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Scott , of ' Culross,
She. suffered head ',and leg lac
serrations and:, concussions. Both
were t rown:: from the'. Wraith
ear; Besides'the collar bone dam-
age,. Eldon .suffereda shoulder
injury and was badly gashed
,about the head. The lacerations
took ;about 80 stitches and he
bled profusely,
• Robert MacDonald suffered. a
fractured ' arm and-
...leg- ,injuries,�
and • Ronnie suffered concussion
arid' Cuts,-, All four ti,Were taken,
to_ ..W.nghazn.... ,Hospital-. Shirley
and Ronnie were, shortly. able to
return home ' and Robert was
brought to his home 'the middle
of the next week, The boys' are.
the sons of Mir, and Mrs R° Ste
wart MaoDonald of Kinloss,
Wraith Car. Burned - .
scene Eldon and Miss Scott, got
in the. car and 'were fortunate
to 'escape when the auto later
took fire, Miss Scott, still .dazed
by the concussion, was ' actually
pushed • from the' car by .: Eldon,
despite the ' fact one arm was.
useless; They didn't get clear of
the burning auto a minute too
soon: It was totally destroyed.'
•Historical books u•blished.
prior to the Centennial are
still available, but the 'quant-
ity is not "large: and those. •
'Who '.have • in . mind', .securing
'a 'copy should not.'delay.
The demand has ;been' brisk
• since returning from holi-
days, and the' surplus at. the,
present- rate .will not last -as
long as .we anticipated. ' •
. Also, we still have 'a nutty-
ber of copies of the pre:=Cen . • '
tennial Sentinel. ' -
Mr Warr B
en rown :of . London
has been engaged as a new'mem
ber-'of the Lucknow High
Hi h
Schoolstaff, increasing the :p er
sonnel : to nine:
.: Brown,' wn' a .graduate
of .Wes
,tern University, will teach typ-
ing, English and social ' studies.
Mr. and Mrs: Brown . will take
up residence in the home of 'Mrs
Jessie, Arlin on Outram Street. staff.,.
It's hard to 'believe but ,next
Monday is 'Labour Day and a
public ` holiday . and Tuesday, it's
back -to -school •again.
Locally this will apply to about
400 high 'and Public' school . pup-
upils:` High • School enrolment is ex-
•ect to.
p eed .be somewhat the • same
as a year : ago,: with the . public
school enrolment` up, . a .fact - that
has required ''the ; opening of an
additional classroom: S`orhe; delay
has. been experienced in 'obtain-
ingdelivery of suitable seats for
the new ` � ► classroom' .. and : e.
improvised seating, ,is being ar-
ranged for a short time
An additional teacher has 'been.
added 'to both ; the public school
and high school staffs.: Miss Bev-
erley Ashton is the new public
school, teacher, ',and Mr. Warren
Brown , will join the L;D.H.S
According to a recent .ar
nouncement_ ythe. $ell"; ,Tele
phone , Company. , . residents of this
community will be using dial sets
.. ..
by 1960'The Company has stated
that a . three , mil ion' dollar
change -over ' program is .being
Them mp
unici alitiesraffected will
• nom.. •
... r 1
k : M tche Lis w •
now, Holstein, Mount Forest," Pal-.
merston, Atwood'' St. Marys,
Plattsville and Wingham.
A village, home, and barns :in'
Culross'.,: and Huron . Townships; -•.
have been among the properties
suffering fire loss since' the, last
issue of : The :Sentinel, .
T home. -' of
''Mr. and Mrs.
Garnet Henderson,.; north of the
CNR depot, and:be and the. Vin
age limits, suffered damage, that
will, run close to the $3,000' mark -
and at that the . Henderson's' con-
sider' themselves lucky 'to have }`
.poen is, of brick• ,construction.
.The' residence is. ° the former
South Kinloss Manse.
•The fire broke out about 5.00
o'clock. on Friday, August 15th,
and originated ' out-of-doors= in
thea vicinity of a wood pile' where
wood sawing operations had been
carried on the previous -day.'
The July issue of Reader's Di
gest, carried a . 250 -word story
under the caption, ; "Thee Doctor
•In Your House
It was written.bY .Dr. W. V.
Johnston, . executive director. 'of
the College -of' General Practice
of Canada. The articlehad refer-
ence.• to the family`' doctor as 'a
general practitioner ; whose • spec-
iality "is you". Dr. .Johnston,
pointed out that the "G.P." com-
bines his "medical ' knowledge
with ,what he knows; of you and
your physical and. emotional en
vironments, so important 'to .your
Grant Chisholm, a popular and
assuming young man, took a
cious .beating, when he attempt-.
ed, to act : as peacemaker ' in •a
brawl following'. a dance at,
Kingsbridge Garden ' Party
, .Grant .suffered 'a ;broken nose;.
a; crushed cheek bone, • and '• lee-
r -exited -face- as he was beaten into
,a'daze..'He lost the sight • of the
left eye;• temporarily .at least as
a result of ',the attack. Partial
vision returned last Friday, but
it is. feared that permanent dam-
age may ' have been done, and
a • fifty percent `•,restoration:. of
' sight, may be all that' can be
r hoped ''for. •
. , From the extent ; of ' Grant's :
injuries it ."was concluded that
more than fists were involved'.:in'
the beating:
,Grant. was leaving the dance
;with his wife and another couple°
when he unpretentiously went to
help Bob Farrish', .a 16 -year-old
Ashfield: `youth, who, had been
struck a blow that knocked "him
down and •smashed three teeth.
1 •In a.iwinkling'•Grant was •assault-
ed and 'beaten „so ;furiously that
severe injuries were inflicted be
•. fore .he could be, rescued, It Was
understood that there • were five
i• in the 'party..
-77 Fined .Foir .Assault
Resulting from the assault
charges were laid against,:ytwo
sailors of the, grain carrier Maun
oloa, 'which was 'docked: at God-
erich at the time.
` In court iri Goderich' on Thurs."
• dal, James Albert Morton, 17, of.
° 'Southampton,, charged with' , as-.
• sault causing bodily harm, was
fined . $100 and costs or a 'month
in jail for the ,Parrish, incident
and $150 and costs, or a month
�n jail, on the Chisholm count.,
esErnest OtierneY. of Cap
$retonP, •N.S,, charged,withcom-. .,mon assault, *as fined .$.0
COsts, or , three weeks in jail.
, Will be unable to work
'Grant work
t for.
axiother Couple, le . ' .' weeks, �Ie
u p of.
. nderwent an ' ration: on his.
- 'operation. .. •.
• nose in Stratford a , few days
g. A a
o •�
rcivil' action for .damages is
'Pending. • • 1.'
A feature' cif the Centenary
celebrations was •the, Monday . of. -
on'• crowning of the"cen-
tennial Queen": This was a pleas-
departure from the run -o
the-mll queen .contests,
The honor went, to Miss Jessie
MacKay, Lucknow nonagenarian
and ' the oldest LucknOW-born
lady still residing: in The Sepoy
Miss . MacKay •. rode in . the par-
ar-jade in Donald Johnstone's con-
vertible and made a very gracious
een as she ;acknowledged the
plaudits of crowds' that lined tlive
parade route. •
The , of ficial , ;crowning, took
...lace at the Caledonian Park,:
with' Rae Watson officiating"- and
shown at the "mike",' The Queen
is' flanked: by her attendants,'
Jean Richards on .her • right and
Garnet was ,at 'home at the
, and discovered ''the Out,,
break in its early stages, but was-:
unable to extinguish it. The
flames spread to the summer
kitchen, and an adjacent poultry
• house, . and' finally.. to,:.the::roof•
and attic of the.' main :section of:
the me.
The blaze'` was . bpret
r� f. r ,
well under control' by the. Luck-
now tires Company • . with the
water „' supply ' :carried on , . the
truck But, when ; this ran done •
it ;was necessary to lay, hose from
the hydrant at Henderson's Plan-
ing Mill, which took all .the hose
-carried. A length burst after ,'the
line was laid : and the ' fire was .
getting underway again, before.
water was available
Call To Kinloss .. :
Ora Tuesday of last P week :=,the.°,'
Fire . Company answered; , a ' call'
to, the farm :of .Dan `McInnes,
Concession 10,. Kinloss:',A fire in
a `pile of old threshing wood: was:
a'threat to the barn on this farm.
The . danger had ` abated'. upon
their .• arrival `but ' the .' pile was
_thoroughly--- wetted--• down before.
they departed.'
$12,000 Loss'.
An early morning fire at ' the
farm of .Alvin Mundell' on the
urnberry,-Culross boundary de-
their large. ' 5¢X,80 foot
barn and hay' crop. • Lost ' also •
were .100 „ pigs : and .150 :hens, The
loss was estimated at something.
over $12,000:
Teeswater Fire Brigade suc-
ceeded in . saving' a large , imple
merit building: °' The ;call:. : was.
originally sent` to Wingh'am, but
the location of the • blaze was out-
side their .fire; area:. w
Mrs Mundell is ,the' former
Marion MacDonald /of Luckno,w.
Huron . Townip. Fire';
A ' mid-afternoon fire . destroy
ed 'a large barn and drive stied, • •
on ', the farm of J. S. Robb, Con-
cession 4, Huron Township. Mr
Robb was assisting at the' farm o-
of his father, Wesley Robb, at
the time of , the • outbreak. ,
The fire spread quickly, ' des
-pite-tire-earlyrarriva of'} inners
.who;.hastily left their own equip
ment in the ifelds; and. rushed, to`
give whatever :help they. could.
However,:'•in a very.short .tinier
the fire raged out of .control,•
totally„ destroying the 36 by 90 . •
strUctur.e' as well as..a. drrv'e shed
was 40
` by 30 feet, The •
modern barn .inside included a
concrete stable with all steel
•stabling: Also , lost • was 100 • rods
of . piled rail fen.ce,: 25 market ,'
pigs and '25 chunks, Included in
the machinery loss was a fora e•
harvester, hay rake, grain roller..'
and ;grinder,. as well. as 100• tons'
of baled hay,; The season's -'grain
crop 'was still .in the fields.
The Ripley Fire •Company cori-, •
Ann Crawford• on the left centrated on •preven'ting the .con
Miss MaoKay is in her 91st' flagration from spreading 'to
year. �' w 'nearby buildings owned hy,
:-Sentinel Photo' ran' (twin',