HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 39• : • WEDNESDAYiJULY 3.0t1.1,. 1958 The VaggairC3.7414$11111P) 1.44' - • if= .LUaKNOW WITIPTEL, LUCKNOW) (ATARI() ur -. and mILITIA HISTORY "Big Joe" VVilliarnson OF BRUCE COUNTY (Th Jessie .S.• Kilpatriek) • From 1860 tO 1078 froM the north 0 Ireland Came four Kil- •patriek 17r0thers, t . osettle in Huron OuritY• in the vicinity of Dungannon, and...all became • farmers. William came first' in 1860, marrid,e..MarY.SPrOUle, had • eleven children, •many of Whose desCenclants, are Still in Ontario. Two daughters still stirvive;Mrs. 'John Petrie. ' of Gocierich andMrs. MrS. .Joseph Agar of Brantford, • ak well as 'three. brothers.' One 'son :David went to ,Sail Francisco, •CaTifOrnia; becarrie tii'e owner of a -yery large bakery that 'had over 100 delivery vans:- • In -18q6.. came Josh and Sam - James and two sisters...Joseph Married Eliza Jane -TrcleaVeh whom two were clergymen. One` • grandson, :Richard, is still living. on the •old homestead; another, Palmer, principal of a - large public •sclic!ol in, Toronto; . their only Sister, 'Olive, now Mrs.' Cecil Blake, lives in :Dungannon. m , • • . :Sauel James did not lOng: .continne'sfaiming, • but became .a, school teacher and married BMTh Andrew and taught.::.'in. Sela1 „Huron. schools, Zion bbing' .After, teaching 'r8 years he. be.- • came district -manager for. 'the Mutual Life Assurance -CoMpany in • :Brockville; Ontario, and held this important position for 29' 'years Until he retir,ed' in 1917 at the age .of .family consist- ed of five children—Dr. Herbert pf 'Fort, William; 'Lieut.. °Mar, wounded in World 'War I, later •became 'Registrar of Deeds • fOr. ."..13rockVille; Roy, in .the Air Force in World War. 1; two daughters, bah School .teachers, Who attend.- ed. Queen's University. Only'sur- v•iVint.child :i$ Jessie, the eldest of the family,: who lives in Brock- ville. Several of.. his nephews and nieces, and grand -nephews and -.grand...nieces: followed Ms.., eX:, ample and ,became school .tidath- e:fOurth brother, John, Was already- married to Fanny Albin when he came' to Canada in .1878 •. •and hi S daughter Susie :had beeh •.7 • born in Trel4nd. There were nine . • this farnilY but Only • three •survive, Milton of Goder • . • . • •• The ne 1 w y organized 13ru•ce and Margaret -of Calgary, • Tw Sons of his daughter Nina wer In World War II, and Ed' son Bruce served in the naVy a County Historical: •SOciety, at one o of its meetings, h.earcl the fellow - e ing paper onBruce rill/Italyhis- ive.of ,Kulloss Township, "will s tory. . • 4 . . ' . . OISSerVci• his...88th birthday during This county has had a militia: the ''Centennial, on SaturdaY,. ,• for a ce4tury:- In :1857857 the. first. August -2n; . unit • was formed. •l' ":-. " • Mr. MacLeod °Who' resides, , at . :, _. These early:, members ': -.did not dieElliott Carruthers home o , have to ,train bpt. enrolmentof ,the 6,th. yon.cession, Is at•present all males between, the • ages of visiting in Fort 'William, where _ , . ere 18 and • 00 was compulsory and he resided for 59 "417' ' an annual :muster Parade Was thT,herlwrl oprtii4rgill.isatriloryPariaebroutarlierd. , held on the Queen's birthdaY: : fo In Bruce there Were :six*llat- Ma9LePd) whichich we reproduce iP • t • the ssame • time. Ed• 's daughter, • Joyce, is. n9w -a nil'ASionarY in Central India, TWo, Other grand_ 4.045c91.11P . , •• ,..E1t:HTY,f161011:' (BIRTHDAY, :DURING CENTENNIAL '• Aniea• 040 MacLeod,. a nat, -idaUghters, Violet and Ruby, be • came, school teacher.s., and Violet after gradna Qn versity, marndd Herman Voaclen a prom,inent :Toronto education-: •s • „ .„ .• "Big Joe" Williamson• Quite a colorftil character. in •the •vicinitf et Dungannon was "Big .Joe" Willta'msop, the' bach- elor uncle of the four Kilpatrick brothers. He with his :brother Matthew came to Canada, quite a• fe* years before, thei .ne _ = Brampton. "Big Joe" was •aMan of unusual size and strength, was renowned for his feats' of phys- • ical prowess, and •weighed • 250. • • •• lbs. He was also quite a poet, and one of his" poems entitled :`40tingannor-fs Lovely Girls" was .. • • respectfully , inscribed, to. Mrs: John 117:releaven, the mother of 'a first Oats musicarfamily". It ap- pears in full length, in: Gavin Hamilton Green's bOok,.."The Old - •Log. School-44uron •OId Boys in. Pioneer Days" -published in 1939' when the author was in his 82nd One grand -nephew of "Big Joe" Was Curtis WilIiarnion • A.R.C.A., • who, after studying in France and it011a9d for several' years,. became 'a noted portrait painter of,Prominent • Canadians. His paintings •are to be seen in the •National :Gallery, Ottawa;: Hart House,' of Toronto,' and .in the Ranting Institute, Where hangs his' life-size painting of Sir, Fred- erick Ranting.: • . •• Another •grang-nepheW, Ted; brother • ot Curtis, became the president -•'&fv. the DickenSiania Society in. Toronto, had a worid-.: :erful library of • mny-: editions of •Dickens, and was the ,Proud. posseSsor of the gold .watbh �f• Charles Dickens which - he had. obtained- from his son in Winni 1., • • 0 • • •• , Sinc its f rrnatib ° Members James (Jim) McLeod, a resi- e f B t dent of Fort William for the half- - o • ru.cehare . units aresponded o Century between 1896 and 1946 the call Of: ev.,erY war in, which Ca . ,is. back for 'a two-week visit - • - - . . among old friends - and 'familiar alarm arid , it was •e r nachans were engaged: In 1866 the Fenian raids caused places. • • • • • • • Saving money. ,is still a pretty good..idea—it may be valuable •• lab, Edmund .of • Ogerna, Sask- again 'somEday.. ITMPtitcr drazzaTM7 Companies from Southampton Paisley,, Kincardine and Tiverton .lett by boat,from Kincardine and from, Southampton forl the. Huron County town„of ,Goder- 1870 --the year Louis Riei fled ichto ' the United States following They stayed for four' weeks but the .Red River uprising -- ,the the attack did not inaterialize. old Pioneer will celebrate birth - Pay of 50. cents for married men day No 88 August 2 and 25 cents for single Aras paid. Following his arrival at Fort • As a result of the Fenian raids, w— Parliament saw the need for itharn in -1.896 Mr McLeod was employed for a time with the organizing .and • trainin.g the •• .-mt•-••• man, there's -there's been a lot a chang- es! mind when- the siclewa&s on §impson: Street Were a couple' of planks .placed side by side”. • Born at Lucknow,‘ Ontario, in • 'CENTENNIAL sn,PIATK. • as' an alderman. • 50 Years in /[00F • . • This year at Lucknow 41e was presented with a 50 -year jewel, by tht In4pendent Order o -• Ocldfellows: He joined at Fort Williath in '1907 and is a past grand, _and past district .deputy grand master 'of the order. 'Fora, number •of 'Years he served as r chairman of the board of man- agers and trustees. • , • He is a -50-year member of. the Rebekahs and was also honored , 4 4• • — • for that distinction this year. At . 1, the time of heiLdeathi died here in 1937; had Teen apPOinted chaplain Pr the Re-, • bekah Assembly of •Ontario The couPle were 'married 'March 14- • 1908, at LucknoW. They last sided. here at 436: North Brodie Street. • • • While 'in• the city Mr. McLeod is a guest of Mr.and Mrs, 110Y" Er -en& and .Mr, and; .Mrs, Guy W. Beals, of 273 East Amelia street. Mrs. French arid Mrs. Beals are grand- nieces. *r • • . : ' . '. • • He arrived in the city via th• e Keewatin, accompanied•by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Alec' McLeod:- They will return to Western . ario tirnefor the Lucknow and • district centennial . celebrations, August 1, 2, 4, 4; / diiring which. lie will observe his , 88th ',birth- day. • . • • •- • • • . . •-• • • • • Militia and as a O' Se -bridge and • building department • • . • • n quence the ti CP4/ 32nd Bruce Battalion of Iinfantry Shortly 'thereafter be entered was formed,•The Colors present- ed to the regiment in '1872 are displayed in the county council building. • When the Red River Rebellion icIrolce' out, a .COmpany :of the 32nd formed at t.aisley. to '-.'leaV'e for London; but the need' passed' and .the: men were. dispersed to their • , The Riel Rebellion', of 1880 was a:call. to arms for several from this county and the 130er, war saw 20•.•then: of the unit .serve in. ,SOuth:. Africa. • • • •• The 32nd 'Continueduritikke end's 'of. the First 'World War In December. 1915, the -• 160th 'Bat- talion .litT4's.7fOrktiecY'for active seiL Vice. This, Unit supphed reinforce., Ments for • More other units than • any other regiment. Seventy-twoline ' units were reinforced- by the, of the '19th. regithent, ... • 160th. • • • •-• • After the .war only the 98th . , retathed.. urnt .status' in 'the' re- serve. Members of it volunteered for the Xorean ,War and:•29'sen.: the house.moying and repair bus- iness: He recalled ,today some of,the major tasks: eaeCOmplish..- 'ed in,that role.•, • ' He'way:also active .1 the Fort William'civic • field of,s2the past; In the years' 1925-26--27 he served_ : • • • field artille,ry.. •• • cOnipanies. in. Wiarton• and Port Elgin. were disbanded. and :the 'Walkerton • CoMpanY. bec:arne. the 97th. batteryandthe 'Kiricar-. dine company the 98.th: :battery.' The Kincardine battery. nioyed a year later:to:Port ZIgin. • Both 'Brilbe...liatterieS saw act- ive SerVice in the ::Seedrid. World War. The: 97th wasmobilized :at the outbreak as a. battery of the Fifth Field *Regiment , a year later the 98,th :became a part • In. 1920 •the • Bruce' Reginient was' orgatilied.: continued un- til 1936: That year the Canadian 06.1 -natter how. poor a ;man at rnathematics, he knows that ' 360 . 25 and 36 add Up to a nicfigure e' , • ..••• • . • ; . .• . . . . 'LETTER TO.THE ' iime•JR: , • • . The 'Editor,:Lucknow, .Sentirie4 Dear Sir: •• • .• • • . • • Once • again The •Salvation • . Ariny .NatiOnai .• Red. Shield peal can record victorY,aS "re. • • portS reaching this headquarters' indicate the objective will be. ex-. Ceedec1 Whetiall returns arein.- ..- • •• We 'are indebted ," tc Your • nelV0PaPer: for the generous SuP- • •pOrt • accorded the' local. appeal, f for the encoUragerrient 'given the::: committee and. CariVassers,- and orl 4\: -the: practical interest 'in ..our , work • ,which'. is-:„-conStantly dis•••.; played: ‘ On behalf. of The . SalvatiOn. • • ' Army' May I extend Our grateful • • • . Yours sincerely,I, ,"•• • • L.. Bussey (Brigadier). : Bruce unit was - converted into. listed for, active ,service. -- National Campaign Director' • . . w of Lucknow,, T 44 .0 .e .•.. .11foto.o.k,, OY. OW11ft • • • • ••4 ....• • ... ••••::•:•••• .. • ..•.• • , •... .• 1 • «14 • , , :0•4 •