HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 32,t.
y - (By Alfred. Andrew.)'
Like • hundreds of others I am
looking forward With eage'r., an
ticipatiQn to the, Centennials cel-
ebrations. I still think of myself
'aa,one. of the loby, from Lucknow
•although• I 'recall: quite :a• few in-
• •cidentswhich took place at the
big reunion ,of 1910 , although a
mere youth of eight years, The
big. callithumpian ilarade, viewed
from' the upper floor windows. of
Ge6rge Andrew's 'implement shop
, was one of the • highlights. There.
Were more strange.• creatures let
r u1oose „•that;, .day than I had ever
seen or heard. tell of before:
One • individual who caught my
eye was , a ' Mr. McPherson, who
as leader of the Kiltie. Band, was
in the limelight most of .the time.
He was . a. very impressive • in�
dividual, , because he wore ,one
•of -the finest :kilos and, tartan Land
covered ,with' medals. that he had
accumulated over the ; years as
a professiOnal• dancer and for be.;
ing the best dressed Scot on the
grounds. Instead, of carrying, the
baton he always carried a gleam-
ing silver sword, have often
wondered, what becarne gf it,
I wonder how -many recall the
:train' loads' of people who .arriv-
ed from points as far : away as
Detroit:'. There ' was always so,
many up to. meet the trains ,that,
there was very little platform
space.; left for the arrivals. The
arrival of the ' trains -was always
in jeopardy, 'because of 'the,fact
that a strike :was Pending.:
,One,; personal experience. which-
I shared .with my ..dad, and moth='
er was. quite .e *citing to the
crowds We had. an old white
horse that thoroughly, enjoyed
band music: 'and became quite an-
imated when near. a band that
was playing We: were aware of
crowds: were not, so natur-
-feared for our well-being in,,
On the long week-endlast August
28 /people
lives ; on Ontario roads. ;Hundreds . of others .;were injured
in automobile accidents..
Once :agai#1 this coming week -end will likely . be the
busiest of, the year,. • both for the highways—and —and the -hwa s Y . , .
Your Ontario Provincial Police force will take no holiday.
and countless municipal policemen will be working
full-time netoguardour streets and
against inst a''
``. repetition of last; year's terrible experience
e h
If you travel.. this week -end,.. remember that 1,
it holiday to
watchingyou• rive: Make a
officers will.•,d
remember for them, as :well :all fir: yourself..,
the buggy., 'It ishard to say which
enjoyed, the incident the most,
Old Hero the, horse or dad, as
he used .tolove to tellabout the
affair for years after.
For a: boy .those •strangegames
of tossing the • cabre and putting
the• shot were pretty • wonderful
happenings. There' seemed;: to be
no end of contestants.
At the tip, e.. ,he town had two
bands, who e augmented .with
bandfrom• out. of . town:. There' '
were two stages Set' up in the
Caledonian grd'cirds from' which
the' bands played.,.: There were
those who, were content' "toplay
brass instruments but the 'mark
of a . true lover , of .music was : tai
belong to. the Kiltie Band. There
Was, a great• deal of ,.rivalry be-
tween them as .soon`' as a `brass'
band • would get • up td do their
stuff it was not;.unilsual for some
stage.. and start .playing. ;Sure•as.
fate the crowd -would move over
to the Kiltie band stand.':
'Trie' .above . mentioned ;stages
wereScotch" alsodancuses, ed ,forwhich contestingwereau.
thentic;in ;every detail; They were
spctacles which always command-
ed; a lot of :attention; 'in a' Scotch
cornmunity like .Lueknow. There
was one incident, which even to
this day keeps2rne wondering. if
I "really saw what, thought I
saw.. My friend' Mr: 'McPherson
referred`, to above . was in . a keen-
ly' contested rendition of the,
sword 'dance. He and some ;other
gentleman had . eliminated all
comers and / were 'paired "off .for
the::finals with Mr. •McPherson,
losing•,•out. �He did not .appreciate
'this humiliation:: in.'his own home
town and '.I 'believe . to this day
thatsaw him, ' lift the skirt' of
his. competitor and ' smack, -:his
rear with' his .hand,; at,'least he
cleared ,, up• for 'me the:. question
of whether they wear , p
under those .
• Of course Sinkiltsging.Jimmie
ter's nan e ;always has :a, no*.t
sound ,to anyone from' Luckn. ow,.
his. • famous. Taimashanter. ` Bonnet
which must have • been:at least
twenty inches across,.'was .a favi-
iliar sight wherever good Scotch
men got together: Not too'many
knew that in his younger years'
back: in Scotland Jimmie had
bee a ` rofessional singing en-
•- � P,••• . � e ,.. .and
tertainer. His heart:; was full of
the bride de, was. bridesmaid
Newlyweds .to. Reside 1n Ashfield
North Street *United :Church,
Goderich, was the setting • for the
wedding of ' Emily Noreen Wil-
son and James Clarence Dren-
nan on Saturday, . ~July '19th, at
3:00' p.m. The :bride is .the daugh-
ter of Allan Wilson,•:Saltford:,and
the late:;:Mrs; Wilson: ,The groom',
is :the, son• of. Mr:` and . Mrs.`Wil-
fred :Drennan, .of':Lucknow. The
Rev... Stanley:,A Moote officiated
at. the double -ring:. ceremny.:.
'The .bride:. ;wore` a', ballerina
g go
len th wn of lace and silk or
antics 'ganza over taffeta, "fashioned on
Princess:' lines, banded with pleat-
ed silk organza : around Empire•.
Hun waistline. A petal.; designed neck-
algie lace with cap sleeve in alencon
dace ' complimented • the 'bouffant
skirt: •Her', fingertip veil of.. silk
illusion tulle"was' : caught to • a
sequin studded • headdress. She
carried `a cascade bouquet of pink
happiness roses . and white ,Shasta•
Miss ; Wanda Wilson, .sister of
music and • when ` he was full of
.Scotch the • music had to come
out. One`'' could :keep enumerat-
wore .a: waltz. length gown: of sea=
;foam `blue crystal' charm, in' em -
p, ire style, with, matching picture
hat. She: carried; a cascade: of
pink ahasta mums.
The groomsman , Wag:Mel ,Ste
wart of Guelph and the : usher
was 'IK;enneth;' Wilson , of Ottawa
The' organist was Mrs. J-, Snid
For :`a reception "at the' Tiger
Dunlop •• Inn the:.* bride's . sister,
Mrs..Ger`ald Mackay' of Ottawa
wore flowered . silk -° .with Yellow'
accessories:: and , corsage of; yel
.low • roses.' . The groom's mother
Chime beige lace: over taffeta with•
snatching ' aceessor"ies and corsage
of pink roses r.
• For. a wedding trip,to Northern .: .
Ontario ;the bride donned a .pow-
der blue 'ensemble' with white
:accessories. ' and corsage of red
- Mr. and: Mrs. Drennan will re-
side on.the groom's farm in.' Ash:-
Photo by MacLaren
ther Bill- and I .used to leg it
down t'o'.,;the hill„ at the, ,foot of
the Twelfth ' when we • heard
these earsg
.'climbin` the hill: out
ing the 'eccentricities of:the var
lows; . individual's: such as Jock of .,Lucknow in time• to see 'them
Adams;', LinPing Maggie and
go bY..In dry
weather with
. the
Geordie • Brick.. .i roads' lacking the 'hard ' top : of
On or ;'about the timeof ' the I today they were often; enveloped
last . reunion ,'saw the advent of in a cloud. of dust Motoring 'in
the rnotor car. Ash •I .recall: it ' Geo.
Andersonhad a McLaughlin
while John Button, and 'Andy
Stewart. had.: 'Fords., To, illustrate
the tomo : of , the ' times my 'bro-
r fri Fr
.•rr r r
r.. r r v rr :r:: %•ii}i?r/ ,..
i he thin At the s eed he's 'going, even.a minor
.... T� is/driver is �a .lot closer to .the graveyard that'll • • k$ . A g, g.
istake in judgment could, cause a major'. highway disaster. Reckless, speed' is the cause of too..
• any fatal accidents' on the road. And sometimes even the speed limit canbe misleading -you' can
./ • withinthe : limit and -still be goingtoo fast Tor' driving conditions. Heres an easy rule: of thumb
b , .. ...
safe speed:' always drive' at :a 'seed that will enab a you to.stop- in the distance
to guide.you to a .
that's dear ahead. At.•niht" drive at 'a, apeed.that will permit you to atop Within headlight range.
t drive at' all. One •simple way to check whether your speed
• . ' Zf you a e tired, or inattentive—don't.
iwatch.... the trafficaround'Ifyou arepassing most of the other cars on the
. , •• .. is too hi h or not is to you. p : , , •
' road,are goingtoo fast: If most of them: are passing you, you are going too slow.Your Ontario
Yd1 .
e artnient of Transport urges • you to observe, the peed limits ---clow down and live!
those ;day. s was ;really something.
If a car .went to Goderich, and
back without having a flat' you:
Were plain lucky: The 'lights Were.
.gas, stored in a' •;small: ". tank on
the ' running board.. The. horn.
:consisted of ;a large bulb affair
'w ich when''• . squeezed • produced
sound not: .unlike 3sicow abawl
Just' prior' `to the last reunion.
a few years, Mr. Taylor, who
oPerated a hardware . store, ; took
a 40 gallon drum Of. gas Anta
stock in ' order to ' supply such
adventurous ; individuals ' as Har-
ry McGee from • 4Toronto• and
took .over a year to dispose of it
Apparently. :the `:`. iotor` cat has
taken over.
Another thing . which will be
,conspicuous by their absence are
the . hotels: -1 :can" recall ' at least
four, although the Cain :Mime
and the McGarry House `operated:
,for a number of years after the
last; reunion. Having been born.I
into• a Esimil~ . nurtured • in the
doctrine of, the. Sons of Temper- •
ante ' and of the Methodist
Church such places • were only
to be. entered ..under , the direst
necessity of ,finding, a ' place to.
eat or sleep.:Associated with the
hotels was the 'old • oirminibus _ op
e ed •. byAb- 1Vlllso : � who ,
, ��t, . r�,
Loved . to ;'drive as a jockey at
.horseraces: With the. toP heaVy
vehicle, swirling, 'off of Station,
Street; do+W'n the ;Main gtreet,
tnore titian 'Oiled .I feared for the
well-being of the passengers as,,
"they rounded the corner....
One 'thing that -happened dal.;
ing: the last ,Reunion whichl creat
ed quite. ' a stir ppened one,
night when a ch
aracter took, one
of those vessels which. usually . re
pose under the bed into- ` Tom.
Cain's • bar and had it filled. with
beer. Just "to add '. interest, he
,dropped in a • couple ,,of doug
h -
nuts. He'; evidently • had a ` hard
time: getting people to share, his
A lot' of fun was had' way back
in those days•and no doubt every-
one is ,looking forward to 'having
another enjoyable even.The/as. s e„
Of missing' faces a ...
will be a lot o g
the .:Grim Reaper has taken his ,
toll but `there will be many
happy reunions: with those. ' we •
haven't , seen for. years,
Tommy cYTSonnell, 9 -year-old .
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim, O'Don-.
dell;: hooked` a nice •brown -trout
last. week in the Nine. Mile River
behind his borne. The fish meas
tired .163/4 inches, :and 'weighed
just three, ounces short of twq
pounds. He • 'WAS a pretty tickled
lad in lancling.the fish which he
had been angling :for 9n.; more .
than one occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. .'Robert . Moffat,
ncre the
VV'liagham, wish - .to announce •
: elder dauw,
errgageiment of their,iVlr. .
ghtere . Shirley :Aden,' to , r
ler, 'son of M �.
George Snarl 1• or ,,, ,., w :. .
Alvin F`orler, New
and. Mil, .
'Will take
Hamirburg:;,�'he marriage
ednes�day evenings
• . on.• W v'olock
st.20th 1958,
Augu at7o
in St: Andrew's, . Presbyterian
C, Wingham, v ...., • . V
William Henderson ofalket
tohurchn officiating; • ` ''"