HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 19Vk,"�NESllAY;: JULY 30th,
2, centennial year, „has '• 'been
marked by numerous. progressive
.. • *hitch; has been the constructiQP
vated seating for .about 459 peo-
ple. A modern new weigh scale:
is • iodated in. such a. Way tha
,The steel eoyered . building,
'160*40 leet, is situated to the
' immediate west of 'the Caledori;-•
, fan •Park,. just off Highway 86,
and the site provides envie park-
fa'Cilitiet :for- truckers,
Miles to the' weekls,i Wecipeselaye
• The building bas a. cattle wing
.'eoniodation for, abdut 140 cattle.'"
.The east' wing is fOr ...hOgt and
is' aIsei Penned off., lit has
ceinodation for. between 800 and.
• Permanent Unloading end I'm&
in the eentre 'of ,the building.
, is ,the selling: ring. and: euttion-
on their way to the Sale ring. „
,Contractor for the building'wat
The first sale in theneW build-
ing was held on WednesdeY
!July 16th and. attracted a Mon-
Intosh held. "open houte,"' the
ed to, tee the new,
replaces' the forrner sale barn
on 'Inglis Street, . Whialr. was:, for
barn, and- to a,. laterleneration
was knoWn. only as. JiMmy
ttone's. livery,: and •••sUbsequent
feed nern;'' Until .the horse be -
father, the late • John -.N..
..Sentiriel photo
naW. and Mrs /George Sttiart and
Mr. Stuart for the ,Cen,teimiial."
congratulations endiood-With-
es go to Mrs • RobinSon Woods
who observed her Nth.' birthdaY
sPeridin,g'the week at the, form-
Pi7om .1907 .to 1916 Rev: Ford
Was 'of -Lucknow
Methodist .Chtit.ch. Arthur, R,
•Pord, a• son ofythe Parsonage„
present. editor-in7chief of
the 4ondon• Free Press.
'Orate here:.
'John Webstei..
the August .rneetirig. of the
tlie'COMMunity•Hall..On Thur -
day everiing:Augtist
PurdOn. Demonstration
in .rug-rhakirig. by Mrs.:Allister.
spent, the .week-erid at, the) hortiel
..DorOthY .Taylor visited;.fOr: A.
;week in.;Kinearditie.With
::tergearit to rookie; '"1"ViPe.
favorite picnic tpot and by ticO:Pe
`and' carriage or carry -all, the 37,
lake 'was holt the least, Of' : the
.. In re booklet publiShed, hir the
late ' Oeorge Jardine,: entitled,
he relates that his: father,: R
ert Jardine, tOokaup land to t e.
south of Point aark. (then Pinej
POint), lin .the..yeard850, .and in
ed at first hand the story of those
: Work 'on the Lighthouse was
'begun in I8..57i and coniPletpd the
.neXt year, 1858 1--L a ceu.tury ago.
and A lime kiln wet built .nearr,
by the site Where . the 100-foOt
structure waS to ' be reared to
carry' a beacon light •-•to warn
mariners 9f the dengerous shoals
Six. Frenclunen from. PariS,
brought and. installed -the .mat-
eriel for the light dome ,atop the
the stone work. The firSt light
keepers. were. John. youlig and
Riggan,-John Rae, MurdoCh Mac-
Donald, george Rae, JOhn Little*,
john CamPbell .of Amberley;, end
the present light keeper,;,,John C.•
Campbell:, who. Was 'a resident Of.
•Lneknow,: when' he received the.
131)Pintineht. in '1947. "'
-1913 Soinit
Mr. Jardine:told ost:verions. ship,
wrecks :off Point 'Clark,' but pone
-reniptely cornpare :with the
lake' disaster of •Noveinber .9th,
19,13, when • 'severel- 'freighter's
floundered in the furiOUt seas,
and driving snoW . and, freezing
up in:the vicinity of Point...Clark.
James Attie. Wes the receiver Of
lwreckage and assigned. Mr: Jar. -
.dine to patrol the .beach in the
liicinity' Of. the. Point. He'lotind.
the bodies.Of six. men -and a,Wo.:
!man' betWeen .his home arid the
1.ghtho Se anion theni the Call'
washed up 'neer Murdie's cottage:
'Some Of. the bodies were inter-
red in. the mariner's plot In,.‘,C4OdL.
:itun, frorn Pine River,. ib.. south, of
the: former Jardine.property;' had
'its:. beginnirig: almost fifty years
1VItirdie ;:was:. the neXt..to build'
in,1913: Thome§ • silo ton, and Alf
' A... Copy ' of .The Sentinel of
uly 22nd, 88, , carried the fol-
lowing story about a Pienic at the.
• 'ball team and the Port Albert.
„This ;game is a feature of the
kin8Sbridge, Garden, Patty to'be.
'held that evening, With SUpper
'-.4erVed .from five 'o'Clock. The
it'8"chedUled'for 6,30 at: the
year, '.an'd Win' :for thorn' this'
yeat-ikOUld. have It becOlne ,their
permanent possession.,,.Plottired'
above 'on the left jarties
hefty, rhanager of the Port Al-
frorri Bill Hunter of lAtcknow,
manager of the local .tearn;,
d" .81499kt...Ppy.
iik.I-itiron's rippling waters; un-
•cier.thebleze Of a ;hat . July stip
faricY. .free On Vedriesday:
was thejr.S' enCE..the..wOods tang
With rth6ii laughter': and' •shout;
and Wind and Watet:e0Oed their
It was the OcCation Of the •411 -
it tOok, about 80. vehieles:to can:.
Niorted on the greensward.and. in-
haled the .bracinebreezes.:•There,
was no lack. of amusement:at apy
time throughout. the Ease-,
Of ;.'kerioUs kinds 4. croquet filled.
the day, ,While on. the lake two.
boa6, one carrying, bbre;
the visitors over the Water:, The
Lawienee and.John Peart -felt as
and 'the. wey' they, banged, And
Mangled :the :football wet a te.ti
theirbreath. •in the lake
was' indulged, to:"sOine extent',
had iriany" visitors and between;
the. 1.5qats. and -the tower, the.
:Viewed in every.- re,spect ;the,
outing was a Mott:pleasant end
Menit for!? satisfying the inher
wants ,:were.. -excellent . *and the• .
,rnoSt happy ., state'. of t.things:
ire',.think glue. credit Shotild be
heaiied. There ,sorriething .akin
to.. the.: charmingly.' rornantic
'greensward, beneath 4 stumner
•Supreme. Well that's' the way lit
ter' spending . the day thuSly,
browned by the tun', Invigorated
,by. the ibreezes..and Perhaps' a lit,.
tie. tired froni too Much StrolliPg.', :
6.07. P.m. HOMe Was reeChed by'
Mg the 'most enjOyable,and -
.sonie'•eVerit of the seaton.
Thp MacMillan Clan., •
. Andrew M. MacMillan • Was
born' near Lochaish, Scotland," in
arid Flora MaeDonell. In 1:940 he,
with his bride Jeanne Matheson,
and accompariied by: hi.S :Mother,
'brothers:end .sisters, 'salted from
Kintyre' • on the- West •Coatt. of
Scotland. Eventually' they "arrIV-'
ed at Toronto 'arid proceeded, -to
Guelph, later procuring lend hear
a familiar figure as he traVellecl
from place. to place' .selling his
nursery stOck. He died in 1920 at
the age of 102 years.
ghters and one son, Miles, who
was ,married to Mary 'Quinn Of
ed to Kinross *here he resided
:Until his death 41..1931; His wife
predeceased him .in 1912,
was 'a verY"Sucbessful far?,
!per and highly esteeMed drover
arid cattle kitlyei°. There, Was a
"faMilY •'91 :five .daughrerdi Mrs.
Menefee (Mary) ,of 9klahOnia;
Mrs.: john Griffin lielen) of De
trOlt;. Mrs. Sohn Woclis (Annie)
Whitehorse, Hugh 'and 'Duncan. of.
petroit; James arid John -(deceats-
ed); Patrick, who still resides on
the family 'farni and, JosePh of
MecMillari'S Meat •Market, Luck-,
how, who ''have a. family Of one
daughter, Gail: of Montreal and
two: sent', Clifford and jim
are the .sixth generation of Mac-
Millatis since the arrival of their
InCidentally the "Clan 1V!ac-
Millen" ,of North America 'Plan-
ned a gatheringoxhich took place
in 'Haniilton on July' 25th tO 27th.
Mr. end ..Mrs.; Jim, MacMillan
Mac11,1illari 'Of, LucknoW attended
the Clan MagMillan gathering in
over the week -end
Lthe farm of his father, 'Ern st
Ackert, who hes lived -on this
• IleYnard hat 'been '',.busy the
.strtiet, built 'under; Permit;
the . Provincial .Department
of .Health. ,The,riew building 1,32•
Ilaynard, who„ has' been hutch.,
has r.noved shit wholesale ancl.re
'tail Watcher :business' intp. the
heW ,premises this week, ,
Plant it ecitiippe& fo
handle. a large amount of beef
.as' the coolers ,Wilt hot&
between. 50 to .60 carcaSses.
he:. intends to 'be kill-
ing .holti also, in this abbatoir, .
About 6,000 peORle attended frorn
ali points of Canada and tY.SA':
Sir Gordon and Lady MacMillan
of 'Scotland were honored, tnest-S..