HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 16CENTENNIAL APNCIATa, . .
• 1 I . . )00404.1"71,013•41:!.).
. . :
Oil La) :COMING E*1 K,NTS 1
ANDREW,LANE1 ricivic.
=,........-----..._77-7.7.----4..;__'The annual AndreW-Lane
- W1-.-'-'7 --"."--.... •—"7.-..., /lie will be held on Siniday, Aug:-
. • .- -•uSt ' 3rcl at- 3.00, p.m.. Con 'Alex
.--.1,_ h7,-- -- '-. , ' ' . 7 ' • . -,--;-- - ' Andrew'slawn, Lucknow. All the 1.daY.
.110,13;.. $A1,47,-.100 bussteel grain, CARPEN:t!Ii. and Repair . Work ,relatives who possibly can 4,/..
' tank Apply to Bur.tOri.,C011inst of all types • • Call at Lucknow urged to attend; to., make this ' . 11,V1 •I!‘eE4' ." • ,
..'4.4, 3, Itipley, phone 5,r-3, Wood Specialties or contact Hob a memorable- reuniOn• Program, . ,Wirigham and :-District School
:Fon AtEr.-,.
11•pigs, eig--htweelcs Catno Pheli'., Phone Dungannon 68- Piet:lie lttriell•: ..- „
r-,1 . • • '' • . .,, ' for Retarded Children will open
• 208-r -31,• '.. .• : • , ' .:•• pRDPBRTIES" FOR 'SALE, - 'LORANGE. SERVICE - . ' .
Old. 0„ ordPif:Wall, phone LucknoNAr ' . ' _ • ., - . • ; • . September 1.5th.„ Interested, part...
, .., ,. , • An :O.L. service for :Huron . ,..,,.., , ', ' '
.' ies please 'contact William Coll,,
Lt4vieciary. f-rit stand, Summer .cottages along, Lake and Bruce Lodges 'will held,at mg' 1""Yr'e, pumle; vv rc)xt°r' ,'•57....
--77------a-faiii--•,-7,45-0/Epentz, Iiuron;L-,....;......„...,-,,,,....,„...„...............__.:„.....„.:,::..„2,..„-,•!the,..,.• .LuCknow Public .$611601 r'8' .. - •';''
land, ho? •,..7-r.41.4. Dungannon : • Far.ins close to LucliriOW,.. 100 grourids on Sunday, August ..3rd,- ' . , ' ' .' ' '.' •'::-.7.'
'acres ..witli 'excePtiOnallY •goOd- at ;8.30' P.M. Guest sPeaker, Rev. APPLICATIONS IC
1ct#'ISALtEL-89.2b.tialiell, grain box:. buildings, only -$9,500;„,100 :acres, _Sernpel, :of ' Xgmon.dVille;,, All .,, ,,sealed....., applicatiOni,-. Marked
with shoOt, can be •Used, on either With ' builditigs; onlY $5,50. .. L.0.4. rnernberS` Visiting" the Cen7 'Application, will be received by
or wagon
• trailer . Charles Ander- John BosVeld, realtor, Goder- -tennial. are in'vited to attend. ' . the undersigned on or before
on, R. li, 41410.10w. .' ' ' Igh; saleshien,.',4°seph McCannell, ' - ' '' ' ,4,00 p'..rn. on Saturday, August.
__.-. SeafOrth.,.- and. Angela Bosveld, : • N°FFAT gEuNI°N 2nd 1.958, for • the office, of Road'
, FOR SALE—lovely home with ,Goderich',..f, 7 ' * '.Th'e :annual Moffat reunion
. Superintendent for the Township
all conveniences. R. B., Quence, . • - ' - . ' ..wifil be held at the home of Mrs. . . • •
LiicknOW.. ' . .. • .• , • , . TEACHER WANTED • , - Chas 'Steel R.R.3 Teeswater on of Kinloss ,4t a .rate' 0- -.Pa...., of
1 .,._. lir _ ,. . racr..s,,a., . . . • ' ' ' 4.1..,„,,,,, c.c„.•',.. ' per hour, with an allowance
* ' ' and District School for Retarded ved at noon. Please .bring .1
, •
Due to Centennial 1egiStr4)0.011
being conducted in the Library
'at...the Town Hall, the. Library
wjfl be closed for the exchange
of bookS Saturday arid Mon -
• KINLc).11H
faMilY Visited. a few day.s in Ki
a nvvWdie. tih.mr ;:.1caEktile;oesys7ilsleeiri 0 f
family of.Detroit spent.the we
end, with relatives here.
Mr.. and NOS. Ellwood lfo
ghiensre-aailitdenC4dianrgy aolfaTinQI:il°yntr°eLiwnie,
At the- home of Mr. and 1\1
191' aMrric. ja(inhdlsiVItQrris...; "W al,dg
')Sy of Toronto on relativ
here •during the week. a:
Mrs, Gertrude: :Walsh, of 'Ki
rd t theefi
'of Toronto' visited with 'the La
famiijes Miss MhaPrriee. Schnel'ler
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley '',Jahnst
e 'dgi
of LOricion,Mrteff,-MISes 'Ed
at' ,the Rest-A-Vhile Lodge'
'Bruce Beach. .
Miss ',Lenore Slessor,•of Man
iS holidaying with Miss Evel
Nicholson.. ;
• Relatives.' from her• e' attended
reception for the •former M
Doris, Trefford who was marri
recently..• . •
Rev. Benson Cox, Mr; and M
Wm. Cox attended the Cox fa.
ily reunion at.Goderieh on S,
Urclay., . •
ICOngratulatioris to Mr:Deng
Smith on being the, hicky w.
'her of: a 195&Chevrolet ear...
received it 'at:the' Canadian N,
ionel 'Recreation Association
nivel at Stratford. •
Mrs. Wm. Wail return:6cl to
home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Jack Sol
•rnacher where she is being cal
joining LucknoW on the south. - , • , , ',, • ' basket. , • . , ',.; ' ' 'd°wutriy. Applicants.transportation
ii,i. hwehrl eesp. 07in_
This property .ealsi be inspected sCehpiltdermebri.et.DI5u.tiAesp; itioca.ticoonmamtnenbcee• ,...,........7........7.,........,
any. time. Harry Anderson, R. 2, sible for all records and returns
1... , in August 26. Write James' H. SEPTIC TANKS, cess pools, etc. required by the Highways De-*
Liicknow. .
• • • Kinkead; Goderich, stating clual-, 'pumped and cleaned With mod- partment and Municipal Council.
FOR SALE -7-• 7 -foot Cockshutt
• binder, tilt, control at front, tWo
• spare knives, extra 'canvas, $100.•
•S., Shiells, 'phone Ripley 13-r-17: •'' TransPortatior. •Contract, - ) * R. 2, Holyrood; Ontario.,
__ . _ wanted by
.*-est. wawirrg,gb Fort sALE—several hied, milk-
, .
H1BELPOr WeivAerr olrepat'..7-ain r'eahl3PaVaeragnierei'l drawallSuPehilsoo
lfrAomrea; tenders to
School Sec- Let, 'us . install one of these or' -
int machine's of various makes. , MEAT FOR . SALE .. ,
Good beef for sale ' by the
.., and Pleasant: for full time 'wait7. tion 14, now Closed, attending S. 1a new lAro.b1s in your .barn °n' quarter, Beef killed on premises
S.••No. l2. This ,takei. in- the Bee.- trial- Prices given' without ' °.13-• inipectecl .bY -the Department of
ress w.ork: APply hi 'person, IVIay- ,
• ' - r, - --- - -- • • - • attending'No 12 S S. Tenders:to PPaisleY 114-r-4. ' ' lings: Custoni butchering a spec_
WANTEL, — . used windmills, , . --,' • - •
- •'spec-
,arid ;jump jacks. Irving be in hands of secretary hot lat.- .- •Ip4scoNAI.. • ialtY. - ., . ' :. • • ,
' Rayilard Ackert Holyrood
• Keyes, 'Glamis; •phone Paisley. er than August .9th' ' . • ' ' ' WOMEN' Gain - 'phone 24-30,, Ripley • . -
11.4_r_4. .. , , • . W. A. Stewart, secretary, • SKINNY MEN, '
• • - - - • . Dungannon; Ontario 5, , 5 lbs., new pep.,Try strex _.
. AUCTION -SERVICE • ' appetite• • • 4.--... -.
because of impaired by, -In the Estate of vviniam uleorge
.... ..,..„,,
ifications. '
ern equ'Pment' All work guar- J. R.' LANE; Clerk,
anteed. Louis Blake R '2 Brus-
Township Kinloss,
WANTED sels, .Phone 42-r-6 Brussels: .
-lair Restaurant 'n • ligation. Irving ICeyes • Glamis, 'Health. , Choice Hereford year-,
• croft children and all others ow
•CIISTOM COMBINING ;.+- .:1,i.ob •
. ; per acre, custom , swathing- $1, 0 .
.. per .,:acre ; new.. cninbine. :Phone' , . Allan MaeIntYre . lack ofiron, .6 -da 'get- Webster; deceased • • ..'
. ,,:Licensed Audtioneer : ed?" size.Costs.: little, . Or buy ALL PERSONS having claims
Don ParriSh; .:82-r--6 Dungannon , .
. . .
or Jack FarriPh 236 Lucknow' :LucknoW—Phone, 10-r-24 Ripley economy' size and 'save 75c. All against • the . Estate of „William
. . ' . • / , , „ druggists.. . :- .• , • George Webster, of the V1117
,-,FOR: SALE -3 -burner gas stove I . . • • „,,..,. " ' '. • age ' of. Lucknow' in the 'County
. .• :,,, , ..,. . .., ... _,.Old 'horses ,wanted at .31/2e. per ,‘ '•: -.
.....'.- on''stand rind gas washer, .eirrioSt1 ,W•41,11cd,..m• , •• col. Bruce, Clerk,. deceased, who
.113; :dead cattle at'.value. If dead, :. Li've, poultry,; to prices at the , died on Or about the 29th day
new, and gas 'itAn. Elmer Reavie,
-,phone at . once to Gilbert Bros. farm'. Phone cdllect. BrOwn. Bro- of May; '1958, are .herby .noti
‘'4 ' R.R. 6, LucknoW. " '
. *Mink Ranch, phone collect God- thers, ,181-w,. Kincardine, 1 fiec1 to senfi full , particulars of,
14OE' T6E414.' T'L- 44.°13n1 apartment. erieh 1483J4 ...or l'Iji" ..... - ...' ; ,...; ;. • ' ' '' • their claims to. the -undersigned
NOTICE ' . 1 '' :‘ .&.
IN INSEMINATION SERVICE ,. . , . •--:--, .. . ,•__ I'.... etriori on or'before the 15th
with. hath.` APplY to: Mr's. p,, ?7: .
Leeder:.Corrier, Havelock and Wil- ••
For , artificial insemination ser-- THE CORPORATION OF THE .' day of August 1958, after'which
, • , ... vice or more information, tele-. TOWNSHIP.„/OF :•AsuifluELp . date the Estate will be distrilnit-
,. -loughby, ' phone 293..•:' . - • . . ,. ,
WOOD 'FOR • SALE—Wm Hous- ;Phone the.WaterloO.Cattle.Breed- . By -Law .No. 7, .1958. ' :ed. among those entitled thereto,
Ston Lucknow Sawmill, 'phone ' ing Association collect iat'. Clin-iBeinr a-, by-law to ' regulate the having regard.only to the claims
152-J! ' ' ! • ton HU 2-3441 or Kineardine 460- useoflands 'Within the muni- of which the Executor shall: then'
' . • ' . • ' between 1.36 and 9`.30 •a.M."iiireek : Cipality:- for dumping or dis- ' have notice: .., ,, • . • :
PROPERTY, FOR $ !I,300 days, 6 .and .8 pp. on•Saturdays . posing of garbage* refuse, den1- Dated ,.at Lucknow, • Ontario,
full pride, with $3,000 cash. Brick Do not call for: service, On. Suri7. .,1 ,estic• or industrial waste of 'any this •19th day of July, 1958, •.' ' •
-;'bungalOw with built on addition day Cows ,in heat', on Sunday can4 kind. : • ' ' ' -• . William' G..' 'Hunter, R.R. 3;
••in Wirigharn4-41cknow area, abOut.. be inseniinated setisfaCtorilY. 'on"; ...=,,r,:: .,"::
3 acres, of garden .soil.., Furnished, ivinds3i.. vvri_r_ar.,AS,the necessary au- LucknOW, 'Ontario, Executor.
. , .. . ority is,..contained .in the IVIuni: • : 13,. W. Andrew, Listowel, :On.:
every:, convenience, oil heat We supply service t::::, top aua1-tthiparl Act, Chapter 243 R.S.0, tario Solicitor for the Executor.
Tonic ablets. For body skinny
• 1
•'Mrs.. -OliVe. Smith of Walk,
ton visited recently With Mrs.
, • • •
'',•Mr. arid ,Mrs. 'George Hodg
of Woodstock: and,. Mrs.', Me
Hodgins' called on' friends hi
during the: Week.. •
•The Publisher has come
possession Of • an early Caned,
history t6Ook which belonged,
his great grandfather, iVIaloo
Carriplell,t and 'bears his .sig]
time and the date February 28
1879. The book was' given , to
by -Mrs., .I. A. RolDert§on. (D(
Geddes). It. had by some um
Plainable Means .1been , among .1
Owher 211,r41 Lucknow.. ity biillS of the Holstein, Jersey, possessions ' of her brother, 1
1950 that by-lawinay be Passed, • - .. , late y book
kerwoans Gpnehdldi:hs,edThinis '.il
'. Ayrshire, Guerrisey;;BroWri Swiss, by the council of local municipal- CARD OF THANKS b ' .
We have sold' many farms M ;horned); Beef Shorthorn: (Pol.led''inSPeet the use of any _land. or INIir.;. and Mrs, 617,134.0n Ritchie the CARD before Confederatign
Red Poll.; Hereford (polled and !..ities,. to 'prohibit or regulate • and . .
itY or any defined • area or areaS. ARD. OF l_klAN:KS
and, Janet would like to express N..
your !County,. good prospects for,
and horned), and -Dual Purpose' structures within the riuniicipal,•
quicki sales List with. us now.' their 'thanks to neighbors and , Mrs." J., C.:, Johnstonjhsto.wishes
Shorthorn, Angus and: ..Ch4rolis .,
E. Is your su scrip on pa . since re r , •
those who
'relatives for kindness in; sincerely thank all
John. Iliclive d, ,qo ei-ic. , n , - 'breeds. The cost is loW.: • t ,
„ thereto for dumping or dispos-1 atsisting to take Off tlie hay, :' kindly. remembered. her .and
FOR SALE .7.-.- CoCksluitt Np.: 7 . ° , •thg of garbage, refuse. or domes-, :. , : - • , -,
tic : or .,induStrial waste of. any • ' b ' ' il ' - ld', ' ' tu ning home L
baby W,hi e in th 4, .;
vvgLcomE HOME SIGNS ,,
Orribirie in fine condition ,and
•. -. • , . ••
„complete with instruction book.
s'... Price $325.00. ..Reason for sellifig,
• the cattle , broke 'in . and ate\all
.•-. l' the 'oats. Rae. J. Watson; 12th of
West Wawanosh, R. NO, 1, Luck-
nOw, Phone 64-r-5.• • .
. - . • ' 1 \ ' .•_,—. .
oUvenir plates with the in-
. scription• and picture' of Lticknow
• Presbyter lian Church „are avail.-
•. , able from. Evening Auxiliary
•members ;
of i e Church.
SCHOOL .DA S mean added
• ( • •
. pense. Let AvOn cosrnetiCi tam
•• your spare hoiips ,into profitable
ones. ',Representatives needed in
- • ; rural area surrounding LucknOw.
Contact Mrs • Lourieh Green,
Hanover. ••
We /earl fill your * needs in
itract° tires, truck and car tires
,at lOW st prices. MadMillen•Bros.,
• •
..Luckn w . • .
•1.'194 SA tr-=-George ;White steel
. grain! thdsher, CYlipder,'
.• • Ch , Ody, air rubber tires,.
cOtt lete trOlIer and ,ball bearings
• thr�ighiut 'Model L Case tract,
goild rubber tires, a real
os'er Innitk, :International grain
• binder,1 ki -ft ciit Owner .telling
all AhOe' due toill, health. ReaS-
• • onahleiter Cash. Apply Kenneth,
•Siriall,4St,IThernaSi R,R, 7; phone
• . 144 , a tv ille, .
i • t
• "Welcome .Horne" signs in at-
tractive. dolor combinations are
available at The Sentinel Office
at ..25c each. Add to your Cen-
tennial dedorations loy using these
signs.: • •
Your lea are one of your
'greatest assets, and a breakdown
in the. structure; may cause pains
in ' feet, 'knees, legs, ankles or
lower back. See J. A. Vickers,
Foot COrrectionist, at ',Queen's
Hotel, Wingham, each Monday to P' appear on any land, other
afternoon. . • than the three_areas which have
been set' aside by the Council
the Corporation ,of Ashfield
•within 'the Corporation any 'dirt,
filth, glass,,,, handbillsipaper or.
Other rubbish- or' refuge Or the
carcass of any animal or dorri
estic or industrial waste of any
'kind. • , ;
• AND WHEREAS ' in the Cor
poration„ of the Township Of Ash,.
field three areas have been des-
ignated erid,,,ket aside 'for dump-
ing or disposing of garbage, re-
fuse or domestic or industrial
'waste of,arry kind;
'THEREFORE the Corporation of
the Township of .-Ashfield . EN-
II'. That ho person 'shall:throw;
piece, deposit • or otherwise cause
•'CliStonn killing,. cutting.and
Wrapping • at Very. reasonable
• rates: Welsh Meat Market; phorie
'41. • • ..)" •• ' ••
• See the new 1958 model Surge'
Milker. Milks low, uneven ud-
ders better. New looking glass
finish, easier cleaned, Same safe
"Tug • and Pull" cow milking.
Phone Lovell McGuire, „Wing -
ham 593, collect,
• • Highest: cash prices paid.,• for
sigk or disabled horses and
cattle.. Old horses for slaughter
• at 5c per pound, For prompt,
sanitary disposal, day° or night,
plione Leroy Acheson, Atwood.
153 colleet or George Hyslop;
Wroketer 2 -it -15 collect • '
2, Any , perSoriconvicted Of, a'
breach of •any provisions of ,this•.
by4law shall lie subject to a pen-
alty not exceeding. (exclusive' of,
Costs) the 'sum •of Three Hundred
Dollars ($300.0Q) for each. ,OffenCe,.
• recoverable under The Sunarriary
,Convictions' Act. .:
3.' This ' by-law shall , come into
force and take effect immediateiY
upon the final. passing thereof.
Read a first, 'Second and third
time and finally Paised. this 7th I
•day, of July, :1968.
• Cecil' Blake, Reeve.
Ddriald Simpson, , Clerk.
froln t e
• si/,
ucknow :Distric
b,rop,•In. And Look Ari;uncl
).• '