HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 10• PGAV TEN•• - 1 • TFIV LucKNciw SENTINEL, Lusca<Now; ONTARIO A product of.Scarfets Ltd., is now available - from us in quarts and, gallons. Special on Outside- 'White • r ga. . ' Complete line of Sports and Auto Accessories, Records and Fihn Service . • crt 't4 SPORTS AND AUTO -SUPPLY , Phone 65' :Lucknow SPECIAL EXCURSION FARE RATF Potomomnommnattonnoront000rn Half fare 0 for children ' 5 to 11 years - For the Royal\lisit THURSDAY,' .11L.Y 31st informatioii and ticket/4 .,:fic0,71local Agent • • , Canadian Natic)rial Railways DUNGANNON Visitors recently with Mrs. 4. Hamilton •were Mr. .and.. Mrs,. •Walter Stafford. of Toronto; Mrs. , Violet Parrish and Mr, s Stewart. i• . and mJorhan: sGtp_enorOgt Blilaymthiltaonnci. aMnar, f am- ilY. of GoderiCh. • Cecilfteulbert is a patient •44. Goderich Hospital XindergAing., x-ray and treatment for infection, M his leg that has been in a cast and giving him trouble for some •Mrs. Nellie Stewart has asvis- tors ' recently MISS-Mable'Kil.:-- lough • of Byron' • and Mrs. Wm. Ke11y ' of Seaforth. • • , ' ,. . Visitors at the • Week -end with . Mr. and Mrs... Mason McAllister , I were cousins • Mr. and .Mrs. Ed, gar •Reid of London:',. . • Mr. and Mrs. Lionel ••Langevin and :family,.._,Lorrie, AVIarie and_ ch___Laa_of *St. Pairice, 'Que., •'were. yisi o''of-TW a • With' Mrs.I•L.. Stingel and Angus. Also visiting last. week were Mrs. -John Fennell,,Douglas, 'Ronald, ,ROse Mary and David of Brad- ford. and her husband for the week -end: ' ' , . , Mrs. Keith Wood and children Dale . and Laura. Lee of London are visiting this week with her aunt, Mrs. Cecil Culbert. Mrs. Minnie Jones and Mel, had for recent visitors Mr. and 1V1rs. Jack 'Cameron of Elmira & Mr. and.lVits. Lorne. Scrimgeour of • Blyth. •• Carripbell, Sandy VL''..''and • Visitors recently with IVIr. arid Lil • A • •.O.VIEDINTZSPAY; JTJLY 23'd, YOUR BARGAIN -FOODLAND• 2 im SHREDDED WHEAT SALE Nabisco's Favourite BreakfasD it 3•C KLEENEX TISSUE SALE'. nitaqg Regularor Chubby.Save19e wt, TULIP MARGARINE .Eatiaitote uts..e. and bakiljg: :Speit ,,....„ . . SI. 4 ... . • . . SODA, CRACKERS'; . • . ft . .., . . • c.coripick's rs0t4,.:,foif_..,P .1.4.41.;,••.•SAY,,.e.„8.c,,IX ,..,. ..,,„,__ .e. ., SWEET MIXED PI . KLES. . • 0. . • Tally:7,H°, Large.48 92, „Save. 1,0e, Jar :5.9( . 4•9:".."1.1.4".4 , . . :Black Sweet and ,Montmorency ed e , . . . • are now Available in This. Market • • Values Effective • July 24, 2'5, 26 - Phone 119, Lucknow •We Sell For Less BR DONNYOOK • ciant-i‘opnenB4bil3eroSpckhos,oh1t4rchbetly hes Mr. and Mrs. .Donald jefferson returned from their.. honeymoon at. the, Weekend. Mr. and Mrs. :Sam • Jefferson • and son.of Newmarket are:spend- ing,.a couple of weeks at theo home of his ,brOther;.-Mr,.1-1:Je fersori. Mr& Elitabeth Naylor of Wing - ham Spent Sattirday with her son Gordon Mrs. '.Naylor. and family. The Robinson reunion.. 'Was ,he On Saturday at IpperwaSh. :Bea. Those. •from -this .vicinity' were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robinson. and sons, Mrs. J. C. Robinson of Winghard, and. Mrs. Herb DaintY, and family of Petawawa, NYhti ae. visiting here. .7 and' Mrs., George :Reeves of Toronto Were week -end visi tors here and . accompanied by Mr. and Mrs: H Jefferson and Linda left on a trip thrthigh. Northern Ontario and a .visit. with Mr. and Mrs:. Joe Jefferson and, WeStoreS..Week-End Feature, "Ne" n KucheLoaf COFFEE CAKE A Treat for 33c 4.4,044,94,......000posag444..40:#44~~4•44444, . . ' • ,. INTER -COUNTY ' BASEBALL KINLOSS NEVITS Second, Fourth, and Sixth Work is progressing, on the • • °• road. improvement on the Fourth Concession. Four bridges are be- •, mg replaced. Newlatidgse are ing built on the, Huron -Kinloss' :boundary, and at the foot of • "Scottie's The.road: will be widened through the swamp in front. of Lockhart's Apcl Dickie's .and huge new steel cUlverts •Will A • i.eplace2,the fOrtrier wooden .brid- tes. The ,Kairsliea W.I. %en)oyed -a •bus trip to Kitchener last Tiles- , day,. arid Were seen on the after- - JUdith lVfacCrae• of Sarnia were class -.honors, Grade :1, Mary 1- ,.7.. guests -thiS., week -end . with . Mr.Mr ,len Shiells,:, Phyllis Clayton: . • and -Mts.; W. F. MacDonald and ' Grade 0 • piano, honors, Shirley • Margaret. : , . Courtney, • Grade 7 piano, pass, : Mi.' Ira Dickie, .. Denver. apaMargart Ann MacDonald, Jean Dotiglas• were at. Hope Bay over Geddes,, Grade 6 piano, honors, ... the week -end assisting .:the 'for- .• noon TV - progr,arn. Bill Buckton, fwho won awards •at Maleolm, and Peter MaeInnes of Manitoba are visiting With' Mr, and Mrs. Allan Graham and family: . Mr.. arid Mr. Harold.- Austin and boys visited Sunday with • Mrs. Austin's mother, who is patient in St ,Joseph's Hospital, London.* . • Mrs. Sam ,Chadwick, who has been visiting her daughter in Saskatchewan, is. spending a few days with -Mr.,..and -,Mrs: A. Hughes. •Pass. Garage:;By-Law 4 e .Port Elgin :Council has. enact- ed a' bylaw'.closing -service sta- tioni .at 6,00 pan.. from ,-.NoVern- ber to. Ma. F‘rorn. Jurie to 9ct- ober StationS will •stay . open un-, til Midnight. The, bY,law -effects' Surid:ays 'arid- 71iOlidayg. Permits not ekCeeding ..25. percent of • the stations may be issued for, keep - Open I on Sundays, and .15 Mrs. Cecil-.Citlbert 'Were Mr: and 1VIrs: Zevco Trifunovic'.andchild- ren Nancy and Neil Of. Fergus. •: Visitors last'weekend'with Mr. and .Mrs. Robert McAllister wet cousins Mr. and. Mrs: George Sickle and 'four -Children, of .Galt. Visiting Mr: and Mrs: Ben Park and fainily last Wednesday Were her Mother,' Margaret Tay- icir 6f Auburn, her atmt Mrs. Liz- zie Arnold of Chilliwack, and her: sister, Mrs. John, Chats- worthy,and husband of Grantort. Mr: :and Mrs.•Bert Whyard, and family • of ..Loncion Visited their aunt, Miss,Ida Whyard on Sun- day. . • • O Word haS-.been received frorn Mrs. Lillian HO man, St Thorn= notifying the ',death of her Sister, „Mrs. Daisy -ROgers;„ form -1 erly.Bowers, a native Of the. Dun- • gannon. •district and 'a •eousiri 'the Sproul sisters.' Sympathy is extended to the• bereaVecl farn-L Mrs„ HOffrnan expects to re-. turn to GOderich •shortly. SENIOR Saturday, July ,,g6th ' Oakville at ,Listowel, • 8.30 p.m. Tuesday; July 29th K-W8.a3ot vL.imst,owel All, Public School children FREE • Mrnor Tearnixis'aFRboEE dy.if arriving • . • , .LISTOWEL MEMORIAL PARK Toronto as :examiner( are as fol- „ • • • Theory. first 'class .honors, Lloyd: 'Campbell,'GradeH, first Mr., Mack MacDonald and Miss • Lloyd .•' Campbell, Ylary .Ellen mer'S brother, F.3.. Carl Dickie ofSliiells;:.Grade 5 piano, pass, Ron . CongratulatiCins. to. Misi Helen percent 'On, holidays. : : . vvho. has' a secretarial positiOri t Grade 4 pianO, honors, Catherine nie punstori, Carolyn „ Funston; . ' Ottawa build his. summer tOttage. ' .Miss • Margaret' ,Jdy..-purnin, gir rien spen ing, a mont s, Kenzie, Margaret . ..MacLenrian . • • 4 0 A r>4 4 at6 o ' 14 P. • Gould, Sharon .West, pass, ,Phyl7 • -.,40a404,4444146,„ • Toronto AlniverSity, is , with a lis Bradley,. Bar• bara Jean Mae, • . Vacation In Befianda. . • ALL • • • • 1 • MR:S, SIMPSON'S PUiPIL$ PASS CONSERVATORY .EXAMS- . r. Ftoyal •Conservatory. Music re- sults of the pupils of Mrs. Dun.= . • AshfieldPresbyterian can izripson who tried their Barbara Lill ia n •MacKunzie; Grade.3. piano, honors, Barbara Furistrt,: Pass, Jim Anderson. exams „Kincardine. and Olin- Have You ReneWed (Ai' Sub' ROADS The july .rneethig of As • hfield -0.r.m.s. was held at the home, °f ton With Mr. Ouchterlopy from scriPtin? LEAD TO MulY-7.:EW-17than, ear1 nnernrrh:rsdaird five visitors present. Mrs..D. R. • MacKenzie was the leadet and UCknOW, Auqu for ehtennial elebration ' • • • , • t, • . • • 06 'MILL AND_OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED •• .„,A.11 Day Saturday, ;1.1gust 2nd, and Monday,\ August 4th ..v 11011e4N)Dilk5ON 11(14144V1170ii• • , . FHNE tocitxow• • . • • v. • •an opened the- meeting with scrip., ture, meditation and a prayer by Mrs. Earl MacDonald.- Mrs. J. McMurchy Oohad the scripture, meditation and prayer. Roll Call .. , wasanswered by "Name a -mis- sionary ,and - field” Mit: ,D, . R. MaaKeriie, MrS''Bruce MacDon- ald and . Mrs.' Donald'' ShripSon Old of the Workof the Christiari', 414rell among the 'Koreans .in Jariari and . tO. be Ori th. -,-Wateh:1 for the 'report Of the :convention of Christian missionariesto. be hld' in Tokyo this surntrier; Mrs. Earl Maconal,Mts. Jack :tol- linion, Mts.- Allan, i\ilacDonld .. and Mary 'Lou Collinson favored With7a quartette "Softly and ten-. . derly Sesusiscalling!';'Mrs. b. 'R. MacKenzie thanked those who had .helped her With theprogram '"-Ind Mrs. McLean fOr givingthe use of her :home: 'Mrs. Ross, the president, took • Charge,. of the , business of the. -Meeting, Mrs. '11 .,1k.. MacKenzie asked to 1:* reli-' •,ed for .a , time of her, dutis, as recording secretary owing- to, 111 health, Mrs.: Dave. Megurchy4as appointed to take her Place: Mrs. '..liptpt. McLean- offered' her home • far the August *Meeting, , The Ineeting , closed' With prayer, .Grate WAS, Sting and the COrntrilt- O tee in charge terVed '1Unll,, , , . aterloo Cattle Breeding '.HAssociation "Where Better Bulls Are Used" SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING SUNDAY SERVICE ---7-Beginning----Saturday*August_2011_195.§ For tows noticed in heat on Saturday afternoon or even- ing, phone for service between 6 -and 8 pan. on SturclaY.: These -cows will be inseminated early,Suriday morning. For cows noticed in heat, on Sunday morning, do not phone for service until Monday mOrning. This will be in effect for an UnSPeCifiecl trial period, 1 -.)tit it is believed that it will Work out •to thesa trs faction, of all and will aflow the inseminators to have InoSt of their Sundays off: For 'service ornote information, 'phone ,c011edt. in "0 CLINTON HiLT 2-3441, or KINCARDINE 469 Between 730 ard 9:30 AM:Week days Between '6 and: 8 PIC On Saturday evening Do nt call for Service 'On Stinday. Ont srvie is:being aPpreCiated more and •more 'peple. •,13,1rR CATTLE FOR IATTER, tiVINC •