HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 2PAGE TWO •
- rr
for -89.C.
Seat Fancy Qu1it
Save 4c, %'s tins 45c
Wagstaffe Strawberri Jam
• with :added Pectin •
TSave2c, 24 oz. jar
ave .4c 2 pkgsi-,35c
Orders taken for Wallace's
• Turkeys, 5-jbs and up
- -s ' Rolls; -any.: size
Blue &, Gold 'brand .Peas, fancy qUality;
• new pack, 15 oz 4 for 33c.
Swift's. Premium Hams, new. process,
'11i ,, $1.59
Hickory . 11111 brand. Whole Chicken,,
3 ib., 4 :ivz ' , . . - $1.35
Aunt Ma 's' Sliced..Bread,' full 24 ,43z
99c with $5.00 order
Sweet, Sunkist Oranges, 5 ib bag . .; 750
' HOme-grown Tomatoes, No. 1 COokingpniOn,s,',
• Garden. fresh Cucumbers, attractively priced
Allen's, with •Vitaiini* ."C" added,
48 oz. — 2 tins 59c
4 r
;', ‘1•4'4,1
• • •
HELE, and Beth ' CooPer. and Delores Job. in white with, ‘ .green trim
1,----- Heffernan' who received profic- has added greatly to the appear-
mr.' 'Joe Stuart. is a atient in . .
''iency awards in the Lucknow ance of the village. mr. Finlay
Wingham and District) Hospital
District 'High 'School. • . of Lucknow' had the contract.
fallowing a /severe heart attack. •-.
Lt Brian of Camp .bor-
His many friends hope fOr. a Mrs. .Robinson Woods, *Mrs.
den was a recent visitor with
. •
Alex 1VItirdie and'IVIes. Mel Brown
are spending some time at their" mr. and 'Mrs'. John Cameron and
speedy _recovery. , , , . .
• Mr. and. Mrs. ' John Kuik'have •home here.
' fromtheirhoneymoon • J .
returned , . ,
and have taken .up,' residence Miss Anna 'Stuart has-. \been
here. We welcome Mrs.: Kuik honle'.frein Toronto owing to the
(formerly' Helen Little) to our illness. of rher . brother Joe
. . . , . ,
. • .
.omnitinity. - . , • , , - The • St. Helens Community
, s .. _ Mr. G. -A. Webb. ' *
Congratulations to Beth Coop- Hall, owned by the Women' in le .
er and Terry Wilson who won stitute, has taken on a new look , . , •
proficiency awards in Grade IX during the past week. The paint Is'. your subscription paid?,,
• Mr.' and Mrs. Wilson Bryan '&
Mr. 'arid, -.Mrs., Russell Keyes of
Orangeville were recent guests of
Mr. and. Mr. E. W. Rice and
memorial service, visitation of school; for-'
'nlIr'itaaqhe1'. and pupils taking part- Busses MONDAY :AUGUST 4
IF rt "Pick-up", service .at . • , . -
• ' ' (Morning open for. bqiwling visiting 1
& RDAY AFTERNOON,', 1,06 .. • • - 4 .•
preparation • of, .floats) •
children's parade; •flighland Day pro -
gr' dancirigy pipingiandfeats of strength MONDAY APTERNCON';
s , • an by members of the VorontO Polite thumpian parade.to Park, Five Bands; var-
Por our Pipe Bands featuring the TOr- iety •Vaudeville program, featuring Sarnia •
• ontPA ris. Pipe Band; vaudeville acts.. . LiOnettes_ (3,0 -piece, bugle band; Baton drill
it giris
SATUR3AY NIGHT" O'Connor bDorchester •
roupe, \tage she* and dance in arena; MONDAY NIGHT—Variety'Vaudeville shOw
provam 'of oldtime .fiddling, • square of professional, acts; cOncluding with fire-
ing, Scot 4'. dakeing ',and piping, .acipbatics: , works and. "Auld Lang Syrie" finale'„ Ceti-
andariini at in the Caledonian Park., . tennial Ball and Shirt TairParacie.
• 4 Wonderful . . . . 4, Terrific Days For Ohl and Young
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, August 1, 2, 3, 4
. , (all' programs ,under /cover in case of rain)
(Registration Opens In The ,Afternoon) SUNDAY MORJNING — CBC's "Salute to
Lucknow" and Neighborly News program
from Town Hall stage; Special Services 'in
all churches with reception and refreshments
to follow.•
FRIDAY EVENING, 7.30. -- Garden Party
variety'program and reunion M High School
Campus, ,Lucknow District High School Band,
Midway in Caledonian, Park, Durham Girls
.Trumpet Band, Torchlight, paradc. Dancing. SUNDAY AFTERNOON Legion Drum -
to , Shin Boucher and his Golden Prairie head, Service and -private visitation bi,eern-
CoWboys. , , eteries. • • ,
• - • ' • SUNDAY EVENING —'Special Lodge ser-
• SATURDAY 'AUGUST. 2 vices;'open air band concert and sing song,
17.feattiring-fgalvatiOr Arrriy Bandr,'Suriday7
SATURDAY MORNING; .9:66' a.m.—AlaCk-' midnight dance. • .
to -School ceremonies, including program,
hicken' Barbecue In.011Cration •Throughout The Centennial
WDE8]ThY, JiJT.Y: 23rd, 19
Centennial Commentary . . .
Lucknow's public buildings, in
Common with private homes and
busineSs places, loek . their
heSt at Centennial :tirne, The
TQWn. Hall, which •has, been re-
eeiving -Periodic attentiOn,.. has
•this' Year received its final
grooming 'even to the jscrubbing
.of the 41,cliteritnn.,-The Arena in-
terior„—entrance, rooms and hOe
key cushien is receiving.a coat,
of aluminum. paint.. Finally • the
Recreation• Centre; leased a .few
1.veekk..ago by The Legion, has
Undergone. a' transformation that:i
provides 'another ,public building
of whiCh, the Community and -the
Legion ,can, be justly proud,
* * "
.To J. C. (Joe) Armstrong,. it
appears, will go the sole. hOrior
• sporting a Centennial beard.'
An old-time choir is taking part
in the Garden Party. prograrn,
Joynt, and Joe wil •e• in it. rn
old-tinie costume and matching
The'prograrn will be good; we
assure you. Chinese lanterns
will add a deaorative, motive, and
neatly attired girls Will cater at
the tea tables or candy booth for
anyone, wishing to.. buy refresh-
ments. • The . Lucknow •District
High School Band will be in at-
tendance. In. case Of rain the
"Show" will be, in the schoei:
• •
Lucknow .PreS'bYterian Church
Evening :Auxiliary have avaa
able souvenir Plates, in cOnneet—
ion. with the Centennial. Th
plates carry a picture of the
church accompanying in,.
.seriptiPri and make .4,souv-
enir of th4, •Centennial ,
Plates. • are available frOrn
Member of :the Evening A x'l
iary and may be seen i.. J�
stone's FurnitUre".window; „
•-• '1 * *' • ,• •
The •CKNXILTV mobile unit
will -be iri'LticknoW at 'various-.
times during the Centennial.
IVIOndaY night the 'Executive
met with' four such committees. •
First was a 'discussion of the
arena floor in an effort 'to "come
up",, with the best possible, dane.
in • surface.' A lar• e anc1_12iLlL_
s T•e 4 e rertffrffilTr7
0"COnnOr show is a :must', and
details' of this. were -decided on.
A ,•chicken barbecue,' operated
by. a SpecialiSt in the' business,
will, along with local restaurants
and refreshment booths -,- • go a
long way to provide the facilities
for feeding the crOwd. Some Of
the. members of the Concessions
Committee had!a foretaste of the
chicken laif •Thursday and pro-.
riou,nce it as dehciOns. A iCen-
tennial booth will be operated in
conjunction' -.:with• the barbecue
and ,will be staffed by ladies'
organizations in the community:
Hoipernade pies will be featured
and here. the. desert feature will'
supplimerWthe chicken to: round
out a complete meal for about
$1..25. A notice in this itisSe. lists
the various booth staffs and when
they are on 'duty.' •. - ••
... .
• Some twenty strings .of cOlor-
ed lights . were strung last Week'
' by members . of the Lighting
Committee. These will really
make a shoW. at night.: They will
not. be turned on...until:, shortly
I b,efOre the, big event starts:
• Harvey, Webster, chairman. of
the - Decorating .CoMmittee, :re-
ported the first of .the week that
new banner greetings ' had been.
received, the companyhaving re-
placed the original ones which
did not standup to the weather.
A good 'deal of decorative mater,.
fal is On hand. Herb. Graham of
TorOnto,, and a former LucknOW
boy, will give .a •hand and "the
Voice of ',experience" in making
the best use of the decorations
They will .be going up any day
now. •, .
* * * •
. ..,‘
A big,,„illuiriiriated •eentemilal
birthday cake is being obtained
from Southarriptoti.. ',/ ' • •
"". A. commercial decorater drop-
ped into town the first, of the
4week,:,--and --with L.inany----a-itizens-
“up .t� their 'ears"' in 'Centennial
activities, he 'found no lack of
business, and went to work at
once festooning some store fronts.
The layout 'of the Caledonian
Park was discussed with the
stage to be at . the .pitcher's
rnOund; facing the hillwith the
"backstop" -Wire mesh to be re
moved. The bleachers will flank.
the area to the. hill, Which will
beused as a natural.' grandstand
in addition t temporary seating
front the • stage to the base of
.the -
The CaiithUmPian parade will
enter thepark by' he main en-
flank the ball field to
the west and cross :the • infield,
to the neW Willoughby St. exit.
Thiii• will permit' spectators to
go to the park and be sure of.
• seeing. the. parade'pass before.
them. 'Without' haying to stand
along the, route. •'.
• • * , •
Indicationsare that -there will
be no car parking in the park
during the .Saturday. " and Men -
day afternoon performances.
Adjacent gounds will be made
:full use - of arid a parking com-
mittee is being et iip. to assist
in- directing cars. •
The Sentinel is being beseiged
• Or detailed. program information.
" The' Program Committee ",chief".
anet wit the, Exceutive, the first
Of the week and a detailed pro-
gram breakdown- was .reviewed:
• Johnny 'Brent, who will MC at
least one clay's prograiri "sits in"
on. a Wednesday night meeting
and within the next few.' days
• a detailed• day-by-day program
vill be off the press — we hope!
. , - ,•
It's inieetino and more • Meet-
• ingrioW 'with : commits and
sub -committees in an ' effort to
finalize ,details , and delegate re..
' spc:,nalbility to keep; the,fOur.day
prograrn, running smoothla•
. .
-Raer Watson heads :up the Spec-
ial Events committee, Which. will, .
have a variety :Of riovelty classes
for. which prizes wili be offered,
The crowning .of the :Centennial
Queen cOrnesinider.their depart •
Ment.: :
It is plann'ed. to surround the
park with snow'.fence, 5o that
admission Will be possible' 'Only:
at the;main entrances: ',.;
• Dining the Centennial every-
one is requested• to regiSter=res-
idents of the community as 'well
as • visitors. Registration'•
quarters are in the .PUblie
rary at the'. Town Hall, where,
rest room facilities will also he:
available. Local fOlk, are urged.
to register. as soon as'possible
after 'registration opens.
• • • "
Mr. and Mrs. :.Gus Redmond
attended the. Walzaic4pendughast.
• .•
.at the'Lady; SOrrOws church, ,
L.. Miss_Palma, _MISS McPhedrarr,
and. Mrs. .Grant Turner;
and Mrs. Don Anderson, Petrolia •
Wermer.te, caeririd. tvisitors Ry
orSaat the home
few days with :her friend4 GWCfl-
dolyn• Redmond, last' week.
• Mrs... GeneVieVe' -kinahan of
the Will xpiefinath'atrihet;Owitie,Vt-ericl
• 4rMe, O:ivieCriaciianriici.ob,feorwria„ddeatytes:..oLteiltdhY0
home of, the tfllO Mn jack.
• O'Connor of • Kingsbridge • this
week, • •
Mr„ Michael Xiriahari of 14)i.
don visited finds here 'td ifl
Walkerion. Over- the week.-•end;Australia „.
'arera.S'peritgG;Ar4n:esttif -lit).!'
monthsrn�r , •
Raynnd 1d°'
Mrs, Oar:rier is, a sister Mrs.rA.
ltemo.a. •