HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 2PAGE TWO • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKi]OW. ONTARIO - rr SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY , • SWIFTS. PREM for -89.C. Seat Fancy Qu1it SOCKEYE SALMON, Save 4c, %'s tins 45c Wagstaffe Strawberri Jam . • with :added Pectin • TSave2c, 24 oz. jar C7'1./SliftraDDEEPWICI ave .4c 2 pkgsi-,35c Orders taken for Wallace's TURKEYS, and.TURKEY ROLLS . - • Turkeys, 5-jbs and up - -s ' Rolls; -any.: size Blue &, Gold 'brand .Peas, fancy qUality; • new pack, 15 oz 4 for 33c. Swift's. Premium Hams, new. process, '11i ,, $1.59 Hickory . 11111 brand. Whole Chicken,, 3 ib., 4 :ivz ' , . . - $1.35 Aunt Ma 's' Sliced..Bread,' full 24 ,43z • CUPS & SAUCERS PREMIUM 99c with $5.00 order FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES • Sweet, Sunkist Oranges, 5 ib bag . .; 750 ' HOme-grown Tomatoes, No. 1 COokingpniOn,s,', • Garden. fresh Cucumbers, attractively priced 1 ORANGE or GRAPE ID.RINK Allen's, with •Vitaiini* ."C" added, 48 oz. — 2 tins 59c ;1. A '41 1.3 1 fp!'l f th 4 r ;', ‘1•4'4,1 •,,, *,,s• • • • a '1)1-IONE 26 FREE DELIVERY S HELE, and Beth ' CooPer. and Delores Job. in white with, ‘ .green trim 1,----- Heffernan' who received profic- has added greatly to the appear- mr.' 'Joe Stuart. is a atient in . . ''iency awards in the Lucknow ance of the village. mr. Finlay Wingham and District) Hospital District 'High 'School. • . of Lucknow' had the contract. fallowing a /severe heart attack. •-. Lt Brian of Camp .bor- His many friends hope fOr. a Mrs. .Robinson Woods, *Mrs. den was a recent visitor with . • Alex 1VItirdie and'IVIes. Mel Brown are spending some time at their" mr. and 'Mrs'. John Cameron and speedy _recovery. , , , . . • Mr. and. Mrs. ' John Kuik'have •home here. ' fromtheirhoneymoon • J . returned , . , and have taken .up,' residence Miss Anna 'Stuart has-. \been here. We welcome Mrs.: Kuik honle'.frein Toronto owing to the . (formerly' Helen Little) to our illness. of rher . brother Joe . . . , . , . • . .omnitinity. - . , • , , - The • St. Helens Community , s .. _ Mr. G. -A. Webb. ' * Congratulations to Beth Coop- Hall, owned by the Women' in le . er and Terry Wilson who won stitute, has taken on a new look , . , • proficiency awards in Grade IX during the past week. The paint Is'. your subscription paid?,, • Mr.' and Mrs. Wilson Bryan '& Mr. 'arid, -.Mrs., Russell Keyes of Orangeville were recent guests of Mr. and. Mr. E. W. Rice and k memorial service, visitation of school; for-' 'nlIr'itaaqhe1'. and pupils taking part- Busses MONDAY :AUGUST 4 IF rt "Pick-up", service .at . • , . - \ • ' ' (Morning open for. bqiwling visiting 1 & RDAY AFTERNOON,', 1,06 .. • • - 4 .• preparation • of, .floats) • ar children's parade; •flighland Day pro - gr' dancirigy pipingiandfeats of strength MONDAY APTERNCON'; s , • an by members of the VorontO Polite thumpian parade.to Park, Five Bands; var- Por our Pipe Bands featuring the TOr- iety •Vaudeville program, featuring Sarnia • • ontPA ris. Pipe Band; vaudeville acts.. . LiOnettes_ (3,0 -piece, bugle band; Baton drill it giris SATUR3AY NIGHT" O'Connor bDorchester • roupe, \tage she* and dance in arena; MONDAY NIGHT—Variety'Vaudeville shOw provam 'of oldtime .fiddling, • square of professional, acts; cOncluding with fire- ing, Scot 4'. dakeing ',and piping, .acipbatics: , works and. "Auld Lang Syrie" finale'„ Ceti- andariini at in the Caledonian Park., . tennial Ball and Shirt TairParacie. • 4 Wonderful . . . . 4, Terrific Days For Ohl and Young Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, August 1, 2, 3, 4 . , (all' programs ,under /cover in case of rain) FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1 SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 (Registration Opens In The ,Afternoon) SUNDAY MORJNING — CBC's "Salute to Lucknow" and Neighborly News program from Town Hall stage; Special Services 'in all churches with reception and refreshments to follow.• FRIDAY EVENING, 7.30. -- Garden Party variety'program and reunion M High School Campus, ,Lucknow District High School Band, Midway in Caledonian, Park, Durham Girls .Trumpet Band, Torchlight, paradc. Dancing. SUNDAY AFTERNOON Legion Drum - to , Shin Boucher and his Golden Prairie head, Service and -private visitation bi,eern- CoWboys. , , eteries. • • , • - • ' • SUNDAY EVENING —'Special Lodge ser- • SATURDAY 'AUGUST. 2 vices;'open air band concert and sing song, 17.feattiring-fgalvatiOr Arrriy Bandr,'Suriday7 SATURDAY MORNING; .9:66' a.m.—AlaCk-' midnight dance. • . to -School ceremonies, including program, MIDWAY RIDE , OOHS, BINGO I5 iANDS' , ,4' NIGHTS OF DANCING hicken' Barbecue In.011Cration •Throughout The Centennial • • • • WDE8]ThY, JiJT.Y: 23rd, 19 ..„ Centennial Commentary . . . Lucknow's public buildings, in Common with private homes and busineSs places, loek . their heSt at Centennial :tirne, The TQWn. Hall, which •has, been re- eeiving -Periodic attentiOn,.. has •this' Year received its final grooming 'even to the jscrubbing .of the 41,cliteritnn.,-The Arena in- terior„—entrance, rooms and hOe key cushien is receiving.a coat, of aluminum. paint.. Finally • the Recreation• Centre; leased a .few 1.veekk..ago by The Legion, has Undergone. a' transformation that:i provides 'another ,public building of whiCh, the Community and -the Legion ,can, be justly proud, * * " .To J. C. (Joe) Armstrong,. it appears, will go the sole. hOrior of • sporting a Centennial beard.' An old-time choir is taking part in the Garden Party. prograrn, Joynt, and Joe wil •e• in it. rn old-tinie costume and matching "goatee". The'prograrn will be good; we assure you. Chinese lanterns will add a deaorative, motive, and neatly attired girls Will cater at the tea tables or candy booth for anyone, wishing to.. buy refresh- ments. • The . Lucknow •District High School Band will be in at- tendance. In. case Of rain the "Show" will be, in the schoei: •• HAVE' SCPV1,1IRS. • • Lucknow .PreS'bYterian Church Evening :Auxiliary have avaa able souvenir Plates, in cOnneet— ion. with the Centennial. Th plates carry a picture of the church accompanying in,. .seriptiPri and make .4,souv- enir of th4, •Centennial , Plates. • are available frOrn Member of :the Evening A x'l iary and may be seen i.. J� stone's FurnitUre".window; „ •-• '1 * *' • ,• • The •CKNXILTV mobile unit will -be iri'LticknoW at 'various-. times during the Centennial. IVIOndaY night the 'Executive met with' four such committees. • First was a 'discussion of the arena floor in an effort 'to "come up",, with the best possible, dane. in • surface.' A lar• e anc1_12iLlL_ s T•e 4 e rertffrffilTr7 0"COnnOr show is a :must', and details' of this. were -decided on. A ,•chicken barbecue,' operated by. a SpecialiSt in the' business, will, along with local restaurants and refreshment booths -,- • go a long way to provide the facilities for feeding the crOwd. Some Of the. members of the Concessions Committee had!a foretaste of the chicken laif •Thursday and pro-. riou,nce it as dehciOns. A iCen- tennial booth will be operated in conjunction' -.:with• the barbecue and ,will be staffed by ladies' organizations in the community: Hoipernade pies will be featured and here. the. desert feature will' supplimerWthe chicken to: round out a complete meal for about $1..25. A notice in this itisSe. lists the various booth staffs and when they are on 'duty.' •. - •• ... . • Some twenty strings .of cOlor- ed lights . were strung last Week' ' by members . of the Lighting Committee. These will really make a shoW. at night.: They will not. be turned on...until:, shortly I b,efOre the, big event starts: • Harvey, Webster, chairman. of the - Decorating .CoMmittee, :re- ported the first of .the week that new banner greetings ' had been. received, the companyhaving re- placed the original ones which did not standup to the weather. A good 'deal of decorative mater,. fal is On hand. Herb. Graham of TorOnto,, and a former LucknOW boy, will give .a •hand and "the Voice of ',experience" in making the best use of the decorations They will .be going up any day •• now. •, . * * * • , . ..,‘ A big,,„illuiriiriated •eentemilal birthday cake is being obtained from Southarriptoti.. ',/ ' • • "". A. commercial decorater drop- ped into town the first, of the 4week,:,--and --with L.inany----a-itizens- “up .t� their 'ears"' in 'Centennial activities, he 'found no lack of business, and went to work at once festooning some store fronts. 1 The layout 'of the Caledonian Park was discussed with the stage to be at . the .pitcher's rnOund; facing the hillwith the "backstop" -Wire mesh to be re moved. The bleachers will flank. the area to the. hill, Which will beused as a natural.' grandstand in addition t temporary seating front the • stage to the base of .the - . • The CaiithUmPian parade will enter thepark by' he main en- trance, , flank the ball field to the west and cross :the • infield, to the neW Willoughby St. exit. Thiii• will permit' spectators to go to the park and be sure of. • seeing. the. parade'pass before. them. 'Without' haying to stand along the, route. •'. • • * , • Indicationsare that -there will be no car parking in the park during the .Saturday. " and Men - day afternoon performances. Adjacent gounds will be made :full use - of arid a parking com- mittee is being et iip. to assist in- directing cars. • The Sentinel is being beseiged • Or detailed. program information. " The' Program Committee ",chief". anet wit the, Exceutive, the first Of the week and a detailed pro- gram breakdown- was .reviewed: • Johnny 'Brent, who will MC at least one clay's prograiri "sits in" on. a Wednesday night meeting and within the next few.' days • a detailed• day-by-day program vill be off the press — we hope! . , - ,• It's inieetino and more • Meet- • ingrioW 'with : commits and sub -committees in an ' effort to finalize ,details , and delegate re.. 1. ' spc:,nalbility to keep; the,fOur.day prograrn, running smoothla• . . -Raer Watson heads :up the Spec- ial Events committee, Which. will, . have a variety :Of riovelty classes for. which prizes wili be offered, The crowning .of the :Centennial Queen cOrnesinider.their depart • Ment.: : It is plann'ed. to surround the park with snow'.fence, 5o that admission Will be possible' 'Only: at the;main entrances: ',.; • • • Dining the Centennial every- one is requested• to regiSter=res- idents of the community as 'well as • visitors. Registration'• quarters are in the .PUblie Lib- rary at the'. Town Hall, where, rest room facilities will also he: available. Local fOlk, are urged. to register. as soon as'possible after 'registration opens. • • • " .S.T.AUGUSTIN.E.:= •, Mr. and Mrs. :.Gus Redmond attended the. Walzaic4pendughast. • .• _ .at the'Lady; SOrrOws church, , L.. Miss_Palma, _MISS McPhedrarr, and. Mrs. .Grant Turner; and Mrs. Don Anderson, Petrolia • Wermer.te, caeririd. tvisitors Ry orSaat the home df few days with :her friend4 GWCfl- dolyn• Redmond, last' week. • Mrs... GeneVieVe' -kinahan of Sat the Will xpiefinath'atrihet;Owitie,Vt-ericl • 4rMe, O:ivieCriaciianriici.ob,feorwria„ddeatytes:..oLteiltdhY0 home of, the tfllO Mn jack. • O'Connor of • Kingsbridge • this week, • • Mr„ Michael Xiriahari of 14)i. don visited finds here 'td ifl Walkerion. Over- the week.-•end;Australia „. 'arera.S'peritgG;Ar4n:esttif -lit).!' monthsrn�r , • Raynnd 1d°' Mrs, Oar:rier is, a sister Mrs.rA. ltemo.a. • •