HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-16, Page 96th, 1958; qq< 94c 17r 19c now ss 'ER. teed )wet 9th. ren' FREE.:' arriving L. PARK The 'final ors didn't any;:: but' Ittic: Bill pared the:: )ley with' ;" Walters.. • he' mound with Mc - DK tge '7 )" • 1 the -first' eir fairiil'y 'daughter one time.: t' for the inlay;. In-/ rs. Cham- Wi•n Wingham, amne._'.. Yol, idson' Bil 'Mrs; aid, 'Brian ` E Niagara;.: lainney d Gordon, ily of ,y. Brown" wEDNE6$JAYu JULY "16th, 1958 ° , • . p THE LUCKNOW SENl'INEL, LUCKNOW,,• ONTARIO �'pRM HURON WEST indigent pat• ients; 666.75^, Post Mice, unemployment stamps .& stamps 21.4 . .stamps, � 3, ,S. R. Hart,, assess- merit roll and ':extra sheets; 78,53; Joseph Emerson lamb. .mb killed by dogs, 24.6.0; Charles Emmerton, •live• stock.. valuator, 2.50; Earl 'Tont, vacation pay, .. :. 27•74:• •..Follo'ck Eleetric, spra .er re -a• Y p rrs, , 1,88, • Dr'• R, W, 'Blackwell; school den- tal services;" 92,50;'; Dr. Jas Lit- tie, .school dental services, 55,00;; C1 NX., advt.., 700.. . Road, Accounts, Payroll: • Steve Irwin, superin tndent,: $295.00; Gordon Stewart/ grader- .opeator,. 258.55;' John' 13lacicett,' labor,, 79.90; roads: Gor- don Stewart, 'vacation pay 50.00; . Steve . Irwin, ;vacation pay, 74.00;. John Blackett,' vacation ' pay, 30.00;`McA•rthur Hdwe., brushkill and tools, 61.53; Imperial Oil, oil. and .fuel oil, 120.41; Gordon Em.-. merton, chain awing,s24:00; Ve per .Brown, chain •sawing, 81.60; David Lowry, . chain sawing,. ARE A 'SCH ®OL liurOn Township: Council met on July 7th ,with All present. • A report w'as received; • from; R. J. Cailighan, district engineer,, who recornm e ded snother bridge d ge n Con. 6, Lot. '40, and ,suggested we try to get the 'bridge at Chep- stowe from. the County of Bruce. Moved by •MCMurchy-Campbell that we advertise for' tenders for. 'moving the , Chepstowe. • bridge and .ereeting it, •TireAi..ister of. Ecducation_,gave his a '.royal .to .the Townshipby; '.• law�,setting apart the'• Township « ,r Area * of "Huron •=School .. n . .T eluding •Sections 5 9 and' 13 and .also appointed . Mr;• J. M. Game;: Public School Inspector, ,as ref- ' eree to value, adjust and deter- mine all rights and claims. of the 'different school sections_entering. the Township' school area: Mr. make lis • report to the Minister. The • following accounts were ordered' `paid: Ivan . Pollock, care of cemetery, $129h05;•Jol n Dodds, eavetroughing at cemetery., 49..45; Adam. MacDonald, work at cern, 'etery . building,: •1.12.00; Ardell.. Mason,work at ,ceinetery; 30;00 Robert Lowry work at cemetery, 118.50; `Andrew Cameron, work' at cemetery, 75.50;;. McArthur Hard- ware, sprayer. repairs, 9.71; 'John S. MacDonald;" care ' of Ball, 20.50; Telephone ••System, phone' in, hall' and tolls; 20.40; Registry Office, list of deeds, 4.16; Co. of Bruce,. • T' ire, , tire, repairs,, '4$.15; Ronald Lowry, mower operator, ,,60 00; L. N. HoWe,. ,calcium chloride,) 1,4-22.27.*; Harvey Hagedorn, brush gill,: 375.75;. Steve' irwii'i , tolls, hydro in 'shed, 12.15;, Harry Coll h g, hauling' ,gravel, .1,025.25; W. L. Shantz, bulldozer i rynd scraper', 1;224.10' C..Rf fre t 14 - Council adjourned to" meet .en Tuesday,. August 5th; EARL TOUT, Clerk. sawing, 72.75; Duncan Thorborn, chain sawing, 24.00; Jack Camp- bell, ' chain • sawing, 12.75; :Glen .Campbell, chain sawing, 83.20;' Hugh Mason, chain' sawing, 67.50; James D. McTavish, • chain saw- ing, 234.60; Graham. Cook,- bull- dozing, 901M0;. D. .G: MacDon- ald, gasoline, -18.90.; Leslie 'Ray, levelling gravel,' , 2.25., Verner Brown, , levelling:,gravel, 1 4.50; Ken'' MacKay, mower repairs, 1805;, W. L. Ballentine. Co., grad- er repairs, 13.86;. Franks Garage, repairs, 10.95; G. W. Crothers, grader repairs, 18.73; McArthur SUFFERED ALE INJURY WNK HILE VISITING IN 'ASHFI;ELD; Rene Gray, daughter of •Mf; and Mrs'. Tapper Gray,, of North Ba e•v sitin' whil v i `ti Gray her_grand:- parents' rand=parents ,home . to attend her aunt's . wedding, had •the ' misfor- tune to fall• in the barn, tutting her ankle so badly it 'had to 'be ' put in a cast, .which.' she nnus't wear for six or eight 'weeks. • The . Gray family,. all . except Al --Ian ' who ` will remain at, the Iarm -o• . , LLY'i turned ' to North Bay. PAGE; NINE, CENTENNIAL Their corsages were pink roses. For h . JOTS and TITTLES , t ehr wedding'trip east •the ' bride chose • a 'beige linen ;Sheath" t . Just a couple of weeks. more rand.owncoa:,accessoriesensemble w andith maint; whitande and we'll be oh/the, eve; .of the orchid corsage, big event. •* * * ' They will live in London, Ont. The bride is a graduate of Vic In spite of theme fact that some toric Hospital school of nursing, • 4 people have donee a. tremendous 1.amount of work to . date--- and r muchyet to , e . don . the e s c b. e enthusiasm mounts.. ' And while ;the workers may grow weary it Is ,not.' a ease of get it over, but rather, ."Put it over.. ' :Some" ho: -db: Iittle or 'flailing; as is always the' case,: are those tbickering: How o_' a et who d .th petty y How- ever, if is of no consequence. '� • * * Generally speaking, the •' effort and enthusiasm has been terrific, and. •thishas been stimulated in no small measure by the encour- agement ' and support. of 'former 'residents, 'many of ' whom , are home". . *.*. The 'Back -to -School program of JUNE ABNORMALLY COOL Saturday -mornin will have a: Y g o •. . , big appeal to many .of the h me_ The official' weather resume for/ comers as• they. return • to, the the month of . June shows a high' classrooms where they learned of 80 degrees, a low of ,34 de-: 'the 3R's. The committee ; would g:reel . and. .2:14, . inches of rain, like as many as will, or can, to, That was , more rainfall • 'han' "dress: up" in school togs of their some ' would think, • and. along, era, 'and . to bring along, •what with; an- abnormally' cool month, old school books ' they can 'res- slowed: growth. For exactly half urrect. - • "the month, the prevailing winds were from the north or north- The bills: are out giving a run - west. H, down• . of :the daily., •programs— ONTARIU HOG PRODUCERS CO-OPERATIVE ►ecal .Message "Local County farmers will have .a •: lot. at stake when voting' takes place July 25, Onthe hog marketing plan"., says Mr. 'Mc- Gillivray, president of the Bruce County Hog Producers Association. "Hog .raising is oaucer's:. •' The, co-op ,:sales staff, Mr.., McGillivray explained, are .skilled and experienced live- stock' traders having complete •.market • ;data :at , their fingertips: Such information.as retail •prices, 'wholesale. movement of mat, and.. conditions on • all important. North iihportant, to :local o a'of the , American ; markets com:es. ,into the: 'ffice 'operative's. . l farnriers because •` era ive's. salesmen meet )buyers on equal important source``of income it p . . revides for'regularly. With such Information th� , . our .'farm families •terms'. • 1VIr. McGillivray; °.told, The ; Sentinel.' re ;porter in an•interview•that he feels that. the Ontario Hog Producers' Associatro.n, and its. selling agency the ' Ontario Hog Producers Co-operative, have • accomplished a great deal in, the short time the ,marketing.:plan; has been' in operation. Mr. McGillivary' says the. biggest :job now' facing those in. favour of the present plan .is to be'.*sure 'that .pro- ducers are informed as. to what is" at stake in the , voting. '.Other members :Of the 1ocal producers coMmittee, along with Mr .Mc- Gillivray are supporting the plan • . . These' 'i len . 'and, womef"i , are, confidem that' the vote' will.' be favorable When the 'ballots, are counted- on, "July ` 25, but :they stress that' every prndticer ' sh.oujd'get , out • and vote. , h ohme voter", saes Its often the stay at . , . 'Ir, .McGillivra "who' has • a .major .effect the ^rte "The 'issue at' 'stake . in this: election"..'• says Mr..: McGillivray, '`is Whether :hog .pro- uee o have rs will cbntrnue t r, d the right to co -e skilled,' well-informed: peratively • hire- " sk salesmen to represent therm in the' market, ' • or whether they will r 'eturn to the former. • chaotic coriditioris "The. convenient )tical Marketing ards" `;sa "s Mr: McGillivray, "are ..a .ve . a y' � Y part of the,.. 1'y: important. and necessary • whole, plan. Without •the Marketing yards. the plan 'would, not 'be able' to function as well :as it does": • "The whole issue at stake, webelieve", says:: Mr..: McGillivray, "is that our co-op salesmen cannot . bargain for 'higher price, " ia:nless they have hogs 'in their own yards. Nor can ; they bargain:'` to sell hogs unless able to : guarantee delivery of 'a stated num,: ber at; an, agreed pricer The salesmen must have, hogs in theyards before they can 'sell . . •ahem"., ..' According. to Mr. McGillivray,. at the . presentt, e p .. •im 90 percent of Ontario hogs are ' moving through the Co-operatives Market-:'. ing. yards; With this number, the Co-op can'. dp. a good sales. job, and the.. small numbers moving, direct; break' the price. In contrast to , the present , excellent situation; :;�before 'the .Co-operative opeped its market i.n "a'rds, less than 10 percent of the hogs market- ing. moved through public, yards, with: the re-' mi... g anin � 90 percent 'going ' direct .to plants% 1 hen ;it was a case of 50,O00 'producers each individually• selling hogs to a •few buyers, McGillivray, explained'. "You can see:who • as ' in the better,.bargaining' Position",, he' "Individual producers like ' myself a dd i i•i•'t have: all the market infori>7i ion, the time to study it if '.we had. ,Even with • •the i foil nation, we were in •no:bargaining, position'': " Mr. ''McGi11ivray concluded by em- Yasizrpg that . the directors of the'' Ontario Pl � .,g. • Ho'�.'• Producers' Association , are continually forward to making improvernents 1ook,x g in the present' marketing plan:: He pointed opt' that policy, matters. are decij1'ed by •the rank`and •file members in annual' and semi "annual,' meetings; arid• that 11 •provincial tlir'eetors are a'11' elected for one year: terns.;; Sponsored` by, Bruce, and. V uron County Hog Producers 5 and' if one ..but reads the line-up of . talent and' entertainment, . they surely can't' but ' 'be convinced that it looks like "a really ''big.: shoo",- • London, ST JOHIN OFFICER, OFFERS.. HIS; HELP John R. Wilson of Stratford has"received -official .advice' to. -the effect that Her "Majesty' the Queen, the Sovereign Head of the Order ' of St.. John; •has'been graciously pleased to sanction'his:. admission as Serving Brother of the` -Order.The honor was ef- fective June 16th; the date - of her Majesty's Signed Mannual: • Mr. Wilson. is a son-in-law of Philip Stewart: of Lucknow. his During the Centennial ' every- one is requested to ;register -res- idents of the community as well. as + visitors Registration head- quarters. ate • .in the , Public Lib- rary at. the. Town ' Hall, where rest room facilities will also ,be available.: The' 'hours of ,registry tion : for the four days appear. elsewhere ' in an advertisement. in this issue. Local folk are urged to.'' register as" soon as possible. after . °registratiop 'opens.: wart. Mr. Wilson is. •a former 'sup- erintendent sup-erinte ident and now .reserve of-. fiver' of . the 'Stratford Division of the St. John Ambulance Bri- gade. He instructed ' the Lucknow Fire Company 'in firstaid work a couple: of years ago, and if' his holidays permit, he ; has .offered „to assist' the Company.' in first 'aid work during the' Centennial. He has: reeeived many honors. for' his ' St. John work; climaxed.' by the recent award. Later this year all those chosen for the. honor .will , be invested at Gov- ernment ov ernment ' House,,, Ottawa, : by ,His Excellency the Rt. ' Hon.. Vincent Massey. L �CKNOW •fORME�R, U RES I DENT 'WED McALPINE,—, MLMSTRONG' .Rev. Joseph Armstrong of Hes-, peter, 'assisted- by Rev: Peter Renner of Teeswater, , officiated Saturday, 'July .5th , atthe, Wed- ding, of Marjorie Elaine Ann- strong rm .strong and' Mr.. Donald Kenneth McAlP ine, `both of London, Ont: Pink and white peonies graced. Teeswater United Church, for the ceremony. Soloist: Mr. Frank Ren-. wick .was -accompanied 'b Mr. Bruce McTavish at the organ. Mr. and, Mrs.• Robert',J..Aim- strong . of Teeswater ' are.the 'bride"s .parents. Mr. McAlpin' is a . son of -Mr. and',Mrs. Cecil. D.• McAlpine of, Windsor .;and form- erly ,of. Lucknow. White sequins. and pearl,§' ac- cented' the guipure bordered , sa- brina:neckline of the brdie's taf- feta gown. Panniers of •-lace , set off the full skirt which 'swept to a chapel train. A matching '.pillbox held 'her fingertip: french' ' illusion veil which 'was etched with lace.' She carried . a; white • Bible with a anotis and ivy ; h..-. <. hit eP � e M rs. Ronald Harrison' of Owen, Sound was •matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Donald Stone • of 'Toronto,' a sister, of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Lloyd 'An- • ders 'on of London, Ont,', They wore: similar gowns ' of sky blue dotted swiss with cum- merbunds and headbands of. or- i'en.tal blue ',satin. •Nosegays ' of sweet peas, aind pink carnations completed their ensembles. • .Mr. Clare Stanley of Lucan was best marl. Mr. Harold, , Armstrong of ' Hamilton," a brother of:'' the .bride; and Mr. • Eugene Somer- ville. of Lorid'on, Ont:,. ushered. Receiving in thea church parlor the bride's mother wore 'navy shantung with pink accessories. The bridegroom's mother, chose • navy an.d'white dotted pique with black • , and. white accessories. • BROW N I ES.'..F LY -U AT KINT'AIL BEACH A Flying=up ceremony was the highlightof a Girl Guide -Brown- ie, picnic ' at :Kintail Beach ' last.. Friday. As ,.an . end. to - .a year's work the 'Girl Guides and Brownies and .• a ` few of their mothers and '` younger- brothers and sistei.s/'net•. at:.' Mrs. A. • E: 'McKim's Cottage. Brown Owl Mrs. Jim Boyle and Tawny Owl Beverley Ashton pre. rented Elizabeth Pollock • and Peggy Button with their Golden Hand and Brownie ;' Wings. The!' girls : then 'met' the Guide Cap,/ tain ' Mrs. 'Harvey . Irwin, Guide ; ', Lieutenant Ann Crawford and the Girl. Guides:: 1 Present to see their grand- -daughter, Elizabeth Pollock, join the, Girl Guide Company were Rev.. and: Mrs. Ernest Howe of England., Mrs. ' McKim; presented Mrs. Jim ,Boyle and Mrs. ''.Harvey •.Ir- .. win with warrants 'for Brown 'Owl 'and Guide Captain. respect ively. Theywere presented' after completion of - the prescribed: amount of ' initial :leadership.' ',Other badges were presented to 'a• number of. Brownies. • Golden ' Bars ' Janice. Brooks,' Donna Button,. Marion Button, . Donna Corrin,; Mary .Finlayson, Ruth' Gilkesi; Jane Joynt, Wendy ' MacKenzie, Joan MacKenzie,' Linda O'Don- nell, :Arleata'. Pollock,' Sharon: Whitby, Betty • Marriott, Islay':.. Howald, Susan Cleland, Helen Jbhnston, Sharon Mowbray, Mar- lene Porter, Karen. Wasney. ' iiollectorS Badge • Cheryle Jardine, Sharon Whit; ✓' ' Karen 'Wastrey °: Marlon -Bart - ton,. Arleata Pollock, Wendy Mc- Kenzie, Donnan ' Corrin; 'Jane Joynt, Linda .,O'D'onnell, • Joan , MacKenzie, .Islay ;l-Iowald, Mary Finlayson, °Peggy Button, Donna' Button, Elizabeth. Pollock, • Susan. Cleland, • Janice Brooks, : Helen Johnston, Sharon Mowbray, Bet- ty 'Mari;iatt Service , Stars " First ,year:. Janice. Brooks; Don- na Button;, Marion Button, Susan' Cleland,. Donna Corrin, ' Mary Finlayson, NBtith • Gilkes, Islay I owald y Helen Johnston, Jane, Joynt, Sharon Mowbray, Joan MacKenzie,' •'Wendy • MacKenzie; Linda O'lDon0(1e14 Arleata 'Pollock, Marlene Porter, Karen. Wasney; 2 year: Peggy Button,; CheryleJardine, Sharon .Whitby'; 8 year,, Elizabeth Pollock Betty„ Marriott. • • -1 • o s