HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-09, Page 10pitcusTEN • • THE LUCKNOW SEMDTEL, UKOW, .01TrAn1cX WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, .1958 crisp, cool: ,S EasY-caTe. cattons, wonder blends, in lOvely 'color choice, prints, „solids, sizes :10720, 141/2-243/2. ' .; $4.95 - , $10,95 • • •MMATII & C 1a E .IALESSES—in latestshades, 10-18, imn•IT§ & CQTTol•TS—sizes. 12-20, 141/2-24% • at Rt.V$2,98 $3.98 for 'Your . . . "- • SUMMER VACATION NEED§. SLIM JIMS-L, _PEDAL .PUMERS-1-7-1r7SHIRTS„ SKORTS SHORTS , BATHING SUIT- by Catalina and Beatrice Pines 'AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS lilri.1rick-up and DeliVeii .MompAy and Thursday. • INDIJCTI , HELD SURD ENING: Rev. Gord R. Geiger, BD. • was inducted as pastor of Lucinow United Church congre- gation at an impressi've service on Sunday evening,' conducted by clergYrnen Prtice. Presby- ter*, R9v..9eigO'vktaS' called here as; Successor to Rev. G. Meikle'. john. who has 'gone to Forest al- ter a six-year pastorate in Luck - now. Rev,. Geiger cornes ;from Biribrook. Rey. . P. A. Brirtion f RiPleY coatitlgted,rthe,servi,Ce,--adirresse4• the minister.. and performed the 'cpreniorfy of induction. Rev. Elry"; ,d,qtypdinted-.out that Rev.. Geig- er's "first'. responsibility was to ° "'Tend th iFl�ck of God". He said 'that ,Pastoral oversight was a wonderful thing,. • and that' , while the task 9f the l'ilinisfer. -.is not a 'bed of ease, he assured Mr, Geiger hewould find strong, • • I.G.A. T()IYIATO JtJ10E .--4g I.G.A. sEitviErryts 19° J$DIES' 'S .AND el-IILDREll'S WEAR .. • , Piece Goods and Woollens. ' • PHONE ,45-W • tt.TCHNOW, ,ONT. sr:role- r,..tst.:. -so s- r.r. Rev. J, A. Slade Of Port El-. gin,• addressed the congregation,. and reminded,.them that they had called in.' God's name a man to. be their minister, their , pastor, •an 'one in. fellowship With them, The 'ministry. is an exacting and \ demanding job, he said, ...and pointed (nit'. Several ways in „which the congregation could support their niinister;•• by .reg-. War church attendance by an expectancy that. Will draw out the -best in the ,minister, by, pray- ing for him and with him, , arid .by an' appreciation .of •his efforts.. . Happy is the minister, the church and the congregation .where picaeiatioxi is shown, be. conelud- PA • In Recognition of the GRAND OPENING of the LUCKNOW LEGION HALL (formerly the Recreation Centre), e nes a - 1Vrusic by - Clair Neil and His 7 -Piece Orchestra of Harriston --- Admission 75c I ' I SEE BYTHI SENTINEL . : . . , • . • • 'THAT. from A. Stewart of De- troit •coines an enquiry as to • the 'date of 'The ',Caledonian Ciarnes" to he held in, Luck- • •noW this year. It is not the intention of the Committee to ' try• to revive "The Games". but Saturday, 'AugOst. 2rid Will be; typically Scottish, • withpipe bands, ..Scotch' dancing, and • dem.onstratiOns of:featsof skill • ,' • !..ReV. and Mrs. Geiger were in- troduced ' to the cdrigregation, by Mr: and Mrs. K C,,.Mitrdie, and a welcome and reception, follow- ed • •in•the •Fellowship ,1100111; ••When the gathering 'enjoyed the light4ieirtedneSs and . inf�rrnal- jty of a Social hour, ,with W. L. NfaCkenzie acting as chairman.' Greetings and, a .hearty wel- come Were extended to ,Rev. and Mrs. Geiger Irani the various de- partments of the church by iErn- est Blake, J. W. Joynt, -Mrs,.Wr- non 'Hunter, Patricia ThornPson and. Melvin, MOrrison; Local. and. •viSiting clergymen 'and., the' repreSentatives of pies, byteryTwere each' called on and wished ;God'S blessing .upon- Rev. and. Mrs. Geiger. that . their min- istry :there be happy • and -.frUit, . • fruit- ful. • .' . . . Humour prevailed. and the ,wticisinS.: of , the .speakers ;made for a ,happy eVening. Those call- ed .on Were:. Rev.: H. L. Jennings, Rev: Wallace 1VicQlean Rev. trri- eSt 1-1ovtie :of 'England; father Of Mrs Jack Pollock,, Rev. Sach of iervie. and Rev.. 'Mr. New, ,a friend whoaccompanied hini to the service, .a Well aS'. the two. officiating clergymen,: Ref. Slade and .Rev. Brydon, and» strength, •traditional . of • •those.bygone days. It is not; a day •of. competitions, •but rather, one that . will have a predominent 'Scottish atmos- phere throughout the afternoon • and, evening. ..............• • .THAT the Arena Committee met. . on IVIonday• evening; and made. Wang to . do some painting ,and cleaning up in the, arena prior • • to •the Centennial. . - • THAT Bill. Robinson, so of ..Mr;: and •:.3#rs: Howard Robinson, .• :left --on Monday __Owen Sound to. join the crew of the SS. A.:Hudson/ • . THAT Kenneth lskaclDonald, son ,' of Mr. and ,IVIrs:Wtn. M.. Mae- •- Donald of town; is at 'Cadet camp at CampCfpperwash for •h Seven weeks' course. • • Rev. Geiker was • then called, on, andexpressed thanks for the Warmth of the welcome, Refresh- ments were served to conclude a happy evenin. • s.4.4k .; 4. itt ,".•': 40" • .'. ...,„„ LUCKNOW OYS'.81-1013TS-Khaki drill, elastic • jack, halfblt, sizes 7 to 11 years, pair • , • $1.59 MEN'S SWIM TRUI\IKS-brief Or boxer , style, 5; M, L and ) 3L .. ........ . .. . :„. .. , . .. .. . . $1.98, to $2,89' -MEN'S TSVIRTS—"t'eprnarist% White. and assorted colrs, price .: . ... 89C or 2 for. $1.69„ HARVEST HATS—Fedora and Wide brim styles 50e • Coric. Hel/ets .... . :a i••••4•4 $4 .. a••• tarob• . 444 IMPORTED COTTON SIDRSSES4Cool and gai,. ize • LARGE 'THIRSTY BATH TOWV_S-.pastel 'shdes' now •, 81.1.W HAT—avoid :pun; stroke thes� ot, dyg• See .mr, lar ge shady Sunhat; • • ' , •.. • • BROACLOTH--tiy your red, white and blue tread:e14i tibW; While the 8.toejtis good,' yard . ... 490. r • ., . . . . . THAT Glenirdod CaMPbell, who: / wag' hospitalized with a 'heart • condition,' has.. returned to his home atBelfast. - . . . • . • , rHAT thefoll•owing pupilof • : Mrs. Wm. Scott of Langside •passed their Toronto Conser- vatory piano examinations as folloWs; Grade 8, Shirley Cul brt, Ripley; Grade 4, Willie mina Smith, RR., 3, Teeswater. THAT Gerald Murray, son of Mr: and Mrs. P. A. Murray of. liolyrood, is one Of Brue. Co. nominations • for the Queen's GuineaS. The top twelve nom- inees will,represent Bruce jun- iors at the ' beef club classic in the fal, 1.:' —0— • .TAT Charles Webster has sold • his. cottage at Arnbeiley 13ach to Whitney . Grose,' „proprietor. of the Brunswick Hotel in Wingharn, The sale 'beomes • effective the lattr. patt• of next Week,. • • , - , • SOCKEYE SALMON 2 for) 89c •GOltd Seal, 'Ibs . . • . I.G.A. 9 Oz.,PICKLES for a ..s a t: t: . CATSUP 1.1 oz. • for 35c ..e, WE DELIVER PHONE 2 RE CENTENNIAL CONCESSIONS In •accordance ,w).th the•prOvisions of a Mtmicipal • , By -Law, the operation of a booth, stand or concession of. any 'kinddoring the Centennial, August 1, 2, 3,4 • —Other than, within an established place of buti-. • . . . nees•-•iS subject to a concession fee, and may: Only be operated upon the issuing of a 'petit-lt and pay- ment of said fee. . • ' • • • . • . , • , • : Applications for booth permits to be Made . not . '• later than Saturday, .July 1.2th, to The Centenial.: Concessions Committee (k limited:, number.of booth permits will be issued) • THAT Mary. Alton, .claughter. of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Alton of Ashfieid' Township, graduated. as • a Motliercraftnurse, at Tor-; • onto :on • June 25h. She, was the winner Of the Prize for the higheststanding iti Mother - Craft lecturS.• for Western UnivrSity„ Lqii don, where he will study for • the sun -Mier on his BA. degree, , • •• . •• • *AT' Mrs. TOrn MaeKenzic 13S' joined ,the Staff o../:-te Bank of lViontreal and: COm1enc0. duties On: WednesdaY.: of :last week. . THAT Ray Stanley has been,..ap-. pointed6N;oicoel-prinin.csii:It!i.;hofErpltha;, t The . aicknow, Sntin6t can fill where eir;sheeptwethillb'etraRe auyp-hhaiss 54etietri,„ sany of ytaornurp need in eitnc,rpilhbObneer Lucknow. • 2 •• teaching in Balaclava school in that City. 11e left on, Monday ;Is your subscription paid? • . • . YOUR PART TO ic ra th FOR CENTENNIAL TIME • We-Wat-te:'bo---.protatt-70kthe • ..t whothe many visitor S and fOrnicl-.residents return'. te-Luelnew,'August 1, 2 3; 4 Plan .yOur :deObra011.,„, now: and give them'. scithething to talk aboUt.wilcn they'. return to i their hored': • , • - • • Give the town a' "New Look" . •for Lenteripial pays contributed byt • ac inno iletiri;Witingt, EavettOneting- 1)110NE,50; LIICKNOW • • so • ,gr • "b. th • th ex' • ac 01 tal • be • thint It( br jili Re Prt da en, IT , r ter • • .