HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-09, Page 24 I..NQW "sENtrisn, LuoicNowt oNTARio, WEDNESDAY, JTJ'Ly 9th, .198 andWhite' Peanut Butter w, homogenized, 16 oz. jar 'HEINZ RELISHES., .114 Dog Hamburger 43arbeetie 12. -oz. — 29c rurex,',Toilet TisSup, white or ,colored, 4 for 49p 1.r.tQa1-71ilkstailt—rodeling .1'.* -1;;;-• delicious - - save 3c , , 3 for 35e -R,tedc,4 White,;Brati(E,CatsuP;:.,1..O•4-bottle,.; .for „, , $1.00 Dyson's. Sweet Cihekkins; It Oz. .... 3 'jars $1.00, Weston's Bordeau Walnut Coffee Cake,. reg. 43e each . . . . . . ... ... ... Paramount Fancy Pink Salmon Save 9e lb. 2 tins -89c _ Libby's Hawaiian Pineapple Juice 4t.oz. tin 33c oS OsS h Ps, 0'4: p , • •• • • Limp Charcoal, 5 lb. bag ' , • , Mint, Mary's Sliced Bread, 24 oz. loaf curs 4 SAUbERS, ..PRIVAALT1,i1 ,99c with $5';410, order • ,11...r00.1... • Left 81 Samuel ROhett Oibscon, of New Westminster, B.C. who left here 81, years ago as a lad ef three, is back for the first time to see the place of his birth. It was the .Lucknow Centennial that was a factor. in bringing him back. , ° Mr. Gibson, still ''"sprY as a cricket",will he 85 On November. 3QU-1—Winston'. Churchill's birth - da , Ashfield .at E the hOrrie • of his neOhew, Samuel:. Gibs. Other riephewsrare-George-ancl-Marshall. Gibson of Ashfield, John of CI:in- ton, tart of Toronto and. a,niece, Susan Gibson, who accompanied" hirivfrorn the West. — • Their father was George Gib- son, eldest of a family 'of, 1, and qxmiel, was, the4oungeSt. of the tr.a-4,0I're" *as' the. farm - now owned by., Dynes Campbell at -Belfast, and the., B.C. octogenarian was look- ing forward to Seeing .the spot *here, he was born. His father. was john Gibson.... • While. in his .fourth• year, his parents with their family orthir- teen and Mr. ,and -Mrs. Thomas Bartlett .and their family of ,nine !children set out 'for the , West Coast, via . California. 'There was 28 in. the party. They travelled'. by train smith westerly' • across ithe States to California; .and then. by beat to British , Columbia be- fore 'Vancouver. existed. Their destinatiOn • Was Chilliwack. Mr/. 'Gibson doesn't recall the trip, but • his brothers told him that 'at tirnes the train riwved so' Slow - a 'PHON.E 26 OVER FORTY TAKE SWIMMING • The. vacation school operatesd,. • by the Lucknow Recreation Com- • mittee, comrrienced last week with 'Ann Crawford arid .Marilyn `Carruthers charge! The"schOolf Operates. .five .mornings a week, :during July. ' , • Classes are , held locally on Monday; Wednesday' ,arid ThUrs- day'''and ,on TuesdaY and Friday transPortation is:provided by the Red Cross, for swimming .instruc- tion •at the Veeswater pool.: • There were 41 'registered for the opening of ,the swim' classes 'last week on a •time. basis. , It is necessary to 'register and Pay' the fee in advance,, to take the: swimming instruction. ,Two bussesWere • required last week for the Teeswater, trip.. . The miniinurif , age. for,-sWitn- ming. is eight Years: The age for the local. classes is 6 to 12, years. There ,were abotit. 56. in attend- • ance last:week, diV.ided into tWO' • groups, 9 and under ancl,.12 and unc,ler: . e • • 'Because of the large swinirining enrolment the other classes are not held' On swim" days. 9 HONOURED' QN, 2,5th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Brothers -rand sisters of Mrs. WM. G, Rossgatheredat the home. of Mr., and Mrs. G. • Saun-, ders On the Occasion of pin and. • . %F,clria'S .25th wedding • anniver- sary. • , • " The eve/ling.:was' spent in card' playing, .and lunch was 'served. • -During .the evening Mr and Ws: ,..13Oss Were presented %with'a sil- ver treanii. Sugar °4nd • tray,- set .arid: a ,pen, • 4 • • • . . e Foo FREE DELIVERY SHOWER ,,HELD. • ' FOR BRIDE -ELECT About-100....frierids:..and, neigh- bors gathered in the Commun- itY•Mernorial Hall in Whitechurch. on ThUrsday evening to Shower Miss Marilyn MorriSon, bride -to be Of this Week, On the arrival of the bride, her .mother, 1\fis: Tom Morrison, and, her grand- mother, Mks. Buckton, a corsage was pinned' on ,each by those in charge; Miss, Karen GroSkorth and Miss Mary, ,Fisher. A' few contests took pace, after which Karen •and Miss Marian Buck- ton assisted the bride in opening her gifts. She. was the recipient of an electric ,kettlei, pop-up toaster, junior rnixniaster, double boiler, blanket and many other useful gifts.. • • 3 Marilyn thanked ,the., ladies very. gracefully and all joined. iii singing ,"For She's A Jolly Good Fellow". Lunch was served bY the girls present. .: KINTAIL NEWS Mit: Ed Sinnett, Shannon and ,f)menriis, are visiting at their farm in Ashfield. •'Miss Annie. Mae. McDonald, is spending a few days in lCintail: Your reporter :front, c..intail was lucky enough to Win second prize in the caber toss at the Highland Games at Embro. There were ,quite a:number of Ashfield naives present there to rePreZ sent their- respective Clans at the COlorftil Caledonian gameS. Which took 'place 'there. . Mt:. and M.S.. Steve Elliott and Son Bill visited With ,Mr. and MrS. J. ,McDonald over .the week -end. vatipw. 1t1 •r, c•‘,4 f. •st tt )1; lqt 'WEDNESDAY .,41:10 .:)* -11. 1 Scalesjnstalled fOt inreighing cattle Seating •ACcomodation for about 500 OPEN 'PUBLIC INSPECTION , tite'sdaY, :441iti 15th 44044444444,4444444, TEACHERS SUCCESSrUL • Stratford Preachers' college re- sultS, . announced last week; con- taine.cl_the names of 'the:fellow-, follow - in students:. 2 -year :e,ddrsec-see-: I • •." ond year,. Dale 1-falaeribk,.. Luck- • • . noW; 'edlripleting 1 cOurse, 1.1oWald, Luckriow; • Kat h.y r ri .,,Robb", RR. 1, Ripley,. one-year course, IsobeL,MaCDoriald, RR. .3, Teeswater, Norma Murray, RR, 12, Lucknow; Carman Nixon, 7, ,Luckilovi; Marlene Hunter; R. 3, LuckriOW,.4 Year Course, .,first, year.. • CORRIN London, onSaturday,. July .6th, , 1958 George A. Corrin, in 'his, , , 64th year,. of 12, Glanville Ave.,, BrantfOrd; beloved ' ,husband . of Bessie 1.4,„ Udent father of Dr: TB ern a r, d—C ortin , ; arid MelVin.' COrrin; LifdittraW. Rested at Rill and Robinson Fun- eral .Home ,Ltd.; Brantford, un- til Tuesday,.July 8th. /Service in :the. chapel. at 3 Qpm Interment in Mount. Hope Cericetery--,-, • • ' . MILNE, ---- at. Victoria Hospital,. London, on Thursday-, : jiMe 2,6th, 1958,Malie1 Bernice Milne; of 448 DOrinda St., ged 74 years, wife of the late Char -les Milne. and dear: mother of Charles E. Pin- per,George E. Pinner, MrS. Har- old Robison (Cicelia), Mrs.Jos: eph Poster „..(Blanthe) and -Mrs. Willard' BroWn (Bernice) and Mrs. Rex. Neilson (RhOda), all of London. • SilVer. Lake VV.!: •' Mrs: Seines Cornish 'Was host- ess .for the .July meeting 76f. the •8ilve'r Lake vW.JI. The president, •,1VIrS. GeOrge young, was in: the chair.. After the Ode` and Ma_ry Stewart Collect,'Mrs., Wm. Camp- bell read:.the scripttire; The roll call_iyas_.i.anwered.„4y- fashion . parade Of aprons. Report8' of "the 'standing committees were given bY., Mrs. Albert Young, Mrs., Al- bert. .Calwell arid VirS, Mable . The resolution Was voted on to. be sent .iii'faVor of acconiodat'on for Couples at•Alio Ok!-PeoP eS Awe in 'Walkerton Whenever alterations are inaCle or neWbirilding, 18 ereated,Happy' birthday *as sung .for Mr8'..1VfeI Hust who has a birthday: in, July., ,Mrs. Harold Bannerman, the een- vener, gave the motto, Children hou1d'have'. models net ,critic. Mrs. Alex WhYtock of Culross gave a very , interesting demon- stration on making ,flowers frern. wood fibre 'after which she was presented with:a small , gift, Af- ter .the national anthem and the .grace lunch was •served by Mr, Mci..Husk, Mr Clarence Wfoul- taw arid Mrs, Mabel Campbell: CENTENNIAL OTS •and TITTLES f Three 1•3'',. they. Would jurnp af • one, coach, he.ave, stenes at the prqii;i6 • dogs, and get on the next ear; • Mr..Bart1ett and. Mrs. Gibson' were sisters. - • • Samuel, who .has,. an ex(ouent memory despite his. 85 y'ear:;,, te, calts many • intereSting;storles of those •„!ktOged piO.neer days , Wet.'arid •of the Caribou •and Klondike 'kohl rtisheS. ,While he' ,s.clid,:not..4p:articiPate,-,otherS„in4ne-, family. did. .. • • . His father,. .a native of Ire1an11',•• .-worked- at Montreal ..and -then ';'at- "-- • Muddy York. (Toronto) upgri , !cc:d 4ring t� Canada. an. helped to, lay the corduroy 'roadon, .Yonge, Street. He ...came from •there to Ashfield, .and: later started •that • ,courageous ,trek westward. Beauty Queen six sons ancl-a daUghter. He has, a Son at DoWnsview. His. grand...—. daughter,: Mary Gibson, recently , won the.lIC., beauty:queen awar.dr. at Victoria; and will :represent the province, at' the Miss' Canada contest at Hamilton in mid -Aug- . tiSt. The 'winner goes to ' Atlantic City. • : . • • Mr. Gibson intends, to,freinal4 Ontario till after the contest .arid. accompany, his.granddaugh- ter on her returwto B.C. . • ,The:,$entinel, recently received a "letter from., Mr. Gibsori • we had, in type :for ou'r Cente.r17 ,nial :column. -It was 'held- over', and o as a tonse4uerice We had the pleasure •of -interviewing .him; - prior to. his letter aPPearing, in, print. Through the courtesy of i‘./frs.. .N. R. Hedley, a, centennial' head- quartersis .being set up in the va'cant shop, adjacent to 'Sand- erson'S' Ladies' and gene Wear. Committee' Meetings will now be held there, a .phbrie installed and it will become the "nerve: Ceri-/ . : . tre", -of activities. 4 „ • • • Arid, incase :yeti :haven't been keeping. an • eye ,,on the 'calendar,: . , the big week -end is. just three weeks away. , • 'Anyone Wishing t� operate- a refreslunent ..booth, must ma.ke application' for a permit , by • the end of ' this week. Permits_ are • required, arid license fees 'apply on all booths, concessions. , or stands of any kind otherthan those operated within anestab:- lishecl place .of :business. The number of ,permits issued, is • also subject to limitation, so that the Village • will .:not be "over- loatted", • The Boy Scouts, returhed from Camp the first of the 'week, and Were, soon on thejob delivering. flags'. that had been ordered by, househOlderi -and'. business places. The Concessions Committee, Which; has worked unceasingly in: trying to "land" a midway; 'was successful. The Maple City Shows signed a- contract _last week t�s bring some adultand children' rides as well ,as a ,few carnival, .garries_-'ancistich,associated-stailicts- As ",'candy floss". Lticknow ilranch ,of the ,Can- adian Legion " is interested, we .undeistand, running bingo . . during the 'Centennial. •: * •31, * ..• • flusiness • places; ,pUblie Places: and :Private.: -homes. ,have been getting a "lade lifting" arid much mere .would be ,dbila • if workmen were • To coniplete the program an "official clean-up .weers," ha S been pretios- ed• to put ,the' finishing !touches on :the; grooming of b,ackyards, and , any spot, private or Ub1i.that could, be' Unproved. by a. bit of attention.- ' Me MacLennan .is heading up the., •,tiOveltsr committee, ''whiah wII.have th assortMent of carn- ival knk1t .Ktiacks and a .,Souvenir , • ;!`/D'On'ald birinie” key ring on sale • at Centennial :Somelocal business Dlaces. are now display- ing .anattractive" line., of. : s'ouv • • •, , Parade chairman Charles Web- ster and Publicity abairman:DOU Thompson, entered a float in the Mildmay . Centennial . parade an July 1St: Anderson Flax Products ' 'rueic• . was, offered and a...group :Of Lucknow,.Sco.ttiSh. dancers and Piper Frank MacKenzie oftcred their `services. The float .did good deal "advertising .yisc';', for. the Centennial Thie were: sev- eral 'Willing workers: "behind the scene' who helped in .ariarigi,ng: for talent and with:. de.corating. the truck. . „ enirs. Registration 'headquarters are la ping Set up at 7the, Town Hall withl a. staff on :hand; at ,prestrih- ed . hours . Morning,. noon .aflCT riight, The hours Will be .publieiz-. ed later. • • DR D J. ALTON JOINS' • pUNN. AT LORNP PARK • 4 5 • Douglas MD., has .re- ceritly becorne: associated .With D. H.• Dunn, 411, rLdrr Park; Ontario. , " Dr. Alton Was born in Ripley: Hp attended UniverSitY . of Tor- onto sehOols, and graclUated, from', . tie triiversitY of Toronto Med= _teal School in 1956. He interned at • the. gorotito Western. tal and for 4he' past .year. was in practice in° SticlloUry with: the International Nickle CorriPartY, . DoliglaS' is the son of Mr, inc,1' mother,. was the former Thompson of I<inlOss ' :WW1. MeliNTYRE„*.p.A.SSIN The death of ,Wit, .occurred • stiOdenIY: Fridny it; hi: •Itinlogs wnsh� fann 41(1me., The, funeral, sorVice was ondayat the John'Stonc.itunvral — Horne , with interrnot in Soutlt, ltirilosS Cernetery. PASSER AWAY: TIIIIRSOAV •,7 The death Of 'Robert fic*.e.rlorf; uncle of Mre. .Spencc town; occurred at LtickhoW ate atispitaf, on thtirpday &the, age. of .87. The. .fUneral • $6rvien Wag , hold at 411.6 Johnstone 'run - oral Hdme' oh Saturday., willyiti:A terMent in Ban Conietery. •