HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-02, Page 10WIRIL1,0; ,*•Zk "NNW ••1' , • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • Ladies'; Misses', and Children's SKQRTS IN ALL SIZES Pidal Pushers, Slim • 1ms and Slacica' Bermuda• Shorts . Beach ats- Polka Dot Head Scarfs. . • ' • . Sun .Hat Scarfs LADIES' JERSEYS In stripes ^ and plain materials Stripe Beach Towels • AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Frse ineig-Up and Deliveri, Monday and Thurs4ay, LADIES' MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR : Piece .Goods . and Woollens . • PHONE 75:-W • . LtICKNOW,. ONT. • ',A SHAME . OF OUR AcrE (the mixture Of life in the Mass and Eticohol) "Only an ostrich could be e3e- en4ed,..,for 'failing to ;see , in this . . explosive combination ,one of the -- - shames of our -age--;-. .-Eor,.what other single element combines with life in the mass to produce a mixture that figures promin- ently in almost half of all fatal accidents on the highway?. Or Sets the stage for the com- monest type of murder or attends fifty to seventy percent of . all serious ,inisdernea.nors .and felon ies? Or trips . so many virtuous women into harlots? Or turns ,so . • many juveniles into delniquents? Or sends so many marriages ; • . • • . • • 1 ,•. into divorces and children into orphanages? Or so iriank.,tWisted personalities into nehrOpsythiat- ric wards? : Can you narrie-one?•- ' dO not. .see how the church can any longer postpone donsid- •eration Of abstinence ,as .a posi 'ibie-arldTPlausittle-alternative to the , use of alcohol".-7-ProfesSor Everett Ti-lsorh—Ad0.. INSTALLING • LIGHTS - „ . . Alex •Havens and Norman Ste-, Wart have been , engaged in; in; stalling new street lights on the .streets.• new type of flaureseent light adds a 'brillanoe to•the street. lighting that .makes the old lights; fn' • conaparison, THE- USENTINEL i. THAT TheSentinel has "Mike' Sanderson in as treasurer of the Lions --Club,- for- another term. Probably K, C. Murdie • .wishes'it was so, blit ;Ws not . —4.cenny has, the -.jpbfor. the 1958-50 term, and was' installed with the other officers last 'week. . • THAT Elwood Harbour of Con- , • cession iO, West Wawanosh, . • • . severe. Stroke on ties. ay o confined' to. bed at' his home and - his .condition IS, showing some improvement. —o— THAT. Janet .Finlayson,' Pupil; of' Mrs. A. C. Agnew, passed' her ,Grade I Theory examination of • the 'Toronto (Conservatory • .Music with'„first class honors. i gram on Wednesday between • 6.30 and 7.36 'p.m. Geo.. JoYnt • and H. D. Thornpson are being • • interviewed.- . • • WEIWESDAY. JULY 2nd, .195a . • t÷"".******-1"*4— • , • . Buys • Prices effective July 3, 4 CLARKS IRISH STEW 1 MIRACLE 32 oz. KELLOCS RICE KRISPIES .,.13y2,OZ .G.A., POWDERED MILK. THAT school's out. High school examinations 'Were .completed • last week and on, Thursday afternoon, Public school stu-, dents were "turned loose", un- .terrn. resumes on. September 2rid.. THAT an, announcement 'appears in . this issue; 'calling a, 'Btisi ness. Men's meeting for Friday 0;ening. of this week; July 4th, --in the Town Hall at 8.00 P.m: -Let's see everybusiness Place represented. ' .• . _ THAT Luckriow is beingleature look more like an oil larhp light. cl -on:. the CKNX ' •pro - Take Advantage Now Of . . REDUCED PRICES on LAWN 'MOWERS and SCREEN DOORS . . , \Keep Your. Garden Green with , GARDEN HOSE, SPRINKLERS, SOAKERS Fix Those •Flies with . . . ' • , . HOUSEHOLD and STOCK SPRAY SPRAYERS .Screen Wire, Galvanized and. Fibre 'Glass urdie uo PHONE 10, .11ATCKNOW • • THAT 'Mrs:. John. Howe, a for- mer.' Lucknow ' resideht. and. mother of Mrs.: 'Robert Button of town, recently dbserved her 1 96th birthday. ' Mrs. Howe .makes her home at. Amherst- burg with• her daughter. Eliza- ' • f a J n Lawrence. VEGETABLE OIL' .25 WE DELIVER •PHONE 2 THAT last week- we oVerlaoked• i ;, giving.May: Boyle of: Kihlough . „,: a ' by line' on the well -cover- i. Cox.. . .,. .. . :. .ding: of' Mr...,and Mrs. Williain 1 ed story of the golden - wed,..1 •THAT Grade II Theory ConSer, atory of Music examination . . was - pasSell with first' class honors by Mary. Ajlin, Nancy Forster,. Helen MeNain, and El- eanor • MacNay, pupils of Mrs: G. A Meiklejiihn. THAT mcinbers iof the. Hanover. Public School staff held- a term -end dinner at the Hart- ..11.1111,W71,1.M.111.7WIII.M.11111111.WWWWW41111711.1111.411PN . • " ' I MleyIey House iss BeverAsh . , •1 ' ton who has resigned as kin- ' dergarten teacher. to accept a position on the Lucknow Public School , staff, was presented with - an engraved .silver tray: • fa 33, 41., 3 3 • LUCKNOW BATH TOWELS—large size, real fluffy bath towels, pastel .."shadeS, reg. $1.39. Now, each , ' :69c B.4.7`ItING SUITS—really cute kiddies polished cotton bloomer legged bathing: suits, "lined". • 2 to, 6x , , $198;., 8 to 14 • . , $2,98 . • • • .,, NYLON -HOSE—fihe ,for sunirner.` Ladies real sheer: knee • -length 'nylon hosei -pair . , .. , BOYS calors with contrasting stripes. Ny- ' ion heckband. Sizes p,. 4 and 6 years, .. .. .. -'49c to 69c 'BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS-tt-Stretchycotton, blue? .red aid yel- low,; sizes 2 to 8 '79c; 10 to 14 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS; ---,Bell shirts' for cot/alert, style and Wear. Assorted colors, S, M, L and XL. • . • , , $2,95 ,each or 2 for $5.75 "VA -RUG" -HARD WEARING 'PLASTIC 21" ;Wide '12,10 yd. - • 36'7., -wide . ••.b464.i46.1,14,:41 i3111.44.1•14”, (1:34 ii444. $2.75 yd. ,12" wide .t"tioX44/,k!ite:i.{.1i.•Codi'dwi,i,t4;461.•4044• §550..yd, .'neiie,ty' in 5 days. -Ask' ;for, details at Market tor ---1- (Continued from page 1). .Olivet, Clark efiarge of the. Un- ited Church. He has been an eld- er at Olivet Churtbt for 19 'years and, on Sunday, missed his first • communion Service in that time. IVIr, and Mrs.- McGuire have two ;sons, Lomeli of 'Wingharn and :Arnold; a piffling engineer at Sild'fatiry.They lost their only daughter, Verna, whose death Curred in .1982 in her lOth year, The McGuire ,home farm has been sold le Mr: and Mrs.' Gar- net iMaNall- of Tavistock Who *ill ',Obtain pOsseSaieth the fall, but. who will not occupy the farth until the spring, We understand: The grassfarm' has been - sold to tiougia*` Henry, •, The address Ito ,Mr. and Mrs.' McGUire vas as follOwst, Dear Jean .arid'IlOwarci*, • • ..;••••""• Only -Four ,Weeks Are Left Before. THE .LUCKNOW 'CENTENNIAL • WILL BE UNDERWAY. . • • There are many Jobs and Duties to perform end when you are .asked to do one be sure to reply "yes". • Everyone is busy in the Summer Season, but. each one doing a job when asked will make it easier for the COmMittee.Chairmen " • an.d the Executive. "BE SURE TO SAY YES" when you are asked to help, and if You are no asked don't be afraid ,to offer your services' Space contributed by Plumbing, Heating; Wiring,...Eavetroughing PHONE 50, LIJCIiNOVV,.. • It was with regret 'that we learned of your decision'. to .leave the farm and our community,.: We felt .We could not let. the oc- caSion. 'slip' .by 'without • gathering together to, wish you 'well. .: You will both be greatly missed in the church and community where you -have spent so many years. •We are glad to. know that your new home is within visiting distance and you can • expect ‘o' see, your- :Olivet friends ----knock- ing- at your door from, time to. time, and we do hOpe to' see you back . here qUite,frequentli. --.We--ask: these- , gifts as a• token of the 'esteem which in you are heid and hope' they will serve as a reinenibrapce Of, - your friends • back 'on' Oe • ExA4INAIIONS • ,pupifs' Successfully paSsed, Rciyal- Con- servatory 'of Toronto piano arernwin,,a,tiGorriasdaeg f.o61,lowlisoinlVic)ras,r;y AndAiex7'. I-tel./vitt; Grade 6, honours; Mari- lyn Cameron Gra'de,6 pas;. Al- lan 'IVIacDougall, Grade 6, ,pas Marion -404U Grade 4 honou Sincere Thank You. , • • , The LucknoW District Lions Clttb would likc to 'express. their sinere• thanks :to all those who dOnated in any' Way, cash or goods, to the Runitnagc .Sale' on Saturday night. Thanks to the auctioneer$ . who donated 'their servites, the LticknoW Sentinel for : donating posters, and all ' who WO*ed. in sp • rnartY WaYs to 'make' the sale such a success The Liens Club would like to' inforyn the public t all Money •.14 eceived, will go back an o t commtinity Variot.4 Ways. Anothpr tale of this ..type planned for the 4 , • ti • 0 • ei '•