HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-02, Page 8PAQE EIGHT
THE Lucicsjpw •sENTINa,,, zfuo:KNow, 9NTATtio
Mr. and. Mrs. Haroktlialclenby
visited over the week -end at
Trenton with, Mr. and .Mrs. Geo.
Miss Joan,- Vanstone, who has
been .teaOhillg` in our Sch091 for
the past two years, was pleasant-
ly surprised on Friday afternOon
when the.ladies the •Section
met, at te schoot to. spend a
social time and to. hid: farewell
to Miss Vanstone, Mrs. Bert Nich-
a • picnic sUPPPr'.thgy'rettfrited. to
their homes having; had- a lovely
day togethei-%
Rev and Mrs:, jaines: .Pal-
mer, •,and,
Paddy, Linda and
Karen are leaving this Week for
Nova Scotia 'to spend a. month's.
vacation. For July , 6th and 13th
there will be no service Or Sun-
day Sehool. On July 20th & 27th
service Will be at 9.30 a:m. with
.Sunday. School. at 10.30 aim Mi
Fred Halls of , London will be
the special speaker at these two
, ,
A number from here' attended
•the ceritenniatservice at Kinloss
olson was chairlady and a short Ilnitecr.Chfirch on. Sunday after -
program of eonirriunity singipg„
songs and readings were
The' Gracie 8 -students then made,
'the presehtation—of an .electric
clock, a picture, a tea pot, cream
and sugar set • to their teacher.
Keith 'Maulden read the 'address.,
Karen Nicholson and; Marie
Schneller presented the gifts on
behalf of the Section. Miss Van-'
y 'surprise; thanked all, for their. A re .
1,OngratulationS to Karen Nich-
kindness A-cielidious .1 ii ii C li ()Ism, marie:.schneller and Keith
brought a very pleaasnt• after- '.maulden who passed their grade
noon' to'a 8 and, also to,. their teacher, Miss,
On Monday igf last w eek Miss 'joan, Vans -tope, who
Vanstone took her Grades 1, 2 ing this week to go to Manitoulin.
• •
• Made from corefullY seeded
blends of hard .Abe.... uniform
from end to end ... no bunches
or thin spots.
•PreVents „delays by running,
through knotter without tangling,
or breaking. Protected against
insects, rodents and rot. Top quad.
ity twine at a low CO•op Price.;
These Are
'and are superior t�,
Mexican twines..
Do Not Be Fooled!f
Phone 71, Lucknow '
neon. encl. the special day of
sports and .‘ entertainment on
• •
Misses 't rima •& Sandra Pere
are employed at Wingham Hos-
Pita' ',for 'othe'summer. ° .•
Mr. and Mrs. :Stanley JOI107.
stone and children of Londen
spent the. _Week7nd With. hp -
Puts, Mr. and, Mrs. Wesley'Guest
• • `‘-'7
and '3 to •Luelinow and they had
a. train train ride .to Kincardine.. Nine
adults accompanied.therri and all
enjoyed a pincic lunch' at Kin-
cardine beach before returning
to Kinlough. ' •
Pupils 'Tour London . —
'On ThurSdaY 22 their.
teaclipr, and, 16' adults went' on
a hus trip to 'London. where .they
toured the following places of. -in-
terest,' CISSL radio station, Uni.-
„Island. where she will be”em-,
ployed 'for . the simmer.
Mrs.' Charlie Hodgins of Wing -
;' visited Sunday with Edna
and May Boyle. ' •• '
Mr A
Dr.' and s: De rcy Bruce
.and MO. Wm. Grimes of Sarnia
visited WedriesdAy- With lleV.•
• .,
- .•
• )ouR
$(:104: • .
SOUP SALE.. Regular 10 oz..L g '
Clarks:Tomato or Vegetal:4e: Save 6CIT tor 07C
Regular or Chtbby • ... - • - •
. ^
Foster Seleet.. 16 oz. 'Save 7c A. jars 39c
Headquarters, -for thilled,-.Pitted Cherries,-
.sr'eet and, Montmorency Red
22 Order, Now.
We Sell. For Less 'Pick Weston's
Phone 119,. LucknOW HAM ,and WIENER
. .
'July 3, 4,5
• A'
• Freshness Guaranteed
• `..".....46/
eilS On COX; and Mrs. Lansdowne Park, Park, 'Kincard'ine, aril. For the', 'mQuth July,
Co* ane on their return ;they, was clios.en. this year ' for the Rev. Peter 'Renner of the :Tees-,
Presbyterian .pichic held "on Sat: water Uniteci ChlIr.ch• will h° in
charge of the services, and ,I.i.cv..
s .
were, accornpanied.by 'their. meth-
er, Mrs Irene MaCKenzie, , who friday., afternoon, June ' 28th. The
T.,•J. McKinney will .be back for „
versity grounds, ',.Huron •.College has been visiting. .., here from., weather Was .Perfect for such an, .
Boyle- t theweek-end 14 attendance ' to. e.nio,7
7: occasion,: and there was a good August ' , .. . • • .:.:.. .
the after, The" 'Jul rneetin.g'kof. the 11W,L
Will be held: on ,Thiirsdae•even-
Mrscampus, Kellogg'sMiss VeraOwen withHostesses, • Cliff. Borthwick Of §t• everyone partook of a bountiful lrAg
supper. ' ' ' , . •• . Ed Thompson, Mrs Lorne Eadie,,'
Catharines visited over the week:
end With her parents,:'Mr.: and ., ' • • " ' ., ,, . roll.. 6611... My 'favorite cure all,
..,,, •Besults .of the .races.,were as tepic NAT- a't'er sa.fety• motto Health.
-Mrs.. 'James :.M. •Hedgiris:' .
6ne was given a family,. pack 'of
mixed ,cereal,: a loVely, dinner ;at
The Little Pigs. Pentry, the..City
Fire, Hall, Springbank with all
its beauty, the famous Fanshawe
Dam and the post office After
- • • ,
Sizes in Stock •
--Up-to-8 feet—x-14-feet ,
For Inside or Outside Use.
Special Prices on Quantities
Give' Your Home Colour As. , •
. .
Well As. Protection'
1,0 lb. Shingles in blends of
Red, Green and' Blue
A"•:Coinplete'$toCk on Hand
. „
We, Car;; • A' Complete Stock',
of 'Pittsburgh Paints. °
For That "Just Painted" Look
Use Pittsburgh
3" '8" • S'll
. . •
2 :Red Cedar
flakloadei Slats
n erson
follows: .girls 13 'and over Shar- • G d, • •
• - claim ii; contest, potato '•salaa;.
.boys, 13 over, Mac .McDon- demonstr,atioxi, First direet-
ald and George Bushell (tied);• ors,- Mrs. Lorne,Eadie, Mrs. Jack
girls 10 to 12, Helen McFarlan,•
oh Hodgins, 'Katherine' iushell; ° SI•gift' '3'914r Part' is to
Adeline MoKinheY; boys :10 to 1:2,, 11.11Aiitt•'
Edward Burt, David Percy, girls', C•a,:'•111 Collision ... . • '' ' ''
8 and'9, Jean, Sutton, .Joan Per- Mr and Mrs Ezra Stanley and ..
cy; girl's' 5 and 6, Maigaret..8u.Sh.:-. Arthureveningbacke:a
onto nton 'ciwere
ell,. Brenda '.Bushell, Saturday
. boys 4: and •
5; Wayn6,.. Percy, ,Brian Percy, in g: their car in •an:'easterlY •dir-
sack •race, : George .Bushell,- Mac ection with no other car in. sight '
.McDonald, .A4,0ifie ,m6Kir3ifey; At.tliis 'point, a car genie over .
Eric Percy, 3-legegct race, Geo the sharp hill also 'going.' east " •
Bushell & Mac McDonald, Kath- Kath- p.applied his brakes . causing ,.
riesS; ' minute race, Edward Burt, the ...
Stanley car; . consideroie .
skid. and crash into
erine' Biishell•a,nd Evelyn Hark- the car to
tiris (tied), kicking ' the. 'slipper
George. Onslieltand Sharon Held- .budamage1,10.,:itaeS weaiisstediitoot•isblyothi'.neftlir.s':-.!..
3.1rs. Alex Perc37 : kiCking the •slip,• was Mr.' Arnold Gibson :of. near
ed. The'driver of 'the", other car
(virOnien5, Katherine ''',.Bushell,
• (bays),: Mae McDonald,, Don- • . • •
. •
ald Barr; necktie' race,. George, Miss 'Marlene Hodgins
Bushell and Adeline MO'Kinney, .loss Spent last week ,With Mrs.
Joan. Sutton and Eric Percy; bal-• Harvey Hodgins •
loon face KennyMcDonald, Mac • Mrs Vina Gray of Winnipeg,
MCDonald; soda biscuit race, Geo. Mr.- and Mrs Ross 'IVIOncrief of .
K e n ny McDonald; Peterborough, Mr and Mrs. Ed,
clothespin race, Mac McDonald's Harrison of Wingh_ain visited o
.team, married men's race, Perry Sunday 'with: Mr and Mrs: Jas.,
Bushell, , Donald McEwan; niar'.. M. Hodgins, • ,*
1*Bitieashellal,CliMes'rs.rCaelieff :JiillorhstiOrio°aahldd• le'd1VrW accornPafl
.Irns:einj'berg. Colwelll of elr
family at
Mrs.. Donald, .M0EWan (tied);'
men's nylon stocking race, ,mac a picnic' lunCheon following the
: '
service at Kinloss on Sunday. •
tvelyn Harkness 'McDonald;•'' ladies graceful'walk, Recent viistors with Mrand
• lViFrank
For the months of . July„, arid. anidsi RMyii4enand
Lane were Misseseith
August services in the Presby- Margaret and Nellie Malcolm' of,,
terian church will be held at ,LuckhoW, 'MiSs. Mina .Ruthetford
12 noon, with Sunday school at of St Helens and Mrs. Mae Lane
, of Toronto., , -
MessrS. Albert and' 1)911)ert':
• i' and Called—on 'relatives,
•*; . ,Stanle. Y haVe rettii:ned from the
• . •
. • • • , • •
The Prairies, the Rockies, the B.C. Centennial...daily trains.
For inforination and reservation,
Ce your Ocal'
. .
. .
• ,
. 1
Miss Beverley, Stanley . and, he •
1prother Douglas attended the
Brae Side -Pntecostal Camp Ver',:o
the week -end. •
mt.. ., R, Lane,. Mr. ,and Mrs:
Frank Maulden and 'Kith Were
dinner, guests 6f MisSes
and Margaret Malcolm OTT Sun,
.Bertha 'arid Ailin
Torono, in sending a 6ontribii-•,
tion to the Centnnial, saYr ."We
are loOking forward' -seeing
you All again".
Enclosed with a donation froiti
Anderson' of Vantiou.
was the brief ,but n I6S
§1fiete • greeting "best wishS for
tile tUknOw' Centennialo. ,