HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-02, Page 2V, , ., • ,:, M"Oull— 11111.1-1. . X4;.4;... .:: . • u • I. .• , PAtI,E N' j` THE LUCKNOW ,SENTINF�TA,, ,LUCKNQW, ,ONTARIO, W DNESDAX, 'JULY Ind, 195 „ TWO • M . _- , lef �� will reside in: Seaforth. . , wbray t for.la mo1.tor trip, — - - ..-. . MIIL er m9. ama a bride to chtsstr Coast. _- . °. ,.. d; aLucitnow., QS W a seafo CULR! CQRN .. thQ an _� . , , .. ERS. : ! '� . .> a . ., %:, , . . t. W � LL '�/IAK� 1.The community extends sytn, • , 7 �to Mrs. Alex : athGr n - .t Ya . . P..� Ge i M° O - , _ -.__ _,_ _ . .. - r.• �/1 ��f��A . „ :� �- -- ..� �xus1Q. �eck.�:ng of�..xn�s-�,�ommun�- ,., it) and otYier" relatives' .of -thy ARD— late, A ex 'Grant,,'eeswater, . ,- r • .. he � Name of Mr and Mrs. e: rai n,, a good a 1. i / Cecil Mullin.,. Luean, Qntarxo, was crowd passembled, ' at the s ;" . c hoof , o 'f the . scene of •the marriage' :on Wednesday afterno,..n' or the an. , , nth; X9, 58 ` of Barbara R'os June• 1 .: Hua.bri picnic, The,. weatherman .:. . GREEIy GIANT Fancy Quality. PEAS zella, daughter of , the' late Mr;. ,,rade it ne ess r.._ to . ho • � xt, an- ew ack save, 7 15: 'oz. 3� tins 49c . and Mr a r' Mullin of •Truck , c' a y _ ld LEAF,SOCK YE,$AI.MON , N - p , s, H.n,Y side, neverthless a:good ime was ;. CLOVER ...,,- . .. , ,,v -- for 89c.. ' . oYe , by . Fant save 9c-, half tins ' 2 A ICE. OX IESw naw and Gordon•, :Edrnun ,,' Ard, .end d all,' ►� ..MON RCH . B. �' _ : s the ate M :: and Mrs. Alex c 91 0 -`. ;` on of l x. Several • iron the community ' . ors, sa;ye . , , N. , z Pk„ er rd .of in ha Clntario. S', flav x and ,A W ' rnr- attended the ret„ept qn at Holy 2 . for :. , . ::..; :.... �, :. ...- .: 55:c 1.IBBY S DEEP' BROWNED. BEANS',: _ .. The ceremony'was'-perfgrxned ,by road half Wed . a e ` ' 3 ,c Rev: , Wallace -MoClean of Luck-' - Save• ,5 20: oz, tyna . 2 #or . 7 Del onte • ' honor : L A:C:. and Mrs: e Ru el t , , xn .. l .. � 'PINEAPPLE .& GRAPEFRUIT .DRINK , now, , PresbyterianChurch. Stewart. • . ide, given i'n marriage 4 RED & WHITE TEA BAGS- t ` Save 11c, 48.:oz. tins ....: . 3' for $1.00 The br The 'following: pupils, are to' b ' b. Iher, M'r. CecYl 1Vlullin, congratulated .. on passing their . New Low, .frice ,, save. 10c ROSEDALE 'TOMATO JUICE; was gowned in a long. • white.g own , , e exams; 1Oc off: actc k of0 g. g g High:. School Entrants :. p p g ” • .59c . , y Norma .: Haldenby, Sharon H'od Save: 16c, 20 oz. tin. :, . '. S' for $100 of lace .n ion and; xiet, ,fashioned _ . _. -. :, ,' ET MIXED. PICKLES with 'very full , skirt :and .fitted gins.,, Susan Iars,.: E1da 'Wall' BONUS, GI REM SW e,: gnd=1221 �. - ' SUP E ' E w �,� "" b Edi the' -•n ekl ne hi r: enc. rs.: ieith e of 1.`u to Rose +h�na, m every p g. . 91. . : large bow at hack, .Her veil' fell 79 HICKORY HILL WHOLE CHICKEN , ," •and family, of ,Toronto and cMrs.. Save 4c - , giant, pkg c . • • , .. 1.2? 3 .Ib. 4 oz. tui , _., $ from a small . pillbox hat trimmed, To Hackett ' of Ashfield wore • . m„ " fr I ' with pearls, 'she , carried a cas- the' •' guests:. of Mri: ,and Mrs. Mid, : MIRACLE WHIP SALAD :DRESSING , PREMI OFFER, ford 'Wall. and .Donnie on Sa.tur Cade of red roses.. . 0M., . - oz. ar..... :' .. , .. ...' , 47c 16 .... , . ece, day; s d* t' Clive: sot astel. , 4 Cu s acid 4 Saucer :. n. I p. Sh p s BittoneofbList wel 'as Miss `Los.'Haldenb sent e wa ' rs. , Bud , - ' ' ' ` _t I f ir, •Err arid' set ' BIRDS , EXE FROZEN FOODS. -.. Z atron of `honor wore . Y A her 1. kitchen ,colors. , Irnp g� a rn, , who a holidays with .11rs, John Schu eke advanta 'e' of.' C.hick�en' Turkey Roast Beef Dinners;: own:�of h h't .blue sheer. n on . . ' : of , 4: While: they last 1;.. T . g f „ g : g Y macher. . a S etre Bar ain Offer: . 11 'oz . go .., .. -... ,. .: .. ?lc chiffon with' fitted', , �bbdice 'and,' ,On Fr dal the �S`enior this . Extr p l g - .. : ,_ . Y pupils" '. 'white accessories .and. carried of our drool an ' LIMEADE . ; 6 pz. -tins ., ,....... 2 for° 33c King, 5:.00 purchase ' .'1. Only 99c_per et with $ ; .pink carnations. from the. I. .. , :. Donna, Mullin niece of the a Section9, lenjoyed a buss: trig The �, bride . as - flower.. giz•1 'wore • pink, •main:. :laces of •interest 'visit "' p. . p organdy' over nylon with a cir_� were .pDevil's .' Olen,' id , 9 1 - ,Has a n,.. ,, ' V . 0 V M hu s� .. . , I , 9 ,I'[ : . d�q , . olet , of white Carnations and .,car �1 d P., ' ark,' Midland' (witli'sorne time ..: , , tried a nose a of ;' rank carnations. P ' PHONE. 26 —' FREE DELIVERY . . ,: y . being spent on the sacred . 11 Iw .. .0 • b Mr,, Bud Bitton oof T.istowel was . . ,, . nc),. the Blue' bs a'n Mountain t Cri S . ed `.:Children's: e s m PP of .,;refreshmentr.s the Fez~ a wedding' trip to•, northern. Home •. ;near . Co lin' wood the OCTOGENARIANS.11 11 I .. _TT_ ._.: DtiNG' ..TAL INSTITUTE and .serving points the•bride chose a turquoise, Blore 1Vlduntain' P tteg r v HEARS TALE ON HOLLAND meeting closed. . , • , , .; G . . ' : �• , V E N ROSARIES :duster.' and, dress ensemble' with, weigh ' Pa�•k. ` .. ;wvhite accessories and^ 'a. 'Corsa a `. in of the:°Dun ty was 'represent-. .. The June meet g ., . of:' w'hite carnations. t te: 'was 1Q . Sunday; June 29th; .the I i,- ed at Teeswater .Pride evenin Bannon v�tomen s Instl u 'CrCAR F L 1; P P D. A oce'san .officers f ' : 1VIr> ".and;'' Mrs:', Ard will make . ;Mrs. nester -, r, o the Catholic for, the turning on of the foung f held' at the' home of C ti their Home' in' Win' ham: . :::: re . a' evenin T :RE' BLEW 00,1 T Women's League . and.= 'members,' g fain at the`Lions Park: " • Finnigan, :on . ,Thursd y -� . ,1 . . . z of: Goderich n ; o ened sub-dr:virson .were Mrr ;arid' Mrs;;, Midford• Wall July 26th... The:,:meeti g p _ : ; I of Dun ests'., of the ,.S:tewart Mrs..:Wm. A., Stewa , gu Xin'gsbridge CV WE1D i and Donnie.attend the Hackett yrnth: ;the Qde : ,and Mary . S/�T U R �AY�., ` ' " annon returned home ., ,from :.' ;'. and nineteen 'members' b - - President ,Mrs , Ra Dalton and Picnic-- at Kincardine on Sunday:. t, :;Collect Y 1 . • :, ' : ham's Hos �tal ` on ' Monday; Mr..' and ' 'I, rs:' Vie' r e Robert ' 1;I. , answered the:: roll , call Tiz; i P WEST. with a W ng P Mrs: J. Sherratt, Deanery.. chair . ,Q g . , fiv visit-: where', she had' :been a patient., man. 'of Goderi h son and• boys: of -Kingaff xv'c,re ,. - proverb. ,There were e. ,.., c , w.. cornI the, " rsda when n'uredn 11ZOWSRAY--CARRUTHERS dinner nests Sunda of 1VIr.. ::ors, The ,motto, . T.he .;home •is a, since Thu Y,., J Diocesan Qfficers,' .a . :. , g y . . The Reverend Walla e:: , .1. ut not 'the circumference, •a ,car accident, �. .Mrs. W:: J. Farrell, of Lond" n' c McC ean` Mrs. ,John Schumacher: centre b. . , , ,x ,. r _ e rete,• treasur= : �° of • Lucknow; solemnxz d the mar. =." of a mother s life ,was prepared Mr, Stevc.art, s c y was guest ,speaker and spoke on g M, r: and• Mrs; . 1Viurray •Henden ria e o NF r 9. '''' e'r•of the West .lVawanosh school ,th g f a Beret Fern' Carruth-• son .and..- famii of. Lucknow - by Mrs. J. Ryan . and ,read. by „ e , origin .of the .League and its y >, is round's ,of ers to "..Virden Alexander. Mow The :oro xc on cit- :Area, was' making, h . ...:.. m ortance in ever' comm spent Sun a .I. Mr:; and: Mrs Mrs.Pluhps. P;, : , P Y ,unity, _ Y_• - - - Thursda a 'ter bray,, on . Saturda June • 28th, I hi was ven b Mrs: Peter the . schools on Y # Frances Dalton and Peter Lie, Y� James Wraith. :ze, s P g Y . _. -.- ,-. _ _ _ : • • , The 'sere : rad was a noon;: A tine blowout and' loose 'man ,' nroersi . moray took place .at noon; 1V, r and '_Mr'si Don' l obeitson :... Peter.' Van der; Lay ;a,1. }i. ty students,. were . _71 n Y In the Cha el, of :Knox Pres `' n the livelihood' gravel caused.,, the accide t. n reerxted with missals k?;•. byte.` and: ''Diane of Harnilton wcie wonderful'walk o P r . m: l 'tel 1'on ,ChurA Goder ch ms .of> her .homeland,: which the car,turned.co pe y , .:The hiembe'rs..a ed eti ht and uv,eek-rend visitors with Mr: '.and.:.' and Gusto g. g . y rn : on Attenda�ts�, here'. r: n : ; he. also-showed:•,s venal articles: over, coming — .rest :age over-. were,. .pr -e grated ..with 'Rog - M a ,d Mrs._�Mrs-1 John -S- chumather: S - . _ , : .. ,' -BI e., ImMediate . mem er - u ht with er: from • Hol its wheels. aries.. Mrs; . Re Holds 1VIrs: ' M. John she bre._ g h y , b s Mr. 'and Mrs. `James :fair and �' of .both„, f .. . m ch Mr: Stewart was accompanied .O Neill amines, . *ere' .present.:': ,Brian''. of Win h'a ' .were Sunday ,,land. We. appreciate very u . , Mrs.: R. Loward, Mrs. g. it .3= ear -old ,: Dinner. was, -served at Th'e Club” ::' 1 X rs.:'Van' der.La commg'to our by his; si�nfe and the Y . M. Moram, .. Mrs. 'Ed Tole Mrs. vYsxtors with lVi ;;'and 1VIrs:' A,e _ M y - Y�, Grl'l. • after which r , :'' meetm gandson, Steve Caesar.., Mrs; Ste .Jim Foley. M ,and -1V,[rs. Whytocl. . :..' ,: h of 'tlse business wart, suffered ,crag ed rubs and F I - The .highlights.y Mrs. 'J: O Keefe thanked Mrs: .. . r. :, Were .hav-- aver- ;' severe ' shoring • up; .that .'Farrel an I part of . the. meeting . w y, l d presented .her with.: •, lack and blue. n Mrs. Ivers our . secretary, left her, a ift. u i g g ! MONUMENTS h. ;. .: . . It was first feared, her injuries . t' :'' , back .'after; three weeks: m hos . Father Van Vynckt closed `the ' ., t- ? .:: 1 to Luck- . mi .ht be' more ,severe. Mr. S, . meeting : For so .,, . petal, giyYng some hep g g with prayer, . .A short und,'counsel, and a fair, price on".a monument ', s ,, «knocked 'out but ... - p , was , .: program and lunch, :followed, - correctl: ,desi' n ` now•: Centennial;: corTes Onde'nce wart "o hortl and: was not' con- y.. . ' :. , quality material,,; . Preparations' for;:,the Institute„bus:.came t shortly..'an . , P .Y a rel roe ” . trip .m. Ju . 19,y, fined' '. to : the' hospital. Their • • :. andson este ed in:ur ith the sin' 'm of the' Queen.gr p.. J .Y ,. , W g. g , ,_. .. i . :O'F Nt ' LYWE r Par �: ,. . � QS O Hagan, Prop. i :» . Esta bl's h.ed' 1 - - ' ver Sixty' . .. . S1Vi>IT x O H --NI Yea s CiiOLSON . y r :' A quiet ceremon Wa er- Nfl ,I .r Y s P Walker`#on : Phone' .638�w. Oe#erre �Irr,1. . formed , at the ._home' of 1VI and ,Y o o nsura , Mrs.- Dan Nicho'1 on Lu• n • ... s Lucknow, on ,. . h, : err11 ,; z Friday; 'June '20t when ,tli ,,,,, rt,, . daughter, Donalda Jeari;. was united i . _ , : TILE n marriage to William rw „. , .. - _. _ - o e - s - - _ ..._ :.__.Ann uI , . _. _ .. I . - ( . , I . I . . r •'_ ', i ,. . . � ' a ­ . , . t. . • , "• h,: . _ Richardson Smit son ' of `1VIrs. r� Chris i he late :;>1. i 1. b . . Wm': t ne� Sixi' h 'and t ,r, Smithy Seaforth 'The Gere , ,. , e,r I . M n. k . m . . • ' riy ..was performed by •Rev.R- � ' Glen 'Cam -Abell, of .ryH,amilton: ' , '.� .. CKNOW . s ,.;,The .� r-i'd LU .._ �,� _.._..__AL% - - b e wor a r . ,. „floor^. l r ..v .,: e en h_.� � , -, __._ _. Z... _ ..,_,.r . r_�, x, r .� _.. - __ _ _ y :" , . - -T - - - - „ , gown of awhite: , french V lace with .. - .,� , ° ; . :F7. �� . , ; . , as been appo�n.ted' -Distribution. M u' : WHITECHURi ' ONT " {' r , tiered 'nylon' net and' match ng ire Lucitnow. and o a r, ' lace cket. , Hager Di firic f r , •;f — - , } :was J held in eplace i . B.A., F .RNACE &' F t .. r t , LS usion veil , `� as: , . .. d ap arls . by • L1 lige headdress: rimmed 'with' UE�I.� . i and. sequins,. ,and she tarried rAd Y . . • , ,. , . " ,' s:, . _._ rose ;.11 r.l. , ,. , iss Dorm • ENT' M a ll�aciJeod, Kincar- ILUCKNOW and' DISTRICT AG • 10 IP ip 240 Ni 10 -as dine, brides aid as - - i . W g0 wn • , • y ed xn, blue chiffon wth'matching ,� • . ' 1 9 k �,d�. xr headdress and carni i 1 , , r4 Oses. e'd � pint r t ,, I , .a, ;, , : Mr. Wm; orth was , ' ,.ri'j. ' . , O'Shea, of Seaf w , ,y{ ;, � ,' ,•,�� a �.JTO . CIDVNT' onxsman. ro �•f,.,� ,�:,�. 4 �. , .. :. .. ,• - � ALL FAa2M PETROLE UC�'S , g 1 . The .brides her .wor i mot e, a silk ",:a ; , , , ,: t ,. .bl _ e, f • RIES ti, SCI�NES S L13 C.I'r'Y', ;r u ig�tred dress. wit ge ac AND TRAC'OR 'AND CAR ' ACISSO ti r�li h ,bre ; Nr - " 1,. �' cess and C 'rsa w .. . ones e O 1g f ell' ,,. ,, �,., : rose's, • W o ,�:-,l ' , : ' FIRE hile, trig groom's mother 11 , .. , - 1, Better Service .Call . U�:,IN .. .t F6 . chose auve dress' with white , _' S.t ' , r 'r � , . , , , sones and1 pink corsage. •„ , . . .� t,w Y. ' ' ''. r _ ter ecce t:� Af a ;bu�fet lunch the' coup le lHft ha ' 0-J�3 Col ect • rn taxi ., .., ,, r ,, r '' a ' r - 4 Tele hope Wing m ,5 L or d; thean, ­ ..� ' Northe I � ., evice i r, u. ua si1 t1o, ,x,, ►, r i '1- ., : . ; . gide er, I I . .I I qy� , Farm a k sh .:.,, <:, °:. ie ecCessors ry , . tang `suit Pho Wlgt�l:~ b YY�:� $�► iucknOW' t ,..,. '„ a , „, ,k• , . W arid' yellbwr , couple �s , , . . t „� Y xv cors age, r . e N , ... 1 , '. ',9 , : Fk, ' - , �.,.,. . . , I •` 6 W w